Albertville Primary K Art Teacher: Julie Bauman Month September 2010 Content CEQ: WHAT ARE COLOR, SHAPE, LINE, FORM, SPACE, VALUE AND TEXTURE? UEQ: Skills Assessment Resources & Technology A1. Identify different types of lines in fine artwork and in the evironment. A. Line A1. Informal Assessment: Student will identify types of lines used in artwork. A. Line A1. Wassily Kandinsky Power Point A 2. SRA Kindergarten Big Book Unit 1, Lesson 1 pages 34-39 A3. SRA Kindergarten Unit 1 Large Prints 1 Interior with Egyptian Curtain and 2 Cat and Kittens A2. Complete a piece of artwork using four different kinds of lines. What is line? What are some different kinds of lines? CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 1 LESSON 1 A. Line A1. Kinds of line- straight, curved, broken, thick, thin, zigzag October 2010 UEQ: What are the primary colors? A. Color A1. Primary colors A1. Identify the primary colors in fine artwork and in the environment. A. Color A1. Student Demonstration: Verbally ask students to name the primary colors. A2. Create a project using the primary colors. A. Color A1. Color Wheel Poster A2. Fine Art Prints By Piet Mondrian A3. SRA Kindergarten Unit3 Large Prints 5 Capriccico Musicale and 6 Point of Tranquility 3 A4. SRA Kindergarten Big Book Unit 3 Pages 94-111 CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 4 LESSON 3 1 of 4 K Art Bauman Month November 2010 Content UEQ: What are the Secondary Colors? A. Color A1. Seconday colors-green, purple, orange December 2010 What is a geometric shape? A. Shape A1. Circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. UEQ: What is diversity? A. Diversity A1. Skin color A2. Gender A3. Disabilities A4. Hair Color A5. Eye Color A6. Body Size A7. Other Physical Attributes February 2011 Skills A1. Identify secondary colors in fine art work and in the environment. A2. Name the primary colors used to mix green, orange, purple. A3. Create a project using the secondary colors. UEQ: January 2011 Albertville Primary A1. Identify geometric shapes in fine artwork and in the environment. . Assessment A. Color A1. Informal Assessment: Randomly select students to name the secondary colors CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 4 LESSON 1 A. Shape A1. Construct a piece of artwork showing geometric shapes. CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 2 LESSON 2 A. Diversity A1. Identify different skin colors in fine artwork and in the environment. A. Diversity A1. Verbally ask students what diversity means. A2. Identify artists of different cultures. A2. Have students mix paint to match skin color and paint the hand they traced prior to the story. Resources & Technology A. Color A1. Color Wheel A2. Fine Art Prints by Vincent Van Gogh Irises in the Garden and The Olive Trees. A. Shape A1. SRA Kindergarten Unit 2 Large Prints 3 Le Gourmet and 4 Fruit Displayed on a Stand A2. SRA Kindergarten Big Book Unit 2 pages 64-73 A. Diversity A1. The Colors of Us by Karen Katz A2. Diversity Lesson Plan A3. Photos of Martin Luther King, Jr. A4. Faith Ringgold Books (African American Author/Artist) UEQ: A1. Identify free form shapes in fine artwork and in the environment. A. Shape A1. Student demomstration: Verbally ask students to identify the free form shapes in artwork. A. Shape A1. SRA Kindergarten Big Book Unit 2 Lesson 3 Pages 74-81 2 of 4 K Art Bauman Month Content What is a free form shape? Albertville Primary Skills A. Shape A1. Free form shapes March 2011 UEQ: What is form? A. Form A1.Three Dimensional Shapes A2. Sculpture Assessment Resources & Technology A2. Creat a piece of artwork showing a variety of free form shapes. Form A1. Look at form in fine artwork and in the environment distinguishing between three and two dimensions. CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 2 LESSON 3 A. Form A1. Informal Assessment: Randomly select students to distinguish between art samples that are Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional. A2. Construct a pinch pot out of clay A. Form A1. Example of pinch pot A2. SRA Kindergarten Big Book, Unit 4, Lesson 2 Pages 130-149 A3. SRA Large Prints 7 Bear and Seal and 8 Armoured Carousel CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 4 LESSON 4 April 2011 UEQ: What is texture? A. Texture A1. Real Texture A2. Visual Texture A1. Identify and describe texture in fine artwork and in the environment. A. Texture . A1. Identify textures used in their project A2. Construct a project using different textures. Do Unit on Form in February... A. Texture A1. SRA Kindergarten Unit 5 Large Prints 9 Cat and 10 Child with Puzzle A2. SRA Kindergarten Big Book Unit 5 Lesson 2 Pages 160-161 CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 5 LESSON 2 May 2011 UEQ: What is Space? A. Space A1. Positive Space A2. Negative Space A. Space A1. Identify positive and negative space in fine artwork and in their environment. A2. Construct a piece of artwork showing posititive and negative space. A. Space A1. Student Demonstration: Verbally ask students to show where there is positive and negative space in their artwork. A. Space A1. SRA Kindergarten Unit 4 Large Prints7 Bear and Seal and 8 Armoured Carousel Horse A2. SRA Kindergarten Big Book, Unit 4, Lesson 1 Pages124-129 . 3 of 4 K Art Bauman Month Content Albertville Primary Skills Assessment Resources & Technology CA=SRA KINDERGARTEN ASSESSMENT BOOK UNIT 4 LESSON 1 4 of 4