ANSWERS TO CUBIC CRYSTAL LATTICES 1. (a) 1 4 circle (b) 1 circle (c) i) 1 4 sphere 1 ii) 8 sphere (d) 4 x 2. (a) 6 [see the 6 shaded atom's surrounding the central shaded atom] (b) 1 8 [see answer for 1(c) ii.] (c) 8 x 1 8 = 1 atom (d) radius = 1 2 1 8 = 1 2 sphere x (3.345 x 10–8 cm) = 1.673 x 10–8 cm [see diagram for Exercise 1(a)] (e) 3.345 x 10–8 cm 3. volume of unit cell = V = (5.357 x 10–8 cm)3 = 1.5373 x 10–22 cm3 1mol 174.2 g mass of unit cell = m = x = 2.8925 x 10–22 g 1mol 6.0225 x 1023 2.8925 x 10 22 g m = = 1.882 g/cm3 (or 1.882 g/mL) -22 3 V 1.5373 x 10 cm 501.8 g 1mol 4. mass of unit cell = x = 8.3324 x 10–22 g 23 1mol 6.0225 x 10 8.3324 x 10 22 g m volume of unit cell = V = = = 1.6638 x 10–22 cm3 d 5.008 g / cm3 length of unit cell = (1.6638 x 10–22 cm3)1/3 = 5.500 x 10–8 cm d= 5. 1 (centre) + 8 x 1 (corners) = 2 + 1 6. 1 Cs (centre) + 8 x 8 Cl– (corners) = CsCl , which agrees 8 1 Cl– (centre) +8x 1 8 Cs+ (corners) = CsCl , which agrees – (in centre) has 8 nearest–neighbour Cs+ ions at corners 7. (a) Each Cl (b) Each Cs+ (in centre) has 8 nearest–neighbour Cl– ions at corners 8. Label the unit cell as follows. A C E B X G D F the Cs+ an d Cl– io ns touch al ong the body d iago nals, su ch as a long AXH H A D X E H The dia gona l AXH is the d iago nal throu gh the p lane ADHE . Th e di agon al AXH + has a l ength eq ual to 2 tim es the ra dius of Cs (as sume d to be at the centre) plu s 2 time s th e rad ius of Cl– (a ssum ed to be at the corn ers). Therefore: length of AXH = 2 (1.67 x 10–8 + 1.81 x 10–8) = 6.96 x 10–8 cm The problem requires finding the distance AE, which is the unit cell length. However, since the length of EH is not known, AE cannot be found yet. Aha! Pythagoras Theorem to the rescue. The bottom plane of the cube, EFGH, has lengths with the following ratios. Assume the unit cell length, AE, is 1. E F 2 1 G 1 Therefore H A The diagona l pl ane ADHE has EH = 2 X E 3 H an d (AH)2 = (AE)2 + (EH)2 = 1+ 2 so AH = 3 2 6.96 x 10 8 3 2 1 D = AE , and length AE = 4.02 x 10–8 cm = length of unit cell 1 Hebden : Chemistry AP ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Now to find the density of CsCl. The body centred unit cell contains one Cs+ and one Cl–. (132.9 35.5) g 1mol mass = x = 2.796 x 10–22 g 1mol 6.0225 x 1023 volume = (4.02 x 10–8 cm)3 = 6.496 x 10–23 cm3 2.796 x 10 22 g m density = = = 4.304 g/cm3 -23 3 V 6.496 x 10 cm 9. This exercise uses some of the results from exercise 8. A body–centred unit cell contains TWO titanium atoms (one at the body centre and one distributed among the 8 corners). 2 x 47.9 g 1mol mass of unit cell = x = 1.591 x 10–22 g 1mol 6.0225 x 1023 1.591 x 10 22 g m = = 3.535 x 10–23 cm3 3 d 4.50 g / cm length of unit cell = (3.535 x 10–23 cm3)1/3 = 3.282 x 10–8 cm volume = The body has a distance equal to four times the radius of a titanium atom. Using the diagrams diagonal from exercise 8: length of body diagonal length of unit cell = 1 3 length of body diagonal = 3 x 3.282 x 10–8 cm = 5.684 x 10–8 cm length of body diagonal = 4 x radius , so radius = 5.684 x 10 8 cm = 1.42 x 10–8 cm 4 10. number of corner atoms = 8 x 1 8 = 1 atom , number of face–centred atoms = 6 x total number of atoms = 4 atoms number of nearest neighbours = 12. To see this, look at the diagrams below. 1 2 = 3 atoms Since the corne r and face-cente red ato ms a re consi dered to be interch ange able, th e corner atom s als o ha ve 12 neare st n eigh bours. 4 n eigh bours in plan e 4 face -cen tered nei ghbo urs i n cu be a bove 11. # of X ions at corners = 8 x 1 8 =1, 4 face -cen tered nei ghbo urs i n cu be b elow # of Y ions at faces = 6 x 1 2 =3 , formula of compound = XY3 12. number of Ni atoms = 8 x 1 8 (corners) + 4 x 1 4 (edges) = 2 number of As atoms = 2 (completely inside unit cell) formula of nickel arsenide = NiAs 13. number of Ca atoms at corners = 8 x 1 8 = 1 number of O atoms at faces = 6 x 1 2 = 3 number of Ti atoms at body centre = 1 formula of perovskite = CaTiO3 AP : CUBIC CRYSTAL LATTICES ANSWERS 3 ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 14. Since there are 4 particles per unit cell then the molar mass of the unit cell = 4 x 1.0087 g = 4.0348 g The diagonal on each face is 4 neutron radii or 2 neutron diameters = 2 x 10 –13 cm length of diagonal 2 x 10 13 cm length of unit cell edge = = = 1.41 x 10–13 cm 1 2 2 volume of unit cell = (1.41 x 10–13 cm)3 = 2.83 x 10–39 cm3 volume of 1 mol of unit cells = 2.83 x 10–39 cm3 x 6.0225 x 1023 = 1.70 x 10–15 cm3 4.0348 g m density = = = 2 x 1015 g/cm3 V 1.70 x 10 -15 cm3 15. Let N = Avogadro's Number. The unit cell contains 1 (corners) + 3 (faces) = 4 atoms mass of unit cell = 4 x 192.2 g 1mol 768.8 g x = 1mol N N volume of unit cell = (3.833 x 10–8 cm)3 = 5.6314 x 10–23 cm3 768.8 m g / N = 22.61 g/cm3 density = = V 5.6314 x 10 -23 cm3 768.8 g Solving for N: = 22.61 g/cm3 x 5.6314 x 10–23 cm3 = 1.273 x 10–21 g N 768.8 g N = = 6.038 x 1023 1.273 x 10 -21 g 16. mass of unit cell = 21.45 g/cm3 x (3.92 x 10–8 cm)3 = 1.292 x 10–21 g 6.0225 x 1023 778.1g molar massof unit cell = 1.292 x 10–21 g x = 1mol mol A face–centred unit cell has 4 atoms, so that 778.1g = 194.5 g (which suggests Pt: 195.1 g) 4 The face of the unit cell has atoms touching across the face diagonal. Therefore 2 diagonal length = 1 unit cell edge length molar mass of atoms = diagonal length = 2 x unit cell edge length = 5.544 x 10–8 cm 5.544 x 10 8 cm diagonal length = 4 x radius , so radius = = 1.39 x 10–8 cm 4 17. Using the geometric arguments from exercise 16, above: 2 4 x radius diagonal length 4 x radius = = = 1 unit cell edge length unit cell edge length 3.62 x 10 8 cm and radius = 1.28 x 10–8 cm so Each unit cell has 4 atoms, that 1mol 4 x 63.5 g mass of unit cell = x = 4.218 x 10–22 g mol 6.0225 x 1023 volume of unit cell = (3.62 x 10–8 cm)3 = 4.744 x 10–23 cm3 4.218 x 10 22 g m density = = = 8.89 g/cm3 V 4.744 x 10 -23 cm3 4 Hebden : Chemistry AP ———————————————————————————————————————————————— 18. Diagonal length = 4 x radius = 4 x 1.44 x 10–8 cm = 5.76 x 10–8 cm Using the geometric arguments from exercise 15, above: 1 unit cell edge length unit cell edge length unit cell edge length = = = diagonal length 4 x radius 5.76 x 10 8 cm 2 and unit cell edge length = 4.07 x 10–8 cm so Each unit cell has 4 atoms, that 1mol 4 x 107.9 g mass of unit cell = x = 7.166 x 10–22 g mol 6.0225 x 1023 volume of unit cell = (4.07 x 10–8 cm)3 = 6.742 x 10–23 cm3 density = 7.166 x 10 22 g m = = 10.6 g/cm3 -23 3 V 6.742 x 10 cm 19. Number of negative charges in each molecule = 2; if 1 4 of negative charges are now chlorides, then 1Cl ion = 3 x (–2) x 1OH group = 1.5 # of OH and # of Cl = 41 x (–2) x = 0.50 4 1charg e 1charg e Formula = Cu(OH)1.5Cl0.5 and clearfractions by doubling subscripts to get Cu2(OH)3Cl 20. Assume there is 1 Fe atom, altogether, in the formula. The overall molecule must be electrically neutral. = ( 1 )(+2) + ( 2 )(+3) = 8 Total positive charge 3 3 3 1oxide ion Hence, total negative charge = – 8 3 and number of oxide ions = ( )(– 8 3 ) = 4 3 2 charg e 2 3 Fe O Formula = Fe1/ and multiplying subscripts by 3 to clear fractions: Fe 2 Fe 3 3 2/ 3 4/ 3 2 O4 (Note: magnetite is usually shown in the simpler, but less correctform, as Fe3O4 or even Fe2O3•FeO.) 21. First, account for the substitution of Si4+ by Cu2+. 2 2 Initial formula = Si4 and double the subscripts to clear fractions: Si4 Cu 2 O 2 0.5 Cu 0.5 O 2 4 The overall charge on this molecule is (+4) + (+2) + (–8) = –2 Since the deficit in positive charge is made up by H+ ions, the final formula is H2SiCuO4 (Note: the formula for dioptase is sometimes shown as CuSiO2(OH)2 .) 22. Na+ is smaller than Cl– (recall what you learned in Chem 11). Na+ is face–centred cubic; Cl– is face– centred cubic. 23. Each Cl– is surrounded by 6 Na+ ions arranged in an octahedral shape around the Cl– at the centre. Each Na+ is surrounded by 6 Cl– ions arranged in an octahedral shape around the Na+ at the centre. 24. number of Na+ = 12 x number of ratio of Cl– Na+ : =8x Cl– 1 1 8 4 (edges) + 1 (body centre) = 4 (corners) + 6 x 1 2 (faces) = 4 = 1:1 25. number of nearest neighbours (see bottom diagram on page 7 of notes): layer) + 3 (bottom layer) = 12. 6 (central layer) + 3 (top This is the same number of neighbours found for face–centred cubic (note the final comment on p.7). 26. Since both hexagonal close–packed and face–centred cubic are similar structures with an identical number of identical neighbours, the densities are expected to be almost identical.