E-203 Number of shifts requested: Preference for number of shifts in a single continuous block: Preference for time between blocks of shifts: 20 split into two lots of 10 No more than 2, preferably one. Average of one a day. Very important to have TCAV and E-206 measurements concurrent with our data taking. We can cover the periods from 11 March to 7 April as well as 20 May to 30 June. The later run might only have a team of 3 (quite thin) and would benefit from short blocks to allow for recovery. Beam Request: Parameter Location of waist (e.g. centre of apparatus) Transverse spot size (σxxσy) in microns Bunch length (σz) in microns Request 1 – Longitudinal profile studies Double Waist- E-203 and a waist suitable for TCAV parallel measurement during the same shift Significantly less than a mm. 5-10 different bunch lengths in the range of compressed to Request 2 – Transverse spot size study Request 3 – Low Charge Study Request 4 – Background studies Waist at center of E-203 SPR chamber Waist at center of E203 SPR chamber Waist at center of E203 SPR chamber We will ask for the spot size to be varied to study effects of transverse spot size on the measurement. We request 5 to 10 different spot sizes well spaced in the range 50 to 500 microns. Compressed. Significantly less than a mm. Significantly less than a mm. Compressed. Compressed. uncompressed. We accept all bunch profiles- no need to tune structures. We will need to have the same or similar profile measurements many times to check for consistency. 2e10 2e10 1e9 (Desire to match 150pC LCLS current as closely as possible) Beta_x, Beta_y (or length of structure at IP) Grating is 4cm long. Grating is 4cm long. Grating is 4cm long. Charge variation from maximum (2e10 or more) to minimum (~1e9) to study how much of signal and background are coherent. Grating is 4cm long. We need to know the transverse size of bunch at E-203 SPR chamber so it may be useful to use nearby profile monitors with close to the same beta function (if no other method is available). We need to know the transverse size of bunch at E-203 SPR chamber so it may be useful to use nearby profile monitors with close to the same beta function (if no other method is available). Tolerable jitter (specify parameter) Tolerable charge jitter 1% Tolerable bunch length jitter 1%… Tolerable charge jitter 1% Tolerable bunch length jitter 1%… We need to know the transverse size of bunch at E-203 SPR chamber so it may be useful to use nearby profile monitors with close to the same beta function (if no other method is available). Tolerable charge jitter 1% Tolerable bunch length jitter 1%… We need to know the transverse size of bunch at E-203 SPR chamber so it may be useful to use nearby profile monitors with close to the same beta function (if no other method is available). Tolerable charge jitter 1% Tolerable bunch length jitter 1%… Charge (e/bunch) Time required to take data at each distinct config Beam Rate Additional Comments Tolerable position jitter 10 micron 20 minutes at each setting to take our data. Tolerable position jitter 10 micron 20 minutes at each setting to take our data. 10 Hz Shot to shot variation of the charge and all other parameters should be as low as possible as we average each measurement over many 100 shots and only have limited ability to correct for variations in these parameters 10 Hz Shot to shot variation of the charge and all other parameters should be as low as possible as we average each measurement over many 100 shots and only have limited ability to correct for variations in these parameters Tolerable position jitter 10 micron 20 minutes to take our data. We will make repeat measurements with the grating at several different proximities to the beam. 10 Hz Shot to shot variation of the charge and all other parameters should be as low as possible as we average each measurement over many 100 shots and only have limited ability to correct for variations in these parameters Tolerable position jitter 10 micron 20 minutes to take our data. 10 Hz Shot to shot variation of the charge and all other parameters should be as low as possible as we average each measurement over many 100 shots and only have limited ability to correct for variations in these parameters