Series 2010-22D May 2010 Growth of Minority Student Populations in Florida’s Public Schools, 2009-10 Introduction During the last thirty years, minority student populations have grown substantially in Florida’s public schools. Beginning with the school year 2003-04, enrollment for minority students exceeded the white student enrollment. This continued growth has been accompanied by shifts in the demographic composition of the most densely populated counties in south Florida, along with continuing growth in minority student populations in other urban areas of the state. From 1979 to 2009, the number of minority students in Florida’s public schools grew from 464,206 to 1,467,080, an increase of 216.04 percent. This compares with an increase of 74.90 percent for the overall student population (from 1,506,215 to 2,634,382) and a 12.02 percent increase for the white student population (from 1,042,009 to 1,167,302) during the same period. This data is illustrated in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Comparative Growth of White and Minority Student Populations 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 White 1,500,000 Minority 1,000,000 Total 500,000 0 1979 1999 2009 School Year Twenty-one of Florida’s 67 school districts have minority enrollments of more than 50 percent (see Table 1). Only 8 districts have experienced a decrease in their minority enrollment since 1979. Additional information for each of the state’s school districts is provided in Table 2. Table 1: Districts with Greater than 50 Percent Minority Enrollment, Fall 2009 District Gadsden Dade Jefferson Hendry Broward Osceola Orange Hardee Madison Palm Beach Duval Percent Minority 96.62% 91.12% 76.76% 73.15% 73.00% 71.49% 67.20% 64.73% 63.01% 62.83% 59.66% District Collier Hillsborough Glades St. Lucie Hamilton DeSoto Leon Alachua Highlands Polk Percent Minority 59.20% 58.63% 57.45% 57.18% 55.45% 53.98% 52.38% 52.30% 51.30% 50.40% Florida Department of Education Eric J. Smith, Commissioner Summaries by Racial Category As shown in Figure 2 below, the percentage of white students in Florida’s public schools has dropped from 69.18 percent in 1979 to 44.31 percent in 2009. At the same time, the minority student representation statewide increased from 30.82 percent to 55.69 percent. Figure 3: Student Populations by Race (in Thousands) Figure 2: Demographic Shift in Florida's PK-12 Student Population, Public Schools, 1979 to 2009 White Minority Multi. 55.69% 44.31% 2009 Am. Ind. 1979 Asian 2009 Hispanic 69.18% 30.82% Black White 1979 0.00% 0 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 100.00% Within specific racial categories, the degree of growth (or decline) in comparative representation varies. From 1979 to 2009, the greatest numerical gains occurred in the Hispanic population, which increased from 103,902 students to 692,458, representing a gain of 588,556. By contrast, the population of black students increased by 260,037 (from 348,001 in 1979 to 608,038 in 2009), while the population of white students increased by 125,293 (from 1,042,009 to 1,167,302). The population of Asian students grew from 10,446 to 67,843, and the American Indian population increased from 1,857 to 9,143 from 1979 to 2009. There were 89,598 multiracial students in 2009. This category was included in student demographic surveys beginning with the 1997-98 school year. Growth for the period is illustrated in Figure 3 above for the major racial categories. Grade Level Summaries Minority enrollment versus white enrollment by grade is displayed in Figure 4 below. As the graph depicts, minority enrollment now exceeds white enrollment for all grade levels. Figure 4: Minority Enrollment Versus White Enrollment by Grade, 2009 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% Minority 20.0% White 10.0% 0.0% PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grade 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 Table 2: Minority and White Student Populations, 1979 and 2009 DISTRICT 01 ALACHUA 02 BAKER 03 BAY 04 BRADFORD 05 BREVARD 06 BROWARD 07 CALHOUN 08 CHARLOTTE 09 CITRUS 10 CLAY 11 COLLIER 12 COLUMBIA 13 DADE 14 DESOTO 15 DIXIE 16 DUVAL 17 ESCAMBIA 18 FLAGLER 19 FRANKLIN 20 GADSDEN 21 GILCHRIST 22 GLADES 23 GULF 24 HAMILTON 25 HARDEE 26 HENDRY 27 HERNANDO 28 HIGHLANDS 29 HILLSBOROUGH 30 HOLMES 31 INDIAN RIVER 32 JACKSON 33 JEFFERSON 34 LAFAYETTE 35 LAKE 36 LEE 37 LEON 38 LEVY 39 LIBERTY 40 MADISON 41 MANATEE 42 MARION 43 MARTIN 44 MONROE 45 NASSAU 46 OKALOOSA 47 OKEECHOBEE 48 ORANGE 49 OSCEOLA 50 PALM BEACH 51 PASCO 52 PINELLAS 53 POLK 54 PUTNAM 55 ST. JOHNS 56 ST. LUCIE 57 SANTA ROSA 58 SARASOTA 59 SEMINOLE 60 SUMTER 61 SUWANNEE 62 TAYLOR 63 UNION 64 VOLUSIA 65 WAKULLA 66 WALTON 67 WASHINGTON 68 DEAF/BLIND 69 DOZIER 72 FAU LAB 73 FSU CHTR 74 FAMU LAB 75 UF LAB FLORIDA Fall 1979 Minority and White Students Minority # White # Minority White % 7,633 13,883 35.48% 64.52% % 628 2,789 18.38% 81.62% 3,430 16,038 17.62% 82.38% 885 2,962 23.00% 77.00% 7,579 41,033 15.59% 84.41% 35,748 99,565 26.42% 73.58% 382 1,720 18.17% 81.83% 467 6,395 6.81% 93.19% 602 7,122 7.79% 92.21% 1,331 15,453 7.93% 92.07% 3,613 10,255 26.05% 73.95% 2,023 5,374 27.35% 72.65% 144,507 79,233 64.59% 35.41% 1,005 2,716 27.01% 72.99% 292 1,355 17.73% 82.27% 37,630 64,533 36.83% 63.17% 12,639 29,750 29.82% 70.18% 416 1,251 24.96% 75.04% 330 1,471 18.32% 81.68% 7,214 1,620 81.66% 18.34% 86 1,347 6.00% 94.00% 401 650 38.15% 61.85% 529 1,844 22.29% 77.71% 1,051 1,179 47.13% 52.87% 1,094 2,859 27.68% 72.32% 1,585 2,903 35.32% 64.68% 866 5,663 13.26% 86.74% 2,014 5,308 27.51% 72.49% 28,050 83,839 25.07% 74.93% 69 3,360 2.01% 97.99% 2,189 6,673 24.70% 75.30% 2,529 5,507 31.47% 68.53% 1,466 802 64.64% 35.36% 92 851 9.76% 90.24% 3,835 13,279 22.41% 77.59% 6,032 23,214 20.63% 79.37% 7,441 14,042 34.64% 65.36% 983 2,915 25.22% 74.78% 122 866 12.35% 87.65% 1,906 1,444 56.90% 43.10% 4,084 16,047 20.29% 79.71% 6,282 15,485 28.86% 71.14% 1,802 7,086 20.27% 79.73% 1,867 5,816 24.30% 75.70% 1,329 6,296 17.43% 82.57% 3,458 21,318 13.96% 86.04% 645 3,751 14.67% 85.33% 22,084 60,151 26.85% 73.15% 1,113 7,427 13.03% 86.97% 25,287 45,676 35.63% 64.37% 1,607 23,275 6.46% 93.54% 15,816 72,572 17.89% 82.11% 13,713 45,199 23.28% 76.72% 2,906 6,828 29.85% 70.15% 1,929 6,149 23.88% 76.12% 6,011 7,893 43.23% 56.77% 853 11,478 6.92% 93.08% 3,272 20,861 13.56% 86.44% 5,973 29,737 16.73% 83.27% 1,276 3,196 28.53% 71.47% 1,115 3,654 23.38% 76.62% 903 2,471 26.76% 73.24% 300 1,089 21.60% 78.40% 8,031 27,968 22.31% 77.69% 581 2,004 22.48% 77.52% 529 3,193 14.21% 85.79% 746 2,326 24.28% 75.72% 464,206 1,042,009 30.82% Fall 2009 Minority and White Students* Minority # White # Minority White % 14,516 13,241 52.30% 47.70% % 873 4,177 17.29% 82.71% 6,818 19,075 26.33% 73.67% 967 2,308 29.53% 70.47% 22,907 49,495 31.64% 68.36% 186,999 69,176 73.00% 27.00% 457 1,776 20.47% 79.53% 4,239 12,696 25.03% 74.97% 2,879 13,204 17.90% 82.10% 10,148 25,850 28.19% 71.81% 25,287 17,427 59.20% 40.80% 3,105 6,991 30.75% 69.25% 315,061 30,705 91.12% 8.88% 2,693 2,296 53.98% 46.02% 287 1,823 13.60% 86.40% 73,173 49,476 59.66% 40.34% 19,267 21,343 47.44% 52.56% 4,769 8,369 36.30% 63.70% 212 1,083 16.37% 83.63% 6,117 214 96.62% 3.38% 272 2,465 9.94% 90.06% 821 608 57.45% 42.55% 371 1,660 18.27% 81.73% 1,008 810 55.45% 44.55% 3,257 1,775 64.73% 35.27% 5,049 1,853 73.15% 26.85% 6,160 16,733 26.91% 73.09% 6,228 5,913 51.30% 48.70% 113,290 79,949 58.63% 41.37% 228 3,154 6.74% 93.26% 6,957 10,793 39.19% 60.81% 2,779 4,558 37.88% 62.12% 915 277 76.76% 23.24% 345 818 29.66% 70.34% 16,584 24,515 40.35% 59.65% 40,175 40,295 49.93% 50.07% 17,131 15,577 52.38% 47.62% 1,534 4,395 25.87% 74.13% 343 1,154 22.91% 77.09% 1,724 1,012 63.01% 36.99% 19,805 23,117 46.14% 53.86% 17,179 24,861 40.86% 59.14% 5,961 12,063 33.07% 66.93% 3,660 4,618 44.21% 55.79% 1,615 9,501 14.53% 85.47% 8,076 20,811 27.96% 72.04% 3,107 3,856 44.62% 55.38% 116,262 56,759 67.20% 32.80% 37,277 14,865 71.49% 28.51% 108,719 64,306 62.83% 37.17% 19,430 47,713 28.94% 71.06% 39,951 65,225 37.98% 62.02% 47,664 46,913 50.40% 49.60% 4,757 6,661 41.66% 58.34% 5,149 24,673 17.27% 82.73% 22,259 16,671 57.18% 42.82% 4,259 21,408 16.59% 83.41% 12,235 29,046 29.64% 70.36% 27,634 36,826 42.87% 57.13% 2,322 5,232 30.74% 69.26% 1,625 4,504 26.51% 73.49% 973 2,206 30.61% 69.39% 556 1,783 23.77% 76.23% 23,919 38,410 38.38% 61.62% 830 4,414 15.83% 84.17% 1,254 5,860 17.63% 82.37% 827 2,659 23.72% 76.28% 319 322 49.77% 50.23% 263 77 77.35% 22.65% 1,010 1,103 47.80% 52.20% 1,120 1,235 47.56% 52.44% 544 0 100.00% 0.00% 574 565 50.40% 49.60% 1,467,080 1,167,302 55.69% 44.31% 69.18% % Change in Minority 16.82% -1.09% 8.71% 6.52% 16.05% 46.58% 2.29% 18.23% 10.11% 20.26% 33.15% 3.41% 26.53% 26.97% -4.13% 22.83% 17.63% 11.34% -1.95% 14.96% 3.94% 19.30% -4.03% 8.32% 37.05% 37.84% 13.64% 23.79% 33.56% 4.73% 14.49% 6.41% 12.12% 19.91% 17.94% 29.30% 17.74% 0.65% 10.56% 6.12% 25.85% 12.00% 12.80% 19.91% -2.90% 14.00% 29.95% 40.34% 58.46% 27.20% 22.48% 20.09% 27.12% 11.81% -6.61% 13.94% 9.68% 16.08% 26.14% 2.21% 3.13% 3.84% 2.17% 16.07% -6.65% 3.41% -0.56% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 24.87% *Survey 2 data as of November 26, 2009 As a service to Florida school districts, each Data Report presents information on education topics of current interest. Each report is prepared by Education Information and Accountability Services, 852 Turlington Bldg., 325 W. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400. For further information, call (850) 245-0400 or visit our web address at . 3