Nursing Education and Faculty Resources Measures of Success 2012-2013 Goals Measure Baseline- 2012 One Year- 2013 Five Years- 2017 Goal 1: Develop # of students enrolled in graduate programs (Masters and Doctorate) 666 enrolled (NDBON 2010-2011) Monitor trends for all measures. Compare with AACN measures. Monitor trends for all measures. # of faculty 128 FT, 153 part-time (NDBON 2010-2011) # of faculty vacancies 5.75 (NDBON 20102011) # of unqualified faculty FTEs 26.4 (NDBON 20102011) Faculty age 51% 41 years and above (NDBON 20102011) Work with NDBON to separate out age groups Average annual Faculty Salary $58,239 (2010 survey) Break down by length of contract and look at including summer salary. # of joint faculty appointments # of 2nd language students enrolled Not measured Not measured # of 2nd language graduates Not measured % of minority students enrolled- break down by group 12.41% FT, 5.02% PT (NDBON 2010-2011) strategies to encourage current students and nurses to go into faculty roles and provide support to new and current faculty. Goal 2: Develop programs to support diverse student and faculty needs. 1 Develop instruments and begin data collection for all measures. Ten Years- 2022 including American Indian Goal 3: Explore methods to coordinate clinical education at the statewide level. # of minority graduates NCLEX pass rates for minority, American Indian and ESL students Not measured? # of faculty with cultural difference and cultural competence training number of ND clinical sites Not measured. number of students in ND clinical sites. Not Measured. Compare # of preceptors by sites Not measured. 316 sites (NDBON) 2 Make training required- measure % completing. Develop measurement tools and measure. Break down between LPN and RN sites.