UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 International Research Collaborations Fund IRCF 2015/16 Information and Application Form Fund Information The UEL International Research Collaborations Fund (IRCF) has been established to fund the development of large scale, international research proposals to external funding organisations. Applications should have a significant international (Non-UK) component, with a particular emphasis on building EU consortia. The projects should involve partners from outside of the UK, and should be for development activities leading to the submission of a large externally funded research projects i.e. Horizon 2020. This fund will provide up to £2,500 for successful projects, with expenditure needed to be completed by the end July 2016. Call and Deadline You can submit to this scheme at anytime, however please note that there is limited funding available and the IRCF will close when all the funds are allocated. All successful IRCF applicants are required to spend the allocated funding in full by 17th July 2016. Eligibility The scheme is open to all UEL staff engaged in teaching and research, with the exception of hourly paid lecturers or those on teaching-only contracts. Activity must directly contribute to the development of the research proposal and applicants must detail the relevant funding stream/call within their IRCF application. The IRCF particularly welcomes proposals that will lead to an EU Horizon 2020, or similar, funding applications where a small development fund will enhance the quality of an existing development. The IRCF also encourages applicants to align with UEL research priorities, applications will need support from the Dean of School. Proposals for any of the following eligible activities/costs will be considered: • • • Meeting with non-UK partners/stakeholders for the development of project proposals Replacement teaching or assessment costs to free up time for proposal development Engaging external experts to advise on proposal development Details of previously successful applications can be found here: http://uelresearch.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/ircf-update/ Applications for individual research projects are not eligible. Projects previously funded by the IRCF are not eligible. UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 Award Criteria Proposals will be assessed against the following criteria: Quality of the proposed research idea to be submitted to the funding organization 1. Is there clear alignment between the priorities of the funder/call, the objectives of the proposed research project and the UEL research priorities? Explain how you will make sure you will reach the EU funding threshold? 2. How well does the consortium work together? Explain each partners’ relevance for and their part in the research. What would the contact with the consortium be prior to submission? 3. Has the research a wider impact including all stakeholders involved in the project and those not directly involved? Does the research impact on communities and other countries not directly involved in the project? Is the research project sustainable? 4. Explain clearly how the research is going to be implemented. 5. What is the state of the art/ ground breaking nature of the research? For ERC applications please provide a relevant CV. Appropriateness of the proposed development activities Are the proposed activities directly relevant to the development of the research proposal? Will the activities significantly increase the quality of the proposal and increase the chances of a successful outcome? Has the need for these activities been demonstrated? Are the timeframes of the proposed activities achievable and appropriate? Budget and value for money Are all budget items fully justified? Does the proposal represent a value for money investment in the project opportunity? Assessment Applications will be assessed by a panel that includes the Dean of Research, the Director of Research Operations and the Head of Research and Development Services. For a successful application 3 of the above 5 criteria have to be met. In some cases, applicants may be invited to a one hour meeting to discuss their application and the development with ReDS. Terms and Conditions of the Award All recipients of IRCF will be required to report on the outcomes of the activity and to justify the expenditure of the grant. Specifically, these awards are expected to lead to a Horizon 2020 (or similar) application. Attending the H2020 cohort events is mandatory for anyone receiving this award and so are regular process updates and draft submissions to ReDS as set out in a first meeting. How to apply Please complete the application form and send it to ircf@uel.ac.uk. You can submit to this scheme at anytime, however please note that there is limited funding available and the IRCF will close when all the funds are allocated. Terms of the grant To comply with UEL accounting procedures all expenditure must be completed no later than 31 July 2017. This also means that any travel must be undertaken before this date Successful applicants will be expected to request ethical approval for programmes of research UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 Deferral of the award is not possible The decisions of the panel will be final and there will be no further right of appeal Award holders will be required to produce an initial report on the research outcomes from the funding period by Wednesday 31st August 2017. This should explain what was intended in the initial proposal, and what was achieved, particularly reporting on the specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and trackable research outcomes given in the application for the award. Questions Please direct further queries to ircf@uel.ac.uk or call 020 8223 2731 UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 International Research Collaborations Fund IRCF 2014/15 Application Form Applicant Details Name of applicant: Position at UEL (NB only permanent staff are eligible): E-mail: Department/School: International Research Development Opportunity Please provide details of the international research development opportunity you are seeking funding for by answering the following questions: 1. Please provide a summary of the large-scale research project you intend to develop including details of how the project proposal fits to potential funding calls and aligns to UEL’s strategic research objectives (500 words max) 2. Please provide details of the international collaborators (300 words max) 3. Please provide a description of the potential impact of your research (300 words max) 4. Please explain the state of the art/ ground breaking nature of the research (250 words max) UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 5. What is the deadline or intended submission date for the proposal? (250 words max) 6. Please provide details of how the research will be implemented? (250 words max) 7. Please describe the activities you are seeking IRCF funding for including details of the timing. Please also explain how these activities will improve the quality of the research proposal (250 words max). Budget Cost Category Replacement teaching/ assessment costs Travel and Subsistence Description and justification Total IRCF Funding requested UEL Research Investment Fund 2016 Other (please specify) TOTAL School Support Comment from Dean of School (text from an email is sufficient): Please submit your application to: ircf@uel.ac.uk Please provide 3 times and dates when you are available for potential meeting with ReDS: For ReDS use only Application Reference Number: Date of receipt: