the green party of azerbaijan

Approved at the
Constituent Congress of
the Green Party of Azerbaijan
16 December 2006
1.1. Green Party of Azerbaijan is a political organization – party that shall bring together the
people who fight for healthy environment, social justice, democracy, sustainable development
and good management in Azerbaijan.
1.2. Green Party of Azerbaijan shall function on the bases of the Constitution, Law on Political
Parties and other active laws of Azerbaijan Republic and this Charter.
1.3. The Green Party of Azerbaijan shall headquarter in Baku city. Abbreviation of Green Party
of Azerbaijan shall be GPA. GPA shall have its emblem and flag. Examples of emblem and flag
shall be attached to the Charter and adopted in parallel with the Charter.
1.4. The goals of the party are to support the material and moral development of Azeri people,
ensure the state independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and establish a legal state in
Azerbaijan on the bases of the worldwide, social, democratic, scientific and technical progresses
that are based on the principles of the civil society establishment.
1.5. To achieve its goals, GPA shall establish its activities based on the ten key principles of the
European Green Party: bases of democracy; social welfare and equal opportunities; ecological
thought; non-violence; decentralization; economy at local level and economic justice; feminism
and gender equality; respect for biodiversity; individual and global responsibility; targeting the
future and sustainability.
2.1. GPA shall function legally.
2.2. GPA shall condemn each kind of violence and terrorism and shall consider it admissible to
use every kind of the democratic fight in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of
Azerbaijan Republic.
2.3. The Party shall try to implement its Program goals by means of elected and appointed
members and representatives of the state bodies. For this purpose, GPA may create relevant
representation groups to more effectively carry out its Parliamentary and Municipality activities.
2.4. GPA shall use all sources of the media to express its attitude towards public-political events
and actions which take place in and out country, inform people, raise their political level and
ecological thought and ensure the publicity.
2.5. To establish its activities on the scientific bases and enlighten people, GPA shall create
circles, spread books and organize scientific and theoretical conferences, lectures, seminars,
debates, meetings, etc.
2.6. GPA shall participate in the formation of the public opinion and in the public discussions
over the democratic law drafts, which correspond to the interests of people, shall devise
important ideological projects relating to the interests of people in the public-political, social and
cultural spheres, organize their assessment by means of specialists and make efforts to achieve
their discussions and confirmation in Milli Majlis [Azerbaijani Parliament].
2.7. GPA shall establish relations with the democratic forces such as political parties, unions,
organizations, societies, etc., which exist in and out country, as specified in the Constitution and
legislation of Azerbaijan Republic and international agreements.
2.8. GPA shall be considered in its bodies if the quorum is more than half. The decisions shall be
considered valid if more than half of the participants vote for them. Every party member shall
have one vote. Except the cases specified in the Charter, the terms and regulations of the voting
shall be defined by the relevant body before the voting.
2.9. On a voluntary base, GPA can combine with other political parties and establish blocs and
unions with allied political organizations.
3.1. Membership to GPA shall be individual.
3.2. Each Azerbaijani citizen under 18 years of age, who accept the Charter and Program of the
Party, try to implement its goals and duties, get into registration in one of the cell organizations
and pay off the membership fee timely, can join the GPA. The member of GPA can not be a
member to another political party.
3.3. Those who wish to become a member to GPA can make an appeal to the cell organization
located in one of the territories where they reside, work or get education. If impossible, they can
directly make an appeal to the district (city) department (or Executive Secretary of GPA) in a
written form. The applicant shall be considered the member of GPA from the moment when
his/her appeal has been positively assessed at the meeting of the cell organization (or the closest
organization advised by the district department or GPA Executive Director if the application has
been submitted to them), to which the application has been submitted.
3.4. To cease GPA membership shall be voluntary. Each party member shall have the right to
resign. According to the decision of the GPA elective body, the GPA membership of the person
who has been dismissed from the GPA shall terminated. Failure in paying the membership fee
for 6 months due to the inadequate reasons may lead to the termination of the membership.
3.4.1. According to the active legislation, the membership of the persons, whose party activities
have been prohibited, shall be stopped in GPA until the completion of their official service term.
After certain period, the membership of those persons shall be restored by the relevant bodies on
the bases of their appeals. The persons, whose political activities have been prohibited, can not
be a member to GPA.
3.4.2. In addition to the ordinary rules, the members of Milli Majlis or other outstanding persons,
who wish to join the GPA, can be admitted to the membership by the Assembly of the Party.
3.5. Rights of GPA members:
- they are equal irrespective of their language, race, religious, sex and social level difference;
- to put forward candidate to the elective body of party, elect and to be elected;
- to participate and make a speech in the discussions on all questions;
- to make an initiative before the party bodies and appeal to those bodies with proposals and
- other rights defined by the legislation and Charter.
3.6. Duties of GPA members:
- to closely participate in the realization of the duties defined in the party Program and other
documents and become an active propagandist of the GPA ideological and political direction;
- to follow the requirements of the GPA Charter;
- to timely fulfill the decisions of the elective bodies;
- to participate in the events organized by the party;
- to pay membership fee;
3.7. The GPA member may represent relevant body of GPA or make a statement on behalf of it
if he/she has been empowered by the relevant body of GPA.
3.8. One of the following disciplines may be applied to GPA member who breaks its Charter or
warning, reprimand, dismissal from his/her elective position in GPA and expelling from the
ranks of GPA.
3.9. If the break of the Charter or Program is confirmed by the relevant elective body of the party
or Control and Inspection Committee (CIC), the discipline reproach to the party member can be
applied by the general meeting of the cell organization in which he/she has been registered,
Executive Board of the relevant district (city) department, Executive Board of Nakchivan
Autonomous Republic department and GPA Assembly on the base of the decision of the relevant
3.10. A complaint about the reproach-applying decision of the sub-organization (body) may be
made to the GPA Co-chairs, GPA Executive Secretary, Assembly and CIC within a month. The
relevant body should previously notify the party member who will be applied the discipline
reproach. Although the notified member does not participate at the meeting without good
reasons, the discipline reproach can be applied.
3.11. All bodies and officials of GPA should reply to the appeals and complaints within a month.
3.12. If the discipline reproach-affected member does not break the Charter within a period of
more than 3 months, the discipline reproach shall be automatically considered invalid. The
higher body may liquidate or alter the decision of the sub-organization (body). The decision of
GPA Assembly shall be final.
3.13. GPA shall protect the rights of its members.
3.14. The party members shall be given membership cards certified by GPA Executive Board.
4.1. The base of the party’s organization structure shall be formed by the cell organizations
which have been established on the base of the area principle and have at least three members.
4.2. Taking into consideration their local peculiarities, the number of their members and their
position in the public-political processes, these and other cell organizations may be given a
district department status by the decision of GPA Assembly.
4.3. The higher body of the cell organization shall be the general assembly which is held at least
once per quarter.
4.4. The general assembly shall elect the Chairman of the cell organization.
4.5. During the inter-assembly period, the activities of the cell organizations shall be headed by
the relevant bodies (or chairmen) which are elected at the report-selection meetings.
4.6. The rules of establishing and canceling the cell organizations, position authorities,
authorities of the elective bodies, activity forms and other questions shall be regulated by GPA’s
Regulation on Cell Organizations”.
4.7. If the cell organization violates GPA’s Charter, according to the decision of GPA’s CIC, the
Executive Board (or general assembly) of the district (city) department shall resolve the question
of re-establishing the same cell organization.
5.1. GPA district (city) department shall be a body which unites the cell organizations in the
territory of the relevant region (city). The district (city) department shall be founded at the
conference of the authorized representatives selected from the cell organizations or at the general
meeting of the members and shall be registered by the GPA Assembly.
5.2. District (city) and Nakchivan Autonomous Republic departments shall have the activity
independence within the frameworks of GPA’s Charter and Program.
5.3. Nakchivan Autonomous Republic department shall be founded at the conference of the
authorized representatives selected from the district (city) departments located in the territory of
the Autonomous Republic and shall be registered by the GPA Assembly.
5.4. The higher body of the district (city) department shall be the conference or general meeting
which is held at least once in the period of 18 months (1,5 years). The extraordinary conference
or general assembly shall be held by the initiative of one fourth of the party higher body, cell
organizations in the territory of the relevant district (city) or one third of the members of the
Executive Board of the district (city) department or chairman of the district (city) department or
CIC after the decision of the Executive Board of the same district.
5.5. The representation norms at the conference (general meeting) shall be defined by the
Executive Board of the district (city) department.
5.6. Conference or general meeting which has conference authorities:
5.6.1. It shall be authorized if more than half of the representatives and members participate in it.
5.6.2. It shall define the key activity directions and perspective duties of the district (city )
5.6.3. It shall elect the chairman and control inspection commission (chairman and members) of
the district (city ) department and hear their reports.
5.6.4. It shall elect representatives to the GPA Congress.
5.6.5. It shall approve the composition of the district (city) department’s Executive Board which
is comprised of the members who have been selected from the cell organization.
5.7. The EB shall be the higher body of the GPA district (city) departments over the interconference period. Along with the questions which belong to the exclusive authorities of the
conference, the EB shall resolve all questions regarding the activities of the district (city)
5.8. The EB shall be organized through selecting one representative from each cell organization
irrespective of the number of their members.
5.9. EB shall elect EB chairman and deputy chairman and EB secretary and according to the
presentation of the district (city) department’s chairman, shall approve the deputy chairmen and
estimate and staff table of the department. EB shall make proposals to the local and supreme
governmental bodies regarding various spheres of the public-political and economic life of the
5.10. If GPA district (city) departments or their elective bodies violate the requirements of the
Charter and do not follow the decisions made by the party’s higher bodies, they can be, with the
presentation of one of the GPA Co-chairs or taking into consideration the opinion of CIC,
cancelled or re-established according to the decision of the GPA Assembly.
5.11. Organizing the elective bodies of the district (city) departments and their activities shall be
regulated by the GPA Regulation on District (City) Departments.
5.12. According to the initiative of the district (city) departments and decision of the GPA
Assembly, the district (city) departments may unite and create Zone Co-ordination Committee in
accordance with the existing administrative area division.
5.13. GPA Zone Co-ordination Committee shall be a consultation body which shall be comprised
of the chairmen of the relevant district (city) departments, chairmen of Executive Boards and
members of the GPA Assembly and co-ordinate the activities of the relevant district (city)
5.14. The activities of GPA Zone Co-ordination Committee shall be regulated by an appropriate
5.15. The activities of GPA’s Nakchivan Autonomous Republic department shall be regulated by
GPA Regulation on Nakchivan Autonomous Republic Department.
6.1. Congress
6.1.1. The Congress shall be GPA’s higher body which shall be held each four years.
The extraordinary Congress shall be held by the initiative of one third of members of GPA
Assembly, one third of the district (city) departments, Central Control and Inspection
Commission or GPA co-chairmen within no later than three months after the decision of the
GPA Assembly. The representatives of the final Congress shall also be authorized at the
extraordinary Congress.
6.1.2. The representatives of the Congress shall be elected at the conferences or general
assemblies of the GPA district (city) departments. The representation norms at the Congress
shall be defined by the GPA Assembly. The date and agenda of the Congress shall be disclosed
one month earlier.
6.1.3. The Congress shall be authorized if it is attended by more than half of the representatives.
6.1.4. The Congress shall define the next destiny of the party’s property if the activities of the
party are being ceased.
6.1.5. The Congress shall adopt the GPA Program and Charter and make amendments and
annexes to them.
6.1.6. The Congress shall define the key directions of the party’s activities.
6.1.7. The Congress shall define and confirm (if necessary) the number of the composition of the
GPA Higher Assembly.
6.1.8. The Congress shall elect the Co-chairs of the GPA and the Central Control and Inspection
6.1.9. The Congress shall discuss and assess the reports of the GPA Co-chairs, GPA Assembly
6.1.10. The Congress shall discuss any questions linked with the GPA activity and make relevant
6.2. GPA’s ASSEMBLY (Board)
6.2.1. The Assembly shall the higher body of the party during the Inter-Congress period.
6.2.2. Along with the questions which belong to the exclusive authorities of the Assembly, the
Assembly shall discuss and resolve all questions regarding the activities of the GPA.
6.2.3. The composition of the Assembly shall be comprised of the members who have been
defined by the Congress and have been elected on an alternative base through secret voting,
chairmen of the district (city) departments and Nakchivan Autonomous Republic department and
Co-chairs and Deputy Co-chairs of the GPA Youth Organization. GPA Co-chairs and Deputy
Co-chairs may attend the sessions of the Assembly.
6.2.4. The Assembly shall elect two chairs and two deputy chairs from its members on
alternative bases in accordance with the gender equality. The chairmanship to the sessions will
be made on a rotation base.
6.2.5. The Assembly shall function through the sessions, which shall be held at least once within
three months, as well as committees and commissions, which have been established by the
Assembly itself. The sessions of the Assembly shall be held by its Head. The extraordinary
sessions shall be held by the initiative of the GPA Co-chairs, GPA Central Control and
Inspection Commission, one fourth of the Assembly members and at least 10 GPA district (city)
6.2.6. The Assembly shall elect chairmen and members to its committees and commissions for
four years.
6.2.7. The Assembly will discuss and confirm the candidates who have been presented by the
Co-chairs for being elected to the State bodies in accordance with the relevant legislation. The
Assembly shall submit law drafts to the Parliament, raise questions and make proposals before
the State bodies.
6.2.8. The Assembly shall make appeals and statements on behalf of the GPA with regards to the
actual questions of the public-political life. The Assembly shall raise questions and make
proposals before the State bodies. According to the Program and Charter, the Assembly shall
prepare the principles and agreements of co-operation with other political parties and democratic
6.2.9. The Assembly shall discuss and adopt the Regulations (“On GPA cell organizations”, “On
GPA district (city) departments”, “On GPA Zone Co-ordination Committee”, “On GPA
Nakchivan Autonomous Republic department”) and other legal documents regarding various
spheres of the party’s activities.
6.2.10. The Assembly shall confirm the GPA Deputy Co-chairs according to the presentation of
the GPA Co-chairs.
6.2.11. The Assembly shall hear, discuss and confirm the information, opinions and action
programs of the GPA Co-chairs and Deputy Co-chairs, Central Control and Inspection
Commission, GPA Executive Secretary, committees and commissions and shall require
explanation, reference and information from all GPA bodies and officials.
6.2.12. The Assembly shall accept the resignation of the members and officials of all elective
bodies and hold temporary elections to their places.
6.2.13. The Assembly shall determine the GPA honorary titles, awards and prizes and award the
persons based on the presentation of the GPA co-chairs in accordance with the relevant
Regulation of the GPA.
6.2.14. The Assembly shall discuss and confirm the GPA estimate expenses and staff table and
hear and discuss the reports of the relevant bodies regarding the use of the GPA’s property and
6.2.15. The Assembly shall define the amount of GPA membership fee.
6.2.16. The Assembly shall establish its activities on the base of the Regulation of GPA
Assembly adopted by the Assembly.
6.3.1. In accordance with the gender principle, the GPA Congress shall elect two Co-chairs for a
period of four years on an alternative base through secret voting. If there are serious differences
of opinions with regards to the implementation of the GPA’s political way or Program, the Cochairs will raise the question in the Political Council, Assembly or Congress. The Co-chair, who
is dissatisfied with the made decision, is obliged to resign.
6.3.2. The Co-chairs shall lead the political activities of the GPA and take responsibility for GPA
activities before the Congress.
6.3.3. The Co-chairs shall represent the party.
6.3.4. If the Co-chairs consider the decision of the GPA Assembly as contrary to the party’s
Charter, Program and general goals, they shall cease the implementation of the decision by the
next Congress and present it to the discussions of the Assembly again by providing grounds for
their opinions.
6.3.5. The Co-chairs shall preside to the sessions of the Political Council on a rotation base.
6.3.6. According to the consent of the Political Council, the Co-chairs shall make appeals and
statements on behalf of the Political Council.
6.3.7. On the base of the consensus, the Co-chairs shall establish the Administration of the GPA
Co-chairs: submit the candidatures of two deputy co-chairs and GPA Executive Secretary to the
Assembly on the base of the gender equality.
6.3.8. The activities of Co-chairs’ Administration shall be regulated by the GPA Regulation on
Co-chairs’ Administration.
6.4.1. GPA Political Council shall be comprised of the GPA Co-chairs and Deputy Co-chairs,
Executive Secretary, Assembly Co-chairs and Deputy Co-chairs and Co-chairs of the Central
Control and Inspection Commission. The Co-chairs of the party’s Youth Organization may
attend the sessions of the Political Council without voting right.
6.4.2. The Political Council shall be immediately held by the request of any of its members.
6.4.3. The Political Council shall hold its sessions at least once in a month and organize
discussions over the actual questions of the public-political life.
6.4.4. The Political Council shall make appeals and statements regarding the daily questions.
6.5.1. The candidature of the Executive Secretary shall be agreed between the Co-chairs and
submitted to the Assembly for approval. If the Assembly doesn’t approve the candidate, the Cochairs shall suggest a new candidate.
6.5.2. The Executive Secretary shall, as agreed with the Co-chairs, lead the Co-chairs’
Administration, sign contracts and agreements and issue relevant orders, arrangements and
disposals on behalf of the GPA.
6.5.3. The Executive Secretary shall prepare the agenda of the Political Council.
6.5.4. The authorities of the Executive Secretary shall be defined by the Co-chairs (provided that
it has been approved by the Assembly) and GPA Regulation on Co-chairs’ Administration.
6.6.1. Central Control and Inspection Commission (CCIC) shall be elected at the GPA Congress
on an alternative base through secret voting for a period of 4 years.
6.6.2. The CCIC shall make control on the conformity of the activities of the party members and
elective bodies with the party’s Charter and Program and accurate use of the finances, carry out
inspections and make presentations and conclusions to the relating bodies. Those presentations
and conclusions should be considered by the relating bodies within a month and the CCIC should
be notified of the made decisions.
6.6.3. CCIC’s members can not be represented at any elective bodies of the party.
6.6.4. The CCIC shall elect co-chairs and secretary at the first meeting after the Congress on the
base of the gender principle.
6.6.5. The CCIC should consider any appealed questions and make a response within a month.
6.6.6. The activities of the CCIC shall be regulated by the GPA Regulation on Central Control
and Inspection Commission.
7.1. GPA is a legal entity which has its seal, corner stamp, blank, property, account in the
Republic banks, supplies, staff employees, etc.
7.2. The assets, which have been obtained in accordance with the legislation of Azerbaijan
Republic, can be owned by the party.
7.3. Party’s money supplies shall be formed from the following sources:
- Membership fee;
- Endowments;
- Profits obtained from various measures in accordance with the active legislation.
- Finances received from other sources allowed by the law.
7.4. The cell organizations shall keep half of the collected membership fees for themselves and
shall transfer other half to the accounts of relevant higher organizations. This principle shall be
followed at all levels.
7.5. The money supplies in the GPA account shall be spent in accordance with the estimate
approved by the Assembly.
8.1. Amendments and annexes to the GPA Charter shall be adopted if more than half of the
representatives who attend the Congress vote for them.
9.1. According to the decision made with outvotes of two thirds of the representatives who attend
the Congress, the GPA’s activities shall be ceased.