1 MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES PRACTICAL CT104 Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 2 DETERMINATION OF CHLORIDE BY THE MOHR TITRATION Titrimetric methods in which silver nitrate is used as the titrant are called ‘argentimetric ‘ methods . Argentimetric methods are the most important of those based on the precipitation processes. They are used for the determination of halides ,cyanide .thiocyanate and less frequently for arsenate , phosphate, sulphide ,and certain other anions .There are tree general methods of argentimetry: Mohr’s method with potassium chromate as indicator f the adsorption indictor method; and the Volhard’s method. Ag+ ion reacts with Cl- ion according to the equation: Ag+(aq) + Cl(aq) AgCl (g) The principle of Mohr’s method depends on the fractional precipitation of silver chloride and silver chromate .Since silver chloride is considerably less soluble (AgCl ;K sp=1.88x10 -10 and Ag2CrO4;Ksp=1.5x10-10) silver chromate does not precipitate until (for practical purposes)the solution is free from Cl- ions.Red silver chromate then precipitates and imparts a faint red-orange color to the precipitate of AgCl. The amount of indicator is important. Silver chromate does not precipitate until its solubility product has been exceeded .Accordingly , the point at which this occurs is influenced by the amount of chromate present .If insufficient indicator is present , the end-point comes too late because an undue excess of Ag+ ions is necessary to exceed the solubility product .On the other end an excessive amount not only tends to mask the end-point , but diminishes the solubility of silver chromate to such an extend that the end –point appears too soon. However it can be shown by suitable calculation that for 0.1M solutions a fair amount of latitude is permissible .Thus when 25ml of 0.1M NaCl are titrated with 0.1M AgNO3 over a range of chromate ion between 1,4x10-1 and 1.4x10-3 M ,the error only varies from -0.015 to +0.015ml.Generally, 12ml of a5% solution for each 100ml of solution ([CrO 42-] =5x10-3) is used. The p H of the solution should be carefully controlled .The second dissociation of chromic acid is small and chromate ions react with hydrogen ions as follows: CrO42- + H + <=> HCrO 4- Hence the sensitivity falls with increasing acidity , eventually a point is reached where silver chromate does not precipitate at all. In alkaline solution the hydroxyl ion concentration may be sufficient to cause precipitation of silver hydroxide before silver chromate. A pH range of 6.5 to 10.5 is recommended. Acid solutions can be neutralized with CaCO3 ,NaHCO3 , MgO or borax. Alkaline solutions may be made slightly acidic with acetic acid ; a slight excess of CaCO3 is then added.The solubity of silver chromate increases with increasing temperatures , hence the sensitivity of the method decreases.Working at room temperature is recommended. Procedure Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 3 Standardization of AgNO3 solution Weigh accurately about 1.5g of reagent grade sodium chloride which has been dried at 120 0C FOR 1-2 hours, dissolve in distilled water and dilute to the mark in a 250 ml volumetric flask, mix well. Calculate the molarity of the solution. Pipette 25ml portions of the solution into a 250ml conical flask , add 1ml of indicator and titrate slowly , whilst swirling the to the first color change from the yellow color of the solution .When the end-point appears , shake well , if the color reverts continue the titration until a permanent change s obtained . Calculate the molarity of the AgNO 3 solution. Determination of chloride Weigh out 1.5-2.0 g of the sample , dissolve in distilled water and dilute to 250ml in a graduated flask. Add 1ml of indicator and proceed as above. Calculate the percentage of chloride in the sample. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 4 DETERMINATION OF CHLORIDE BY THE VOLHARD METHOD Ag+ ion reacts with Cl- ion according to the equation ; Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) AgCl(g) In the volhard method an excess of standard silver nitrate is added to the halide solution and the unreacted portion is back titrated with standard thiocyanate solution; ferric alum is used as indicator.The latter forms the ferrithiocyanate complex at the end point.This method is not only sensitive, but is also of wide applicability because it can be operated in a fairly strong acid solutioon. The method is for the direct titration of silver. Although Volhard mantained that the back titration could be carried out in the presence of the precipitated silver chloride , other investigators indicated that thiocyanate reacted with silver chloride. AgCl + CNS- AgCNS + Cl- Indeed this is to be expected from the wide difference in solubilities of the silver salt: CN= [CNS-] KSAgCl KSAgCNS = 1.1x10-10 7.0x10-10 The minute amount of thiocyanate in excess, which would otherwise mark the end-point, reacts with the precipitate as above , the reaction continuing with further additions of thiocyanate until the concentration of chloride ions liberated during the reaction is 157 times the concentration of thiocyanate ions. Hence , the color fades rapidly after each addition and the end point occurs some millimeters too late . To overcome this effect some workers have made an extensive study of the titration , and reccomended filtering off the silver chloride before back titrating . Immediate filtration can cause errors owing to adsorption of excess of silver ions , hence it is necessary to shake the mixture for about five minutes before filtering or to boil for a short time to coagulate the silver chloride. Several workers have recommended the addition of organic solvents to minimize the reactionn between thiocyanate and silver chloride and thus avoid filtration . The best solvent is nitrobenzene. The effect of the solvent is obscure. It seems likely, however that it forms a water proof coating around the silver chloride precipitate and thus prevents it’s dissolution. Adsorption of silver ions on the precipitate is also inhibited. Some workers ascribe the fading end-point obtained in the presence of silver chloride to the slow reaction of adsorbed silver ions with thiocyanate. They recommend that after addition of silver nitrate potassium nitrate also be added and the mixture boiled for a few minutes , cooled and then titrated immeditely . Desorption of silver ions occurs , and. On cooling re-adsorption cannot occur in the presence of potassium nitrate. However it has been verified that no fading occurs in the presence of silver chloride when this procedure is used . Nevertheless, it seems likely that the widely differing solubilities of silver chloride and thiocyanate play at least a major part in the fading effect. It may be that boiling in the presence of potassium nitrate causes the precipitate to age rapidly and dissolutoin of this aged precipitate is so slow that no fading effect can be observed. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 5 Because silver bromide and iodide are less soluble than silver thiocyanate , no reaction can take place between the precipitate and excess of thiocyanate , hence it is necessary to add nitrobenzene or to filter before the back-titration. In the case of iodide, the indicator should not be added until access silver is present, otherwise oxidation of iodide occurs according to the following equation: 2Fe3+ + 2I- 2Fe2+ + I2 OPTIMUM CONDITIONS FOR THE TITRATION 1. Indicator error with the method is negligible when 0,14M solutions are used, a pale orange color being obtained with 0,01ml of 0,1M thiocyanate in a volume of 100ml.This is equivalent to a thiocyanate concentration of 10-5 M. The end-point occurs too soon however, owing to adsorption of silver ions by freshly precipitated silver thiocyanate. Accordingly, when the first perceptible color is obtained, the solution should be shaken vigorously and the titration continued until a permanent color is obtained. 2. Hydrogen Ion Concentration. The titration is usually carried out at an acid concentration of about 0,5M although the range generally specified is 0,2-1,6M.When arsenate or phosphate is present it better to use a concentration of about 2M to prevent their precipitating. 3. Temperature Low results are obtained if the temperature is much above 25 oC, because nitric acid then bleaches the ferric thiocyanate. If, therefore, the solution has been heated, care should be taken to ensure it has been cooled below 25o C before the titration is carried out. Standardisation of Potassium Thiocyanate You are provided with a 0,1 M standard silver nitrate solution. Weigh about 3,0g of potassium thiocyanate, transfer to a 500ml volumetric flask, dissolve in distilled water and dilute to the mark. Pipette 10ml of 0,1M silver nitrate solution to a 250ml conical flask.Add 5ml of 6M HNO 3 and 1ml of Fe(III) indicator and titrate with thiocyanate solution. When the first change to orange-red occurs, shake well and continue the titration carefully until a permanent color remains after shaking . Calculate the molarity of the thiocyanate solution. Procedure 1 Weigh out accurately 1.5-2.0g of the sample provided , dissolve in distilled water and dilute to 250ml in a graduated flask . Mix well . Pipette 25ml of the solution into a 250ml beaker , add 5ml of 6M HNO3 and then 2-6 ml excess of 0.1 AgNO3 solution. Stir well and filter into a 250ml conical flask . Wash with 1:100 nitric acid .Add 1-2ml of indicator to the combined filtrate and washings and titrate as above. Calculate the percentage of chloride in the sample. Procedure 2 Proceed as above , adding 2-5 of 0.1 M silver nitrate solution in excess. Add ml of nitrobenzene And 1ml of indicator and shake well to coagulate the precipitate .Titrate with 0.1M thiocyanate solution until a permanent color appears which does not fade after 5 minutes. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 6 IODIMETRY-DETERMINATION OF AVAILABLE CHLORINE IN BLEACHING POWDER Iodimetry can be divided into two parts: direct and indirect iodimetry. Direct iodimetry involves titration with standard iodine solutions; sometimes it is necessary to add an excess of iodine and back- titrate with thiosulphate or arsenic(III) solution .Indirect iodimetry which is of greater importance in analytical work , involves liberation of iodine from iodide by an oxidant and this iodine is then titrated with a standard thiosulphate solution . This practical is an example of indirect iodimetry. INDICATORS One drop of 0.1N iodine solution imparts an intense yellow color to 100ml of solution , hence iodine , like potassium permanganate, can serve as its own indicator, but is more usual to employ starch .In the presence of iodide starch should be freshly prepared or contain a preservative ;mercury (II)iodide, thymol and salicylic acid have been used , but it is necessary to ensure that the preservative does not interfere in the particular the particular titration undertaken .Old starch solutions give reddish colored complexes rather than blue complexes and sharp end-points cannot be obtained. A solid 5% solution of starch in urea dissolves instantaneously in aqueous solutions and gives excellent end-points; the solid preparation is almost indefinitely stable .The commercial product , Thyodene , is now commonly used. AVAILABLE CHLORINE IN BLEACHING POWDER Bleaching powder has an indefinite composition approximately to the formula CaCl(OCl), and contains a number of impurities, only part of the chlorine is available for oxidizing purposes, this being known as available chlorine. It is determined by treating the bleaching powder with acetic acid and potassium iodide, the free iodine so liberated being titrated with sodium thiosulphate solution: CaCl(OCl) + 2I- + 2H+ Ca2+ + 2Cl- +H2O + I2 The liberated iodine is then titrated with standard thiosulphate solution : 2S2O32- + I2 S4O62- + 2I- starch being used as indicator. Note that when titrating iodine with thiosulphate , starch should not be added until immediately before the equivalence (as detected visually , by fading of the iodine color).This is because some iodine tends to remain bound to starch particles after the equivalence point is reached. Procedure Standardization of Sodium Thiosulphate Solution You will be provided with approximately 0.1M sodium thiosulphate solution. Weigh accurately about 0.89g of potassium iodate (RMM=214.00) previously dried at 1800C, dissolve in distilled water and dilute to 250ml in a volumetric flask Calculate the molarity of the solution. Pipette 25ml portions into each of 250ml conical flasks and add 1g of potassium iodide ( a rough balance will do) and add 5ml of 4M H2SO4. Titrate with thiosulphate solution to a faint straw color, add starch preparation and continue the titration to end-point ,which is just the disappearance of the blue color to colorless. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 7 Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder Weigh 2.5g of bleaching powder into a mortar , add a little distilled water and rub to a paste .Add more distilled water , allow to settle and decant the liquid into a 250ml; volumetric flask Repeat until the whole powder has been transferred .Dilute the flask to the mark with distilled water , shake well and pipette 50ml into a conical .Add 2g of potassium iodide and 10ml glacial acetic acid .Titrate the liberated iodine with the standardized thiosulphate solution . Repeat with further portions of the solution .Calculate the percentage of available chlorine. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 8 EDTA TITRATIONS Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid (EDTA:1,2 diaminoethanetetra-acetic acid) is one of a class of aminopolycarboxylic acids which form soluable strong complexes with many metal ions. When a solution containing asuitable divalent metal ion is titrated with EDTA , the reaction that occurs can be formulated: M2+ H2Y2 - + MY2- 2H+ + which is a special case of the general equation: Mm+ + HnYn-4 MYm-4 + nH+ Where Y4- is the fully deprotonated anion of EDTA. The free acid has the formula: - OOC-CH2 CH2-COOH N-CH2-CH2-N HOOC-CH2 CH2-COO- It is a hexadentate ligand and one of its most interesting features is that it forms 1:1 complexes with metal ions regardless of their charge. The first practical application of the EDTA titration was the determination of water hardness (calcium and magnesium salts) but it can be used for many other ions as well. In this practical EDTA titrations will be illustrated by using it to titrate zinc, calcium, magnesium and nickel. The end-points of titrations with EDTA are usually detected by metallochromic indicators. These are organic colourship matters that undergo a colour change when they form metal complexes. Generally speaking, not only the dyestuff but also its metal complex are coloured, so that the end-point of the titration is not characterized by e appearance or disappearance of a color , but rather a change in color. Two of the most common metallochromic indicators are murexide and eriochrome black T (Erio T for short). Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 9 Murexide Murexide , which is blue in alkaline solution , forms a pink complex with calcium ions.When a solution containing calcium and murexide is titrated with EDTA, the original blue color of the indicator is restored when all the calcium ions have been complexed .The anion of murexide has the following constitution. HN O C C O C HN C O O C NH N C C O O C NH Several other metal ions such as cadmium , cobalt , copper , mercury , nickel and zinc give a color with murexide. Magnesium is without effect ; hence , at a suitable pH , calcium can be titrated in the presence of magnesium when murexide is used as indicator. Eriochrome Black T This indicator is blue between pH 6.3 and 11.3.The magnesium complex is wine-red ; when magnesium is titrated with EDTA in the presence of this indicator between these pH limits , the latter reverts to its original blue color when all the magnesium ions have been complexed.The optimum pH is 10. The complex formed between calcium and this dye is too unstable for indicator purposes.When a solutuion containing both calcium and magnesium os titrated with EDTA , calcium is preferentially complexed by EDTA , but an end point is not obtained until all the magnesium has also been complexed. Hence the sum of magnesium and calcium is obtained .Several other metals give similar color reactions and can be titrated in the same way as magnesium, e.g. zinc ,cadmium ,lead and manganese. Zinc In this practical EDTA will be standardized with a zinc solution.This titration presents no difficulties and involves titration in an ammoniacal solution with Erio T as indicator. Magnesium The indicator Erio T is used in this titration.The stability of the complexes of Mg with EDTA and with the indicator are just high enough to permit an accurate titration and in point of the fact that color change at the end-point (wine-red) is less sharp than in many other complexometric titrations. The titration must be continued until the last suggestion of a reddish blue has gone.Interfering metals such as Cu,Ni,Co,Fe etc are masked by KCN- sodium sulphide is equally effective as a precipitant. Calcium The titration of calcium with EDTA can be carried out in very dilute solutions with murexide as indicator. However,the the color change from red to blue- violet which takes place place in strongly alkaline medium (Ph 12) is not so sharp as in metallochromic indicators. Nickel Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician) 10 Nickel can be titrated directly in strongly ammoniacal solution using murexide as indicator .With all nickel titrations ,, it is necessary to titrate slowly near the end-point, as the rate of formation of the Ni-complex is not very high. Ni can also be determined by way of back-titrations, and this has the advantage that the lower rate of reaction is now of no consequence.The back-titration can be carried out with either copper or zinc. Procedure Standardization of EDTA solution Weigh accurately about 0.25g of zinc oxide and transfer into a conical flask .Add 0.5M HCl dropwise until all the zinc oxide has dissolved .Cool and transfer to a 250ml volumetric flask with distilled water .Pipette 10ml portions into each of three 250ml conical flasks ;add concentrated ammonia solution in excess to dissolve the precipitate formed .Titrate with the EDTA solution using Erio T indicator .Calculate the molarity of the EDTA solution. HARDNESS OF WATER Hardness of water is due calcium and magnesium salts which are present as hydrogen carbonates (temporary hardness), and sulphates, chlorides and nitrates (permanent hardness). These salts are leached out by natural water, usually containing dissolved CO2, as it flows among rock strata underground. Hard water has poor washing properties and when heated leaves deposits of solid CaCO 3. The determination of water hardness is, therefore, important in many industrial processes where water is an important raw material, so that where necessary, appropriate steps can be taken. DETERMINATION OF Ca HARDNESS IN WATER Pipette 100ml of bore-hole water into a 250ml conical flask, add 2ml of the ammonia buffer pH 10 and add 2 drops of freshly prepared 1% sodium sulphide solution. After 1 minute add a tip of a spatula Erio T indicator and titrate with the standardized EDTA solution until the last traces of red have disappeared from the solution. Calculate the total hardness as ppm CaCO3. DETERMINATION OF NICKEL Pipette 100ml of the neutral sample solution into a 250ml conical flask. Add murexide indicator. Then add 10 ml of 1M NH4Cl. If the pH of the solution is below 7 the indicator will have an orange-yellow colour (due to NiH4D+) and dilute ammonia must be added dropwise until the colour changes to yellow (due to NiH2D-). Start the titration and continue until the end-point is near. If the colour reverts to orange because of a fall in pH, add a few drops of ammonia and continue the titration. Just before the end-point make the solution strongly ammonical by adding 10ml of concentrated ammonia and titrate to a brilliant colour change from yellow to bluish-violet. Calculate the concentration of Ni in the sample solution. Compiled by Mambanda Isaac(Chief Technician) & Gonzo Muriel(Snr Lab Technician)