Lecture 3 TextBook: Artificial Intelligence:Structures and Strategies for complex problem solving Pub: Addison Wesley George F Luger & William A stubblefield ISBN: 0-805-31196-3 Chapter 2 - Predicate Calculus (p: 47) Symbols and Sentences Propositional calculus Symbols Symbols : P, Q, R, S, T Truth symbols: True, false And connectives: ,, , , (and, or, not, imply, equivalence) Definition Propositional Calculus sentences True, P, Q and R are sentences P Q , P Q , P P is sentences. In expressions of the form P Q , P and Q are called conjuncts. P Q , P and Q are called disjuncts In an implications P Q , P is the premise or antecedent and Q, the conclusion or consequence. 1. Every propositional symbols and truth symbol is a sentences. example true, P, Q, and R 2. The negation of a sentence is a sentence. Example P, false 3. The conjuection (disjunction) , or and (or), of two sentences is a sentence P P 4. The implication of one sentence for another is a sentence PQ 5. The equilvalence of two sentences is a sentences. Example P Q R Definition Propositional calculus semantics (p: 50) 1. Negation P is true if P is false 2. Conjunction , is T only when both conjuncts have T values. 3. Disjunction , is F only when both disjuntcs have F values. 4. Implication , is F only when the premise is T and the consequent is F, otherswise is T. e.g. P Q 5. The equivalence = , is T only when both expressions have the same truth assignment for all possible interpretation, otherwise F. e.g. P = Q Example 1 : Proof P Q P Q Prove by trurth table P Q T T F F T F T F P P Q P Q P Q P Q F F T T T F T T T F T T T T T T Therefore P Q P Q . Some LAW for propositional calculus The contrapostive law: ( P Q) (Q P) De Morgan’s Law: ( P Q) (P Q)and( P Q) (P Q) Commut ative laws: ( P Q) (Q P)and ( P Q) (Q P) Associative Law: (( P Q) R) ( P (Q R)) Distributive Law: ( P (Q R) ( P Q) ( P R) The predicate calculus (p. 52) Definition Predicate calculus symbols 1. Letter, both upper and lower case 2. digit 0, 1, ..9. 3. The underscore “_” Symbols in predictae calculus begin with a “letter” and are followed by any sequence of these legal characters Legitimate predicate calculus : George fire3 tom_and_jerry Not legal symbols 3jack “no blank allowed” ab%cd A function expression is a function symbol followed by its arguments. Example: f(X,Y) father(david) price(bananas) are well- formed function expressions Each function denotes the mapping of arguments onto a single object in the range. father(david) david -----(mapping)------ tom The act of replacing function with its value is called evaluation. plus(2,3) function expression value 5 Symbols and Terms Predicate symbols include: Truth symbols: true and false Constant symbols are symbols expression having the first character lowercase. Variable symbols are symbols expression having the first character uppercase. Function symbols are symbols having first character lowercase. Function have an arity indicating the number of elements of the domain mapped onto each element of the range. Term is either a constant, variable, or function expression. Examples of terms cat times(2,3) X Blue Mother(jane) Atomic sentence is a predicate of artiy n followed by n terms enclosed in parenthese and separated by commas. Predicate calculus sentences are delimited by a preiod. likes(george, kate). friends(bill, george). The arguments to a predicate are terms and may also include variables or function expressions. friends(father(david), father(andrew)). Universal quantifier, , indicates that the sentence is true for all values of the quntified variable. Existential quantifier, , indicates that the sentences is true for some value(s) in the domains. Y friend (Y , peter) . X likes ( X , ice _ cream) . Every atomic sentence is a sentences, If s is a sentences, then so is its negation, If s1 and s2 are sentences, then so their Conjunction s1 s2 Disjunction s1 s2 Implication s1 s 2 equilvalence s1 s2 If X is a variable and s is a sentence, then If X is a variable and s is a sentence, then s Xs is a sentence. Xs is a sentence. Procedure verify_sentence(expression); Begin Case expression is an atomic sentence: return(success); expresssion is of the form Q X s, where Q is either or , X is a variable, and s is a sentence. If verify_sentence(s) return success then return(success) expression is of the form s : If verify_sentence(s) return success then return(success); expression is of the form s1 op s2, where op is a binary logical operator: If verify_sentence(s1) return success and verify_sentence(s2) return success then return(success); otherwise: return(fail) end; End.