Latent Class Analysis I Paper-Session Using Data Augmentation in Latent Class Models for Longitudinal Data: Estimation, Standard Errors and Hypothesis Tests Involving Combinations of Parameters Linda M. Collins, Joseph L. Schafer, Stephanie L. Hyatt & Brian P. Flaherty This presentation will discuss the use of data augmentation in latent class models. Data augmentation is a special case of the family of Bayesian procedures known as Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods (Tanner & Wong, 1987; Schafer, 1997). Data augmentation is a stochastic analogue of the EM algorithm. In both the EM algorithm and data augmentation, the latent classes are considered missing data. With each iteration, the EM algorithm alternately predicts the missing data (in the E or Expectation step) and based on these predictions re-estimates the parameters (in the M or Maximization step). In contrast, data augmentation takes a multiple imputation approach to handling the missing latent data, alternating an imputation step with a posterior step. In the imputation step, the complete data table, i.e. the crossclassification of the latent classes and observed variables, is randomly imputed. In the posterior step, Bayes' theorem is used to produce a posterior distribution (based on the Dirichlet) for the parameters of the latent class model. The objective of the data augmentation procedure is to produce a set of independent imputed data sets, each of which can be used to compute estimates of the latent class model parameters. These independent estimates can be combined to produce an estimate of the posterior mean for each parameter, and the uncertainty associated with each parameter. Data augmentation provides a very flexible approach to estimation and to the construction of confidence intervals. This flexibility affords the user the ability to perform hypothesis testing on combinations of parameters. The difference between two parameters, or the difference between two combinations of parameters, can be tested for significance using data augmentation. In this presentation, we will give several examples of this in the context of latent class models of longitudinal data. A Two-Stage Estimation Strategy for Concomitant-Variable Latent Class Models C. Mitchell Dayton Latent class models incorporating continuous concomitant variables first appeared in the research literature over ten years ago (Dayton & Macready, 1988a, b). However, little progress has been made on practical implementation of these models other than for cases where there is a limited number of discrete levels for the concomitant variable. This paper describes a two-stage estimation strategy in which the parameters for the structural part of the model related to the form of the relationship between latent class membership and the concomitant variable(s) are estimated using conditional MLE techniques. Some comparative results are presented for cases in which full MLE is possible. Also, exemplary applications of the two-stage strategy are presented. References: [1] Dayton, C. M. & Macready, G. B. (1988a). Concomitant-variable latent class models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 173-178. [2] Dayton, C. M. & Macready, G. B. (1988b). "A latent class covariate model with applications to criterionreferenced testing." in R. Langeheine & J. Rost, Latent Class and Latent Trait Models, New York: Plenum Separating Traited and Untraited Individuals by a Mixture Distribution Latent State-Trait Model Michael Eid & Rolf Langeheine In the debate on the consistency of behavior in personality psychology, the metatrait approach has gained increasing interest. According to this approach, individuals can differ in their consistency across situations and their stability across time. Traited individuals show high consistency across situations whereas less traited behave more situation-specific. In order to separate individuals differing in their traitedness, a mixture distribution latent state-trait model is presented. In this model, it is assumed that the total population consists of two subpopulations differing in their consistency across situations. It is shown how this model can be analyzed with log-linear models with latent variables. Finally, the model is illustrated by an empirical application. Approximate Estimation in Complex Models by Mean Field Theory Keith Humphreys & D. M. Titterington We will consider estimation in latent structure models with discrete latent state space. For some such models, those which have a latent state space of high dimension, the implementation of the E step of an appropriate EM algorithm is, computationally, not feasible. The level of computational difficulty can be substantially reduced by approximating the EM algorithm using the "mean field approximation" which was initially proposed in the neural-computing and engineering literatures (Zhang, 1992, for example). In the E step the approximation essentially replaces expectation based on a joint distribution by expectation based on a simpler, independence distribution. Parameter estimation using this approximation has been shown to be remarkably effective for a :range of complex models. We will supplement the work of Dunmur and Titterington (1998) who have already described the application of the approximation in latent class and latent profile models. We will do this by considering additional models and by considering the general applicability of extensions to mean field theory.