File - Queen of the South

Abba 193,214
Abortion 51,54-5
Abraham 9,211
A Brief History of Time 87
Academia 1,21,35,59,82,106,124
Act-Art 88,187
Adam and Eve 15,17-8,193
Agnostics 7,174
Alchemic Stone 32
Algebra of Sets 71,
Algebraic Abstraction X≡{X,Y} 74,87,
Alpha and Omega 5,24,28,30,77,89,
Alter-Ego 162
Androgyne 32
Antioch 192
Apocrypha 193
Aramaic 189,191
Archaeology 8,175,191
Archiepiscopal Ordinariat, Turin 204
Aristotle 6,17,151
Aromatics 209
Art 175
Art of Contemplation 97,169
Aseistic Evolution 128,130,213
Aseistics 113,128-9,134,169,179
Aseity 3,4,20,25-32,41,52-3,57, 88,
Aseity speaks her mind 179,218
Aseity Inc. 41,131,164,166,169,186,
Asexual Reproduction 37-8
Atonement 14,210213
Aut...aut 64
Autosomes 49
Axioms of Choice 186
Babylonian Captivity 8
Ball 101,
Ban All Graffiti 59,79
Bankster 128
Barber Paradox 59,75
Behaviour 178
Bible 5,13,20,126,134,168,175,198
Biblical Scholarship 191
Big Bang 32,162
Binary Arithmetic 67-9
Biological Evolution 26,39,44,181-6
Biology 16,38-9,42,55-6
Biunity 64,90
Book of Revelation 5
Born of Woman 23-4
British Museum 204
Burali-Forti Paradox 80
Cain and Abel 8
Calculus 114
Calvary 211
Canaanite neighbours 8
Canon Law 53
Cantor, Georg 71,74
Capitalism 170
Capitalist Economics 140
Carbon Dating 204-6
Cardinal Ballestrero 204-5,207
Case 181
Catalysts 39,150
Catalyst Capital 143,149,155
Catharsis 159
Cathartic Evolution 128,169
Catholic Church 89,193,199,214
Cerebral Virus 18-9,215,217
Chalcolithic 175
Chance 40-1
Chaos Theory 113
Chemistry 39,60,155
Child of Man 28,31,160,165
Christianity 8-14,19-20,126,167,
Christmas 191
Christos 191
Chromosomes 37-8,45,49
Chronology 190
Church Fathers 18-9
Circuminsession 102
Circus 88,157
Civilization 22,183
Classification of Woman 33
Class of All Classes 78-9
Code of Hammurabi 8
Cognition 90
Commodity 147-154
Commonwealth Bank 145
Communism 170,
Complementarity 62,175,177
Conception 16,37,48
Conjunction 60
Consensus Economics 140-4,182
Consistency 83-6,89
Contemplation 94-97,169
Continuity of Life 36,51,55
Continuum 21,40-2,107,159,187-8
Contraception 56,215
Copernican Revolution 35
1 Corinthians 11/1-16 : 15
Cosmology 59,114,184
Cosmos 1-4,20,25-6,29,40,69,175-7
Counterfeiting 125
Counting 70
Creation 165,184
Creationism 41
Creatrix 184
Credit-Money 128
Creed 5,189,192
Cretans 59,79
Culpability 157
Cult 5,189,210
Cultural Evolution 11,21-2,52,59,107
Cultural Revolution 18,
Cybernetics 65,113,116
Davies, Paul 4
Dead Sea Scrolls 191,194
Death 44,52,56,164,178
Debt 134-5,145-148
Debt-free Money 142-3,145
Debt-Money 147-155
Degree of Freedom 64,170
Democritus 109
Deposits 147-8
Destructibility 109
Determinant 186
Diction 85
Dilemma 204,214
Diploid Zygote 38,45
Disjoint 61
Disjunction 60
Disobedience 14
Distinction and Union 47,60-66,88,
Divorce 182
DNA 49
Do-It-Yourself 53,95,111,161,171-5
Domesticity 23
Don Bosco 157,217
Drama of the Cosmos 13,28,30,171
Drama of Aseity Inc. 160,167
Dramatis Personae 160,186
Duality 188
Early Church 191,198-9,213,215
Earth 42
Earth Dwellers 135,146
East - Near and Middle 175
Ecology 59,111-2,121,146
Economic Growth 133
Economic Rationalism 143
Economics 59,112,146,149
Education 130,137,157
Egg and Sperm 11,21,37,41
Egg-laying Hen Bird 27,185
Egg shape 65,101-2
Ego-egg 32,185
Egypt 8,12
Einstein Relativity Theory 1,3,74,106
Electromagnetic Radiation 98
Electromagnetic Spectrum 98-9
Elixir of Life 32
Elizabeth 195
Ellipsoid 101-2
Embryo 36,48-9,50-5
Employment 135-7,140-1
Energy 65,110,118
Entropy 119,130
Epimenides 59,79
Epistemology 87
Epistles of Paul 217
Equilibrium 45
Equivalent 70-1
Essence and Existence 66,111
Essenes 193-5
Ethics 125
Eve 21
Evil One 13,28,160-1,166
Evolution 14,22,24,40,44,182
ex 114-5
Existentialism 29
Existential Relation 28
Existential Relativity 1-4,30,36,43,53
Exponential Growth 114-5
Fall 211
Father 193
Fatima 214-5
Feedback 116-8,128-9
Female Business 49
Feminism 183
Field Unity 2,42,164,176-8
Financial Credit 125
Fine Arts 26,132
Focus 102
Foetus 48-9,52-5
Force-field Spirit 54,218
Foresight 42
Four Colour Theorem 64
Fourth State of Matter 131
Free Choice 63-4,186
Freedom 186
Free Trade 144
Free Will 63-4
Frege, Gottlob 71,75,80
Gabor, Dennis 105
Gaia 26,126
Gaian Hypothesis 2,28
Galileo Galilei 35
Gametes 37,50-52,55
Genes 46,49,178,192,210
Genesis 8,10,12,20,193
Genesis Rib 2/22-3 : 15,20,35
Geometry 100
George, Henry 137-9
God 26,158,192-3,195
Goddess 26
Goddess Worship
Gödel, Kurt 76,80,82-6
Godfather 11
Godfather of Lies 13,21,36,128,
Good 163,173
Good and Evil 10,13,116-7,
157-9, 62,169,171,176,186
Gospel 190-1,195,200,207-8
Governments 145-6,155
Grammar 97,181
Greatest Show on Earth 162
Greek Philosophy 192
Growth 60,96,114,129,133
Haploid Cells 38.45
Hardy-Weinberg Law 43
Harvey, William 35,183
Hawking, Stephen 4,87,185
Heat 118-121
Hebrew Culture 8-14,156-7,215
Hen Bird’s Spirit 27,32,185
Hermaphrodite 47
Heisenberg 107
Hetero- 33
Heterosexuality 11,13,15
Hindsight 42
Holism 28
Hologram 105
Holography 105,108
Holy Grail of Science 2
Holy Spirit 36
Homo- 33
Homo impotens 123
Homologous Structure 36,65
Homosexual Union 184,193,217
Homunculi 17
Human Becoming 50
Human Being 50
Humankind 218
Human Mindset 107
Human Person 50-2
Hwehya, 28
Hypothesis 7
I AM–Thou Art 28,30,90-1,115,156,
Iatrogenic 122
I-me-mine 55,123,129-30,156,160
Implosive Recollection 23
Incarnate Logos 192
Incarnation 197,216
Inerrancy of Scripture 199
Inertia 160
Infancy Narratives 191,216
Infinity 58,72-3
Inflation 149-155
Information Technology 69,97,187
Inner Space 101,
INRI 196
Inspiration 156
Internet 158
Islamism 8,10
Israelite History 13-4
IT 69,97
Ius in corpore 53
Jerusalem 182
Jerusalem Bible 196
Jesus 49,57,189
Jesus the Nazarene 190-3,197-9,
Jesus the Christ 191-4,197-9,212-6
Jewish Burial Ritual 208-9
Jewish Myth-Theology 192
Jewish Tradition 197
Johannine Mindset 14,192
John the Baptist 194-5
Joseph of Aramathea 194,208-9,212
Judaism 8,10,167,192,196,216
Jung, Carl Gustav 58
Justification 211
Kersten and Gruber 206,212
King of the Jews 196
Knowledge 77,82,88-97,187
Knower and Known 89
Koran 134
Lamb of God 213
Language 92,98
Language Analysis 40,61,78,111,166
Laughter 88
Law 157
Law of Cosmology 53,100,114,117
Law of Entropy 53,118-9,160
Law of Generation of Sets 77
Law of Inertia 160
Law of Moses 8
Law of Nature 24
Leeuwenhoek 35
Left Lobe 29,46-7,95,175
Legal Person 50
Letters of Paul 190,217-7
Liberty 45,170
Life 44,55,120
Literature 107,187
Logos Rule 77,79
Love 3,171,173,186
Love’s Spirit 32
Lovelock, James 2,28
Magisterium 199
Malekind 214
Malice in Plunderland 170,182
Mammon 123,127,133,173,178
Man’s Business 9,10,14,16,23,37,49,
Margulis, Lynn 2,28
Markets 144,
Marriage 53
Mary Magdalene 193,198,212
Mary, Mother of Jesus 192,197-9,216
Masada 206
Mass 65,108-9,188,210-1
Master 193,197-8,212
Masters in Christendom 18,36,198,
Mathematical Logic 20,43,58,77, 81,
Mathematics 59,66,85,106
Matriarchal Culture 9
Matrimony 53,57
Matter 98,108,159,188
Maxwell's Electrodynamics 1
Meaning 92-4,188
Medieval Forgery 205
Medieval Schoolmen 25
Meditation 93-95
Meiosis 38
Menstruation 9,50,54
Messiah 167,191-2,213
Messianic Kingdom 215
Metabolism 56,114,177
Metaphor 92
Metaphysics 1,74,106,108
Metaphysics of Holography 188
Metaphysics of Maternity 43,74
Methodology 58,184
Mind 98,108,187
“Mine” 170
Mirrors 103-4
Mitosis 36-7,45,47
Money 147-155
Monotheism 4,8,11-12,16,168,214
Morality 127-8,157,176,182
Mortality 36-7
Mother Goddess 9,10, Ch. 2, 154,
Motherhood 24,26,36
Motherless Children 10-11,184,216
Motherless Culture 4,14
Mother Nature 26,40,49-54,88,102,
Mother Self of the Cosmos 13,21,25,
Mutability 109
Myrrh and Aloes 208-9
Mystery 215-7
Mythology 7,13,162,185
Myths 93,210
Nag Hammadi 193
National Credit Account 137
National Dividend 136-7
National Finance Authority 141
National Treasury 137,142
Natural Law 15-6,49-51,142
Natural Philosophy 3,159
Natural Religion 173
Natural Selection 40,42-3
Nature 2,40-1,43-4,49,60,110,
Nazar 191
Nazarenes 191-6
Nazareth 191-6
Neo-Catholic Thealogy 197
Neolithic 175
Neophytes 11
Neo-Platonism 187
Neumann-Bernays-Gödel 81
New Age 183
New Money 148
New Testament 190,194
Newton's Mechanics 1
Nicodemus 194,208-9,212
Nothing 165,184
Notself 2,62,76-8,84,90
Notset 61
nous (Greek) 187
Nuclear Glue 109,180
Nuclear Physics 109
Number 67,70-1
Number Theory 58,68-9
Ockham’s Razor 59,77,87
Oedipus 167
Omnia ex Ovo 35,183
One Commandment 128
Oneness 31,91,107
Ontogeny 50
Ontological Imperative 160
Operation of Selection 40
Opposite 63
Orgasm 55-6
Original Sin 18-9
Orthodox Economics 149
Orthodoxy (Christian) 193,198
Other 63,147,153,173
Otherness 45,48,89
Otherself 2,62,69,76-8,84,90-1,160
Our Lady’s Message 215
Ovary 50
Ovoid 65,77,101,177
Ovum 50-5
Pain 162-3
Pantheism 185
Paradigm Shift 105,181-2,197
Paradoxes 59,62,75-87,107,109
Parts 113,128
Particle 108-110
Parthenogenesis 36
Patriarchal Culture 16-21
Paul 192,212-6
Pauline Christianity 10-1,14-5,20,
Pauline Christology 19,189,200,210
Paul’s Conversion 192
Penrose, Roger 4
Person 50,97,156,160
Phallic Wand 30-1
Philosophical Analysis 22,72,74
Philosophy 6,18,25,36,59,106,181
Phylogeny 50
Physical Standards 149-151,153
Physics 63,105,149,154,164
Pilate 196,208-9
Placental Mammal Ch. 3
Planet Earth 7,13,26,28,39,42,57,
Plasma 131
Plato’s Academy 100
Pleasure 162-3
Pontifical Academy of Sciences 204,
Poverty 126,129
Prayer 214
Pregnancy 20-2,26,48-51,91
Pre-History 22
Preventive System of Education 157
Principle of Contradiction 63
Principia Mathematica 76,80-6
Profit 132
Promised Land 169
Privatization 169,170,181
Procession 47-8
Propagation 43-8
Providence 176
Pudenda 18
Purchasing Power 147
Quantum Mechanics 1
Quantum Theory 65,107,159
Qur’an 134-5
Quaternity 63,90,186
Queen Bee 54
Queendom of Heaven 47,179
Questioning 6-7,112,159
Qumran 194-5
Randomness 40,108
Reason 175
Rebirth of Christianity 189,211
Recollection 156,159,183
Redemption 19,197,211
Reductionist Science 113-4
Relation 66,89,90,92,110
Relativity, General and Special 1-4
Religion 17,173-5,211
Reproduction 43-6
Resurrection 199,210-4
Resuscitation 199,210-4
Revelation 19
Reward and Punishment 127,157
Richard, Jules 82-4
Right Lobe 29,46-7,95,112,175
Ritter von Baer, Karl Ernst 35
Rules of Courtship 49
Russell, Bertrand 59,67,71,75-6,80,
Sacrament of Matrimony 57
Sacramental Sexuality 56
Sacrament of Sex 56
Sacred Scriptures 4
Sacrifice 55-6,168,171,211,213
Saga of a Peoples Bank 145-6
Salutation 219
Sanhedrin 196
Saul of Tarsus 192,198
Scholastic Philosophy 25
Science 1,7,11-12,19,21,29,43,110,
Science of Everything 29,106
Scientific Method 11-12,85
Scientific Reformation 4,13
Scientific Revolutions 18
Seats of Learning 21
Self 2,115,182
Selfexistence 25-7,188
Selflife 25-7,50,57,121,164,219
Self of the Cosmos 4
Self-sustaining 25-6,188-9
Set of all Sets 3,71-4,106,153,174-6
Sets 98
Set Theory 2,4,58,61,71,86,106,113
Sexistential Relativity 16,37
Sexual Distinction 37-9,46-8
Sexuality 43-6,55-6,182
Sexuality and Early Church 18-9,215
Sexual Propagation 37
Sexual Revolution 35
S.F.F.S. 40,113-4,129-32,141,173,
Shareholder 128-30,136
Shari’a 134
She-He-It 31-2
Shroud of Turin 189,199,213-4
Sign of the Cross 189,214
Sistine Chapel 17,192
Slave of Christ 216
Social Justice 126,
Socialism 126
Sociology 59,112,125
Soddy Frederick 148,151
Solar System 102
Soleself 36,44,48,51-3,69
Sophia 6
Soul 19
Sovereignties 145-6
Spaced Time 25,100
Spectrum 98
Sphere 101,
Spirit 98,172,219
States of Matter 130-1
Stone Age 182
String Theory 218
STUFF 185-6
Subatomic World 108-9
Subject and Object 27-8
Success and Failure 40
Sumer 8,12
Sustainability 25,160,184
Swiss Textile Historians 206
Symbiosis 40,182
Symbols 92-3
Systems 111-3
Taxation 137-9,141-3
Technology 117,157,176
Temperature 118
Temple of Yahweh 168
Theatre of Metaphysics 30
Theatre of the Cosmos 13
The Cope of St. Louis d’Anjou 207
The Day of Judgment 167
The Divine Ancestress 175
The Divine Catharsis 166,171
The Divine Comedy 166
The Divine Maternity 48,215
The Divine Pregnancy 74
The Divine Romance 171
The Great Other 168,172
The Great Social Questions 125
The Mass 210-1
The Mind of Aseity 179,218
The New Creation 211-2
Theology 18-9,56,200,211,216
Theory of Everything 2,4,20
Therapeuts 194
Thermodynamics 117-9,162,164
Thermostat 116
The Third Secret of Fatima 214-5
Tiamat 8
1 Timothy 2/13 : 15
Tite Dr. Michael 204,207
Togetherness 22,31,91,107,111,131
Topology 64
Totems 172
Tradition 4,13,18,60,175,198
Tragedy 28
Transnational Corporations 144-5
Treasury 142
Tree of Life 26,34
Trial-and-Error 42,121,128,176, 181,
Trinity 66,90,101-2,210
Triunity 70,90
Truth 12,19,89,163
Two-edged Sword 29,78
Turing Machines 86
Uncertainty Principle 107
Understanding 96
Unemployment 145
Unified Field 2-3,53,58,106
Union 38,65-6
Unity 39-41,66,110
Universal Idea 71
Universe 20,26,161,164,184,188
Un-order 118
Uroboros 166
Usury 133-7
Vapogram 210
Vatican 189,192,200,204,207,214
Vel…vel 64
Wage slave 128,130
Want 136,144
Wave-Particle Duality 94,98-9,107,
Wealth 151-3
Wealth of Knowledge 22
We-Us-Ours 55-6,91,97,123,129,
We-Us-Ours Inc. 130,165
What is Love? 180
Whitehead, Alfred 80-1
Whole 29,61,66,105,115,129,131,
Wholeself 69
Wholism 28-9
William of Ockham 82
Wilson Ian 206
Withinness 91
Woman 10,23-4,28,189
Woman’s Business 14,22-3,49-52
Words 92
Word Womb 107,188
Worship 175
Yahweh 10,14-5,29,156,191
Yeshua 191,197
Zechariah 195
Zeno 73
Zermelo-Fraenkel 81
Zygote 37,49