Presentations and conferences - the ESRC Research Centre for

Presentations and conferences
Bell D (2009) ‘The Challenge of Elderly Care in Rural Communities’. Public lecture,
Berrington, A. Stone, J. and Falkingham, J. (2009) ‘Changing patterns of leaving home
and non-family living of young adults in the UK’ . British Society for Population
Studies Annual Conference, Sussex, 9–11 September 2009.
Bijak J (2009) ‘Uncertain world of international migration’, ESRC-CASS workshop on
Migration and Labour markets, Beijing, 8–9 June 2009.
Bijak J (2009) ‘Uncertain World of International Migration and Its Implications for
Population Projections’. British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference,
Sussex, 9–11 September 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘The role of migration in the widening health gap’, Department of
Nursing and Midwifery, University of Stirling, 13 March 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) Invited panellist: ‘Our cohort’s response: graduate students and the
(re)theorization project in Population Geography’, Association of American
Geographers Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 22-27 March 2009.
Boyle P J and Exeter D (2009) ‘Area-level deprivation mobility and premature
mortality in Scotland, 1981-2001’, Association of American Geographers Annual
Conference, Las Vegas, 22–27 March 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) Invited panellist: ‘Regimes and relationships of care among
transnational migrants and left-behind families’, Association of American
Geographers Annual Conference, Las Vegas, 22–27 March 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘Family migration, commuting and mental health’, Family Migration
and Housing Workshop, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2–3 April 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) Invited plenary: ‘A career in spatial demography’, University of
Groningen 395th Anniversary Celebrations, Groningen, 16 April 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) Invited discussant: ‘Spatial demography and health’, Population
Association of America Annual Conference, Detroit, 30 April-2 May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘Testing the feasibility of extending the Scottish Longitudinal Study
back through time’, 2011 Census research: new data, linkage and outputs, Joint
Conference of the ESRC Census Programme and Census Study Group, Royal
Statistical Society, 13 May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘Using the Scottish Longitudinal Study to consider the effects of
widowhood on mortality’, Health and mortality using record linkage data in the UK,
British Society for Population Studies, London School of Economics, 14 May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘Inter-disciplinary research: a personal perspective’, Scottish
Crucible, University of St Andrews, 15 May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘The value of linking lives through time for health research,’ Invited
plenary at The Open University Statistics Group: Statistics for health registers and
linked databases, Open University, 20-21 May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘Geographical variations in health and historical record linkage’,
Scottish Health Informatics Programme, University of Stirling, 23rd May 2009.
Boyle P J (2009) ‘The influence of family migration on women's engagement with the
labour market’, ESRC-CASS workshop on Migration and Labour markets, Beijing, 8–9
June 2009.
Boyle P J and Exeter D (2009) ‘A new approach to measuring health inequalities:
Deprivation mobility and premature mortality in Scotland’, British Society for
Population Studies Conference, Sussex, 9-11 September 2009.
Evandrou, M. and Falkingham, J. (2008) ‘International Perspectives on Healthy
Independent Ageing’. Invited plenary presentation at General Register Office for
Scotland Conference, Independent Healthy Ageing – showcasing research and
identifying issues to inform public policy and develop the evidence base. Glasgow, 13
November 2008.
Evandrou, M. (2009) ‘Older International Migrants: Who Migrates to England and
Wales in Later Life?’, ESRC-CASS workshop on Migration and Labour markets, Beijing,
8–9 June 2009.
Falkingham J. (2009) ‘The Value Added of Government Partnering with Academia: An
introduction to the work of the ESRC Centre for Population Change’ Office of
National Statistics One Day Seminar, Ageing - Ensuring Research and Statistics Meet
The Needs Of A Changing Society, London, 27 March 2009.
Falkingham J. (2009) ‘The ESRC Centre for Population Change: An Introduction’ ESRC
Understanding Population Trends and Processes (UPTAP) Workshop University of
Leeds, 23-25 March, 2009
Falkingham J. and Coast, E. (2009) ‘Population Research and Knowledge Transfer in
the UK’ Disseminating Scientific Information on Population: Who Does What In
Europe? First workshop to build a European Population Information Partnership (EPIP)
between demographic institutes and university departments. Institute National
d’Etudes Démographiques, Paris, 4-5 May 2009
Falkingham J and Evandrou M (2009) The impact of migration on older people in
Moldova, British Society for Population Studies Conference, Sussex, 9-11 September
Heath, S (2009) 'Housing choices and issues for young people in the UK'. Children,
Young People and Housing in Wales, Shelter Cymru Conference, Cardiff, 29 April
Heath, S (2009) 'Displaying connectedness: researching the transnational family
practices of Polish migrant workers living in Scotland and England', 'Turning
Personal' conference, University of Manchester,16-17 September 2009.
Kulu H, Boyle PJ and Andersson G (2009) ‘High suburban fertility: evidence from four
northern European countries’, Population Association of America Annual Conference,
Detroit, 30 April–2 May 2009.
Mateos-Planas, X. (2009) ‘Credit lines and household characteristics’,
Macroeconomics Workshop, European University Institure, Florence, 17 April 2009.
Mateos-Planas, X. (2009) ‘Credit lines and household characteristics’, Society of
Economic Dynamics, Istanbul, 2-4 July 2009.
Ni Bhrolchain, M. (2009) ‘Measuring and explaining fertility change’, Fertility in the
past present and future, Cambridge, July 2009.
Ni Bhrolchain, M. (2009) ‘John Hajnal's contributions to fertility research’, British
Society for Population Studies Annual Conference, Sussex, 9–11 September 2009.
Raymer J (2008) 'Migration research within the Centre for Population Change'
Improving Population and Household Statistics: The Role of Government, Academia
and Local Partners. Population & Migration Statistics Branch, General Register Office
for Scotland, Edinburgh, 31 October 2008.
Raymer J (2009) 'A flexible population model for studying changes in health and wellbeing in later life, employment and household composition', Statistics Norway, Oslo,
26 March 2009.
Raymer J, Smith P W F, Giulietti C (2009) ‘Combining internal migration data from
different sources’, Population Association of America Annual meeting, Michigan, 30
April–2 May 2009.
Raymer J and Abel G (2009) 'A dynamic projection model for the UK population
including minorities', Multi-Attribute Analysis and Projection of Ethnic Populations
Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 2 Network Programme Seminar at
European Science Foundation, Jevnaker, Norway, 3-5 June 2009.
Schoonbroodt A and Tertilt M (2009) ‘Who owns children and does it matter?’
University of Texas, Austin, April 2009.
Stone J (2009) ‘Imperfect timing? The epidemiological consequences of using
available data to measure life-course socioeconomic position’ BSA Medical Sociology
Group Annual Meeting, University of Manchester, 4 September 2009.
Wright R (2009) ‘Importing and Exporting Human Capita’, ‘Scottish Economic Society
Annual Conference’, 27-29 April 2009
Wright R (2009) ‘Demographic Change and Macroeconomic Performance: Scottish
Evidence from a CGE Mode’, University of Pablo De Olavide, Seville, Spain, 9 March
Wright R (2009) ‘Graduate Migration Flows: Importing and Exporting Human Capita’,
Higher Education-Making a Difference to Economies and Communities. Belfast Castle,
Belfast, 27 January, 2009.
Van Ham, M. Findlay, A and Manley D (2009) ‘Ethnicity, country of birth and the
Scottish escalator effect’, British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference,
Sussex, 9–11 September 2009.
Vlachantoni, A. (2009) ‘Care credits in the British pension system: how do they work
and are they enough?’, The Annual Conference of the Social Policy Association,
Edinburgh 29 June-1 July 2009.
Vlachantoni, A. (2009) ‘Care credits in the German and British pension systems: how
do they work and are they enough?’, Poster presentation, International Association of
Geriatrics and Gerontology Congress. Paris, 5-9 July 2009.
Vlachantoni, A. (2009) ‘Care credits in the British pension system’, The Annual
Conference of the British Society of Gerontology. Bristol, 2-4 September 2009.