Extract from the H M Treasury Pre-Budget Report, November 2000: Making the most of the radio spectrum 3.80 The radio spectrum is an essential raw material for many of the UK's most promising industries of the future. But the amount of spectrum available is finite and ensuring that it is used efficiently is essential if the growth of these industries is not to be impeded. 3.81 The Government has taken steps in recent years to improve the UK's spectrum management regime to provide that spectrum users face the right incentives to use it efficiently. It has introduced administrative pricing and auctions as spectrum management tools. 3.82 The auction of spectrum for third generation mobile services earlier this year demonstrated the importance of spectrum to commercial operators. It also demonstrated that auctions are a very effective way of ensuring that spectrum is assigned to those who value it most. 3.83 The next decade will see significant growth and innovation in wireless communications. The UK has been successful in making spectrum available for new services but it is essential that the framework for spectrum management keeps up with the pace of change if the UK is to remain at the forefront of the information revolution. To help it move forward in this area, the Government will commission an independent review of spectrum management, to report to the Chancellor and to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. The review will advise Government on the principles which should govern spectrum management and what more needs to be done to ensure that all users, including non-commercial users, are focused on using their spectrum in the most efficient way possible. In doing so, it will consider the use of spectrum management tools such as spectrum valuation, pricing and trading.