Guidance for Project Start Up Meeting Brief

Guidance Material
Project Start-up Meeting
Start Up Meeting - Objective
 Facilitate logistical arrangements for the project
 Bring Base and regional personnel up to speed on the scope of works and their
assistance needed to enable the project to be successfully completed.
 Identify opportunities and constraints to the project being completed
 Inspect sites to be investigated, managed and/or remediated
Objectives of the study (adapt these as relevant):
 Determine the true risks associated with the contamination
 Delineate the extent of contamination and provide management outcomes for each
site investigated that ensure site is sustainable for future use (fit for purpose)
 Comply with NEPM and commonwealth legislative requirements, but meet spirit and
intent of state legislation (but use most relevant/current guidelines for different
 Future use of site is unchanged/changed
 Explain EIA process (provide EIA policy) that has been incorporated into the national
contamination program to ensure proper consideration of potential environmental
impacts associated with the activity under the EPBC Act, including:
o Stage 1 work – typically a desktop and site inspection process and so no ECC
or IER required.
o Stage 2 work – typically only ECC required, unless believe intrusive work
needs further EIA consideration.
o Stage 3 design – IER may be prepared as part of design and rap work. If so it
will need to be reviewed when have specific consultant on to ensure their
approach has not changed.
o Stage 4 – Initial Environmental Review and ECC must be approved before
works can begin.
Communication Protocol
 Early and regular communication on progress so that delays can be discussed and
 Any problems encountered on base are to be raised with the project manager
immediately especially if causing delays to the project and site access
Project Team - Introduce Project Team and their role
 Defence PM – main POC, liaison with Defence personnel
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Version 2.0
NCRP, 21 May 2012
Lead Company PM and other reps – design, project manage, supervise works,
undertake intrusive investigations, approvals,
Technical Adviser – approval for technical approach, site inspections, review reports
and provide high level input
Need to advise of any changes in staffing, needs to be team in the proposal
Must get approval from Defence to deviate from the staff put forward in proposal
Advise early on staff planned absences and contingencies during project
Points of Contact – clarify points of contact
 Base
 OH&S Officer
 CMS/GSS Contractor
Project Documentation
 Communications Plan
 Sampling Plan
 OH&S Plan
 Environment Management Plan
 Environmental Clearance Certificates
 Dig and Hot Works Permits
 Induction Permits
 Security clearances
 Service clearances
 Safe path finding
Project Management
 Finance – refer to the Statement of requirement for purchase order requirements
 Invoices must be received by 19th of each month, invoice only for work completed
 Need to regularly review the project scheduling and provide any changes to Defence
 Cost savings must be realised where identified
 Must get approval for ANY changes in scope of work – either a reduction or increase
in scope, including a reduction in scope – no water sampling, no bores etc
 Variations must be approved prior to works proceeding - otherwise they are not
covered under the contract and if it becomes known later, Defence is not obliged to
pay for any costs that were incurred as part of a change in scope that was not
 At completion of the sampling program, the risk workshop date should be finalised
 Should find out shutdown and operational requirements over the course of project
with REO
 Should identify access/induction procedures and access constraints (shut downs) with
REO early in process
 Accessing sites and regional input can be difficult so must organise things early to
avoid delays
 Must follow protocol on site (chain of command), noting it will vary from base to
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Get Comms/EMP/WHS plans approved ASAP so access to site is not delayed and
ECC can be issued.
Consultant drafts ECC and approved by REO
Data Management
 GIS component of deliverables must be in SDMS format
Report/Investigation Specifics
 Investigation should be undertaken in accordance with NEPM but recognise some
guidance it recommends has been superceded (’92 guidelines) and should use most
relevant/current guidelines for different contaminants
 Identify that need to receive the conceptual site model when receive SAP for
endorsement to assist in considering approach. DQOs should also be submitted at this
time to ensure the SAP reflects the objectives of the study
 Must include untreated and residual risk and costs for management strategies for ALL
sites in investigation
 Need detailed SAP/RAP in report, not simple summary of what should be undertaken
 Experience indicates more than 2 hours of literature review in Library is required,
noting REO isn’t the research assistant
 NCRP Investigation Completion Checklist must be addressed in preparing reports
 EPBC considerations must be considered as bound by this legislation
 Spelling and grammar are to be checked before submission to Defence, we will hold
the person who signs off the report responsible. Report needs to show document
control process that has been followed including peer review.
 Need an executive summary of report.
 Table listing contaminants of concern, pathways, sources, receptors, CSR numbers
 Table upfront listing CSR sites given in SOR and any ones added, if removed the date
this was agreed by and approved by, same for newly added sites
 RDM – discuss this and requirements of this upfront so not an afterthought at end of
 GIS component of deliverables must Defence SDMS requirements
NCRP Report Completion Checklist
NCRP EIA policy and templates (annex to Stage 3 SOR)
Document Control:
Version 2.0
NCRP, 21 May 2012