Forth Valley College Excellent practice: Go Forth: A collaborative programme between Forth Valley College and Falkirk Addictions Support and Counselling (ASC) Since 2008 Forth Valley College has engaged successfully in partnership activity with a local voluntary organisation Addictions Support and Counselling – Falkirk. The partnership supported by the college, lottery funding and Falkirk Council, emerged as a desire to provide a positive way forward for individuals affected by alcohol and/or drug misuse and for them to reengage with education. Often, people attending ASC experience chaotic lifestyles, have low expectations and self-esteem, and experienced previously disruptive or negative prior school experiences which did not result in successful outcomes. The 23 week Go Forth programme, delivered jointly by Forth Valley College and ASC staff, includes five core-skills units of communication, employability, ICT, working with others and personal and social development. The programme provides a safe, supportive and non-judgemental environment in which individuals can establish a routine and improve their academic and employability-related skills. Successful completers are supported to progress onto a college programme or to apply directly for employment locally. Over time the number of ASC learners progressing successfully from the course into positive destinations has grown incrementally, rising from 31% in 2010-2011 to 69% in 2012-2013. Most of these learners progressed initially onto college based access programmes, however a few have since progressed further, and attained HNCs in a number of vocational areas including Engineering and Working with Communities or progressed onto programmes of study at Scottish universities. Over the years 5 ASC learners have been nominated for and have succeeded in attaining a number of college-based awards including The Inspiration award and Learner of the Year award. Many learners attending ASC programmes comment it has been a life-changing experience. It has provided tailored advice and mentoring, at a time when they were low, and supported them to improve their lives meaningfully. Education Scotland Foghlam Alba