
PSY 570: Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide
The final project for this course is the creation of an ethics training manual for individuals who will be working with employees or clients (could be educational or
IOP, depending on the student’s concentration). If any students are pursuing a general track (no concentration), they can select any area of psychology of interest.
The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, Seven, and Ten.
You can choose any discipline in psychology (clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, experimental, social, etc.), but it would be most beneficial to choose
either your concentration area or an area of interest. Using the five general principles of psychology (beneficence and nonmaleficence; fidelity and
responsibility; integrity; justice; respect for people’s rights and dignity), draft a training portion utilizing user-friendly terminology to describe each principle,
including multiple-role relationships, relating it back to the APA Code of Ethics and providing stepwise recommendations on solving the ethical situation. You
must incorporate at least four scholarly resources in your ethics training manual. The final ethics training manual will be 10–14 pages in length, not counting the
title or reference pages.
Main Elements
Milestone One: The first draft of the training materials will utilize user-friendly terminology describing each principle in two paragraphs. Following the
explanation of each principle, students will need to provide one example of a research-related potential ethical dilemma that would violate the principle in the
student’s selected concentration. If any students are pursuing a general track (no concentration), they can select any relevant area of psychology for their
Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility
Principle C: Integrity
Principle D: Justice
Principle E: Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity
Milestone Two: The second draft of the training materials will continue to utilize user-friendly terminology to describe each principle (two paragraphs per
principle). This draft is an opportunity for the student to add to or modify the explanation utilizing instructor feedback. Following the explanation of each
principle, students will need to provide an additional example of a potential ethical dilemma that would violate the principle. This example will be a field-related
ethical dilemma in the student’s selected concentration, thus making a total of two dilemmas for each principle, or ten examples total. If any students are
pursuing a general track (no concentration), they can select any relevant area of psychology for their example.
Milestone Three: Present an issue that may cause ethical concern in establishing professional boundaries with the five stated relationships (below). Each issue
must consist of an ethical situation within the context and a description of what the APA Code of Ethics recommends doing in each situation.
Professional boundaries regarding multiple-role relationships with:
clinical clients
research participants
graduate students
Milestone Four: The training manual includes examples of potential ethical issues, including multiple relationships. These issues are discussed in relation to the
five general principles and the APA Code of Ethics. Select any two of the examples of ethical issues utilized in the drafted training manual and provide the steps
necessary to making an ethical decision within each example. You will need to take into consideration the psychologist’s role in the example as well as how
culture may influence your decision making, including documentation, consultation, and the final ethical decision for each example. You will then need to outline
the potential consequences of not selecting the ethical path for that specific example. The Final Project will include all information from Milestones One, Two,
Three, and Four, making a complete training manual.
Milestone One: First Draft of Training Materials
In task 2-2, you will submit the first draft of training materials for potential ethical situations. This first draft will receive instructor feedback to be used in
modifying the second draft. This milestone will be graded separately using the Milestone One Rubric (below).
Milestone Two: Second Draft of Training Materials
In task 4-2, you will submit the second draft of training materials. This milestone will be graded separately using the Milestone Two Rubric (below).
Milestone Three: Third Draft of Training Materials
In task 7-2, you will submit the third draft of training materials. This milestone will be graded separately by the Milestone Three Rubric (below) and should
incorporate instructor feedback.
Milestone Four: Final Draft of Training Materials
In task 10-3, you will submit the final draft of training materials. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final
product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the Final Product Rubric (below).
Deliverable Milestones
Module Due
First Draft of Training Materials
Graded separately; use Milestone One Rubric. Instructor feedback provided
Second Draft of Training Materials
Graded separately; use Milestone Two Rubric. Instructor feedback provided
Third Draft of Training Materials
Graded separately; use Milestone Three Rubric. Instructor feedback
Final Product: Final Draft of Training
Graded separately; Final Product Rubric
Milestone One Rubric
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.
Instructor feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements
Ethical Reasoning
Application and
Writing and APA
Meets Proficient requirements
and the five principles are
comprehensively discussed
Meets Proficient requirements
and provides a notable
research-related ethical
dilemma that would violate the
principle in the student’s
selected concentration or area
of interest
Incorporates at least four
scholarly resources effectively
that reflect depth and breadth
of research
No errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
The five principles are discussed
in user-friendly manner and the
student provides the required
example to illustrate each
Meets Emerging requirements
and provides an applicable
research-related ethical
dilemma that would violate the
principle in the student’s
selected concentration or area
of interest
Needs Improvement
The five principles are minimally
discussed and the student
provides the required example
to illustrate each concept
Not Evident
Does not include any of the
main elements and
Does not meet the
requirements of providing a
research-related ethical
dilemma that would violate the
principle in the student’s
selected concentration or area
of interest
Incorporates three scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Meets the assignment’s
requirements and provides a
research-related ethical
dilemma, but the connection
that would violate the principle
in the student’s selected
concentration or area of
interest needs attention
Incorporates one to two
scholarly resources that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Minor errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Some errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Major errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Earned Total
Does not incorporate scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research
Milestone Two Rubric
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.
Instructor feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements
Five Principles
Application and
Writing and APA
Meets Proficient requirements
and the five principles are
comprehensively discussed
Meets Proficient requirements
and provides a notable fieldrelated ethical dilemma that
would violate the principle in
the student’s selected
Incorporates at least four
scholarly resources effectively
that reflect depth and breadth
of research
No errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
The five principles are discussed
in user-friendly manner and the
student provides the required
second example to illustrate
each concept
Meets Emerging requirements
and provides an applicable
field-related ethical dilemma
that would violate the principle
in the student’s selected
Needs Improvement
The five principles are minimally
discussed and the student
provides an additional example
to illustrate each concept
Not Evident
Does not include any of the
main elements and
Does not meet the
requirements of providing a
field-related ethical dilemma
that would violate the principle
in the student’s selected
Incorporates three scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Meets the assignment’s
requirements and provides a
field-related ethical dilemma,
but its connection to violating
the principle in the student’s
selected concentration needs
Incorporates one or two
scholarly resources that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Incorporates three scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Some errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Major errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Earned Total
Does not incorporate scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research
Milestone Three Rubric
Requirements of submission: Written components of project must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations.
Instructor feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements
Five Multiple-Role
Application and
Writing and APA
The five multiple-role situations
are comprehensively discussed
in a user-friendly manner
Meets Proficient requirements
and clearly addresses the
ethical situation within the
context; accurately applies the
APA Code of Ethics
The five multiple-role situations
are discussed in a user-friendly
Meets Emerging requirements
and addresses the ethical
situation within the context;
accurately applies the APA Code
of Ethics
Needs Improvement
The five multiple-role situations
are minimally discussed
Incorporates at least four
scholarly resources effectively
that reflect depth and breadth
of research
No errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Incorporates three scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Meets the assignment’s
requirements, but minimally
addresses the ethical situation
within the context; minimally
discusses the APA Code of
Incorporates one or two
scholarly resources that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Minor errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Some errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Not Evident
Does not include any of the
main elements and
Does not meet the
requirements; does not apply
APA Code of Ethics
Does not incorporate scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research
Major errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Earned Total
Final Product Rubric
Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The final project will be 10–14 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages.
Instructor feedback: Students can find their feedback in the grade book as an attachment.
Critical Elements
Training Manual
Application and
Writing and APA
The training manual is
comprehensively combined and
inclusive, including the four
milestones and stepwise ethical
problem-solving techniques
Meets Proficient requirements
and expansively addresses how
culture may influence ethical
decision making including
documentation, consultation,
and the final ethical decision for
each example
Incorporates at least four
scholarly resources effectively
that reflect depth and breadth
of research
No errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
The training manual is
complete, including the
information from the four
milestones and stepwise ethical
problem-solving techniques
Meets Emerging requirements
and takes into consideration
how culture may influence
ethical decision making
including documentation,
consultation, and the final
ethical decision for each
Incorporates three scholarly
resources effectively that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Needs Improvement
The training manual is
incomplete missing information
from the four milestones and
stepwise ethical problem
solving techniques
Meets the assignment’s
requirements , but the
connection of how culture may
influence ethical decision
making including
documentation, consultation,
and the final ethical decision for
each example needs attention
Incorporates one or two
scholarly resources that reflect
depth and breadth of research
Not Evident
Does not include any of the
main elements and
Minor errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Some errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Major errors related to
organization, grammar, APA
style, and citations
Earned Total
Does not meet the
requirements of addressing how
culture may influence ethical
decision making including
documentation, consultation,
and the final ethical decision for
each example
Does not incorporate scholarly
resources that reflect depth and
breadth of research