Welcome to any visitors today

Sunday 8th November, 2015
From the Pastor
On Monday and Tuesday I worked on our dining room ceiling and walls.
Cornice had to be repaired and cracks had to be filled and sanded. Preparation
took a while and finally on Tuesday I applied two coats of paint to the ceiling and I
undercoated the walls. The task was somewhat tedious yet satisfying and I look
forward to completing the project over the next few weeks. On Tuesday night I
aimed to undercoat the walls but I was feeling tired and overwhelmed by the task.
I have to admit I was a bit difficult to live with at that point. Anyway, I managed to
persevere and by 10pm I had the walls done.
Wednesday morning was the monthly worship service and the reading I
selected was 2 Peter 1:1-18. I was struck by the words ”make every effort” in
verses 5,10 and 15 because I had a fresh memory of what it is like to keep on
persevering when feelings of exhaustion and thoughts of giving up hit home. Just
as in physical and emotional ways there is a need for perseverance so too in
spiritual ways. Peter urges, “make every effort to add to your faith: goodness,
knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection and love.” He
adds, “make every effort to confirm your calling and election”. Peter confirms his
own commitment, “I will make every effort…” The reason we must and can
persevere is that as Peter says, we have “…grace and peace in abundance
through the knowledge of God and of Jesus and our LORD” (v3) and “we have
God’s great and precious promises” (v4) which back up the reality that “His divine
power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” (v3)
May the LORD help each of us to persevere in faith as we trust in him and the
energising power of the Holy Spirit. God has given us the resources and the
capacity to thrive and to flourish.
Welcome to any visitors today. Please come and join with us
after the service for a cup of tea/coffee.
Worship Services
Today Sunday 8th November
10am: Leader – Daniel Braid
Speaker – Ken Westwood
Next Sunday 15th November
10am: Leader and Speaker – Ken Westwood
Today: Laurie & Merilyn Wilson
Next Week: Jame & Leanne Lewis
Morning Tea
Today: Val Brown & Jean Hoffrichter
Next Week: Bob & Dorothy Paterson
The Cup Day Picnic drew quite a crowd! The location was ideal.
It was a very pleasant time for catching up with friends from Sundays and other
groups of the Church. Special thanks to our Social Activity team Catherine and
Jane for making the arrangements.
Christmas Celebrations After the service today (during the latter part of
morning tea) interested folk are welcome to join the working group to talk about
plans for a family oriented Christmas celebration.
In the function rooms – meet at
6.45pm – Film starts at 7pm sharp. The movie “How Green Was My Valley” was
produced in 1941 and won 5 Oscars. Centred in a Welsh mining town at the turnh
of the 20th century, it tells a story of the Morgan family that witnesses the rapid
social changes of the time. Come along to enjoy this truly classic movie in black
and white. Feel free to invite friends. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available
after the movie. For more details contact Arnold Rogers or Peter McKinnon.
Film Night THIS Saturday Night
Church Meeting Sunday 13th December
The two major objectives of our church which came out of the recent Church
Health review are:
1. To foster connections with families
2. To nurture church family relationships
Further development of these objectives will be a priority item on the Agenda of
our next Church Meeting which will be on Sunday 13th December. At this
meeting we also hope to table the draft of our new Constitution. December can
be a busy time but we hope that people will still be able to keep this day free for
the meeting. We will shorten the service and have the meeting straight away then
conclude with lunch.
Church Cleaning
Our property is cleaned by volunteers. The cleaning team is quite small and for
the next four weeks will be even smaller while Sue is away in USA. Gaps in the
roster include vacuuming and dusting the Church (fortnightly) and cleaning the
toilets (fortnightly). Check the roster on the cupboard door in the hall and see if
you can fill any gaps. If you do some of the work please mark it off on the roster.
Church Finances
Over the first three months of our current financial year the average weekly
offerings have been $1551 compared with the budget of $1943. Fortunately, in
the same period, expenses have been below budget and other donations have
been above budget. Tithes and Offerings are our major source of income so we
invite people to please consider their level of giving as we continue to trust God
for our needs and thank him for his provision. We try to be careful with our
finances. For example, the balance we hold in our loan offset account is saving
us about $200 per month in interest.
The Church has a debt of about $135,000. Our monthly repayments of $1500 are
covered by an annual lease payment from Telstra and by much appreciated
pledged donations from eight of our members which average about $400 per
month. These pledges date back to 2007/8 when the new part of the building was
The Church Leadership team recognises that circumstances change over time.
Some folk may wish to continue with their pledges, whilst others folk may no
longer be in a position to continue. There may be others who would like to start
making a regular pledged contribution toward loan repayments. A pledge
response form is available on request from our Treasurer, Gesine, or pick one up
from our literature table.
Back issues of ABC News
Faye A has been systematically working through our Archives. We have many
duplicate copies of back issues of ABC News which will be shredded. If anyone
would like to retain any of these old newsletters speak up now.
Church Directory
Folk have been inquiring about a new edition of our Church Directory. Please let
Ken know of any changes for entries and we will endeavor to publish an updated
directory as soon as possible.
Baptcare will use our buildings for training of new Foster Care people all day on
Saturdays 14,and 21 November. We are pleased to offer our buildings without
cost to Baptcare for this important work.
What’s On This Week
Sunday – Scripture Union western region meeting 2pm in function rooms
Monday Young Adults 6.30pm at Tudors’ home
Monday – Essendon Camera Club 8-10pm in function rooms
Tuesday – Play Group 10am-12noon in function rooms
Tuesday – Sue’s Growth Group 7.45pm at McKinnons’ home
Wednesday – Play Group 10am-12noon in function rooms
Wednesday – Parkinson’s Support Group 1.30-3.30pm in function rooms
Thursday – Parkinson’s Painting Group 10am-12noon in function rooms
Friday – Make & Mingle 10am-12noon in function rooms
Friday – G2G Chill Night 6.30-9pm in the function rooms. Free
Saturday – Baptcare training. See note
Saturday - SSAM will be using our buildings from about 6-10pm
Sunday – 9.15-9.45am Prayer in the small function room. Please join us
Sunday – Sunday Evening Growth Group 7pm at Carmel’s home
Prayer points
Pray Melbourne will be opened up to the Gospel and transformed as many people
from all walks of life come to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.
Praise God for the young people who come to TNT and G2G youth groups. Pray
for Christian growth in the lives of all these young people and wisdom for the
leaders as they prepare the programs each week.
Pray for the SUFM directors and other preparing for the summer missions.
Pray for the families of those killed in the recent Russian plane disaster. Pray
those investigating this tragedy will be able to discover the cause.
Pray for God’s guidance for those seeking to help the refugees worldwide.
Please pray for Paul Zammit (Carmel’s daughter-in-law’s father) who has been
diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.
Bob Hayes was one of our members who left to help plant Sydenham Baptist
Church years ago. Please pray for Bob who is critically ill with cancer.
Pray for healing for Faye and Peter Whiteley and Marie McKelvie.
Pray for Sue Pond in USA for her father’s 90th birthday.
People for prayer this week: Daniel Braid, Val Brown, Trevor and Ruth Close
Ministry for prayer: Peter and Wendy Geldart, ESA Country Ministries, James and
ABC News Items for ABC News. Email to aberbaps@bigpond.net.au AND
ldboseley@yahoo.com.au or place in tray in Church office by 12noon Thursday
Church Contact Details
Church Office: 5 Price Street Essendon
Phone: 9337 9955 Fax: 9337 0877 Website: http://www.aberbaps.com.au
Email: aberbaps@bigpond.net.au
Pastor: Ken Westwood
Mobile: 0419 505 265 Home: 9331 2123