`Learning For Life` 2013/No.5 Dear Parents/Carers We are already

Willoughby Primary School
Church Lane
Willoughby on the Wolds
Leics.LE12 6SS
Tel: 01509 880620 Fax: 01509 881834
Email: head@willoughby.notts.sch.uk
Head Teacher: Mr Alan Guilder
‘Learning For Life’
Dear Parents/Carers
We are already well into our busy Summer term and next week will be our ‘tests week’ when
we formally assess progress. Although important, we do try to keep it as ‘pain free’ as
possible and many of our children enjoy the activities they undertake.
This issue contains:
Staff News
Green Fingers
Animals Visit
Guilder Trophy Winners
Accessibility & Equality
‘Top Trumps’ Club
eSafety Agreement
Staff News
Mrs Hannah Howard who has been with us on a temporary contract as a teaching assistant
will be leaving us at the end of this half-term. Mrs Howard has helped ensure access to the
curriculum for children with specific needs. Mrs Howard has been a pleasure to work with and
we all wish her the best as she takes up a new job at the RNIB College in Loughborough,
which supports a wide range of visually impaired students achieve their goals.
Green Fingers
It is that time of year when we like to brighten up the school grounds. As a whole school
project, every child will be given a plant to look after next week. Please encourage your child
to tend their plant for a two week period and then bring them back on Tuesday 4th June (KS2)
and Thursday 6th June (Foundation and KS1).
Animals Visit – Friday 28th June
Mrs Tomlinson has arranged an exciting visit to school of friendly animals including for
example, lizards, an owl, rabbits, a skunk, a pygmy hedgehog, tortoises and even a
tarantula! Sessions will start with a few safety rules and children will use hand gel before
touching any animals and wash their hands afterwards. All the children will get to handle the
animals in small class groups, with each session lasting approximately an hour.
The cost of the day is over £200, which we will subsidise from school fund. We would
therefore ask you to make a voluntary contribution of £2.00, enclosing the slip below with
your money.
Guilder Trophy Winners
Congratulations to the recent winners of the Guilder Trophy, selected for their hard work and
Ted B (Y2)
William A (Y6)
Accessibility and Equality
The governing body has a duty to inform you annually of progress made on accessibility. The
key objective being ‘to reduce and eliminate barriers to access the curriculum and full
participation in the school community for pupils and prospective pupils, with a disability’. As
far as we are able we have complied with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination
Act. When refurbishing work was recently carried out the disabled toilet was fitted with an
emergency pull cord. When the Local Authority finally replaces the Class 1 mobile, architects
are required to ensure improved access to school and we are seeking to have all class spaces
linked, by a link corridor to the main building. (When this will happen, I am still not sure –
watch this space!)
Another duty of governors is to publish Annual Equality Information and Equality objectives.
Both the Accessibility Plan and Equality Policy and annual equality information and equality
objectives are published on Fronter. If you would like to request hard copies, please contact
the school office.
Top Trumps’ Club
Thanks to Mrs Taylor who is currently running a ‘Top Trumps’ Club at lunch times. Children
compete in rounds and then round winners will compete against each other. Results of this
competition will appear in our next newsletter.
eSafety Agreement
eSafety deals with all the safety issues about using the internet and working safely on-line. It
has been sometime since we have updated our records, so you will find attached with this
newsletter our Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement/eSafety Rules. Please read and discuss these
with your child and return the signed agreement as soon as possible.
Finally, our next Open Afternoon is not until Wednesday 10th July, so in the meantime please
remember our ‘open door policy’ and come into school if there are any issues you wish to
Yours sincerely
Alan Guilder
Head Teacher
Animals Visit – Friday 28th June 2013
Child’s Name:
I enclose £2.00 voluntary contribution towards the cost of the Animals Visit to school on
Friday 28th June 2013.