Szegedi Tudományegyetem University of Szeged Angol-Amerikai Intézet Institute of English and American Studies SZEGED, Egyetem u. 2. Hungary, H-6722 Tel/Fax: ———————————————————————————————————————— BA SZAKDOLGOZAT BA THESIS MÁSODIK CÍMLAP SECOND TITLE PAGE Szakdolgozatíró neve (ahogy az ETR-ben szerepel)/Name of thesis writer (as registered in the ETR): Szakirány/Study track (aláhúzandó/please underline): angol szakirány amerikanisztika szakirány BA szakdolgozat címe/Title of BA Thesis: I. A szakdolgozathoz kapcsolódó, kötelezően választható órák / BA Thesis-related electives: Az óra megnevezése Tanár neve Időpont (év/félév) Name of elective Name of instructor Time (year/semester) 1. 2. 3. II Declaration on Plagiarism, Language Proficiency, and the Formal Adequacy of the Paper I declare that this BA Thesis, entitled ……………………………………………………………, is entirely the result of my own work, and that no material is included for which a degree has previously been conferred upon me. I have faithfully and accurately cited all my sources, including books, journals, handouts and unpublished manuscripts, as well as any other media, such as the Internet, letters or significant personal communication. Furthermore, while I understand that it is permitted to consult another person concerning the language used in my work, I declare that the language of my work (beyond verbatim quotes) is indeed my own and faithfully represents my own level of proficiency in English. Moreover, I declare that the length of my BA thesis is................. words without the abstract, table of contents, bibliography, appendices and block quotations from the text to be analysed, thus it falls within the required range of 7,500-13,000 words. I understand that in case the paper does not meet the formal requirements of a BA thesis (does not fall within the required range of words, does not have the required number of bibliographical items, does not use the required format for citations), it automatically fails. I also declare that the BA Thesis files uploaded on Faculty (Modulo and Institute platforms are identical and are also identical with the printed copy submitted. Szeged, 20………………………… ………………………………………………………. Szakdolgozatíró aláírása / Signature of thesis writer IV. Declaration on the Availability of the Corpus (Sign if applicable) I declare that the fieldwork materials, questionnaires, or interview-based data I have used in this paper are the results of my own data gathering, and I will make them available for inspection at the request of the opponent or supervisor. Szeged, 20………………………… ………………………………………………………. Szakdolgozatíró aláírása / Signature of thesis writer