ENVL 2200 Spring 2011 NAME______________________ EXAM 1, PAGE 1 ANSWER ONLY IN THE SPACE PROVIDED! 1. Define any five (5) (value 2 points each) ecology biosphere landscape interspecific competition habitat biogeographic realm flora and fauna gradient vertical structure community microcommunity ecoregion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. (5) ANSWER ONE: What is a component community? Give an example of one that might be found on campus and one that’s found in a tropical forest OR Explain the difference between direct and indirect gradient analysis of communities OR Show, using a graph or diagram, why the tolerance range of a self-sustaining population of a species is narrower than for individuals of that species EXAM CONTINUED ON OTHER SIDE EXAM 1 ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES 3. (10) Name 4 of the 5 processes of ecology, and define any three of them 1.______________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________ 4.a. (5) What is the outcome of laboratory studies where 2 species compete in a homogeneous environment? 4b. (5) How do changes in environmental conditions, such as temperature or moisture affect the outcome of experiments? 4c. (3) Does the same species always win, under the same conditions? YES NO 4d. (2) does the species that has the highest population when grown alone always win more often when in competition with the other species, under the same conditions? YES NO 5. Give the defining characteristics of any five (5) of these plant formations (value 2 points each) a. Tundra b. Woodland (savanna) c. Scrub (chaparral, etc) d. Grassland (prairie, steppe, meadow) e. Desert f. Forest 6. (5) For the gradient of elevation as found in the Pine Barrens, show with marks on the x-axis the position of oak-pine forest, pitch pine lowland and hardwood swamp. Show the distribution of three (3) tree species on your gradient as “bell curves.” Label each curve with the scientific name of the tree. Species abundance Low ELEVATION high ENVL 2200 Spring 2011 NAME______________________ EXAM 1, PAGE 3 7. (10) Describe, using a specific example, niche or habitat differences which permit two or more similar species to coexist in nature. Draw a graph of at least one of the niche/habitat dimensions and show your species’ distribution in relation to it. 8. (5) ANSWER ONE: Describe how one or more species in your family or some other particular family respond to a) long term predictable change and b) short term unpredictable change. Be specific. OR List five variables that could be axes of the niche hypervolume of one or more members of your family or another particular family –name of family: __________________________ 9. (10) Sketch and label a graph of the individualistic concept of the community OR of the effect of intraspecific competition on a species niche OR of low alpha, high beta diversity: EXAM CONTINUED ON OTHER SIDE EXAM 1 ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES 10. (5) ANSWER ONE: List and define four major properties of ecological communities. Give examples from the NJ Pine Barrens. [NOTE: examples of properties, not types of communities] OR Describe a specific example of an adaptive change in a species. How is adaptation different from acclimation? 11. (5) Write correctly the scientific name of a particular species. Name of species 12. (10) Use this space to ask and answer one challenging discussion question on material covered in the class so far, not included on this exam. Half the credit is for the question, and half for the answer. Up to 3 point bonus if you use Darwin or Hutchinson in your question/answer BONUS (2) What factor could prevent Rhysella from exterminating the alder woodwasp? (It's the second parasite in the film) BONUS (3) Name one to more guilds (a group of species in a community that exploit the same resource in a similar way) that the species of the family in your essay belong to. Family:_______ Guild(s) they belong to: