Administration/Supervision (Grades preK-12)

Liberty University
Administration/Supervision (Grades preK-12)
Responses for the Advanced Competency Assessment will be submitted online using the link provided by e-mail.
Please refer to the descriptions below and choose the level that BEST describes the intern’s performance. Proficient or
Advanced level performance is expected for all interns who successfully complete the program. Please provide a
comment below for any rating at the Developing level.
1 Vision and School Community
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school
vision of learning supported by the school community (ELCC 1.0).
1.1 Develops an exemplary vision of
learning, promoting the success of all
students (1.1a). Bases this vision on
relevant knowledge and theories,
including all of the following: an
understanding of learning goals in a
pluralistic society, the diversity of
learners and learners' needs, schools as
interactive social and cultural systems,
and social and organizational change
1.2 Articulates a vision, demonstrating a
superior ability to convey both the
components of the school vision and the
leadership processes necessary to
implement and support the vision (1.2a).
Demonstrates the ability to use databased research strategies and strategic
planning processes that focus on student
learning to inform the development of
the vision, drawing on relevant
information sources such as student
assessment results, student and family
demographic data, and an analysis of
community needs (1.2b). Demonstrates
the ability to communicate the vision to
staff, parents, students, and community
members through more than one of the
following: symbols, ceremonies, stories,
and other activities (1.2c).
1.3 Implements a school vision of
learning, formulating the initiatives
necessary to highly motivate staff,
students, and families to achieve the
school's vision (1.3a). Develops
commendable plans and processes for
implementing the vision (1.3b).
1.4Stewards a school vision of learning,
demonstrating an exceptional
understanding of the role effective
communication skills play in building a
shared commitment to the vision (1.4a).
Designs or adopts a system for using
multiple data-based research strategies to
1.1 Develops a clear vision of learning,
promoting student success (1.1a). Bases
this vision on knowledge and theories,
including most of the following: an
understanding of learning goals in a
pluralistic society, the diversity of
learners and learners' needs, schools as
interactive social and cultural systems,
and social and organizational change
1.1 Develops a vague vision of learning
(1.1a). Bases this vision on relevant
knowledge and theories, including few if
any of the following: an understanding of
learning goals in a pluralistic society, the
diversity of learners and learners' needs,
schools as interactive social and cultural
systems, and social and organizational
change (1.1b).
1.2 Articulates a vision, demonstrating a
satisfactory ability to convey the
components of the school vision and/or
the leadership processes necessary to
implement and support the vision (1.2a).
Demonstrates an acceptable ability to
use data-based research strategies and
strategic planning processes to inform
the development of the vision (1.2b).
Demonstrates the ability to
communicate the vision to staff, parents,
students, and community members
through one of the following: symbols,
ceremonies, stories, and other activities
1.2 Articulates a vision, demonstrating an
insufficient ability to convey the
components of the school vision and the
leadership processes necessary to
implement and support the vision (1.2a).
Demonstrates a basic ability to use databased research strategies and strategic
planning processes that focus on student
learning to inform the development of the
vision, drawing on relevant information
sources such as student assessment results,
student and family demographic data, and
an analysis of community needs (1.2b).
Demonstrates the ability to communicate
the vision through none of the following:
symbols, ceremonies, stories, and other
activities (1.2c).
1.3 Implements a school vision of
learning, formulating the initiatives
necessary to sufficiently motivate staff,
students, and families to achieve the
school's vision (1.3a). Develops
acceptable plans and processes for
implementing the vision (1.3b).
1.4Stewards a school vision of learning,
demonstrating a basic understanding of
the role effective communication skills
play in building a shared commitment to
the vision (1.4a). Designs or adopts a
system for using one data-based
research strategy to regularly monitor,
1.3 Insufficiently motivates staff, students,
and families to achieve the school's vision
(1.3a). Develops rudimentary plans and
processes for implementing the vision
1.4Stewards a school vision of learning but
demonstrates an insufficient
understanding of the role effective
communication skills play in building a
shared commitment to the vision (1.4a).
Designs or adopts no strategies to
regularly monitor, evaluate, or revise the
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regularly monitor, evaluate, and revise
the vision (1.4b). Assumes stewardship
of the vision through various methods
1.5 Promotes community involvement in
school vision, demonstrating a superior
ability to involve community members in
the realization of the vision and in related
school improvement efforts (1.5a).
Acquires and demonstrates the skills
needed to communicate exceptionally
with all stakeholders about
implementation of the vision (1.5b).
evaluate, and revise the vision (1.4b).
Assumes stewardship of the vision
through a single method (1.4c).
vision (1.4b). Fails to adopt methods to
assume stewardship of the vision (1.4c).
1.5 Promotes community involvement
in school vision, demonstrating a basic
ability to involve community members
in the realization of the vision and in
related school improvement efforts
(1.5a). Acquires and demonstrates the
skills needed to communicate
satisfactorily with all stakeholders about
implementation of the vision (1.5b).
1.5 Promotes community involvement in
school vision, demonstrating an
insufficient ability to involve community
members in the realization of the vision
and in related school improvement efforts
(1.5a). Demonstrates weak skills needed
to communicate with all stakeholders
about implementation of the vision (1.5b).
2 Positive school culture and school practice
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by promoting a positive school culture, providing an effective instructional program, applying
best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for staff (ELCC 2.0).
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2.1 Promotes a positive school culture,
assessing school culture with multiple
valid methods and implementing contextappropriate strategies that capitalize on
the diversity of the school community to
improve school programs and culture
2.2 Provides effective instructional
program, demonstrating a superior
ability to facilitate activities that apply
principles of effective instruction to
improve instructional practices and
curricular materials (2.2a). Demonstrates
an outstanding ability to make
recommendations regarding the design,
implementation, and evaluation of a
curriculum that fully accommodates
learners' diverse needs (2.2b).
Demonstrates the ability to use and
promote multiple technology and
information systems to enrich curriculum
and instruction, to monitor instructional
practices and provide staff the assistance
needed for improvement (2.2c).
2.3 Applies best practice to student
learning, demonstrating a superior ability
to assist school personnel in
understanding and applying best
practices for student learning (2.3a).
Frequently applies human development
theory, proven learning and motivational
theories and concern for diversity to the
learning process (2.3b). Demonstrates an
exceptional understanding of how to use
appropriate research strategies to
promote an environment for improved
student achievement (2.3c).
2.4 Designs comprehensive professional
growth plans, demonstrating a superior
ability to implement well-planned,
context-appropriate professional
development programs based on
reflective practice and research on
student learning consistent with the
school vision and goals (2.4a).
Demonstrates the ability to use all of the
following strategies to form
comprehensive professional growth plans
with teachers and other school personnel:
observations, collaborative reflection,
and adult learning strategies (2.4b).
Develops and implements exceptional
personal professional growth plans that
reflect a commitment to lifelong learning
2.1 Promotes a positive school culture,
assessing school culture with a single
valid method and implementing a
context-appropriate strategy that
capitalizes on the diversity of the school
community to improve school programs
and culture (2.1a).
2.2 Provides effective instructional
program, demonstrating a sufficient
ability to facilitate activities that apply
principles of effective instruction to
improve instructional practices and
curricular materials (2.2a).
Demonstrates a satisfactory ability to
make recommendations regarding the
design, implementation, and evaluation
of a curriculum that fully accommodates
learners' diverse needs (2.2b).
Demonstrates the ability to use and
promote a single technology and
information system to enrich curriculum
and instruction, to monitor instructional
practices and provide staff the assistance
needed for improvement (2.2c).
2.3 Applies best practice to student
learning, demonstrating a satisfactory
ability to assist school personnel in
understanding and applying best
practices for student learning (2.3a).
Periodically applies human
development theory, proven learning
and motivational theories and concern
for diversity to the learning process
(2.3b). Demonstrates a sufficient
understanding of how to use appropriate
research strategies to promote an
environment for improved student
achievement (2.3c).
2.4 Designs comprehensive professional
growth plans, demonstrating a sufficient
ability to implement well-planned,
context-appropriate professional
development programs based on
reflective practice and research on
student learning consistent with the
school vision and goals (2.4a).
Demonstrates the ability to use two of
the following strategies to form
comprehensive professional growth
plans with teachers and other school
personnel: observations, collaborative
reflection, and adult learning strategies
(2.4b). Develops and implements
sufficient personal professional growth
plans that reflect a commitment to
lifelong learning (2.4c).
2.1 Assesses school culture invalid
methods (2.1a).
2.2 Provides an instructional program,
demonstrating an insufficient ability to
facilitate activities that apply principles of
effective instruction (2.2a). Demonstrates
an unsatisfactory ability to make
recommendations regarding the design,
implementation, and evaluation of a
curriculum that fully accommodates
learners' diverse needs (2.2b). Uses and
promotes no technology and information
systems (2.2c).
2.3 Does not demonstrate the ability to
assist school personnel in understanding
and applying best practices for student
learning (2.3a). Rarely applies human
development theory, proven learning and
motivational theories and concern for
diversity to the learning process (2.3b).
Demonstrates an insufficient
understanding of how to use appropriate
research strategies to promote an
environment for improved student
achievement (2.3c).
2.4 Designs professional growth plans,
demonstrating an insufficient ability to
implement well-planned, contextappropriate professional development
programs based on reflective practice and
research on student learning consistent
with the school vision and goals (2.4a).
Demonstrates the ability to use 0-1 of the
following strategies to form
comprehensive professional growth plans
with teachers and other school personnel:
observations, collaborative reflection, and
adult learning strategies (2.4b). Develops
and implements insufficient personal
professional growth plans (2.4c).
3 Organization, operations, and resource management
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a way that promotes a safe,
efficient, and effective learning environment (ELCC 3.0).
3.1 Manages the organization,
demonstrating a superior ability to
optimize the learning environment for all
3.1 Manages the organization,
demonstrating a sufficient ability to
optimize the learning environment for
3.1 Manages the organization,
demonstrating an insufficient ability to
optimize the learning environment for all
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students by applying appropriate models
and principles of organizational
development and management, including
research and data driven decision-making
with attention to indicators of equity,
effectiveness, and inefficiency (3.1a).
Develops exceptional plans of action for
focusing on effective organization and
management of fiscal, human, and
material resources, giving priority to
student learning, safety, curriculum, and
instruction (3.1b). Demonstrates an
ability to manage time effectively and
deploy financial and human resources in
ways that measurably improve student
achievement (3.1c).
3.2 Manages the operations,
demonstrating a superior ability to
involve staff in conducting operations
and setting priorities using appropriate
and effective needs assessment, researchbased data, and group process skills to
build consensus, communicate, and
resolve conflicts in order to align
resources with the organizational vision
(3.2a). Develops exceptional
communication plans for staff that
include opportunities for staff to develop
their family and community collaboration
skills (3.2b). Demonstrates an
exemplary understanding of how to
apply legal principles to promote
educational equity and provide safe,
effective, and efficient facilities (3.2c).
3.3 Manages resources, frequently using
problem-solving skills and knowledge of
strategic, long-range, and operational
planning in the effective, legal, and
equitable use of fiscal, human, and
material resource allocation and
alignment that focuses on teaching and
learning (3.3a). Creatively seeks and
obtains new resources to facilitate
learning (3.3b). Applies and assesses
exceptional current technologies for
school management, business
procedures, and scheduling (3.3c).
all students by applying appropriate
models and principles of organizational
development and management,
including research and data driven
decision-making with attention to
indicators of equity, effectiveness, and
inefficiency (3.1a). Develops adequate
plans of action for focusing on effective
organization and management of fiscal,
human, and material resources, giving
priority to student learning, safety,
curriculum, and instruction (3.1b).
Demonstrates an ability to manage time
effectively and deploy financial and
human resources in ways that promote
student achievement (3.1c).
3.2 Manages the operations,
demonstrating a sufficient ability to
involve staff in conducting operations
and setting priorities using appropriate
and effective needs assessment,
research-based data, and group process
skills to build consensus, communicate,
and resolve conflicts in order to align
resources with the organizational vision
(3.2a). Develops adequate
communication plans for staff that
include opportunities for staff to
develop their family and community
collaboration skills (3.2b).
Demonstrates a basic understanding of
how to apply legal principles to promote
educational equity and provide safe,
effective, and efficient facilities (3.2c).
3.3 Manages resources, periodically
using problem-solving skills and
knowledge of strategic, long-range, and
operational planning in the effective,
legal, and equitable use of fiscal,
human, and material resource allocation
and alignment that focuses on teaching
and learning (3.3a). Creatively seeks
new resources to facilitate learning
(3.3b). Applies and assesses current
adequate technologies for school
management, business procedures, and
scheduling (3.3c).
students by applying appropriate models
and principles of organizational
development and management, including
research and data driven decision-making
with attention to indicators of equity,
effectiveness, and inefficiency (3.1a).
Develops rudimentary plans of action for
focusing on effective organization and
management of fiscal, human, and material
resources, giving priority to student
learning, safety, curriculum, and
instruction (3.1b). Time Management and
resource deployment do not relate to
student achievement (3.1c).
3.2 Manages the operations, demonstrating
an insufficient ability to involve staff in
conducting operations and setting priorities
(3.2a). Does not develop communication
plans for staff that include opportunities
for staff to develop their family and
community collaboration skills (3.2b).
Demonstrates an emergent understanding
of how to apply legal principles to promote
educational equity and provide safe,
effective, and efficient facilities (3.2c).
3.3 Manages resources, rarely using
problem-solving skills and knowledge of
strategic, long-range, and operational
planning in the effective, legal, and
equitable use of fiscal, human, and
material resource allocation and alignment
that focuses on teaching and learning
(3.3a). Rarely seeks new resources to
facilitate learning (3.3b). Fails to apply
and assess current technologies for school
management, business procedures, and
scheduling (3.3c).
4 Family and community collaboration
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse
community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources (ELCC 4.0).
4.1 Effectively collaborates with families
and other community members,
demonstrating an ability to bring together
the resources of family members and the
community to positively affect student
learning (4.1a). Frequently involves
families in the education of their children
based on the belief that families have the
best interests of their children in mind
(4.1b). Frequently uses public
information and research-based
knowledge of issues and trends to
4.1 Satisfactorily collaborates with
families and other community members,
demonstrating an ability to bring
together the resources of family
members and the community to
positively affect student learning (4.1a).
Periodically involves families in the
education of their children based on the
belief that families have the best
interests of their children in mind (4.1b).
Periodically uses public information and
research-based knowledge of issues and
4.1 Is developing emerging collaboration
skills with families and other community
members (4.1a). Rarely involves families
in the education of their children (4.1b).
Rarely uses public information and
research-based knowledge of issues and
trends to collaborate with families and
community members (4.1c). Is beginning
to develop and understanding of
community relations models, marketing
strategies and processes, data-based
decision-making, and communications
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collaborate with families and community
members (4.1c). Applies an advanced
understanding of community relations
models, marketing strategies and
processes, data-based decision-making,
and communications theory to create
frameworks for school, family, business,
community, government, and higher
education partnerships (4.1d). Develops
a multitude of various methods of
outreach aimed at business, religious,
political, and service organizations
(4.1e). Demonstrates an exceptional
ability to involve families and other
stakeholders in school decision-making
processes, reflecting an understanding
that schools are an integral part of the
larger community (4.1f). Demonstrates
exceptional ability to collaborate with
community agencies to integrate health,
social, and other services (4.1g).
Develops a comprehensive program of
community relations and demonstrates a
superior ability to work with the media
4.2 Readily interacts with individuals
and groups with conflicting perspectives
in order to actively respond to
community interests and needs (4.2a).
Frequently demonstrates the ability to
use appropriate assessment strategies and
research methods to understand and
accommodate diverse school and
community conditions and dynamics
(4.2b). Provides exceptional leadership
to programs serving students with special
and exceptional needs (4.2c).
Frequently capitalizes on the diversity of
the school community to improve school
programs and meet the diverse needs of
all students (4.2d).
4.3 Mobilizes community resources,
demonstrating an exceptional
understanding of and ability to use
community resources, including youth
services, to support student achievement,
solve school problems, and achieve
school goals (4.3a). Is an exemplary
role model in using school resources
and social service agencies to serve the
community (4.3b). Demonstrates an
understanding of ways to use public
resources and funds appropriately and
effectively to encourage communities to
provide new resources to address
emerging student problems (4.3c).
trends to collaborate with families and
community members (4.1c). Applies a
satisfactory understanding of
community relations models, marketing
strategies and processes, data-based
decision-making, and communications
theory to create frameworks for school,
family, business, community,
government, and higher education
partnerships (4.1d). Has developed 1 or
2 methods of outreach aimed at
business, religious, political, and service
organizations (4.1e). Demonstrates a
satisfactory ability to involve families
and other stakeholders in school
decision-making processes, reflecting an
understanding that schools are an
integral part of the larger community
(4.1f). Demonstrates a satisfactory
ability to collaborate with community
agencies to integrate health, social, and
other services (4.1g). Develops a
beginning program of community
relations and demonstrates an
acceptable ability to work with the
media (4.1h).
4.2 Interacts with individuals and
groups in order to respond to
community interests and needs (4.2a).
Periodically demonstrates the ability to
use appropriate assessment strategies
and research methods to understand and
accommodate diverse school and
community conditions and dynamics
(4.2b). Provides satisfactory leadership
to programs serving students with
special and exceptional needs (4.2c).
Periodically capitalizes on the diversity
of the school community to improve
school programs and meet the diverse
needs of all students (4.2d).
theory (4.1d). Has yet to develop methods
of outreach aimed at business, religious,
political, and service organizations (4.1e).
Has yet to demonstrate the ability to
involve families and other stakeholders in
school decision-making processes,
reflecting an understanding that schools
are an integral part of the larger
community (4.1f). Has yet to demonstrate
the ability to collaborate with community
agencies to integrate health, social, and
other services (4.1g). Develops a
rudimentary program of community
relations and is hesitant with the media
4.3 Mobilizes community resources,
demonstrating general understanding
of and ability to use community
resources, including youth services, to
support student achievement, solve
school problems, and achieve school
goals (4.3a). Demonstrates how to use
school resources and social service
agencies to serve the community (4.3b).
Demonstrates an understanding of ways
to use public resources and funds to
encourage communities to provide
existing resources to address emerging
student problems (4.3c).
4.3 Mobilizes community resources,
demonstrating minimal understanding of
and ability to use community resources
(4.3a). Knows how to use school
resources and social service agencies to
serve the community (4.3b).
Demonstrates an emerging
understanding of ways to use public
resources and funds (4.3c).
4.2 Rarely interacts with individuals and
groups regarding community needs (4.2a).
Rarely demonstrates the ability to use
appropriate assessment strategies and
research methods to understand and
accommodate diverse school and
community conditions and dynamics
(4.2b). Provides emerging leadership to
programs serving students with special and
exceptional needs (4.2c). Rarely
capitalizes on the diversity of the school
community to improve school programs
and meet the diverse needs of all students
5 Integrity, fairness, and ethics
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by acting with integrity, fairly, and in an ethical manner (ELCC 5.0).
5.1 Always acts with integrity,
demonstrating a respect for the rights of
others with regard to confidentiality and
5.1 Usually acts with integrity,
demonstrating a respect for the rights of
others with regard to confidentiality and
5.1 Sometimes acts with integrity (5.1a).
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dignity and engages in honest
interactions (5.1a).
5.2 Always acts fairly, demonstrating the
ability to combine impartiality,
sensitivity to student diversity, and
ethical considerations in interactions with
others (5.2a).
5.3 Always acts ethically, making and
explaining decisions based upon ethical
and legal principles (5.3a).
dignity and engages in honest
interactions (5.1a).
5.2 Usually acts fairly, demonstrating
the ability to combine impartiality,
sensitivity to student diversity, and
ethical considerations in interactions
with others (5.2a).
5.3 Usually acts ethically, making and
explaining decisions based upon ethical
and legal principles (5.3a).
5.2 Sometimes acts fairly (5.2a).
5.3 Sometimes acts ethically (5.3a).
6 School in context
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge and ability to promote the
success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal,
and cultural context (ELCC 6.0).
Advanced – 3
Proficient - 2
Developing – 1
6.1 Has an exceptional understanding
of the larger educational context, acting
as an informed consumer of educational
theory and concepts appropriate to school
context and can demonstrate the ability to
apply appropriate research methods to a
school context (6.1a). Clearly explains
how the legal and political systems and
institutional framework of schools have
shaped a school and community, as well
as the opportunities available to children
and families in a particular school (6.1b).
Demonstrates the ability to analyze the
complex causes of poverty and other
disadvantages and their effects on
families, communities, children, and
learning (6.1c). Demonstrates a
superior understanding of the policies,
laws, and regulations enacted by local,
state, and federal authorities that affect
schools, especially those that might
improve educational and social
opportunities (6.1d). Demonstrates an
outstanding ability to describe the
economic factors shaping a local
community and the effects economic
factors have on local schools (6.1e).
Demonstrates the ability to analyze and
describe the cultural diversity in a school
community (6.1f). Can critically
evaluate community norms and values
and how they relate to the role of the
school in promoting social justice (6.1g).
Demonstrates an exceptional ability to
explain various theories of change in
conflict resolution and the appropriate
application of those models to specific
communities (6.1h).
6.2 Actively responds to the larger
educational context, demonstrating the
ability to communicate with members of
a school community concerning trends,
issues, and potential changes in the
environment in which the school
operates, including maintenance of an
ongoing dialogue with representatives of
diverse community groups (6.2a).
6.1 Has a basic understanding of the
larger educational context, acting as an
informed consumer of educational
theory and concepts appropriate to
school context and can demonstrate the
ability to apply appropriate research
methods to a school context (6.1a).
Demonstrates the basic ability to
explain how the legal and political
systems and institutional framework of
schools have shaped a school and
community, as well as the opportunities
available to children and families in a
particular school (6.1b). Demonstrates
the ability to identify the basic causes
of poverty and other disadvantages and
their effects on families, communities,
children, and learning (6.1c).
Demonstrates a basic understanding of
the policies, laws, and regulations
enacted by local, state, and federal
authorities that affect schools, especially
those that might improve educational
and social opportunities (6.1d).
Demonstrates a sufficient ability to
describe the economic factors shaping a
local community and the effects
economic factors have on local schools
(6.1e). Demonstrates the ability to
analyze and describe the cultural
diversity in a school community (6.1f).
Can describe community norms and
values and how they relate to the role of
the school in promoting social justice
(6.1g). Demonstrates the ability to
explain various theories of change in
conflict resolution and the appropriate
application of those models to specific
communities (6.1h).
6.2 Expresses understanding of the
larger educational context,
demonstrating the ability to
communicate with members of a school
community concerning trends, issues,
and potential changes in the
environment in which the school
operates, including maintenance of an
ongoing dialogue with representatives of
6.1 Is becoming aware of the larger
educational context (6.1a). Cannot yet
explain how the legal and political systems
and institutional framework of schools
have shaped a school and community, as
well as the opportunities available to
children and families in a particular school
(6.1b). Is developing a rudimentary
understanding of the causes of poverty
(6.1c). Demonstrates an emerging
understanding of the policies, laws, and
regulations enacted by local, state, and
federal authorities that affect schools
(6.1d). Is developing the ability to
describe the economic factors shaping a
local community and the effects economic
factors have on local schools (6.1e).
Demonstrates the ability to analyze and
describe the cultural diversity in a school
community (6.1f). Is unfamiliar with
community norms and values and how
they relate to the role of the school in
promoting social justice (6.1g). Has a
novice grasp of theories of change in
conflict resolution (6.1h).
6.2 Neglects the larger educational context
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6.3 Influence on the larger educational
context is profoundly positive, actually
engaging students, parents, and other
members of the community in advocating
for adoption of improved policies and
laws (6.3a). Always applies an
understanding of the larger political,
social, economic, legal, and cultural
context to develop activities and policies
that benefit students and their families
(6.3b). Is an activist for policies and
programs that promote equitable learning
opportunities and success for all students,
regardless of socioeconomic background,
ethnicity, gender, disability, or other
individual characteristics (6.3c).
diverse community groups (6.2a).
6.3 Influence on the larger educational
context is positive, demonstrating the
ability to engage students, parents, and
other members of the community in
advocating for adoption of improved
policies and laws (6.3a). Usually
applies an understanding of the larger
political, social, economic, legal, and
cultural context to develop activities and
policies that benefit students and their
families (6.3b). Is a voice for policies
and programs that promote equitable
learning opportunities and success for
all students, regardless of
socioeconomic background, ethnicity,
gender, disability, or other individual
characteristics (6.3c).
6.3 Influence on the larger educational
context is minimal, lacking the ability to
engage students, parents, and other
members of the community in advocating
for adoption of improved policies and laws
(6.3a). Rarely applies an understanding of
the larger political, social, economic, legal,
and cultural context to develop activities
and policies that benefit students and their
families (6.3b). Is silent regarding policies
and programs that promote equitable
learning opportunities and success for all
students, regardless of socioeconomic
background, ethnicity, gender, disability,
or other individual characteristics (6.3c).
7 Internship
The internship provides significant opportunities for candidates to synthesize and apply the knowledge and practice
and develop the skills identified in Standards 1-6 through substantial, sustained, standards-based work in real settings,
planned and guided cooperatively by the institution and school district personnel for graduate credit (ELCC 7.0).
7.3 Candidates always apply skills and
knowledge articulated in the first six
ELCC standards as well as state and local
standards for educational leaders (7.3a).
Experiences are designed to
accommodate candidates’ individual
needs (7.3b).
7.3 Candidates consistently apply skills
and knowledge articulated in the first six
ELCC standards as well as state and
local standards for educational leaders
(7.3a). Experiences are designed to
accommodate candidates’ individual
needs (7.3b).
7.3 Candidates inconsistently apply skills
and knowledge articulated in the first six
ELCC standards as well as state and local
standards for educational leaders (7.3a).
Experiences are designed to accommodate
candidates’ individual needs (7.3b).
Final grade recommended for internship:
A = Strongly recommended for administration position
B = Recommended for a administration position
C = Conditional recommendation for administration
D = Not recommended for licensure or administration
F = Not recommended for licensure or administration
Comments for any rating(s) at the Developing level:
Other comments:
Based on ELCC Standards
December, 2006