France’s premier Master’s Program in Genetics The Master’s degree in Genetics at the University Paris-Diderot offers a multi-disciplinary program covering all aspects of fundamental and applied genetics. The Master’s degree is a two-year program combining high-quality teaching and excellent research training. The second year is taught exclusively in English and is open to students in universities across Europe. The second year of the Master’s program is organized into two semesters: the first semester (corresponding to 30 ECTS) is composed of a series of one-week taught Modules covering a wide selection of topics including human genetics, epigenetics, cancer biology, stem cells, neuroscience, ageing, immunology etc. In total we offer almost 30 different modules, allowing students to develop their own personalized program. Students can also choose from three advanced classes offered at the prestigious Pasteur Institute; these last for 6 weeks and offer selective theoretical and practical training in Immunology, Molecular Biology of the Cell, or Development of the Nervous System. In addition to choosing from these modules, students must take an obligatory module which tests bibliographic skills. Every student also participates in a one-week Erasmus exchange program with partner universities in Italy, Spain or Poland (Rome, Florence, Padua, Trieste, Milan, Barcelona or Cracow). The second semester consists of a 6-month research internship (corresponding to 30 ECTS). The internship research project can be performed at the student’s university of origin or at one of the many research laboratories in Paris; we have over 250 host laboratories in the top research institutes across the city (including the Pasteur Institute, the Curie Institute, the Institute Jacques Monod, the Necker Hospital for Sick Children, the Center for Epigenetics and Cell Fate, the Cochin Institute). The internship research project is evaluated by a written and oral presentation in June. The University Paris Diderot is one of France’s leading universities with a strong reputation in life sciences and biomedical research. Situated in the heart of Paris on a brand new state-of-the-art campus, the university attracts top students from around the world. If you are interested in applying, please contact the program director Prof Zider Alain ( ). Short-listed applicants will be determined between March and July 2012. The one-week lectures are scheduled from September 15th to the end of December. The students follow 7 weeks of their choice in addition of the « Erasmus week ». Dates Responsables Cellular Neurobiology and Development Module 12-sept Dr Thierry Galli Evolution and Developpment 19-sept Pr Michel Vervoort Advanced Course in Cell Dynamics 26-sept Stephanie Miserey-Lenkei Frank Perez Anne Schmidt Normal and pathological intracellular signalisation 26-sept Dr Jacques Ghysdael Epigenetics 03-oct Pr Salvatore Oliviero Annie Sainsard Cellular aspects of developpement 03-oct A. Guichet S. Vriz Microbiology : Host-Pathogens interactions 10-oct Xavier Nassif Alain Charbit Guillaume Duménil Genetics and epigenetics of multifactorial diseases 10-oct J. Sap G. Baldacci Somatic Genetic in Cancer 24-oct François Sigaux Jean Soulier Molecular Genetic of Human diseases 24-oct Marc Delpech Michel Vidaud Béatrice Parfait Immunogenomics and Genetics 24-oct Catherine Alcaide Aging: Basis and neuro-related diseases 31-oct Véronique Monnier Jacques Treton Cellular Biology of Cancer 31-oct Valérie Lallemand-Breitenbach Hugues de Thé Stem Cells 07-nov Claire Rougeulle Angélique Galvani Human Evolutionary Genetics 14-nov Evelyne Heyer Lluis Quintana-Murci Molecular genetics of hereditary predisposition to cancer 14-nov Claude Houdayer Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet Human Genetics and Hematology 14-nov Bernard Grandchamp Jacques Elion Biotherapy 21-nov Nathalie Cartier Franck Griscelli Mammalian development and related human pathologies 21-nov Délara Saberan Jean-Paul Concordet Genetic and Physiology of the Reproduction 28-nov Reiner Veitia René Habert Génétique Moléculaire des Populations 28-nov Evelyne Heyer Genomics 05-déc Reiner Veitia C. Antignac Human Genetics and Neurobiology 05-déc Thomas Bourgeron Christine Petit