TEMPORAL ANALYSIS OF FOREST FRAGMENTATION ON THE BOA ESPERANÇA RIVER BASIN IN NOVA FRIBURGO MUNICIPALITY - RIO DE JANEIRO STATE - BRAZIL Luana Balbino dos Santos Master - LAGESOLOS - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Email: luanabs.ufrj@gmail.com Antônio José Teixeira Guerra Ph.D – LAGESOLOS – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Email: antoniotguerra@gmail.com www.lagesolos.ufrj.br Abstract To explore natural resources respecting the environmental weaknesses, it is necessary to understand the dynamic processes that involve the relationships of the various elements of nature. The different forms of management, which cause various degrees of environmental impacts, as forest fragmentation, cause changes in the structure and composition of forest remnants threatening its functionality. Forest remnants constantly threatened by human action have as a result of fragmentation, different successional stages that reflect differences in their structure and floristic composition, nutrient cycling processes and soil physical and chemical properties that are good indicators of the degree of interference in the system, providing information about the integrity of these ecosystems. This paper has as object of study the Atlantic Forest fragments, inserted into the Boa Esperança river basin (Nova Friburgo Municipality – Rio de Janeiro State) and the objective of this study is to analyze the evolution of forest fragmentation on the Boa Esperança basin, over 15 years, and understand the stage where such forest remnants through physic-chemical properties of soils To identify if the functionality of the forest systems were threatened, soil physical and chemical properties, such as bulk density, porosity, texture, organic matter and pH have been examined. In each fragment samples were collected along a transect. The transect was established from 15 meters from the edge of the fragment, to avoid a possible edge effect, and soil sampling was made every 10 meters. Soils were collected in three forest remnants with different characteristics: a fragment of approximately 176 hectares, a fragment of approximately 64 hectares, and a forest remnant that does not configure an isolated fragment, because its vegetation connects with the Atlantic Forest. After laboratory analyses statistical analysis were carried out. As a result, it was observed that the forest remnant that is not isolated presents features less susceptible to erosion and a better integrity of forest system and that over fifteen years, there has been a significant reduction of forest at Boa Esperança basin. It was concluded that even though they are located in the same area, the forest fragments are subject to different impacts, depending where the fragment is inserted, the degree of isolation and how much they are subject to anthropogenic activities, which reinforce the importance of environmental protection area. Introduction To explore natural resources respecting the environmental weaknesses, it is necessary to understand the dynamic processes that involve the relationships of the various elements of nature. The different forms of management, which cause various degrees of environmental impacts as forest fragmentation, cause changes in the structure and composition of forest remnants threatening its functionality. Viana (1990) defines forest fragment as any area of natural vegetation, continuous barriers interrupted by human able to significantly decrease the flow of animals, pollen and/or seeds. Forest fragmentation triggers a series of changes in the landscape, including disturbances in the water regime and modifications to the internal dynamics of ecosystems. Therefore, forest remnants constantly threatened by human action, presents various successional stages, reflecting in changes on structure, floristic composition, nutrient cycling processes and soil physical and chemical properties, which makes these features good indicators of the degree of human interference in the forest, providing information about its integrity. Therefore, it is important to understand the impact of different management on ecosystem, enabling conservation measures and/or recovery. This way, the aim of this study is to analyze the evolution of forest fragmentation on the Boa Esperança river basin over fifteen years, and to analyze the integrity of this forest fragments through its physical and chemical soil properties. Study area The study area comprises forest remnants in different stages of regeneration and degrees of isolation, inserted on the Boa Esperança river basin. This basin has approximately 52.8 km², is located in Macaé river basin and it is located within the limits of the environmental protection area of Macaé de Cima. In this region, the vegetation cover is classified by Rizzini (1979) as predominantly Atlantic Montana Rainforest type. According to the map made by EMBRAPA in the 1: 250.000 scale, in 2003, there was a predominance of cambisoils, that according to Lepsch (2002), are very susceptible to soil erosion. Currently, the Boa Esperança river basin has its soils predominantly occupied by farmers and tourism enterprise, which can represent a threat to forest remnants. The bedrock of the region is formed basically by intrusive rocks and metamorphic Pre-Cambrian skimming extensively in much of the area, belonging to the lito-estratigraphic unit called Paraíba do Sul Complex (Silva, 2002). Geomorphological aspects resulting from the geological evolution of the region were responsible for the local relief. Dantas (2001) describes the morpho-escultural unit as Morpho-escultural Escarpment Mountain Basin. According to the author, the area presents geological morfo-estructural folds, which resulted in a basement complex, with structural, tectonics and lithological diversity. In the study area the climate is classified as tropical altitude, with averages ranging between 18°C in the winter to 24° C in the summer. In the higher parts of the catchment area are high rates of rainfall up to 2000 mm per year and over 500 mm per month, as recorded in the year 2010, by the Brazil national agency of waters at Galdinópolis rainfall station in Nova Friburgo. Picture 1 - Location map of forest fragments studied in Boa Esperança river basin. Picture 2 - Forest fragments and pasture in Macaé river basin (Luana Balbino, 2009). Methodology To perform analysis of temporal fragments based on land use, was done a mapping of forest fragments from a scene from Alos image (Sensor AVNIR-2), imaged in April 18, 2009 and a Landsat image, imaged in October 1994. The Alos sensor has four spectral bands and spatial resolution of 10 m and 8 bit. The Landsat has spatial resolution of 30 m, seven spectral bands and radiometric resolution of 8 bits. The mapping was made through the SPRING and ARCGIS 9.3 software 5.1 both on the scale of 1.50.000, aiming to map forest fragments over 15 years and to realize if there is an advancement of forest fragmentation. According to the Technical Manual of land use from IBGE (2006), the land use survey and cover indicates the geographical distribution of the usage typology, identified through homogeneous patterns of land cover, being of great benefit to the updated knowledge of the forms of use and settlement of space, constituting important planning tool and guidance to decision making. For the mapping, a semi-automatic classification was held in SPRING 5.1, where the user participates actively, making corrections and reducing potential errors. Before the sorting was done a training, and the segmentation of the image. In the segmentation the image was divided into regions that present certain similarities and that correspond to areas of interest in the application. Thus, each pixel is labeled as a distinct region and a similarity criterion is calculated for each pair of adjacent regions, indicating how much two spatially regions are similar. In addition, the area was assigned a value, which corresponds to the value of minimum area in number of pixel data, so that a region is individualized in the case of the study, the similarity value was 15 and the area value was 20. The classes of land user in this study were: Forest, urban, rocky outcrop, agriculture and livestock use, according to the IBGE (2006). To analyse such forest systems has their functionality threatened, were examined the soil physical and chemical properties, such as mineral density, bulk density, porosity, texture, organic matter and pH, all in accordance with the methodology proposed by EMBRAPA (1997). In each fragment six soil sample collections were made, on soil surface (0-20 cm), along a transect of 50 m in length. The transect was established 15 meters from the edge of the fragment, to avoid possible edge effects, and the collections were made every 10 meters in length. Soil analyzed were collected in three forest remnants with different characteristics: a fragment of about 176 hectares (Picture 1 - Fragment 3), which is the larger fragment and for its located along the road that connects the São Pedro da Serra district and Boa Esperança, it is apparently more degraded and has more evidence of human activity. The other one is a minor forest fragment (Picture 1 Fragment 1), with about 64 hectares, a more regular format, and therefore with lower edge area, located in the urban area of Lumiar district. And was also used a forest remnant (Picture 1 - Fragment 2) in north of the Boa Esperança river basin, which unlike other fragments is not an area of vegetation isolated, and connects with other local Atlantic Rainforest remnants, suggesting a better preservation state. Results Forest Fragmentation In a first analysis we can observe a reduction of forest cover and increasing of forest fragmentation over the past 15 years, which is in line with the historical process of the region, guided by the advancement of agriculture, pastures and tourism areas. This increase can be noticed when observing the land use maps for the periods in question (Figure 4 and 5). In this analyses is notable an advancement of urban area and farming. When analyzing the forest cover in the year 1994 was found forest coverage, including all succession stages, about 44.48 km², while in 2009 the forest cover matches is about 42.60 km², which means a reduction of 3% of forest area in just 15 years. Changes can be noticed also for the urban area, which increased from 1.13 km² to 2.41 km², as well as for the anthropic agricultural use areas, which increased from 8.9 km² to 8.58 km². All values and their respective percentages can be seen in Table 1, below. According to Rambaldi (2003) and Bohrer and Barros (2006) these advances are resulting from the population increase in recent decades, by the expansion of areas targeted for agriculture and/or extraction of plant resources, without proper management on the steep slopes and, which leads to increased deforestation and intensification of erosion processes in the region. Table 1 – Land cover in kilometers and percentage for the two examined periods. 1994 Use Land Classes Anthropic Forest Rocky outcrop Urban 2009 Area Km² 8.59 44.48 1.31 1.14 % 15.47 80.12 2.36 2.05 Use Land Classes Anthropic Forest Rocky outcrop Urban Shadow Area Km² 8.95 42.65 1.31 2.42 0.17 % 16.13 76.84 2.36 4.36 0.31 Picture 3 - Land use of Boa Esperança river basin for the year 1994. Picture 4- Land use of Boa Esperança river basin for the year 2009. Soil Characteristics In relation to soil texture, there were variations between the fragments and within the fragment itself. The soil texture Fragment 1 presents as loam, sandy loam and sand clay loam soil. In the fragment 1, it is possible to see that the sand fraction is prevalent in almost all points, reaching 68.62% (Table 2). It must be pointed out, that low values of clay added to high values of silt make the soil more susceptible to erosion, especially in soils exposed (Guerra, 2005). In the Fragment 2 soils have mostly a loam texture, with few points showing sandy clay loam and clay loam. We notice that in this fragment clay values exceed the 20% (Table 3). Clay is an important component of soil, because adequate soil texture in addition to other features, such as organic matter content, providing a better soil stability. The Fragment 3 presented at any point of collection and in the two periods analyzed a sandy loam soil texture. In these soils, there was a greater sand fraction when compared to the other fragments (Table 4). In relation to the level of acidity, all samples in the three fragments had pH values close to 4, which features acid soil and without significant differences between them (Tables 2, 3 and 4) in relation to the values of porosity, all points tested, in the three fragments, had values above 50%, which indicates a high porosity of the soil. The fragment with the greatest values was the fragment 2, which featured the highest average (60.12%). Therefore, soils that exhibit the best water drainage, and are less prone to runoff are the soils of the Fragment 2, which have greater porosity. It is important to note that the values of porosity, as well as the values of bulk density and real density must be taken into consideration along with other soil characteristics, such as the values of organic matter and particle size distribution (MORGAN, 2005; GUERRA, 2007). It is important to accentuate that in the Fragments 1 and 3, the average values of organic matter were close to 3%, which according to Selby (1993), Lepsch (2002) and Morgan (2005) are values that provide a good stability to aggregates. While the Fragment 2 presented high values of organic matter, above 5%, mainly in the highest points of the hillside that corresponding to the points 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, 14A and 14B ( Table, 2, 3 and 4). When comparing the values of organic matter found in a fragment with the other, it appears that the Fragment 1 and 3 do not differ significantly (p-value > 0.05), which is visible when looking at the values of their medium. However, the Fragment 2 differs significantly to be compared with the Fragments 1 and 3 (p-value < 0.05). These differences when comparing the fragments can be evidenced through the analysis of the boxplot (Picture 5). It is likely that the difference in values of organic matter to Fragment 2 be related to the better preservation of the forest, which leads to a better cycling of nutrients that reflects in a more stable and balanced ambience, if we take into account other features already discussed. Teste de Comparação das Médias p-valor Fragmento 1 Fragmento 2 <0.05 Fragmento 2 Fragmento 3 <0.05 Fragmento 1 Fragmento 3 >0.05 Picture 5 - Boxplot about organic matter for the three fragments analyzed. Table 2 – Soil analysis results to Fragment 1, n: samples number. Fragment 1 Matter Organic (%) 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B 7A 7B Medium Standard deviation Máximum Mínimum n pH KCl 2.21 1.97 1.40 1.79 1.55 2.57 1.74 1.78 3.28 1.98 2.07 2.69 2.67 2.66 2.17 0.53 3.28 1.40 14 Water 4.15 3.92 3.90 4.00 3.79 3.78 3.72 3.84 3.94 4.01 3.85 3.74 3.83 3.75 3.87 0.12 4.15 3.72 14 4.50 4.53 3.80 3.89 3.98 4.13 4.01 4.34 4.42 4.48 4.08 4.16 4.10 4.15 4.18 0.23 4.53 3.80 14 Sand 52.63 68.62 56.31 50.51 55.99 59.11 55.34 58.99 63.87 60.36 55.35 61.62 40.74 62.24 57.26 6.69 68.62 40.74 14 Texture Silt 22.07 14.18 21.29 27.19 20.62 20.59 24.96 19.71 17.44 17.35 22.66 18.68 41.76 16.96 21.82 6.66 41.76 14.18 14 Bulk Density (g/cm³) Clay 25.30 17.20 22.40 22.30 23.40 20.30 19.70 21.30 18.70 22.30 22.00 19.70 17.50 20.80 20.92 2.26 25.30 17.20 14 1.09 1.07 1.17 1.11 1.13 1.13 1.12 1.15 1.08 1.19 1.22 1.12 1.15 1.27 1.14 0.06 1.27 1.07 14 Real Density (g/cm³) 2.47 2.56 2.50 2.54 2.35 2.41 2.44 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.42 2.35 2.25 2.38 2.45 0.10 2.60 2.25 14 Porosity (%) 55.86 58.27 53.20 46.17 40.68 53.11 54.08 54.00 58.42 52.40 37.17 52.40 48.83 46.66 50.80 6.25 58.42 37.17 14 Table 3 - Soil analysis results to Fragment 2, n: samples number. Fragment 2 8A 8B 9A 9B 10A 10B 11A 11B 12A 12B 13A 13B 14A 14B Medium Standard deviation Máximum Mínimum n Matter Organic (%) 2.45 3.19 3.91 4.79 4.33 4.43 4.07 3.97 6.47 5.74 5.34 5.50 6.59 4.97 4.70 1.18 6.59 2.45 14 KCl 3.76 3.83 3.85 3.90 3.15 4.02 3.81 3.81 3.92 3.99 3.81 3.78 3.76 3.78 3.80 0.20 4.02 3.15 14 pH Water 4.20 4.01 3.88 4.45 3.90 4.59 4.07 4.07 4.33 4.52 3.85 3.80 3.90 3.89 4.10 0.27 4.59 3.80 14 Sand 39.20 51.89 45.31 44.08 34.55 46.10 41.21 38.10 49.76 62.48 47.49 48.09 43.65 34.22 44.72 7.42 62.48 34.22 14 Texture Silt 34.41 29.21 33.30 24.12 39.96 28.71 38.60 34.60 30.34 15.22 27.51 24.81 30.26 32.38 30.24 6.31 39.96 15.22 14 Clay 26.40 18.90 21.40 31.80 25.50 25.20 20.20 27.30 19.90 22.30 25.00 27.10 26.10 33.40 25.04 4.26 33.40 18.90 14 Bulk Density (g/cm³) 1.06 1.00 1.02 0.83 0.97 0.99 0.99 1.03 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.86 0.88 0.86 0.93 0.08 1.06 0.83 14 Real Density (g/cm³) 2.27 2.25 2.33 2.35 2.38 2.50 2.35 2.35 2.44 2.44 2.63 2.50 2.44 2.27 2.39 0.11 2.63 2.25 14 Porosity (%) 53.36 53.50 53.08 64.73 59.26 60.40 57.93 56.23 63.92 64.74 68.46 60.01 63.92 62.16 60.12 4.84 68.46 53.08 14 Table 4 – Soil analysis results to Fragment 3, n: samples number. Fragment 3 15A 15B 16A 16B 17A 17B 18A 18B 19A 19B 20A 20B 21A 21B Medium Standard deviation Máximum Mínimum n Matter Organic (%) 3.71 2.34 2.03 2.72 2.10 1.98 2.84 3.36 2.26 2.14 2.28 3.55 3.88 3.67 2.78 0.71 3.88 1.98 14 pH KCl 3.70 3.62 4.06 3.70 3.85 4.07 3.92 3.75 3.79 3.78 3.88 3.89 3.78 3.96 3.84 0.13 4.07 3.62 14 Water 4.36 4.27 4.81 4.48 4.66 4.88 4.41 4.18 4.41 4.43 4.61 4.76 4.31 4.45 4.50 0.21 4.88 4.18 14 Sand Texture Silt Clay 56.69 54.79 70.15 66.37 59.53 65.70 61.39 62.34 63.15 62.54 68.86 64.84 64.98 59.40 62.91 4.36 70.15 54.79 14 24.61 25.71 20.55 21.33 22.07 19.91 24.71 20.76 25.95 27.16 16.65 20.26 17.53 20.31 21.96 3.20 27.16 16.65 14 18.70 19.50 9.30 12.30 18.40 14.40 13.90 16.90 10.90 10.30 14.50 14.90 17.50 20.30 15.13 3.55 20.30 9.30 14 Bulk Density (g/cm³) Real Density (g/cm³) 0.97 1.07 1.07 1.18 1.14 1.09 1.14 1.17 1.13 1.19 1.19 1.10 1.13 1.30 1.13 0.08 1.30 0.97 14 2.44 2.47 2.41 2.27 2.56 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.56 2.50 2.35 2.35 2.46 2.50 2.46 0.08 2.56 2.27 14 Porosity (%) 60.23 56.67 55.60 48.08 55.54 56.40 54.40 53.20 55.93 52.40 49.43 53.25 39.55 48.00 52.76 5.14 60.23 39.55 14 Conclusions The results showed that isolated forest fragments, more subject to human activity and smaller (Fragment 1 and 3), have characteristics that make their soils more susceptible to erosion, as well as other characteristics that compromise the environmental system functionality, such as soil erodibility and vegetation characteristics. While, the forest remnant connected (Fragment 2) presented more balanced environmental conditions. It was clear in this study, which despite being analyzed fragments within the same basin and very close to each other, the three fragments present characteristics that make their well distinct and with different degrees of integrity that vary in function of local variants which these forests are subjected, such as the matrix to which they are inserted, the size and shape of the fragment, the natural characteristics, and mainly how are subject to the impacts resulting from human activity. It is valid to note that these fragments are inserted in an area of environmental protection (Environmental Protection Area of Macaé de Cima), which aims the preservation and maintenance of the remnants of Atlantic Rain Forest, and so to ensure the conservation of these systems becomes even more important to the creation of forest corridors in the region, thereby, the connection between the fragments, plus your protection, reducing their isolation and possible edge effects. With regard to this work, it becomes apparent the importance of remote sensing tools in environmental analysis and that it becomes interesting to extrapolate this analysis to the entire area of APA of Macaé de Cima, this research work is already being held at LAGESOLOS (UFRJ) in a research work on Geomorphological Dynamics system project-Slope River basin plain in Macaé (RJ). 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