METEOROLOGICAL AND HYDROLOGICAL DRIVERS OF SEDIMENT TRANSFER IN A STEEP ALLUVIAL FAN, WESTLAND, NEW ZEALAND. McGill-Brown MA,1 Fitzsimons SJ,1 1 University of Otago, New Zealand Aims Techniques for quantifying the magnitude, frequency and patterns of sediment transfer of bedload particles has evolved from painted rock methods to modern radiofrequency approaches. This study has focussed on an underexamined area in the West Coast of New Zealand, Potters Creek, which is an ephemeral alluvial fan stream that has the conveyance, stream capacity and competency to transfer large quantities of sediment in any given flow. Using radiofrequency methods to capture sediment transfer allows for a more intricate knowledge of the fluvialgeomogpholohy interface to be quantified and understood in this environ. Analysis of the hydrological and meteorological patterns driving flashy and episodic flow conditions; capable of initiating individial particles, and the active layer of sediment will be undertaken. Methods RFID (radiofrequency identification) tags (23 mm) were embedded in tracer particles (between 81 – 1,236 grams), and during recovery missions a transponder was used to locate dispursed particles. RFID technology is consdiered to be a reliable and accurate method for locating dispursed tracer particles compared to other bedload tracing studies. Multiple cross sectional surveys were completed to capture volumetric sediment aggradation/degradation of the streambed at various times throughout the experiment. Time lapse photography was used to quantativley observe streamflow conditions, which was particularly useful in no-flow conditions to analyse geomorphic change, and in high-flow conditions to visualise stream geometry, wetted perimeter and bankfull conditions. D50 (median sediment size) analysis was completed to show the sediment size fraction change downstream, which was used to characterise the fining process and quntify sediment communition. Depth duration frequency analysis was undertaken to characterise the precipitation events that occured throughout the experiment. Rainfall data was observed at Potters Creek using a TB3 tipping bucket rain gauge, in conjunction with Franz Josef Ewes rain gauge (NIWA). A bubbler was used to measure stage, and was selected due to the ability for it to be fixed to a highly active bed layer was achieved. Discharge was calculated by regression analysis, spot flow gaugings, as well as pegging high-flow events from the time lapse photography. Vector maps were produced to show sediment transport magnitude and patterns over various spatial and temporal extents. Results Over the 9-month experiment, the maximum distance a tracer particle was transferred was 2,144 m. Of a small cohort of recovered particles, evidence suggests that particles abrade, on average 7 grams per 500 meters travelled. Compared to their original mass, clasts of schist composition experienced higher levels of abrasion (6.6%) compared to metamorphosed clasts (2%), as did tracer particles that were transferred from the proximal zone (10.2%) compared to mid-fan (3.7%) or distal zone (1.14%). The median sediment texture (D 50) decreases downstream from 99 mm in the proximal zone to 39 mm in the distal zone. Sediment has accumulated in the mid-fan zone due to a lateral injection of sediment from a tributary, increasing the D 50, which requires stream competency and capacity to adjust for transfer to occur. Despite a D50 increase in the mid-fan zone, sediment size does reduce throughout the catchment, showing evidence of rounding and fining downstream. Axial commination shows that the rate of fining from the clast of each axis is higher at the upstream sites with highest slope is, and the axis lengths are on average 2 times higher here compared to downstream reaches. Topographic cross sections show that near the previously mentioned tributary is an aggrading site, causing the alluvial fan to be characterised by sediment concavity in the mid-fan zone, these cross sections also show that aggradation and degradation zones alternate downstream. The rainfall lag on average was 100 minutes from a large rainfall interval to the peak of the hydrograph, recession to baseflow generally took another 100 minutes. Depth-duration frequency analysis of precipitation data during this experiment shows that there have been 113 events that have exceed return periods of between 2 – 50 years for durations ranging from 0.5 hours – 72 hours, with one additional event exceeding a 100-year event. Maximum discharge during this experiment was 53.54 m3s-1 with 12 other events recorded to exceed 5 m3s-1, where it is likely that sediment has transferred during these events.