Carbon Footprint Data Table ____ (2 points) You must include a weekly tally of days per week that you performed your action. ____ (10 points) You must include a place for beginning and ending carbon footprint data. AND Your final footprint information must be printed out with each calculation. ____ (5 points) You must include at least one other quantitative means of measuring your action and include this on a weekly basis in your data table. ____ (5 points) Your action must be written on your data table, or each action that you are doing. ____ (2 points) Your data table must have a title. ____ (5 points) Your data table must be typed. Total _______ **** Remember that your carbon footprint is based on a yearly calculation. This means that you will need to do some math to determine how much its been reduced at the end. We’ll talk about how to do that later. Quantitative and Qualitative Data Rubric ____ (5 points) Each journal entry is a minimum of 2 paragraphs and is neat and well organized with clear writing. 5 entries total. ____ (15 points) In each journal entry you answer all three questions and you restate each question while you answer it. For example, “How many days did I not accomplish my action this week? Why did this happen? This week I couldn’t do my action three times this week because…” ____ (10 points) Quantitative data: Your data table is complete with all of your quantitative data and their units of measure. ____ (Depends) You provide honest evidence in your data table of averaging an environmental action at least five out of seven days a week (10 points), 4 out of 7 = 7 points, 3 out of 7 = 6 points, 2 out of 7= 3 points, once a week = 1 point. Total _______ The RQ: How has my carbon footprint, thinking, behavior and relationships changed by adopting an environmental action? Results Rubric 4 points 3 points Format Behavior trend 1st, thinking 2nd, relationship 3rd, footprint last. Each trend in a separate paragraph.. You summarize data trends in how your behavior changed as a result of adopting an environmental action over the course of the project. You reference concrete evidence from your journal. . But you did not cite concrete evidence from your journal. But you do not clearly explain how your behavior changed over the course of the project. Thinking Trend You reveal hidden trends of how your thinking changed about some aspect of yourself as a result of adopting your behavior.over the course of this project. You cite concrete evidence from your journal entries and you contrast your beginning and ending thinking. But you did not clearly contrast your beginning and ending thinking.. Relationship Trends You summarize data trends in how your interactions with your peers or family changed as a result of adopting an environmental action over the course of this project. You cite concrete evidence from your journal entries and highlight a difficulty or benefit in your relationships with others as a result of your environmental action. Footprint trend incorporates ALL quantitative data in relation to your environmental behaviors. This means how often for each adopted action, plus your other quantitative measurement data and your footprint trend. But you did not highlight a difficulty or benefit in your relationships with others as a result of your environmental action. You do not clearly show how your thinking changed as a result of adopting an environmental action. Instead you merely state what your thinking is. You did not cite concrete evidence from your journal entries but you did show trends in how your relationships were affected by any of your adopted actions. Behavior Trends Footprint Trend Your other means of quantitative measurement is missing its trend. 2 points Number of days trend is missing. 1 points Writing is organized but not in the desired way But you do not clearly summarize how your personal behavior changed as a result of adopting your action.. .You write about your thinking but it does not communicate how your thinking changed. You write about relationships but your writing does not communicate how your adopted actions affected them. Footprint trend is missing. Graphs: ____ (2 point) Graph title shows relationship between independent and dependent variables. _____(5 points) Y-axis title represents the dependent -variable of the experiment. It is present and written clearly in the appropriate place. It has units of measure included when necessary. ____ (5 points) X-axis title represents the independent -variable of the experiment. It is present and written clearly in the appropriate place. It has units of measure included when necessary. ____ (3 point) Data is plotted at appropriate intersections. ____(1 point) Overall writing is legible. ____(2 points) Same scale is used on each axis. ____ (1 point) Overall the graph is neat and well organized. ____ (6 points) You graph each quantitative data set in the project. ____ (6 points) You choose a graph format that uncovers the general data trend for each QUANTITATIVE DATA SET IN THE PROJECT Total_____out of 31 points. Comments: Cost/Benefit Analysis: This is the presentation part of the project. You simply need to be ready to discuss with others in the community what the costs and benefits are to your action plan. Basically I am going to come around and quiz you on the night of our symposium to see if you have given some thought to what the costs and benefits are of your project. You can only lose points here. Note cards are acceptable. Minus________ Why? Total Process Points out of 120 ____________