BSPT66 2011/2012 LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS FOR THE POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES IN MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP (HIGHER EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION) (for candidates entering in September 2011 and thereafter) These Programme Regulations apply to the conduct of the programme in the 2011-12 session and should be read in conjunction with University Regulation XXI and the relevant Module Specifications. These Programme Regulations may be subject to change from time to time. Notice of change will be given by the School responsible for the programme. 1. STRUCTURE 1.1 Administrative responsibility for the programme rests with the Business School. 1.2 The programme is normally offered on a part-time basis. The minimum period of study for the award of MSc is thirty calendar months. The minimum period of study for the award of Postgraduate Diploma is eighteen calendar months. 1.3 The programme leads to the award of Postgraduate Diploma, or Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction, MSc, or MSc with Distinction. Candidates who do not complete the programme may be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in accordance with paragraph 4.1 below. 1.4 Entrance Requirements to the Postgraduate Diploma are: Either i) Or ii) Or iii) possession of a degree or equivalent. possession of at least three years’ administrative/managerial experience, and normally with employment in an appropriate administrative position, as determined by the Programme Director. possession of the Loughborough University Postgraduate Certificate in Management. 1.5 Candidates who were awarded the Loughborough University Professional Diploma in Management prior to 2001 may count 100 credits towards the award of an MSc. 1.6 Candidates who were awarded the Loughborough University Professional Diploma in Management after 2001 may count 120 credits towards the award of an MSc. 1.7 Candidates who have been awarded the Association of University Administrators Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice awarded by the Open University may count up to 40 credits towards the Loughborough University Postgraduate D:\533568529.doc 24/01/2011 BSPT66 2011/2012 Diploma in Management and Leadership at the discretion of the Programme Director. 1.8 Candidates who have been awarded any of the following awards may, at the discretion of the Programme Director, be exempt from two modules of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Leadership (HEA): Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership and Management (Nottingham University) Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership and Management (Birmingham City University) Postgraduate Certificate of Special Study in Supporting Learning (University of Westminster) Postgraduate Certificate in Management and Leadership (Sheffield Hallam University) Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Management (Bath University) Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Management (Southampton University) 1.9 Candidates who are members of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accouting (CIPFA) may, at the discretion of the Programme Director, count 20 credits towards the Diploma. 2. CONTENT 2.1 Compulsory Subjects (total modular weight 100) Module Weight 2.2 BSP856 Financial Management 2 20 BSP861 Planning and Operations 2 20 BSP866 Human Resource Management 2 15 BSP871 Information Management 2 20 BSP876 Leading Administrative Issues: Higher Education Environment 2 20 BSP877 Personnel Management 2: Policy and Procedural Issues BSP761* Research Project Proposal 15 10 MSc Subjects BSP763† Masters Project † 60 by Partial Distance Learning (>50%) 2.3 The choice of optional subjects will be made from those available. Information on the up-to-date position is available form the Business School. 2.4 For full details of the specific assessment requirements for each module see the Module Specification. D:\533568529.doc 24/01/2011 BSPT66 2011/2012 3. ASSESSMENT 3.1 Modular credit corresponding to the weight of the module will be awarded to each candidate who receives a Module Mark of not less than 50%. 3.2 Candidates who have the right of re-assessment in a module may choose to be reassessed in the University’s special assessment period. 4. AWARDS: SPECIFIC PROGRAMME PROVISIONS Candidates are required to obtain the following in order to be eligible for an award: 4.1 To be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate, candidates must have accumulated at least 60 credits from the modules listed in 2.1. 4.2 To be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma, candidates have accumulated at least 100 credits and achieved module marks of not less than 40% in further modules with a total module weight of 20 from the modules listed in 2.1. 4.3 To be eligible for the award of MSc candidates must have satisified all the requirements outlined in 4.2 and in addition must have achieved 60 credits from the modules listed in 2.2. 4.4 Distinctions will be awarded to candidates achieving a Programme Mark of not less than 70%. D:\533568529.doc 24/01/2011