Intercultural Learning with International exchange 9.00-10.00 Training seminar for Multipliers This seminar is designed to give an additional qualification to youth leaders from new and old E.U- countries and non-members, who already have had experience in youth exchanges or are likely to gain such experience in the future. The training lasts 10 days and will look at the role of the youth leader. Basics of group dynamics and intervention will be discussed as will theories of intercultural learning and practical methodology for international youth work. One goal is for participants to become more aware of their personal and professional style as youth leaders, and to get a basis to bring more transparency and clarity into complex intercultural situations. The main aim of the seminar is to increase intercultural competencies. Participants should develop sensitivity for the specifics of intercultural processes, for the role they play within this, for the challenges this kind of work demands of the personality. Moreover the need to broaden the `methodological box` will be taken into account. Games and exercises to understand the own and foreign cultural styles of perception and communication will be carried out and evaluated as their suitability for International exchanges will be discussed. Participants will learn to choose methods which fit their own idea of intercultural learning and perception of role in order to create a self confident personal pedagogical style. At the same time the multilateral composition of the group will afford participants the opportunity to meet potential partners, so that concrete projects can be planned. Time will be allocated for this. Practical knowhow, for example on the rules and regulations surrounding E.U. project finance, will be made available. PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME 10.00-12.30 14.30-15.00 15.30-18.00 Saturday, 28.06.08 Arrival of participants Evening meal Opening session: Welcome, organisational issues; followed by: Who-where-what? Exercises to arrive in the new group , place and programme; What do I fear? What do I hope? Expectations and introduction of the programme Presentation of fieldwork results and evaluation of the personal experiences Followed by. Objectives of intercultural learning, introduction, followed by: “I see what you don`t see“, exercises on mechanisms of perception and prejudice formation Evaluation of the day 13.30 – 15.30 afterwards 18.30 ca 20.30 9.00 – 12.30 Impressions and informations we`ve got in the town…Working out results of the research in group work , presentation of the excursion results, reflection on field work as a method of intercultural learning; followed by midterm-evaluation 14.30-18.00 “Group dynamics” – introduction, followed by “All in the same boat...and who is playing which part? “ - different roles in our group Evaluation of the day Sunday, 29.06.08 9.00-12.30 14.30-18.00 evening “The view on Rumania in the german mass media”, lecture with Adina Stringhe; followed by „Culture-what does it mean? “ Definitions, cultural dimensions and standards, introduction and exercises „This is what I value...“, exercises on prioritys and conflicts with values, Evaluation: Is it possible to negotiate on values? Followed by Evaluation of the day Sunday, 30.06.08 research ) Guided city-tour Free time: opportunity to visit the town on ones own Dinner in a Restaurant Leaving Hamburg Wednesday, 2.7.08 evening evening Thursday, 3.07.08 9.00 – 12.30 Group dynamics and intervention youth-leaders` roles and styles , Introduction and role-plays 14.30-18.00 Teamwork in international teams – a specific challenge, introduction, exercises and role play or simulation on intercultural cooperation, reflection Evaluation of the day evening Friday, 4.07.8 9.00-12.30 “The 3 volunteers” – exercise on processes of inclusion and exclusion, discussion with transfer to the field of youth work 9.00 – 12. Guidelines for project work; followed by: “The postman” - simulation game on developing international youth exchange projects 14.30-18.00 Preparation for excursion: working out the strategies for field work in Hamburg; followed by Preparation for the International Party in national groups International Party 14.30-18.00 „In the financial jungle“, help in orientation with the „YOUTH" programme: application for funds and evaluation reports, Georg Pirker, AdB Berlin Evaluation of the day Friday, 27.06.08 afternoon 18.oo 19.00-22.00 Handling new situations – what kind of experiences and resources do I bring with? Followed by: Discovering intercultural elements in a very small town, field work in Bad Bevensen evening Monday, 1.07.08 9.00 11.00-12.30 evening Saturday, 5.07.07 Trip to Hamburg Discovering intercultural elements in a big foreign city (interviews and 9.00-12.30 Continuation of project group work. Presentation of results afternoon „Looking back at this seminar“. Critical assessment using different evaluating methods Sunday, 6.07.08 in the morning Breakfast and departure of participants Aegée-Catania (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l´Europe), Catania, Italien Magyarországi Sonnenberg Kör, Miskolc, Ungarn Muslimische Jugend Deutschland e.V. Sonnenberg Hrvatska , Zagreb, Kroatien Young Researchers of Serbia, Belgrad, Serbien Conference chair Gabriele Wiemeyer, GSI, Bad Bevensen/G Jan Tolkien, Aegee Münster/ D Vera Simic ,Sonnenberg Hrvatska e.V./ HR Languages, Interprator German/ Englisch, Katharina Schmid GEFÖRDERT durch das Programm JUGEND FÜR EUROPA Aktion 5 TAGUNGSSTÄTTE UND ANMELDUNG Europäisches Bildungs- und Tagungshaus Bad Bevensen Klosterweg 4, D-29549 Bad Bevensen Tel. ++49 (0)5821/955-0, Fax: ++49 (0)5821/955-299 Conference –Fee EUR 100,00 Participants from old members of the European Union EUR 50,00 Participants from members of the old European Union and non-members of Middle-East-Europe inclusive programme with Excursion, accomondation and loadging in doublerooms The travelcosts will be refounded up to 70 % on base of the cheapest travelvariante, maximal to II. class per railway or APEX Airfare. INFORMATION: Gabriele Wiemeyer, Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin Gustav Stresemann Institut Niedersachsen e.V. Klosterweg 4, D-29549 Bad Bevensen Fon: ++49 (0)5821 / 955-116, Mail: Intercultural Learning In International Exchange Training for Multipliers from 5 European Countries 29.06. - 08.07.2007 Organisators Gustav Stresemann Institut Niedersachsen e.V. in Kooperation mit :