Appendix 3a to the Regulations of the call for applications under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the level of Operating Programme PL04. FORMAL EVALUATION CARD OF THE BILATERAL APPLICATION COMPETITION CALL UNDER NORWEGIAN FINANCIAL MECHANISM 2009-2014 (ACCORDING TO FORMAL CRITERIA) Bilateral Cooperation Fund - Operational Programme PL04 entitled: "Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources" Application no. assigned by ........................................................................................................ DI: Office no. assigned by the Office of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management: ………............................... Project title ………………………………………………………………………. Applicant: ……………………………………………………………………… Project Partner from Norway: ………………………………………………………. Eligible expenditure of the task: ............................................................................................ Amount of the subsidy:......................% of the subsidy ……………………….. Item Criterion name 1. 2. 1. The application has been submitted on a due date according to the call for applications to the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the level of Programme PL04 (according to item 10 Of the call for applications) 2. Period of the project implementation falls within the eligibility period of the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the level of Programme PL04 Evaluation principles Yes Comment No 3. 4. FORMAL CRITERIA (according to item 6 Of the call for applications) 3. Applicant's eligibility (according to item 2 Of the call for applications) 1 Appendix 3a to the Regulations of the call for applications under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the level of Operating Programme PL04. 4. Eligibility of activities and thematic scope of the project (according to Article 3.6, passage 1, item b of the FM EEA Regulations according to items 3 and 9 of the call for applications according to section III item 3 Of the Bilateral strategy for PL04 in the NMF part) 5. Eligibility of expenditures (according to item 9 Of the call for applications and according to the bilateral strategy, supplementation, part IV, item 3) 6. 7. 8. Application for the subsidy falls within the limits stated in the call for applications (according to items 4 i5 of the call for applications) Completeness of a filled application and supplied annexes, compliance of the paper and electronic versions, compliance of the English version with the Polish version (applies to the application form, items 3.2 – project description, and 3.4 – activities and implementation schedule) (according to items 10-15 of the call for applications) The application is bilateral in nature and has been submitted in partnership – a partnership contract or letter of intent has been attached to the application. (according to items 3, 11, 14 of the call for applications) Meeting the formal evaluation criterion YES/NO/to be supplemented Full name of the evaluating person.......................................... Signature............................................................................................... Date....................................................................................................... 2 Appendix 3a to the Regulations of the call for applications under the Bilateral Cooperation Fund at the level of Operating Programme PL04. Full name of the ecology unit manager .......................................... Signature............................................................................................... Date....................................................................................................... LIST OF APPENDICES TO THE BILATERAL PARTNERSHIP APPLICATION UNDER THE BILATERAL COOPERATION FUND AT THE LEVEL OF PROGRAMME PL02 OF EEA 2009-2014 1. Documents confirming partnership in the project: YES/NO Letter of Intent Partnership contract 2. Other annexes: YES/NO Statute and/or the founding act Project description and project budget in English. Framework agendas of study visits/conferences/seminars/workshops, specifying the purpose of conducting an event, its duration, as well as the profile and number of its participants (if envisaged in the project). Concept of innovative pilot projects (if envisaged in the project). Concept of establishing a cooperation platform (if envisaged in the project). Short description of research and analyses (if envisaged in the project). Concept of promotional and information campaigns (if envisaged in the project). Statement on the compliance of the paper version of the application form with the electronic version, compliance of the English version with the Polish version (applies to the application form, items 3.2 – project description, and 3.4 – activities and implementation schedule). Other documents deemed necessary to be submitted by the applicant: 1. 2. 3. 3