INFLUENCE OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON THE HYDROLOGY OF THE INSIZA RIVER, LIMPOPO BASIN, ZIMBABWE - IMPLICATIONS FOR CATCHMENT PLANNING Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema1,2*, Johan Rockström3,4, Dominic Mazvimavi5,6, David Love3,7,8, Marloes L. Mul2,9, André van Rooyen7 and Steve Twomlow7 1 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Lubumbashi, PO Box 1825, Kasapa Campus, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tel.:+243-810-653896. Email.:, 2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel.: +263-4-336725. Email.: 3 WaterNet, PO Box MP600, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel.: +263-4-336725. Email.:, 4 Stockholm Environment Institute, Box 2142, SE-103 14 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: + 46 80412 1403. Email.: 5 Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel.:+263-4-303211. Email.: 6 Harry Oppenheimer Institute for Okavango Research, Maun, Botswana. Tel.:+ 267 686 1833. Email.: 7 ICRISAT-Bulawayo, Matopos Research Station, PO Box 776 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Tel.: +263-838-311/2/3/4. Email.,, * Corresponding author 1 8 Department of Geology, University of Zimbabwe, PO Box MP167, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel.: +263-4-303211. Email.: 9 UNESCO-IHE, PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31-15-2151715. Email.: ABSTRACT A study was undertaken to assess changes in flow characteristics of a medium-sized river over time and interactions with human activity in a semi-arid sub-catchment. The study area, Insiza sub-catchment, covers an area of 3400 km2 within the Zimbabwean portion of the Limpopo Basin. The analysis covered 35 years of discharge data from four gauging stations (flow duration, number of days with zero flows, runoff coefficients). Human influences over water resources were assessed through the effect of hydrological infrastructure mainly the construction of large dams and changes in land use. Results indicate a decrease in flows at the sub-catchment scale (2,260 km2) from the 1960s to the 1990s. However, at meso-scale (400 km2) the runoff coefficient increased from 2% in the 1960s to over 6% in the 1990s. This can be related to increasing population and consequent intensification of agriculture, conversion of mixed impacted land into crop fields as observed during the 1990s. These changes could be the cause of the increase in runoff generation at meso-scale. Dam management affected the flow regime of the river by reducing days with zero flows, the hydrological regime downstream of the dams are dominated by releases, especially during the dry season. 2 The results of this study suggest that population increase and consequent land use change influence runoff generation at meso-scale, but have a much more limited effect on water resource availability at sub-catchment scale. The latter, in an ephemeral river such as the Insiza, seems to be mainly controlled by releases from major dams. This supports the necessity of a community-level scale of decision-making for local catchments, since the community-level activities have their effect at this level, coupled with catchment level decision-making on major dams - which effect more distant communities. Keywords: hydrological regime, dam development, catchment planning INTRODUCTION Human activities and hydrology Both human activity and climate have a very significant effect on the hydrological cycle. These effects are increasing as a consequence of the rapid increase in population, agricultural production, and industrialization (Refsgaard et al.1989). Previous studies in Zimbabwe have focused on the effect of land use changes on the hydrological response (Lorup et al, 1998). The study by Lorup et al (1998) found that there were no significant changes in areas covered by different land cover types on catchments located in regions where the sub-division of the country into communal and commercial farming areas had been made over 30 years ago. Flow characteristics did not change over time. Andrews and Bullock (1994) assessed the effects of afforestation on hydrological responses on basins within the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. The initial clearing of indigenous vegetation in preparation for planting pines resulted in increased water yield. Water yield decreased as the pines matured. Zimbabwe like 3 most of the southern African countries receives rainfall during a four month rainy season (mid-November to mid-March) with the rest of the year being dry. Rainfall has high interannual variability. The country is underlain mostly by crystalline basement rocks with poor potential for groundwater occurrence (Interconsult A/S, 1985). Due to the combination of highly seasonal rainfall, and poor potential for groundwater occurrence which could sustain dry season flows, most of the rivers only flow during the rainy season. Rainfall and therefore runoff have also high inter-annual variability. Thus water shortages are experienced in some years. The development of dams to store water during the rainy season for the dry season, and also storing water during years with above average rainfall for supply during years with below average rainfall has been a major strategy (Mazvimavi, 1998). The development of commercial agriculture, mining, and urban areas has always been linked to dam development in Zimbabwe. There are over 10,000 dams in Zimbabwe. The impact of dam development on flow characteristics has not been adequately examined in Zimbabwe. Mazvimavi (1998) compared the proportion of total storage in hydrological sub-zones of Zimbabwe to the mean annual runoff of the respective sub-zones. However, no analysis was made of how specific flow characteristics are modified by dams. This paper assesses the effect of dam development on flow characteristic of one river basin in Zimbabwe. Study area The study has been undertaken in Insiza River basin (3401 km 2) located within the semi-arid southern part of Zimbabwe (Fig 1). Mean annual rainfall varies from 480 mm/yr in the southern part to 690 mm/yr in the northern part of Insiza River basin, and occurs over a limited period of time between November and March, with often a large portion of the annual precipitation falling in a small number of events (Butterworth et al., 1999). Rainfall in the study area appears to be have been declining over the last 30 years (Moyo, 2005). 4 The Insiza River is a tributary of Mzingwane River, which drains into the Limpopo River, contributing around 9 % of the unit runoff of the latter river (Görgens and Boroto, 1997). The catchment is underlain by gneissic and granitic rocks, giving rise to moderately shallow, coarse grained kaolinitic sands, and moderately shallow clays and loams (Ashton et al., 2001). Land use is mainly a mixture of croplands, pastureland and woodland (Hearn et al., 2001). The north part with moderately high rainfall has low open woodland of Combretum-acarciaterminalia associated with granitic or gneissic derived sandy soils. Towards the south sparse low mopane woodland is gradually replaced by Terminalia sericea open woodland (Timberlake 1989). Cropping includes commercial farming (largely resettled) in the north, often under irrigation, and smallholder farming (mostly rainfed) in the south. Irrigation in the south includes irrigation schemes, managed by farmer committees, and household level irrigation – the latter mostly for vegetable gardens and often using drip kits (Maisiri, 2004; Chigerwe et al., 2004). Kileshye Onema (2004) observed land use changes in the Insiza sub-catchment, between 1991 and 2000. A combination of housing, grazing and crop fields (mixed impacted lands) was turned into crop fields, this conversion was observed on 14% of the total area of the Insiza sub-catchment. Further such changes can be expected due to the decrease in farm size under the recent land reform programme (Moyo, 2004), especially in the Upper Insiza, where the commercial farms were located. 5 Fig. 1. Location of Insiza subcatchment within Zimbabwe’s agro-ecological zones. METHODOLOGY There are four flow measuring stations that have were established by the then Department of Water Development between 1966 and 1968 within the Insiza River basin (Table 1 and Fig. 2). These stations are equipped with automatic flow measuring instruments. Daily flow data for these stations for the 1966-2001 periods were obtained from the Zimbabwe National Water Authority Table 1: Insiza River Gauging stations details. Source: Data and Research Division ZINWA, 2004 6 Station River Catchment Area Opening (km)2 Date 401 30/10/1968 570 5/11/1965 2260 5/10/1966 3025 22/09/1966 Location Number Insiza Upstream of Upper Insiza B75 Dam Insiza Downstream of Upper Insiza B57 Dam Insiza Upstream of Silalabuhwa B69 Dam Insiza Downstream of Silalabuhwa B65 Dam The flow measuring stations presented in Table 1 are all located along the same river, Insiza River. Flow characteristics of these stations upstream and downstream of the dams are compared to determine the effect of dams along the river. Secondly flow characteristic are compared on trends between decades. The following methods were used to analyse the flow characteristics. Flow Duration Curve Flow duration curves show graphically the relationship between any given discharge and the percentage of time that the discharge is exceeded. The curve can be drawn for daily or monthly flow data or for any consecutive D-day or month period. For this study, flow duration curves were generated using daily flows for a period of ten years covering all records available for each gauging station. 7 Number of days with zero flows The number of days with zero flows within the period of assessment have been also looked at to find out if there is any increase or decrease in the number of days with zero flows over time and also to locate changes spatially and temporally for each gauging station in the subcatchment. The time step considered for this assessment was yearly. Runoff coefficient The runoff coefficients in the area were looked at last. The trends and changes over time were analysed in order to assess if there is any increase and decrease in the runoff generation and also to link those results with the land use changes and activities. From the mean annual rainfall, the flows and the area of each gauging station runoff coefficients were determined for each one of those gauging stations. Water resources in Insiza sub-catchment The Insiza sub-catchment is located in two hydrological zones, Upper Insiza located in the highveld with moderate precipitations with mean annual rainfall ranging from 594 to 694mm/yr. For the Lower Insiza mean annual rainfall varies between 483 to 682mm/yr. In the same way mean annual runoff declines from the Upper Insiza to the Lower Insiza, see table 2. 8 Table 2. Insiza sub-catchment surface water summary, after Ministry of Water Resources and Development (1983). Upper Insiza Dam B75 Catchment Are Mean Coefficient Mean a annual of annual Km2 runoff variation runoff mm/yr % 103m3/y B57 Insiza Dam r Upper Insiza 1,57 50 130 Silalabuhwa Dam 79,000 B69 2 Lower Insiza 1,82 B65 38 125 70,000 9 Fig. 2. Insiza subcatchment showing major features and gauging stations. With the coefficients of variation of run-off ranging from 125 to 130, there is a great potential for carry-over of water stored in good years in order to balance out the low run-off in poor years. This has been exploited in the development by government of three large dams on the Insiza River and ten small dams on the tributaries (Table 3 and Fig. 3). Table 2. Large dam development in the Insiza sub-catchment. Source: Data and Research Division ZINWA, 2004 Name of Dam Capacity Year (103 m3) constructed Insiza River Mainstem Upper Insiza (formerly 8,829 1967 Fort Rixon) 9 Insiza (formerly Mayfair 173,491 1973 23,454 1966 or Cunningham) Silalabuhwa (also known as Silalajani) Subtotal 205,774 Tributaries Siwaze 2,325 Masholomoshe 1,068 Sukwe 1,700 1971 Makoshi 926 1998 Matiboni 228 1996 Nedzhiwa 19 1996 130 1998 Doro 262 1997 Thake 435 1999 Zhulube 440 Subtotal 7,533 Mleja (also known as 1987 Manzamhlope) Total for Insiza 213,307 Subcatchment 10 250000 3 3 Cumulate capacity (10 m ) 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Fig. 3. Cumulative capacity of large dam development, Insiza sub-catchment. As fig 3. shows the largest increase in storage was realised in the 1960s and early 1970s, whereas the smaller dams located in the tributaries do not contribute to the total storage capacity in the Insiza sub-catchment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hydrology Rainfall statistics 11 Figure 4:Rainfall- and flows for B75 The annual rainfall characteristics in the Insiza sub-catchment are represented by the rainfall from Filabusi station (for location see fig 2.). As shown in fig 4, mean annual rainfall amounts to 542 mm/yr. It also shows that the rainfall during the 1970s was substantially higher that during the 1980s and 1990s, with 649, 489 and 495 mm/yr respectively. Flow Duration Curves Gauging stations B75 and B69 are located respectively upstream of Upper Insiza Dam and Silalabuhwa Dam. Discharges occurrences and values are decreasing during the period, with the lowest values located in the 1990’s for both B75 and B69. As compared to the 1970s, with 45% of time exceeding 0.1 m3/s, in the 1990s this is reduced to 20%. This trend is visible for all flows, decreasing from the 1970s to the 1980s and decreasing even further during the 1990s. Although the trend from the 1970s to the 1980s is logical since the rainfall statistics 12 indicate that the 1970s were very wet years. Still during the last decade the flows has decreased (figs. 5 and 6). Figure 5.Flow Duration Curves of B75, Upstream Insiza Dam Flow Duration curves B69 1000 100 Flow m^3/s 10 70s 1 80s 90s 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 20 40 60 80 % of time Figure 6.Flow Duration Curves of B69, upstream Silalabuhwa Dam 13 100 120 Flow Duration curve B57 1000 100 flow m^3/s 10 70s 1 80s 90s 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 % of time Figure 7.Flow Duration Curves of B57, Downstream Insiza Dam Flow Duration curve B65 1000 100 Flow m^3/s 10 70s 80s 90s 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 % of time Figure 8.Flow Duration Curves of B65, downstream Silalabuhwa Gauging stations B57 and B65 are located downstream of Upper Insiza Dam and Silalabuhwa Dam respectively. High values in discharges and occurrence are again found in the 1970s, the wettest period of the study. For the station B57 the discharges in the 1980s and 1990s are similar, however for station B65 the difference can clearly be seen in the medium flows 14 (1m3/s), which are more dominant during the 1980s. With low flows being dominant during the 1990s. Comparing the upstream flow duration curve with the downstream for Silalabuhwa Dam, B69 and B65, it is clear that the dam increases the low flows during the 1990s, with flows exceeding 0.1 m3/s increases from 15-25 % and during the 1970s increasing from 40-90 %. 15 Number of days with zero flows This flow characteristic is showing that the Insiza River is generally an ephemeral river with an average of 200 days/yr with zero flows (Fig. 9). Number of days without flows B65 350 300 250 Days 200 Series1 150 100 50 0 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 Years Fig. 9. Numbers of days per year without flows recorded for the Insiza River at (from top to bottom and left to right) B75, B57, B69 and B65. During the 1970s the days without flows decreased due to the high rainfall amounts, sometimes even reducing to zero. Comparing upstream to downstream gauging stations, it is Number of days without flows, B69 Number of days without flows B57 400 350 350 300 300 250 250 200 Series1 Days Days 400 200 Series1 150 150 100 100 50 50 0 0 66 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 71 76 81 86 91 96 Years years shown that in 1960s upstream of Upper Insiza Dam there are a substantial amount of days without flow, where downstream there are flows almost throughout the year. Similar behaviour is seen for Silalabuhwa Dam. This shows that dam management reduces days with 16 zero flows and turns an ephemeral river into a perennial river. However while doing the same analysis in the 1990s, even downstream of the dams there are substantial amount of days with zero flows comparable to upstream. Runoff coefficients For the runoff coefficient analysis only the gauging stations upstream of the dams were considered since downstream is too much affected by dam management (Fig. 10). Runoff coefficients B75 12 10 % 8 6 4 2 years 99 /0 0 97 /9 8 94 /9 5 92 /9 3 90 /9 1 88 /8 9 86 /8 7 84 /8 5 82 /8 3 80 /8 1 78 /7 9 76 /7 7 74 /7 5 72 /7 3 70 /7 1 68 /6 9 0 Runoff coefficients B75 Fig. 10. Runoff coefficients recorded for the Insiza River at (from top to bottom) B75, andB69 For B75, located upstream of the upper Insiza Dam and with the smallest catchment area (400 km2), shows an increase in runoff generation from a maximum of 2% in the 1960s to a 17 maximum of 6% in the 1980s and 1990s, during the wet 1970s runoff coefficient even increased to 11%. Station B69, located the furthest downstream and with the largest catchment area (2,260 km2), showed runoff coefficients from the 1960s compared to the ones in the 1980s and 1990s are presenting similar values between 2-3 %. During the 1970s the runoff coefficient increased up to 18%. Comparing the runoff coefficient during wet periods (1970s) the runoff coefficient increases with increasing catchment area, however during normal and dry years runoff coefficient decreases with increasing catchment area. CONCLUSIONS It is clear that the dam development in the Insiza sub-catchment do have impacts on the hydrology, where the major dams were built in the 1970s, with the gauging stations upstream and downstream of the dam having different hydrological characteristics, decreasing the low flows (<0.1 m3/s) and increasing the medium flows (1m3/s) from upstream to downstream. Smaller dams in the tributaries of the Insiza sub-catchment were built at the end of the 1990s, it is envisaged that these will alter the flows upstream of the Insiza and Silalabuhwa Dams. However downstream the operation of these two major dams will still dominate the flow.. The results of this study suggest that runoff generation changes at meso-scale have a much more limited effect on water resource availability at sub-catchment scale. The latter, in an 18 ephemeral river such as the Insiza, seems to be mainly controlled by releases from major dams. This supports the necessity of a community-level scale of decision-making for local catchments, since the community-level activities have their effect at this level, coupled with catchment level decision-making on major dams - which effect more distant communities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research presented in this paper was supported by a Belgian Technical Cooperation scholarship and a grant from WaterNet to J.M. Kileshye Onema and in-kind contributions by ICRISAT-Bulawayo. This paper is a contribution to WaterNet Challenge Program Project 17 “Integrated Water Resource Management for Improved Rural Livelihoods: Managing risk, mitigating drought and improving water productivity in the water scarce Limpopo Basin”, funded through the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research’s Challenge Program on Water and Food. The opinions and results presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the donors or participating institutions. The cooperation of the office of the District Administrator (Insiza) and the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (especially the Research and Data Branch and the office of the Catchment Manager: Mzingwane) made this research possible. REFERENCES 19 Andrews, A.J. and Bullock, A. 1994. Hydrological impact of afforestation in eastern Zimbabwe. Overseas Development Report No. 94/5, Institute of Hydrology, Wallingfornd, UK. Ashton, P. J., Love, D., Mahachi, H. and Dirks, P. 2001. 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