conference call minutes



Patient Care CP D-MIM conf call 26 okt 4.30 Eastern Time

Roll call.

Present (excuse me for errors in your name)

Christina Hansson

Michael van Campen

Gary Kruckshank

Jerry Jones

William Goossen

Lloyd McKensie

Heath Frankel.

Isobel Frean joined later

Charlie Bishop was excused

Agenda items.

D-MIM narratives walkthrough:

2.1. Care Provision Act

2.2. Statement collector

2.3. Existing explanation Care Statement

2.4. Additional Walkthruh Care Statement

3. Ballot comments for D-MIM: most still need to be addressed and included in document.

A May 2005: outstanding D-MIM issues / issues to be checked whether they are caried out.

3.1. LIM will be Local CMET => most are CMET / R-MIM format, still to be discussed in HL7 MnM?

3.2. Allergy missing => new R-MIM when to discuss this one in call

3.3. Walkthruh missing => now provided

3.4. submission of Care Structures to shared CMET domain

3.5. vocabulary guidelines: non medical use such as for community care to be handled

3.6. explain in narratives how to specifically place blobs like documents in act class in

3.7 choice box, reference CDA model. explanations about CMETs use in choicebox

3.8 typo's to take care of.

3.9. images of poor quality (not specified).

3.10 include rol codes in all role classes in D-MIM (Heath would check and do).

3.11. diagnoses versus condition discussion (Prica NL model). Encounter representation into Statement Collector.

3.12. use of URLs for documents, files. refer to CDA for solution:

URL in Act via placing in OBS.value

3.13. comment on blood pressure and heart rate.

Sept: to be looked at later.

Meeting discussions, decisions and action items.

Discussed where the two documents for care provision act and statement collector 4.

So agenda items 2.1 and 2.2 are dealt with, and 2.3 and 2.4 will be discussed later. Ballot comments May 2005 (A) will also be discussed later.

Most are editorial changes, some include requests for changes to model and thus the walkthruh and some include handling of the issue elsewhere in HL7. William will summarize them and

update and join the narratives. Heath then will check this and put on the list. Lloyd can review it after 2 weeks from now.

Ongoing work within HL7 deals with the invariants versus value sets. We will get value sets instead of

However, when will this be ready? In the meantime we leave it as is and keep it as action item for later.

Walktrhough work: we need to decide where a description of details is necessary and where to refer to this description.

5. Actions:

5.1. Heath will check recursives and check in 2 weeks after reminding him (William will do when updates in documents are ready).

5.2. Heath and Dan will go through the statement collector codes and narratives

5.3. William will do edits in 2.1 and 2.2 documents and Join them.

5.4. Lloyd will check the narratives.

5.5. William will sort out the proposals that need a formal request for change.

Upcoming meetings

6. next calls

6.1. Thursday 10th november 2005 at 3.30 pm eastern time subject: Allergy

William will Invite Tom de Jong

6.2. 23rd November at the same time: subject to decide: probably continuation of

D-MIM Care statement. or Care topics like observations / scales etc.
