INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 CODING OF MOVING PICTURES AND AUDIO ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG11 N4701 March 2002 Source: Title: Editor: Cheju IPMP Break out group FPDAM ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001 / AMD3 Craig A. Schultz Status: Approved ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/PDAM 1 ISO/IEC TC JTC 1/SC 29 N Date: 2002-03-21 ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000/PDAM 2 ISO/IEC TC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 Secretariat: Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 1: Systems, Amendment 3: Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) extensions Élément introductif — Élément central — Partie 1: Titre de la partie Warning This document is not an ISO International Standard. It is distributed for review and comment. It is subject to change without notice and may not be referred to as an International Standard. Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation. 2 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000/Amd.3:2000(E) Copyright notice This ISO document is a working draft or committee draft and is copyright-protected by ISO. While the reproduction of working drafts or committee drafts in any form for use by participants in the ISO standards development process is permitted without prior permission from ISO, neither this document nor any extract from it may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form for any other purpose without prior written permission from ISO. Requests for permission to reproduce this document for the purpose of selling it should be addressed as shown below or to ISO's member body in the country of the requester: [Indicate the full address, telephone number, fax number, telex number, and electronic mail address, as appropriate, of the Copyright Manger of the ISO member body responsible for the secretariat of the TC or SC within the framework of which the working document has been prepared.] Reproduction for sales purposes may be subject to royalty payments or a licensing agreement. Violators may be prosecuted. ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Compatibility with 14496 :1-2001 ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Organization of this Document ................................................................................................................................... 1 2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 1 3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 1 3.1 Authorized User ............................................................................................................................................................ 1 3.2 Binary Representation ................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.3 Content .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.4 Content Consumption .................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.5 Content Stream ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.6 Control Point ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.7 IPMP Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.8 IPMP Tool ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.9 IPMP Tool Identifier ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.10 IPMP Tool List ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.11 IPMP Tool Manager ................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.12 IPMP Tool Message .................................................................................................................................................. 2 3.13 IPMP Tool Stream ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.14 IPMP Tool Verification Information ......................................................................................................................... 2 3.15 Message Router ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 3.16 Mutual Authentication .............................................................................................................................................. 3 3.17 Parametric Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 3 3.18 Parametric Description ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3.19 Renewability .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.20 Representation Format ............................................................................................................................................. 3 3.21 Rights Authentication ............................................................................................................................................... 3 ii ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 3.22 Scope of Protection .................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.23 Scope of Service ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.24 Terminal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.25 User ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 3.26 Verification................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4 OVERVIEW OF IPMP EXTENSIONS (INFORMATIVE).................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Walkthrough .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 4.1.1 User requests specific content ................................................................................................................................ 4 4.1.2 IPMP Tools description access ............................................................................................................................... 4 4.1.3 IPMP Tools retrieval ................................................................................................................................................ 4 4.1.4 Instantiation of IPMP Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 4 4.1.5 IPMP Initialization and Update – In parallel with Content Consumption .................................................................. 4 4.2 Overview of the Normative Elements ......................................................................................................................... 5 4.2.1 IPMP Tool List ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 The Parametric Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................... 5 4.2.2 Tools in the Content ................................................................................................................................................ 5 4.2.3 Instantiation of IPMP Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2.4 Mutual Authentication .............................................................................................................................................. 5 4.2.5 IPMP Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.2.6 IPMP Information Routing ....................................................................................................................................... 6 4.2.7 Consumption Permission ........................................................................................................................................ 6 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Extended MPEG-4 Architecture................................................................................................................................... 7 4.3.1 Additional Tag Specifications for MPEG-4 OD Syntax ............................................................................................ 7 List of Class Tags for Descriptors ......................................................................................................................................... 7 4.4 Standardized Processes .............................................................................................................................................. 8 4.4.1 IPMP Tool List Specification .................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4.2 IPMP Tool Identifier ................................................................................................................................................. 8 IPMP_ToolListDescriptor ................................................................................................................................. 9 Syntax........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Semantics..................................................................................................................................................... 9 IPMP_Tool........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Syntax........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Semantics................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.4.3 Parametric Infrastructure ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Details of Parametric Description ............................................................................................................... 11 Details of Parametric Configuration ........................................................................................................... 11 4.4.4 Delivery of Tools via Content................................................................................................................................. 11 IPMP Tool Streams in MPEG-4 Content ........................................................................................................ 11 IPMP_ToolES ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Decoder Specific Information ..................................................................................................................... 12 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Bitstream .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 12 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................ 13 4.4.5 IPMP Tool Instantiation ......................................................................................................................................... 13 iii ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Instantiation and Termination through MPEG-4 Content ............................................................................... 13 IPMP_Initialize ............................................................................................................................................ 14 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Semantics: ........................................................................................................................................... 14 IPMPToolDescriptorPointer ........................................................................................................................ 15 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Semantics: ........................................................................................................................................... 15 IPMP_ToolDescriptor ................................................................................................................................. 15 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 15 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................ 15 IPMP_ToolDescriptor OD Commands ....................................................................................................... 16 IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate ............................................................................................................... 16 IPMP_ToolDescriptorRemove ............................................................................................................. 16 IPMPDecoderConfiguration........................................................................................................................ 17 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................ 17 IPMP_StreamDataUpdate .......................................................................................................................... 17 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................ 17 IPMP Stream Considerations .............................................................................................................. 18 4.4.6 Information Routing ............................................................................................................................................... 18 4.4.7 Mutual Authentication ............................................................................................................................................ 18 4.4.8 Trust and Security Metadata ................................................................................................................................. 18 Specification ............................................................................................................................................... 19 4.5 XML Schema ............................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.5.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.5.2 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 4.5.3 DateClass .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 4.5.4 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 4.6 TrustSecurityMetadata ............................................................................................................................................... 19 4.6.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 4.6.2 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 20 4.7 Permission for Content Consumption...................................................................................................................... 20 4.8 Tool Manager .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Obtaining Missing Tools ................................................................................................................................. 21 5 MESSAGING INFRASTRUCTURE ................................................................................................................................. 21 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 21 5.1.1 Message Router .................................................................................................................................................... 21 5.1.2 Addressing............................................................................................................................................................. 21 5.2 IPMP_ToolMessageBase ........................................................................................................................................... 21 5.2.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 21 5.2.2 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 5.3 IPMP_ToolSecureMessage ........................................................................................................................................ 22 5.3.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.3.2 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 5.4 Instantiation and Notification Messages .................................................................................................................. 23 5.4.1 IPMP_GetTools ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 iv ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 5.4.2 IPMP_GetToolsResponse ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.4.3 IPMP_GetToolContext .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 5.4.4 IPMP_GetToolContextResponse .......................................................................................................................... 24 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.4.5 IPMP_ConnectTool ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.4.6 IPMP_DisconnectTool ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 5.4.7 IPMP_ToolConnectNotification ............................................................................................................................. 25 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 25 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.5 Event Notification Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 26 5.5.1 IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener ........................................................................................................................ 26 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.5.2 IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener ................................................................................................................. 26 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 26 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 5.5.3 IPMP_NotifyToolEvent .......................................................................................................................................... 27 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 5.6 IPMP Information Delivery Functions ....................................................................................................................... 27 5.6.1 IPMP_MessageFromBitstream ............................................................................................................................. 27 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 27 5.6.2 IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream .................................................................................................................... 27 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 27 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 5.7 Consumption Permission .......................................................................................................................................... 28 5.7.1 IPMP_CanProcess ................................................................................................................................................ 28 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 28 5.8 User Interaction Messages ........................................................................................................................................ 28 5.8.1 ToolToUserMessage ............................................................................................................................................. 28 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 28 ByteArray .................................................................................................................................................... 29 DTArray ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 v ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 RTArray ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 OptionArray ................................................................................................................................................ 29 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 5.8.2 UserToToolMessage ............................................................................................................................................. 30 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 30 5.9 Mutual Authentication Messages.............................................................................................................................. 30 5.9.1 IPMP_InitAuthentication ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 5.9.2 IPMP_Mutual_Authentication ................................................................................................................................ 31 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 31 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 5.10 Key Descriptor......................................................................................................................................................... 33 5.10.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 33 5.10.2 Semantics .............................................................................................................................................................. 33 5.11 AlgorithmDescriptor ............................................................................................................................................... 33 5.11.1 Syntax .................................................................................................................................................................... 33 5.12 Semantics ................................................................................................................................................................ 33 5.12.1 Generation of a MAC ............................................................................................................................................. 34 5.12.2 Generation of Keys for Message Encryption ......................................................................................................... 34 5.13 Parametric Messages ............................................................................................................................................. 35 5.13.1 IPMP Tool Parametric Capabilities Query ............................................................................................................. 35 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 5.13.2 IPMP Tool Parametric Capabilities Query Response ............................................................................................ 35 Syntax ............................................................................................................................................................ 35 Semantics ...................................................................................................................................................... 35 Response ....................................................................................................................................................... 35 ANNEX A SELECTIVE DECRYPTION CONFIGURATION MESSAGE (NORMATIVE) ..................................................... 36 A.1 IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage.............................................................................................................................. 36 A1.1 Syntax ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 A.1.2 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................................... 37 A.2 An example of a selective decryption configuration message (Informative) ................................................................. 39 ANNEX B USE OF IPMP DECODERCONFIGINFORMATION (INFORMATIVE) ............................................................... 41 B.1 IPMP Descriptor Example ............................................................................................................................................. 41 B.2 IPMP Stream Example ................................................................................................................................................. 42 ANNEX C SCHEMA FOR TERMINAL PLATFORM (NORMATIVE)................................................................................... 43 ANNEX D SCHEMA FOR PARAMETRIC DESCRIPTION (NORMATIVE) .......................................................................... 46 ANNEX E LIST OF REGISTRATION AUTHORITIES (NORMATIVE) ................................................................................. 47 ANNEX F ILLUSTRATION OF USE AND SCOPE OF IPMP DESCRIPTORS AND DECLARATORS (NORMATIVE)....... 48 vi ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 ANNEX G – TRUST MODEL XML SCHEMA ......................................................................................................................... 55 G.1 Trust Model Schema................................................................................................................................................. 55 ANNEX H: WATERMARKING CONFIGURATION AND NOTIFICATION MESSAGES ........................................................ 57 H.1 IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit ................................................................................................................................. 57 H.1.1 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................................................... 57 H.1.2 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................................... 57 H.2 IPMP_SendAudioWatermark................................................................................................................................... 58 H.2.1 Syntax ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58 H.2.2 Semantics ............................................................................................................................................................... 59 ANNEX I: TOOL/CONTENT TRANSFER MESSAGES AMONG DISTRIBUTED IPMP DEVICES (INFORMATIVE) .......... 59 I.1 Addressing of distributed devices ................................................................................................................................... 60 I.2 IPMP_DeviceMessageBase ........................................................................................................................................... 60 I.2.1 Syntax....................................................................................................................................................................... 60 I.1.2 Semantics................................................................................................................................................................. 60 I.2 Various Device to Device IPMP Messages ..................................................................................................................... 60 I.2.1 Content Transfer Messages ..................................................................................................................................... 60 I.2.1.1 IPMP_RequestContent ...................................................................................................................................... 60 I.2.1.2 IPMP_ResponseToContentRequest ................................................................................................................. 61 I.2.1.3 IPMP_ContentTransfer ...................................................................................................................................... 61 I.2.2 Tool Transfer Messages .......................................................................................................................................... 61 I.2.2.1 IPMP_RequestTool............................................................................................................................................ 62 I.2.2.2 IPMP_ResponseToToolRequest ....................................................................................................................... 62 I.2.3 Device ID messages ................................................................................................................................................ 62 I.2.3.1 IPMP_DeviceID_Broadcasting Message ........................................................................................................... 62 I.2.3.2 IPMP_DeviceID_Received ................................................................................................................................ 63 vii ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects : — Part 1: Systems, Amendment 3: Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) extensions 1 Introduction This document contains specifications that extend the current IPMP capabilities of MPEG-4. The text of this document shall be added as a clause in 14496-1. 1.1 Compatibility with 14496 :1-2001 This document specifies IPMP extensions for all MPEG content (“Extensions”).For its MPEG-4 mapping, it provides extensions to the currently specified IPMP specification (the “Hooks”), documented in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001. “Hooks” Terminals do not support the additional functionality specified here. Hence, “Hooks” Terminals will not be able to fully process “Extensions” content. However, the syntax and semantics here are compliant with the “Hooks” framework, and therefore allow for graceful failure of a well-designed Terminal. “Extensions” Terminals shall be able to play “Hooks” content, in compliance with the “Hooks” specification. enhancements specified here shall be applied by an “Extensions” Terminal to the processing of “Hooks” content. No Behavior in response to hybrid “Hooks-Extensions” content is outside the scope of this specification and depends on the implementation of a given Terminal. 1.2 Organization of this Document This document is organized as follows: Clause 0 provides an introduction to the document. Clause 4 provides an overview of the process supported by the IPMP Extensions, and identifies different normative elements in this process. Clause 0 provides specifications for all components identified in Clause 4. Clause 5 provides specifications for the messaging architecture and all supported messages. 2 Normative References [1] ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001, Information Technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 1 :Systems [2] ISO/IEC 14496-2:2001, Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects -- Part 2: Visual [3] W3C recommendation, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0,, 10 December 1998 [4] W3C recommendation, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2nd Edition),, 6 October 2000 [5] W3C working draft, XML Schema Part 0: Primer,, 7 April 2000 [6] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993, Information technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) – Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane. 3 3.1 Terms and Definitions Authorized User A user upon whom Rights Authentication has successfully been performed, within the scope of such Authentication. 1 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 3.2 Binary Representation In the context of an IPMP Tool, this is the format of the implementation of that IPMP Tool, Examples: Platform Dependent Native Code, Java ™ bytecode. 3.3 Content This implies part or whole of an MPEG presentation. 3.4 Content Consumption Any experience of given Content implies consumption of that content. Access, Playback, Denial of Access and Creation of a Copy are all types of content consumption. 3.5 Content Stream This is the incoming content, of MPEG-4 format. 3.6 Control Point A point on a given elementary stream or given object in a Terminal where IPMP Processing for media data shall be carried out.[] 3.7 IPMP Information Information directed to a given IPMP Tool to enable, assist or facilitate its operation. 3.8 IPMP Tool IPMP tools are modules that perform (one or more) IPMP functions such as authentication, decryption, watermarking, etc. 3.9 IPMP Tool Identifier This refers to the IPMP Tool ID. It identifies a Tool in an unambiguous way, at the presentation level or at a universal level 3.10 IPMP Tool List The IPMP Tool List identifies, and enables selection of, the IPMP Tools required to process the Content. 3.11 IPMP Tool Manager The IPMP Tool Manager is a conceptual entity within the Terminal that processes IPMP Tool List(s) and retrieves the Tools that are specified therein. 3.12 IPMP Tool Message A message passed between any combination of IPMP Tool or Terminal. 3.13 IPMP Tool Stream An elementary stream carrying an implementation of an IPMP Tool. 3.14 IPMP Tool Verification Information An IPMP Tool Identifier, together with other information to be used during mutual authentication between a given Tool, and a Terminal or another IPMP Tool, constitutes IPMP Tool Verification Information. 3.15 Message Router 2 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 A conceptual entity within the Terminal that implements the Terminal-side behavior of the Terminal-Tool interface. 3.16 Mutual Authentication Protocols carried out to determine the proper and correct identity of a communicating entity and to secure the communication channels between communicating entities. 3.17 Parametric Configuration Information that carries task-specific parameter specification, in an extensible form, and the process of such specification. 3.18 Parametric Description Parametrically described tools shall be defined by a schema that governs a given description, the parametric configuration and other interface message(s) that drive the tool and the behavior defined for fulfillment of such a description. 3.19 Renewability Renewability implies that a Terminal shall acquire missing IPMP Tools, or update an existing IPMP Tool with an updated version. 3.20 Representation Format The binary format, platform and communication mechanisms applicable to a given implementation of an IPMP Tool or Terminal. 3.21 Rights Authentication The process of verifying the authentication of the stated Rights descriptions and the validity of their assignment to, and fulfillment by, a given User. 3.22 Scope of Protection Scope of protection refers to the elementary stream and/or object governed by a given IPMP Tool instance. 3.23 Scope of Service Scope of service of an IPMP Elementary Stream refers to the set of IPMP Tool instances that are served by IPMP Tool Messages sent in the stream 3.24 Terminal A Terminal is an environment that consumes possibly protected Content in compliance with the usage rules. 3.25 User A hardware, software or human entity that is the initiator and/or target of content consumption. 3.26 Verification Establishing, to an acceptable level of certainty, that a certain condition that was claimed to be true is true. 4 4.1 Overview of IPMP Extensions (Informative) Walkthrough This clause describes a possible sequence of steps involved in the consumption of content protected by the IPMP Extensions. This walkthrough identifies the technologies required for interoperability and renewability of IPMP Tools. Figure 1 provides an architecture diagram for the walkthrough concepts. 3 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Missing IPMP Tools Obtain Missing IPMP Tool(s) Content IPMP Tool Manager IPMP Tool List IPMP Tool ID(s) Alternate IPMP Tool ID(s) Content Request Parametric Tool Description(s) Content Delivery Terminal IPMP Tool Elementary Stream IPMP Information Terminal-Tool Message Interchange Interface Terminal-IPMP Tool Communications IPMP Tool 1 IPMP Tool 2 ... IPMP Tool n Figure 1 - Architecture Diagram for Walkthrough Concepts 4.1.1 User requests specific content The manner in which Content is requested is out of scope of this document. However, the following recommendations are made for the order in which different parts of the Content are received and used: 1. IPMP Requirements on the Terminal should be placed with or before media requirements on the Terminal. 2. Access Information and/or restrictions should precede media stream delivery information. 4.1.2 IPMP Tools description access 1. The terminal accesses the IPMP Tool List [4.2.1]. 2. Using the IPMP Tool List, the Terminal determines the IPMP Tools required to consume the content. 4.1.3 IPMP Tools retrieval IPMP tools retrieved out of band are outside the scope of IPMP extensions spec. Missing IPMP tools may be retrieved through an IPMP tool stream if available. 4.1.4 Instantiation of IPMP Tools 1. The Terminal instantiates [] the IPMP Tool(s) locally or remotely. 2. The instantiated Tools are provided [5.6] with initial IPMP Information from the Content. 4.1.5 IPMP Initialization and Update – In parallel with Content Consumption 1. The Message Router routes [4.2.6] IPMP Information [4.2.5] to the IPMP Tools. 2. The terminal consumes the content if allowed [4.2.7] by the requisite IPMP Tools. 3. During content consumption, the complete walkthrough can be requested again. Requests for content consumption are implicit within the process, or are requested [4.2.7] by the User. This architecture supports both transparent and opaque IPMP Information. An IPMP Information ID will be part of the IPMP Information, such ID shall be assigned by a Registration Authority. 4 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 4.2 Overview of the Normative Elements The following elements from the above walkthrough are identified as areas of standardization. The functions that each normative element shall fulfill are briefly described below. 4.2.1 IPMP Tool List 1. The IPMP Tool List [4.4.1] supports indication of independent or alternative Tools. 2. For each tool in the IPMP Tool List, the following information is provided: a. IPMP Tool Identifier: A given IPMP tool is identified to other entities via its IPMP Tool Identifier, and an optional Parametric Description. b. Possible alternatives to a given Tool. c. Optional Tool List Signature The Parametric Infrastructure This is a light, structured language based representation [4.4.3] to accomplish the following: 1. Enables the selection of an implementation of a Tool, usually available at the Terminal that satisfies specified functionality. This is called Parametric Description. 2. The ability to configure tools, whether parametric or not in a parametric manner. Note that all parametric tools shall be subject to the same authentication processes as other IPMP Tools. Note also that the exact values of parameters controlling a parametrically described tool are carried in Parametric Configuration. Such information shall be carried in the Content or generated by other IPMP Tools during Content Consumption. 4.2.2 Tools in the Content Specific IPMP Tool implementations may be carried within the bitstream. In such case, the representation format [4.4.4] shall be carried in the information [4.4.4] describing such a stream. The representation indicates the Interface implementation, binary representation, packaging mechanism, instantiation and initialization for the specific Tool implementation, and is provided by a Registration Authority. Registration of tool implementation specific information not only applies to tools in the content but all tools. 4.2.3 Instantiation of IPMP Tools Instantiation creates an instance of protection for a specific context, and results in a mechanism of communication from the Message Router to the IPMP Tool. The actual instantiation mechanism is implementation dependent and is not described in this specification although supported via the use of a Registration Authority. 4.2.4 Mutual Authentication Tools that must communicate with one another or with the Terminal must do so in a way that meets the security requirements of the Tools and the Terminal. Tools may establish trust with the Terminal and possibly with one another to enable secure communication. Support for the establishment of a communication channel that reflects the nature of intertool trust can be accomplished via the use of secure, trusted authenticated channels. Mutual authentication is the first part of protocols designed for such communication. Different types of Mutual Authentication support the following functionalities: 1. Entities needing to verify each other’s identity without requiring secure communication. 2. Entities not needing to verify each other’s identity but yet need to secure communication channels. 3. Entities needing to verify each other’s identity and secure channels of communication. Messages supporting the following functionalities together enable Mutual Authentication: 1. A negotiation mechanism whereby involved parties may agree on protocols to be used during the mutual authentication process and communication channel securing. 2. Authentication of the involved entities using the agreed upon protocol. 5 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 3. Establishment of communication channels using a shared secret resulting from a successful mutual authentication in a way consistent with the negotiated algorithms from 1. 4. Messages encrypted using keys generated from a shared secret. 5. Messages signed or attached with MAC (message authentication codes). Note: The generation and use of a shared secret depends on algorithms and/or protocols selected during the negotiation phase found in 1. 4.2.5 IPMP Information IPMP Information is of two types. The first type is based on a fixed syntax that is meant for use both by the Terminal and the IPMP Tool, to initialize or configure the Tool to protect specific media stream(s) in the Content. The second type is fully opaque and is meant for use only by the IPMP Tool. Note that one or both types of information may be contained in a single IPMP Message or IPMP Tool Message. IPMP Information may come from four sources. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.2.6 The Content The terminal resources Remote resources Another IPMP Tool IPMP Information Routing IPMP Information Routing mechanisms [5.1.1] depend on the following parameters: 1. A unique identification of the sender of the IPMP Information. 2. A unique identification of the intended recipient of the IPMP Information Routing considerations are manifested by encapsulating the IPMP Information in an IPMP Tool Message [5.2] or IPMP Message, or are implicit [] by the location of the IPMP Information in a bitstream. 4.2.7 Consumption Permission The course of processing content involves a number of different types of application specific content use. Although communications required to query rights processing and governance tools is out of the scope of these specifications, the specifications provide a message, IPMP_CanProcess, to allow tools to notify the Terminal of the ability to proceed with and/or continue processing given content. 6 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Specifications 4.3 Extended MPEG-4 Architecture Figure 2: Mapping of IPMP Extensions to MPEG-4 Systems Architecture 4.3.1 Additional Tag Specifications for MPEG-4 OD Syntax List of Class Tags for Descriptors Tag value Tag name 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 Forbidden ObjectDescrTag InitialObjectDescrTag ES_DescrTag DecoderConfigDescrTag DecSpecificInfoTag SLConfigDescrTag ContentIdentDescrTag SupplContentIdentDescrTag IPI_DescrPointerTag IPMP_DescrPointerTag IPMP_DescrTag QoS_DescrTag RegistrationDescrTag ES_ID_IncTag ES_ID_RefTag MP4_IOD_Tag MP4_OD_Tag IPL_DescrPointerRefTag ExtendedProfileLevelDescrTag 7 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0x14 0x15-0x3F 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B-0x5F 0x60 0x61 0x62 0x63 0x64-0xBF 0xC0-0xFE 0xFF 4.4 profileLevelIndicationIndexDescrTag Reserved for ISO use ContentClassificationDescrTag KeyWordDescrTag RatingDescrTag LanguageDescrTag ShortTextualDescrTag ExpandedTextualDescrTag ContentCreatorNameDescrTag ContentCreationDateDescrTag OCICreatorNameDescrTag OCICreationDateDescrTag SmpteCameraPositionDescrTag Reserved for ISO use (OCI extensions) IPMP_ToolsListDescrTag IPMP_ToolParamDescrTag IPMP_ToolDescrTag IPMP_ToolDescrPtrTag Reserved for ISO use User private Forbidden Standardized Processes 4.4.1 IPMP Tool List Specification For each tool, this includes 1. IPMP Tool Identifier [4.4.2] 2. Optional Parametric Description of the Tool [4.4.3]. 3. Alternative Tools to the given Tool, any one of which replace the others without loss of functionality. The Tool List shall be in the IOD, in an IPMP_ToolListDescriptor. Binary IPMP Tools are carried in separate elementary streams associated with the IOD. The specification of the syntax for the Tool List is as follows. 4.4.2 IPMP Tool Identifier The IPMP Tool Identifier (or IPMP Tool ID) is 128-bits long. It is platform independent and arrives in the Content?, and shall contain a unique identification number for the IPMP Tool. A registration authority for IPMP Tools that use a unique ID is required. The registration authority shall maintain an optional association of the download URLs for various implementations of the given tool for various platforms. These platforms will be described to adequate detail using a structured representation. The IPMP ToolID identifies a specific IPMP Tool (not a specific implementation of such a tool), unless in the reserved range for parametrically defined tools. Currently assigned 16-bit IPMPS_Types shall be directly mapped to a 128bit ID by prepending with 112 zero bits; the RA will be initialized with such values. Specific values within this 128-bit space are reserved for indicating parametric tools, the bitstream, the terminal, and other special addresses. These values shall not be assigned to registered Tools. Table 1 - Values of IPMP_ToolID IPMP_ToolID 0x0000 0x0001 0x0002 0x0003 - 0x2000 0x2001 - 0xFFFF 8 Semantics Forbidden Content Terminal Reserved for ISO use Carry over from 14496-1 RA ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0x10000 - 0x100FF 0x100FF – 2^128-2 2^128-1 Parametric Tools or Alternative Tools Open for registration Forbidden IPMP_ToolListDescriptor The IPMP_ToolListDescriptor conveys the list of IPMP tools required to access the content associated with the InitialObjectDescriptor in which it is described, and may include a list of alternate IPMP tools or parametric descriptions [] of tools required to access the content. The list may be digitally signed to protect the integrity of the list. class InitialObjectDescriptor extends ObjectDescriptorBase : bit(8) tag=InitialObjectDescrTag { bit(10) ObjectDescriptorID; bit(1) URL_Flag; bit(1) includeInlineProfileLevelFlag; const bit(4) reserved=0b0000; if (URL_Flag) { bit(8) URLLength; bit(8) URLstring[URLLength]; } else { bit(8) ODProfileLevelIndication; bit(8) sceneProfileLevelIndication; bit(8) audioProfileLevelIndication; bit(8) visualProfileLevelIndication; bit(8) graphicsProfileLevelIndication; ES_Descriptor esDescr[1 .. 255]; OCI_Descriptor ociDescr[0 .. 255]; IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer ipmpDescrPtr[0 .. 255]; IPMP_DescriptorPointer ipmpDescrPtr[0 .. 255]; IPMP_ToolListDescriptor toolListDescr[0 .. 1]; IPMP_ToolDescriptor[0 .. 255]; } ExtensionDescriptor extDescr[0 .. 255]; } Syntax class IPMP_ToolListDescriptor extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=IPMPToolListDescrTag { bit(8) numTools; IPMP_Tool ipmpTool[numTools]; } Semantics IPMP_Tool – a class describing a logical IPMP Tool required to access the content. IPMP_Tool Syntax class IPMP_Tool { bit(128) IPMP_ToolID; bit(1) isAltGroup; bit(1) isParametric; const bit(6) reserved=0b0000.00; 9 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 if(isAltGroup){ bit(8) numAlternates; bit(128) specificToolID[numAlternates]; } if(isParametric) ByteArray toolParamDesc; int(8) numURLs; ByteArray ToolURL[numURLs]; } Semantics Each instance of Class IPMP_Tool identifies one IPMP Tool that is required by the Terminal to Consume the Content. This Tool shall be specified either as a unique implementation, as one of a list of alternatives, or through a parametric description. A unique implementation is indicated by the isAltGroup and isParametric fields both set to zero. In this case, the IPMP_ToolID shall be from the range reserved for specific implementations of an IPMP Tool and shall directly indicate the required Tool. In all other cases, the IPMP_ToolID serves as a Content-specific abstraction for an IPMP Tool ID since the actual IPMP Tool ID of the Tool is not known at the time of authoring the Content, and will depend on the Terminal implementation at a given time for a given piece of Content. A parametric description is indicated by setting the isParametric field to one. In this case, the Terminal shall select an IPMP Tool that meets the criteria specified in the following parametric description. In this case, the IPMP_ToolID shall be from the range reserved for Parametric Tools or Alternative Tools. The actual IPMP Tool ID of the Tool that the terminal implementation selects to fulfill this parametric description is known only to the Terminal. All the Content, and other tools, will refer to this Tool, for this Content, via the IPMP_ToolID specified. Note, this is not for message addressing. A list of alternative Tools is indicated by setting the isAltGroup flag to ”1”. The subsequent specific ToolIDs indicate the Tools that are equivalent alternatives to each other. If the isParametric field is also set to one, any Tool that is selected under the conditions for parametric tools (as discussed in the paragraph above) shall be considered by the Terminal to be another equivalent alternative to those specified via specific ToolIDs. The Terminal shall choose one from these equivalent alternatives at its discretion. The actual IPMP Tool ID of this Tool is known only to the Terminal. IPMP_ToolID – the identifier of the IPMP Tool, as discussed above. isAltGroup – if set to one, this IPMP_Tool contains a list of alternate IPMP Tools. numAlternates – the number of alternative IPMP Tools specified in IPMP_Tool. specificToolID – an array of the IDs of specific alternative IPMP Tools that can allow consumption of the content. isParametric – IPMP_Tool contains a parametric description of an IPMP Tool. In this case, IPMP_ToolID is an identifier for the parametrically described IPMP Tool, and the Terminal shall route information specified in the bitstream for IPMP_ToolID to the specific IPMP Tool instantiated by the terminal. ToolURL – An array of numURL informative URLs from which one or more tools specified in IPMP_Tool may be obtained. 4.4.3 Parametric Infrastructure In several cases of IPMP Tools, the tools required are unique, and therefore shall be uniquely identified by a simple fixed length ID. For some classes of tasks within an IPMP chain, however, the following conditions are likely to hold true: 1. They will be based on popular public algorithms. 2. There will be a wide variety of equivalent implementations of the same available. 10 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 3. They will be computationally intensive, leading to platform-specific optimized implementations, from a wide variety of vendors. Information that carries functional/process specification, in an extensible form, is called Parametric Configuration. A Parametric Configuration message can be used to cause an initialization or mode change of a given tool. Details of Parametric Description This clause contains an illustration of the hierarchy that a parametric description would follow. It does not attempt to define any specific schema for any specific Tool type. It is anticipated that such definitions will be added over time to the overall schema as a need is identified and an optimal schema developed. We anticipate that only a basic framework will appear in the current version of the specification, and enhancements to the same will be left for future addendums and/or versions. 1. Version of parametric description syntax 2. Class of Tool e.g. Decryption, Rights Language Parser 3. Sub-class of Tool a. e.g. for Decryption: AES, DES, NESSIE etc b. e.g. for Watermarking: “Panos’s watermarking tool” etc c. e.g. for Rights Language Parser: “Fred’s Rights Parser” d. e.g. for Protocol Parser: “Mary’s Protocol Parser” 4. Sub-class-specific information a. e.g. for DES: number of bits, stream and/or block decipher capability b. e.g. for Rights Language Parser : version The XML schema is defined in Annex . Details of Parametric Configuration Parametric configuration information is contained in IPMP Descriptors and in IPMP_StreamDataUpdate’s that are addressed to a parametric tool. Such information would typically be contained inside opaque IPMP_Data fields. However, it is necessary that such information be of standard syntax, for reasons described earlier. As specific classes and sub-classes of parametric tools are defined and specified, their interfaces and configuration messages must also be defined. This specification does not aim to provide any such definitions, except as noted, but simply to provide a framework within which such definitions shall be made. 4.4.4 Delivery of Tools via Content One or more Binary Representations of IPMP Tools may be carried directly or by reference in an MPEG presentation. IPMP Tool Streams in MPEG-4 Content A streamType “IPMPToolStream” is defined to carry binary IPMP Tools. The value assigned to this streamType shall be set as 0x0A, from the currently ISO-reserved range. The modified streamType table would be as below. The objectType for this streamType shall be set to 0xFF. Table 2 - streamType Table streamType value streamType description 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 Forbidden ObjectDescriptorStream ClockReferenceStream SceneDescriptionStream VisualStream AudioStream 11 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B - 0x1F 0x20 - 0x3F MPEG7Stream IPMPStream ObjectContentInfoStream MPEGJStream IPMPToolStream reserved for ISO use user private One implementation of a given tool is carried as the payload of one IPMP Tool stream, the representation format, package information and IPMP Tool ID of which is specified in DecoderConfigDescriptor in the associated ESD. IPMP_ToolESs shall be referenced through the IOD. The IPMP Tool Manager serves as a decoder for IPMP Tool Streams. IPMP Tools carried within IPMP_ToolESs become part of the Terminal resources, and shall be installed, used and retained at the discretion of the Terminal implementation. As such, once the downloaded tool is installed or otherwise made available to the Terminal implementation, it shall be referenced via its IPMP Tool ID just like any other IPMP Tool. IPMP_ToolES This is the syntax of the IPMP_ToolES stream. Decoder Specific Information Syntax class IPMPToolES_DecoderConfig extends DecoderSpecificInfo : bit(8) tag=DecSpecificInfoTag { bit(128) IPMP_ToolID; bit(32) Tool_Format_ID; bit(16) Tool_Package_ID; } Semantics IPMP_ToolID – the ID of the Tool carried in this stream. Tool_Format_ID - This is defined as 0x0001 for a structurally described tool. Otherwise, the Tool_Format_ID indicates the Binary Representation of the Tool and is assigned by a registration authority. Tool_Package_Id – a 16-bit unsigned integer that indicates the details of the package of the Tool – examples are CAB, Zip, TAR. Values are assigned by a registration authority. Bitstream This clause specifies the container syntax for the bitstream carrying an IPMP tool within an IPMP tool stream. Syntax class IPMP_ToolES_AU { bit(1) isSigned; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if (isSigned) { ByteArray IPMP_Tool_Signature; bit(16) numCerts; for(int i=0; i<numCerts; i++) { bit(8) CertType; Certificate certificate[numCerts]; } bit(128) Verifying_Tool_Id; 12 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 } bit(32) sizeOfTool; bit(8) Tool_Body[sizeOfTool]; } Semantics IsSigned – When set to ‘1’, shall Indicate the presence of a signature in the tool stream. IPMP_Tool_Signature - the signature of the data being delivered in the tool stream. CertType – The type of certification mechanism being used. NumCerts – The number of certificates included. Certificate - The array of certificates. The data format of the certificates is defined in section 5.9. Verifying_Tool_Id – The ID of the Tool that is required to verify the certificate(s). This shall be the ID of the Terminal or a trusted tool. When the Verifying_Tool_ID is implicit by the CertType and/or Certificate, this shall be set to 0. SizeOfTool – the size in bytes of the Tool Body Tool_Body – the data for the Tool. 4.4.5 IPMP Tool Instantiation Instantiation of the Tools is implementation dependent. A registration authority shall register instantiation mechanisms for particular platforms. Upon instantiation of an IPMP Tool, all IPMP Tools already instantiated by the Terminal shall be notified of [5.4] such instantiation, if they have explicitly requested such notification. At the same time, the newly instantiated IPMP Tool may request to be informed of other IPMP Tools running on the Terminal [5.4]. Each instantiation of an IPMP Tool shall establish a new logical instance of the tool, for that particular scope of protection. The Terminal assigns a context identifier for the logical instance of the tool, which maps to the specific tool instance, and therefore to the associated scope of protection. These context identifiers shall be unique to ensure unambiguous addressing. Events triggering the instantiation of an IPMP Tool come from the following two sources, with associated issues being specified. 1. The Content a. The syntax and context that trigger instantiation b. The scope of protection c. The relationship of one IPMP Tool with other IPMP Tools in the same scope of protection. 2. Another IPMP Tool a. Clear method of requesting the logical address of a required tool. The process of instantiation involves the following steps 1. Establish a context for the Tool being instantiated 2. Establish a link between the MR and the Tool instance 3. Establish a link between the Tool instance and the MR. Details of this process are implementation specific. The normative result is a context/address being made available for communication and use of the instantiated tool by other tools as well as the Terminal. Instantiation and Termination through MPEG-4 Content IPMPDescriptors and IPMPDescriptorPointers shall not be used within the IPMP Extensions framework. An IPMPToolDescriptor shall be used to indicate the IPMP Tool to be used for protection of a given stream / object and convey associated control point information. IPMPToolDescriptors are carried or removed through IPMPDescriptorUpdate and IPMPDescriptorRemove commands in the OD stream; these commands may carry both IPMPDescriptor and IPMPToolDescriptor. Note that usage of IPMPDescriptor and IPMPToolDescriptor in a single presentation defines hybrid IPMP content. This practice is discouraged, and shall result in non-normative behaviour. IPMPToolDescriptors may also be carried in the IPMP Stream Decoder Specific Configuration descriptor of an IPMP Stream. MPEG-4 Streams and Objects shall be associated with a specific IPMP Tool through an IPMPToolDescPointer which is carried in an OD or an ESD IPMP_ToolDescPointer[ ] array. 13 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Instantiation of an IPMP Tool shall occur whenever an IPMPToolDescPointer in an OD or an ESD is given, and the associated IPMPToolDescriptor is known at the terminal. If an IPMPToolDescriptor is received through an IPMPDescriptorUpdate and no IPMPToolDescPointer refering to this IPMPToolDescriptor is found, the Terminal shall ignore this IPMPToolDescriptor. IPMP streams do NOT instantiate IPMP Tools and therefore have no impact on ESDescriptor or ObjectDescriptor protection. IPMP Streams are only used to convey data to IPMP Tool instances. The scope of protection of an IPMPTool is defined as follows: - If the IPMP Tool was instantiated in response to an IPMPToolDescPointer in an ObjectDescriptor, the IPMP tool protects all streams described in this OD. - If the IPMP Tool was instantiated in response to an IPMPToolDescPointer in an ESDescriptor, the IPMP tool protects the stream described by this ESD. An IPMP Tool may be loaded upon request from another loaded IPMP Tool. Such an instantiation request is communicated by an IPMP_RequestToolInstantiation message, which shall specify the control point at which to place the instantiated tool. In this case, the latter tool inherits the scope of protection of the former and may use any possible control points on the set of streams in its scope. Note that some control points are not associated with any known point on an Elementary Stream. Note that there are issues with scoping and scenarios that are somewhat illogical, especially as related to BIFS notes referencing ODs. The tool requesting instantiation shall receive an IPMP_ToolInstNotification message indicating the instantiation of the IPMP Tool, and its associated context. The requesting tool and the instantiated tool may perform mutual authentication thereafter. IPMP_Initialize Syntax class IPMP_Initialize() { bit(8) controlPointCode; bit(8) sequenceCode; ByteArray opaqueData; } Semantics: The IPMP_Initialize class conveys the control point information of the IPMP Tool, including the control point at which the tool resides, and its sequence in relation to other possible tool contexts residing at that control point. controlPointCode – specifies the IPMP control point at which the IPMP Tool resides, and is one of the following values: controlPointCode Description 0x00 No control point. 0x01 Control Point between the decode buffer and the decoder. This is between the decode buffer and class loader for MPEG-J streams. 0x02 Control Point between the decoder and the composition buffer. 0x03 Control Point between the composition buffer and the compositor. 0x04 BIFS Tree 0x05-0xDF ISO Reserved 0xE0-0xFE User defined 0xFF Forbidden sequenceCode - The higher the sequence code, the higher the sequencing priority of the IPMP Tool instance at the given control point. Thus the tool with the highest sequenceCode for a given control point on a given stream shall process data first for that control point for that stream. Two tools shall not have the same sequence number at the same control point for the same stream. 14 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 OpaqueData is opaque information that is private data for the given IPMP Tool. IPMPToolDescriptorPointer Syntax class IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolDescrPtrTag { bit(16) IPMP_ToolDescriptorID; } Semantics: The IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer appears in the ipmpToolDescPtr section of an OD or ESD structures. The presence of this descriptor in an object descriptor indicates that all streams referred to by embedded ES_Descriptors are subject to protection and management by the IPMP Tool specified in the referenced IPMP_ToolDescriptor. The presence of this descriptor in an ES_Descriptor indicates that the stream associated with this descriptor is subject to protection and management by the IPMP Tool specified in the referenced IPMP_ToolDescriptor. Each IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer results in a unique instance of the corresponding IPMP Tool. IPMP_ToolDescriptor Syntax class IPMP_ToolDescriptor() extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolDescrTag { bit(16) IPMP_ToolDescriptorID; bit(128) IPMP_ToolID; if (IPMP_ToolID == 0) ByteArray URLString; else { bit(1) isInitialize; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000 if(isInitialize) IPMP_Initialize init; ByteArray IPMP_data; } } Semantics The IPMP_ToolDescriptor carries IPMP information for one or more IPMP Tool instances. It shall also contain optional instantiation information for one or more IPMP Tool instances. IPMP_ToolDescriptors are conveyed in object descriptor streams via IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate commands or as part of the decoder specific information of an IPMP stream. Multiple definitions of the same IPMP_ToolDescriptor within a single IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate command or a single decoder specific information structure for an IPMP stream are not allowed. The behavior in such a situation is undefined. Note that, however, an IPMP_ToolDescriptor may be modified/updated through subsequent IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate commands received in the OD stream. IPMP_ToolDescriptors shall be referenced by object descriptors or ES_Descriptors, using IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer. The behavior of IPMP systems that contains IPMP_Descriptors as defined in 14496-1:2001 (“hybrid” content) is not defined by this specification. IPMP_ToolDescriptorID - a unique ID for this IPMP_ToolDescriptor within its name scope. Values of 0x0000 and 15 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0xFFFF are forbidden. IPMP_ToolID – the IPMP_ToolID of the IPMP Tool described by this IPMP_ToolDescriptor. A zero value does not correspond to an IPMP Tool but is used to indicate the presence of a URL. URLString[] - contains a UTF-8 encoded URL that shall point to the location of a remote IPMP_ToolDescriptor. If the IPMP_ToolID of this IPMP_ToolDescriptor is 0, another URL is referenced. This process continues until an IPMP_ToolDescriptor with a non-zero IPMP_ToolID is accessed. isInitialize – if set to ‘1’ this indicates that a new instance of the tool is to be created as indicated in the subsequent IPMP_Initialize data structure. init – This contains IPMP Tool initialization information and shall be present if and only if isInitialize is set to ‘1’. Presence of this data structure indicates that a new instance of the IPMP Tool is to be created, as discussed above, in accordance with the syntax and semantics for IPMP_Initialize as defined in section IPMP_data - opaque data to control the IPMP Tool. Its size is greater or equal to 0. IPMP_ToolDescriptor OD Commands OD Commands are required as defined below. The corresponding change to the table in 14496-1 that discusses tag values for BaseCommand is as follows : Table14496-1 : 3 - List of Class Tags for Commands Tag value Tag name 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0C-0xBF 0xC0-0xFE 0xFF forbidden ObjectDescrUpdateTag ObjectDescrRemoveTag ES_DescrUpdateTag ES_DescrRemoveTag IPMP_DescrUpdateTag IPMP_DescrRemoveTag ES_DescrRemoveRefTag IPMP_ToolDescrUpdateTag IPMP_ToolDescrRemoveTag Reserved for ISO (command tags) User private forbidden IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate class IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate extends BaseCommand : bit(8) tag=IPMP_ToolDescrUpdateTag { IPMP_ToolDescriptor ipmp_ToolDescr[1..255]; } The IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate class conveys a list of new or updated IPMP_ToolDescriptors. The first IPMP_ToolDescriptor with a given IPMPToolDescriptorID that is received by the Terminal shall have its isInitialized flag set to true. All following IPMPToolDescriptors with the same IPMPToolDescriptorID shall have their isInitialized flag set to false. In the latter case the IPMP_ToolDescriptorUpdate command only updates the opaque data field of the IPMP_ToolDescriptor. Data shall be notified to the associated IPMP tool(s) using the message specified in clause 5.6.2 16 IPMP_ToolDescriptorRemove ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 class IPMP_ToolDescriptorRemove extends BaseCommand : bit(8) tag=IPMP_ToolDescrRemoveTag { bit(16) IPMP_ToolDescriptorID[1..255]; } The IPMP_ToolDescriptorRemove command carries a list of IPMP_ToolDescriptorIDs to be removed from the current namescope. All IPMP Tools being instantiated through these IPMP_ToolDescriptors shall be terminated. IPMPDecoderConfiguration Syntax expandable class IPMPDecoderConfiguration tag=DecSpecificInfoTag { IPMPToolDescriptor ipmpToolDesc[1..255]; } extends DecoderSpecificInfo : bit(8) Semantics The IPMP_DecoderConfiguration is carried in the ESD of an IPMP Elementary Stream. It describes the IPMP Tools that will be served by messages carried in that stream. All IPMP_ToolDescriptors defined in the IPMPDecoderConfiguration shall have their isInitialized flag set to one. These descriptors specify all those IPMP Tool instances that shall be served by the given IPMP stream i.e. the scope of service of this stream. Any IPMPToolMessage targeting an IPMPToolDescriptor not in the scope of service of the IPMP elementary stream shall be ignored. All IPMP Tool Messages carried in an IPMP Elementary Stream are addressed to the ID of the IPMP_Descriptor corresponding to the creation of one or more Tool instances within this scope of service. IPMP_StreamDataUpdate Syntax aligned(8) expandable(228-1) class IPMP_StreamDataUpdate { bit(16) IPMPS_Type; if (IPMPS_Type == 0) ( bit(8) URLString[sizeOfInstance-2]; ) else (if (IPMPS_Type == 1) ( bit(16) IPMP_ToolDescriptorID; bit(8) IPMP_ExtendedData[sizeOfInstance-4] } else { bit(8) IPMP_data[sizeOfInstance-2]; } } Semantics The IPMP_StreamDataUpdate conveys time-varying IPMP information for associated IPMP Tool instances. IPMPS_Type – The type of the IPMP System, in “Hooks“ compliant Terminals as specified in ISO 14496-1:2001. The values 0x0002 to 0x2000 are reserved for future ISO use. A Registration Authority, as designated by ISO, shall assign a unique valid value for this field for a specific IPMP System Type. URLString[] - contains a UTF-8 [6] encoded URL that shall point to the location of a remote IPMP_StreamDataUpdate. IPMP_ToolDescriptorID – this is one of the IPMP_ToolDescriptorIDs in the scope of service of this IPMP Stream and identifies the recipient(s) of the IPMP_StreamDataUpdate. If the IPMP_ToolDescriptorID is 0, another URL is referenced. 17 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 This process continues until an IPMP_StreamDataUpdate with a non-zero IPMP_ToolDescriptorID is accessed. IPMP_ExtendedData - opaque data to be delivered to the IPMP Tool. IPMP_data - opaque data to be delivered to the IPMP Tool. Note: This definition overrides the definition of IPMP_Message in a backward compatible manner. IPMP Stream Considerations The IPMP_StreamDataUpdate is backward compatible with the IPMP_Message of ISO/IEC 14496-1 : 2000. However, in order to unambiguously identify the version of the IPMP stream, the ObjectTypeIndication shall be set to 0x02 for streams complying with this part of the specification. IPMP Streams complying with ISO/IEC 14496-1:2000 shall use an ObjectTypeIndication of 0xFF as specified for in A single IPMP Stream shall not carry both IPMP_Messages and IPMP_StreamDataUpdates. 4.4.6 Information Routing IPMP Information is routed using normative addressing methods. The addressee of a specific message is implicit either by bitstream context or by process context. In the MPEG-4 bitstream context, the addressee is the IPMP Tool whose identity is indicated in the IPMP message or IPMP descriptor header. Information is delivered at a specific time, specified in the bitstream or implicit by process. Physical routing of information and context resolution are handled by an entity called the Message Router. The Message Router abstracts all platform-dependent routing and delivery issues, from the IPMP Tools. The interface between the Message Router and the Tools, is non-normative and is not defined in this specification. A separate entity called the IPMP Tool Manager handles the download of IPMP Tools. Both the IPMP Tool Manager and Message Router are conceptual entities that are integral parts of the Terminal implementation. 4.4.7 Mutual Authentication At any point in IPMP Information or Content processing, IPMP Tools may be required to communicate with one another or the Terminal. The degree of security required for such communication is determined by a number of variables including information that may be included by the content provider in the Content and conditions of trust established between tool providers a priori and out of band. It is generally the case that a given ES is protected by multiple tools but that certain types of tools are complex (e.g. Rights Management tools) and others are utilities (e.g. Decryption engines). Complex tools may control the instantiation of other tools or make decisions about content use in response to usage queries from the terminal. Mutual authentication may occur between any pair of tools but the level of security required for this communication will in part be dictated by data contained in the bitstream in an opaque manner. The mechanism for making the determination of this security level is non- normative. Mutual authentication is executed as follows: 1. The Tool that initiates mutual authentication with another tool determines the conditions of trust to be achieved by such authentication, i.e. the initiating tool determines whether it needs integrity protected communication or full secure, authenticated communication. This level may or may not be dictated by IPMP Information in the Content. 2. The communicating tools then engage in a message exchange to determine which authentication protocol will be used. In some cases, this protocol will have been determined by an a priori out of band negotiation between the tool providers in their security audits of one another. 4.4.8 Trust and Security Metadata The trust relationship is established by out of band relationships between the different entities involved in protecting and managing the content. The trust metadata that results from such relationships needs to be made available to permit static and dynamic verification of trust. This data structure encapsulates such information. Trust and Security Metadata may include zero or more Certificates, credentials or integrity verification information. 18 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Specification The trust metadata, if it is present, shall be digitally signed with the private key of the audit agency and be an integral part of the IPMP system. This metadata shall be expressed in XML and SDL. It shall be verifiable by the terminal without instantiating any part of the IPMP system. 4.5 XML Schema 4.5.1 Syntax Textual representation of the above is included in Annex G. 4.5.2 Semantics The trust metadata described by the above XML schema shall be a component of the XML signature[2] for a given tool or set of tools. For each tool referenced by ToolReference, the trust metadata shall consist of either The date of audit, AuditDate by the trust auditor For each StartDate, the tool, referenced by ToolReference, shall be trusted to protect against the specified AttackerProfile for the TrustedDuration minutes. Attacker profile is defined as class 1, 2, or 3. Or an alternative, though opaque, means of specifying the trust metadata using Common Criteria (CCTrustMetadata). 4.5.3 DateClass Syntax class DateClass : { bit(40) Date; } 4.5.4 Semantics This descriptor identifies the date on which the audit took place. Date – contains the audit date of IPMP tool in question, in Universal Time, Co-ordinated (UTC) and Modified Julian Date (MJD). This field is coded as 16 bits giving the 16 least significant bits of MJD followed by 24 bits coded as 6 digits in 4-bit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). If the audit date is undefined all bits of the field are set to 1. 4.6 4.6.1 TrustSecurityMetadata Syntax 19 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Abstract expandable class TrustSecurityMetadata : { bit(16) numTrustedTools; for (int I=0; I<numTrustedTools; I++) { bit(128) toolID; DateClass AuditDate; bit(16) numTrustSpecification; for (int i=0; i<numTrustSpecification; ++i) { bit (1) hasCCBasedTrustMetadata; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if (!hasCCBasedTrustMetadata) { DateClass startDate; bit(2) attackerProfile; const bit(6) reserved = 0b0000.00; bit(32) trustedDuration; } else { ByteArray CCTrustMetadata; } } } } 4.6.2 Semantics For numTrustedTools referenced by IPMPToolDescriptor, the trust metadata for each tool consists of either the date of audit, AuditDate by the trust auditor For each of numTrustSpecification, the tool shall be trusted as of startDate , to protect against the specified AttackerProfile for the TrustedDuration minutes. Or an alternative, though opaque, means of specifying the trust metadata using Common Criteria contained in CCTrustMetadata. Attacker profile is defined as class I, II, or III where; 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 – 0x0F 0x10 – 0xFE 0xFF 4.7 forbidden Class I Class II Class III User defined ISO reserved forbidden Permission for Content Consumption Permission for processing a given stream shall be received from each tool connected to any control point in the given stream. Processing of content shall not proceed until this permission is received. Permission may also be terminated at any time by any of the mentioned tools at which time processing of the given stream shall stop. Permission is granted in true-false form by each IPMP Tool. Any pre-conditions that the user is required to satisfy are checked, ensured and obtained in a non-normative manner. 20 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 4.8 Tool Manager The IPMP Tool Manager is a conceptual entity in a given IPMP Terminal. Upon receipt of the Tool List, the IPMP Tool Manager parses the IOD for Tool retrieval. The Tool Manager also processes parametric descriptions, resolves alternative tools, and receives binary Tools that arrive in the Content. The following steps detail the process of parsing and retrieval of Tools in an MPEG-4 Terminal. 1. 2. 3. 4. The IPMP Tool List arrives in the IOD and is processed by the Tool Manager. The Tool Manager parses information for the IPMP Tools as per the syntax in clause The Tool Manager checks if the required Tools are available. The Tool Manager is also responsible for parsing the IPMP Tool ESD and retrieving the binary IPMP Tool that is carried inside IPMP Tool ES. Thus the IPMP Tool Manager acts as an ES decoder for IPMPToolStreams. The IPMP Tool Manager is further responsible for resolving parametric descriptions and loading associated information in the Message Router as defined in clause Obtaining Missing Tools Obtaining missing tools is one of the functions of the Tool Manager. Missing IPMP Tools are either contained within the Content or require external retrieval. The platform and implementation details of the Terminal are critical to choosing a compatible implementation of the IPMP Tool. The XML schema in Annex C is normative for such representation. 5 Messaging Infrastructure 5.1 Introduction This clause provides specifications for the following components of the IPMP Tool Interaction Framework: 1. Interaction (or communication) between Terminal and IPMP Tool(s), realized via “messaging” between the Terminal and IPMP Tools. 2. The messages (syntax and semantics) 3. The process of message routing All IPMP Tool interactions take place via the Terminal. IPMP Tools do not communicate directly with each other within the scope of the standard. 5.1.1 Message Router All IPMP Tool Messages are routed through the Terminal. To represent this function, an entity called the Message Router (MR) is defined in the architecture. The MR connects and communicates with supported IPMP Tool(s). It thus abstracts the physical interface of one IPMP Tool from any other IPMP Tool that wishes to communicate with it. Message Routing is assumed to be instantaneous. In case of an MR error, an appropriate error status is returned by the MR. In all other cases, the MR is required to route, without a change in semantic meaning, information and responses as received. 5.1.2 Addressing The tool instance ID is 32-bits long and assigned by the terminal (or tool manager) based on the IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer that causes the creation of the given Tool instance. Information regarding the location of the IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer, i.e. either the ES_ID (if it occurs in an ESD) or the OD_ID (if it occurs in the OD) is referred to as context data. Messages are defined for Tools to obtain a toolInstanceID based on context data and vice versa. The value 0x00 for a tool instance ID is always reserved for the Terminal. 5.2 5.2.1 IPMP_ToolMessageBase Syntax Aligned(8) expandable(228-1)class IPMP_ToolMessageBase{ bit(8) Version; bit(32) Msg_ID; 21 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 bit(32) sender; bit(32) recipient; } 5.2.2 Semantics IPMP_ToolMessageBase is an expandable base class for IPMP Tool Messages. The extension tags are defined in Table 4. Version indicates the version of syntax used in the messages and shall be set to 0x01. Msg_ID is a message identifier specified by the message originator. All messages sent in response to a message shall include the identifier of the original message. Sender indicates the context ID of the originator of the message. The value 0x00 is reserved for the terminal. Recipient indicates the context ID of the intended recipient of the message. 0x00 is reserved for the terminal. Table 4 - Tags for messages extending IPMP_ToolMessageBase 8-bit Tag Value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 – 0xCF 0xD0 – 0xFE 0xFF 5.3 Symbolic Name Forbidden IPMP_Tool_Secure_Message_tag IPMP_MessageFromBitstream_tag IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream_tag IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener_tag IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener_tag IPMP_InitAuthentication_tag IPMP_MutualAuthentication_tag IPMP_KeyDescr_tag IPMP_ToolToUserMessage_tag IPMP_AlgorithmDescr_tag IPMP_UserToToolMessage_tag IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesQuery_tag IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesResponse_tag IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage_tag IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit_tag IPMP_SendAudioWatermark_tag IPMP_GetTools_tag IPMP_GetToolsResponse_tag IPMP_GetContext_tag IPMP_GetToolContextResponse_tag IPMP_ConnectTool_tag IPMP_DisconnectTool_tag ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden IPMP_ToolSecureMessage 5.3.1 Syntax class IPMP_SecureToolMessage extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_Tool_Secure_Message_tag { bit(1) hasEncryption; bit(1) hasMAC; bit(1) isMACEncrypted; const bit(5) reserved=0b0000.0; if(hasEncryption) ByteArray 22 encryptedData; ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 if(hasMAC && !isMACencrypted) { ByteArray MAC; } } else { IPMP_ToolMessageBase if(hasMAC) { ByteArray } protectedMsg; MAC; } } 5.3.2 Semantics This forms a secure container for any other IPMP_Tool_Message that is derived from IPMP_Tool_Message_Base. The payload message is optionally encrypted. The MAC allows verification of the integrity of the protectedMsg, and is optionally encrypted. isMACEncrypted is not explicitly carried in the secure message, but is negotiated as part of an external authentication mechanism, as is the key and algorithm for creating and verifying the MAC, and decrypting the encrypted payload. No Encryption w/ MAC MSG TYPE EXPANDABLE SIZE VER MSG ID MSG TYPE ENC MAC 1 OCTET EXPANDABLE SIZE PROTECTED MESSAGE VER MSD ID MAC SIZE MAC MSG TYPE-SPECIFIC DATA w/ Encryption and MAC (not encrypted) MSG TYPE EXPANDABLE SIZE VER MSG ID ENC MAC 1 OCTET ENCRYPTED DATA SIZE ENCRYPTED BLOB MAC SIZE MAC w/ Encryption and MAC (encrypted) MSG TYPE 5.4 EXPANDABLE SIZE VER MSG ID ENC MAC 1 OCTET ENCRYPTED DATA SIZE ENCRYPTED BLOB Instantiation and Notification Messages These messages are used to instantiate new Tools, inform newly instantiated Tools of existing Tools, and to notify existing Tools of a new instantiation. 5.4.1 IPMP_GetTools Syntax class IPMP_GetTools extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) IPMP_ToolMessageType = IPMP_GetTools_tag { } Semantics Message IPMP_GetTools allows a tool to find all the Tools available on the terminal. Response 23 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 IPMP_GetToolsResponse. 5.4.2 IPMP_GetToolsResponse Syntax class IPMP_GetToolsResponse extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase: bit(8) tag = IPMP_GetToolsResponse_tag { bit(16) toolCount; bit(128) IPMP_ToolID[toolCount]; } Semantics Each IPMP_ToolID is the identifier of a Tool. Parametric tools are assigned a temporary unique IPMP_ToolID by the terminal. Response None required 5.4.3 IPMP_GetToolContext Syntax class IPMP_GetToolContext extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) IPMP_ToolMessageType = IPMP_GetContext_tag { bit(1) hasToolDescriptorID; bit(1) hasObjectDescriptorID; bit(1) hasES_ID; const bit(4) reserved = 0b0000.00; if (hasToolDescriptorID) bit(16) IPMP_ToolDescriptorID; else if (hasES_ID) bit(16) ES_ID; else if (hasObjectDescriptorID) { bit(10) objectDescriptorID; const bit(6) reserved = 0b0000.00; } } Semantics Message IPMP_GetToolContext allows a tool to find a particular Tool Context within a specified scope. IPMP_ToolDescriptorID, the IPMP_ToolDescriptorID of the IPMP_ToolDescriptor in which the Tool is described. IPMP_ES_ID, the ES_ID of the ES_Descriptor in which the Tool Context is described. ObjectDescriptorID - the ObjectDescriptorID of the ObjectDescriptor in which the given IPMP_ToolDescriptorPointer is declared. Note, an IPMP_ToolDescriptorID is only returned for the exact scope that was requested, i.e. if the scope of OD is requested, contained ESs containing tools are not considered. Response IPMP_GetToolContextResponse. 5.4.4 IPMP_GetToolContextResponse Syntax class IPMP_GetToolContextResponse extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase: bit(8) tag = IPMP_GetToolContextResponse_tag { bit(32) IPMP_ToolContextID; } 24 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Semantics IPMP_ToolContextID - is the identifier of the tool Context. A null value indicates that this context does not exist. Response None required. 5.4.5 IPMP_ConnectTool Syntax class IPMP_ConnectTool extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) IPMP_ToolMessageType = IPMP_ConnectTool_tag { IPMP_ToolDescriptor toolDescriptor; } Semantics Message IPMP_ConnectTool allows a tool to create a new Tool Context. toolDescriptor - contains a tool descriptor to be used for determining scope and location of new tool context to be connected. The Terminal shall link the new Tool Context to the specified control point, if specified, before it responds to this message. Response IPMP_NotifyToolEvent with an eventType of “CONNECTED” or an eventType of “CONNECTIONFAILED”. 5.4.6 IPMP_DisconnectTool Syntax class IPMP_DisconnectTool extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) IPMP_ToolMessageType = IPMP_DisconnectTool_tag { bit(32) IPMP_ToolContextID; } Semantics Message IPMP_DisconnectTool allows a tool to disconnect a tool it has previously connected at a control point. IPMP_ToolContextID is the ID of the Tool Context to be disconnected. Response IPMP_NotifyToolEvent - with an eventType of “DISCONNECTED” or an eventType of “DISCONNECTIONFAILED”. 5.4.7 IPMP_ToolConnectNotification Syntax class IPMP_ToolConnectNotification extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase: bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolConnectNotification_tag { bit(32) IPMP_ToolContextID; bit(1) toolConnected; const bit(7) reserved = 0b000000.00; } Semantics IPMP_ToolContextID - is the identifier of the tool Context. toolConnected - indicates whether the specified IPMP_ToolContextID is currently connected or not. 25 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0x00 0x01 Disconnected Connected Note : In the case of toolConnected being “0x00“, the IPMP_ToolContextID is only informative and can not be addressed. Response None required. 5.5 Event Notification Messages 5.5.1 IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener Syntax class IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener_tag { bit(8) eventTypeCount; bit(8) eventType[eventTypeCount]; } Semantics Message IPMP_AddToolNotificationListener allows an existing IPMP Tool running on the terminal to request notification any defined event at the terminal. eventType – Type of event for which the sender shall receive notifications for and defined by the following table. 0x00 CONNECTED 0x01 CONNECTIONFAILED 0x02 DISCONNECTED 0x03 DISCONNECTIONFAILED Response None required. 5.5.2 IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener Syntax class IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) IPMP_ToolMessageType = IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener_tag { bit(8) eventTypeCount; bit(8) eventType[eventTypeCount]; } Semantics Message IPMP_RemoveToolNotificationListener allows an existing IPMP Tool running on the terminal to terminate the receipt of a previous registered event listener. If an eventTypeCount of “0” is present, all previously registered event types shall be unregistered. Response None required. 26 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 5.5.3 IPMP_NotifyToolEvent Syntax class IPMP_NotifyToolEvent extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_NotifyToolEvent_tag { bit(8) eventType; IPMP_ToolContextID toolContextID; } Semantics Message IPMP_NotifyToolEvent notifies an IPMP Tool of a tool event for which it had previous registered as a listener. toolContextID – the IPMP_ToolContextID of the tool either connected or disconnected, or the failed state of either, as indicated by the eventType. Response None required. 5.6 IPMP Information Delivery Functions These messages facilitate delivery of IPMP Information from the Content that is delivered to the Tools specified by the information syntax. 5.6.1 IPMP_MessageFromBitstream Syntax class IPMP_MessageFromBitstream extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_MessageFromBitstream_tag { bit(8) numMessages; IPMP_StreamDataUpdate message[numMessages]; } Semantics Message IPMP_MessageFromBitstream is used to deliver IPMP_StreamDataUpdates received in the Content to the IPMP Tool context specified in the IPMP_StreamDataUpdate. If an IPMP Access Unit delivered in the IPMP Elementary Stream contains more than one IPMP_StreamDataUpdate for a specific IPMP Tool, all IPMP_StreamDataUpdate for that tool will be included in a single IPMP_MessageFromBitstream message. numMessages - the number of IPMP_StreamDataUpdate’s contained in the message. message[] - an array of IPMP_StreamDataUpdate’s, the syntax for which is defined in clause Response None required. 5.6.2 IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream Syntax class IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream_tag { IPMP_ToolDescriptor toolDescriptor; } Semantics 27 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Message IPMP_ToolDescriptorFromBitstream is used to deliver an IPMP_ToolDescriptor received in the bitstream to the IPMP Tool specified in the IPMP_ToolDescriptor. toolDescriptor - the IPMP_ToolDescriptor received in the bitstream. Response None required. 5.7 Consumption Permission This message enables the notification of the Terminal, by IPMP tools, as to the tools ability to begin or discontinue, processing content. 5.7.1 IPMP_CanProcess Syntax class IPMP_CanProcess extends IPMP_Message_Base: bit(8) tag = IPMP_CanProcess_tag { bit(1) canProcess; bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; } Semantics canProcess – used to indicate to the receiver of the message that the sender is able to begin processing data or must discontinue processing. 0x0 0x1 5.8 DISCONTINUE BEGIN User Interaction Messages These messages allow information to be exchanged between the User and a Tool using the Terminal implementation’s interface resources. 5.8.1 ToolToUserMessage Syntax class Tool_User_Message extends IPMP_Message_Base: bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolToUserMessage_tag { bit(1) inclDisplayTitle; bit(1) inclDisplayText; bit(1) needReplyText; bit(1) inclOptionSelect; bit(1) inclSMIL; const bit(3) reserved = 0b000; bit(24) numOfAltText; int i; for(i=0; i< numOfAltText; i++) { bit(24) languageCode; if (inclDisplayTitle) { ByteArray titleText; } if (inclDisplayText) { bit(16) numOfDisplayText; DTArray displayText[numOfDisplayText]; } if (needReplyText) { 28 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 bit(16) RTArray } if numOfPromptText; promptText[numOfPromptText]; (inclOptionSelect) { bit(16) numOfOptions; OptionArray option[numOfOptions] } if (inclSMIL) { bit(1) const bit(7) isReferenced; reserved = 0b0000.000; if (isReferenced){ ByteArray SMIL_URL; } else { ByteArray SMIL; } } } } Semantics: languageCode– Contains the ISO 639-2:1998 [1] bibliographic three character language code of the corresponding audio/speech or text object that is being described. titleText : Title of dialog display. displayText : Text to be displayed to the user. needReplyText : Text expected back from the user. promptText : Text to be displayed to the end user to indicate purpose of text input field, i.e. “User ID”, “Password”, “PIN”, etc. inclOptionSelect : An option, true/false, input is needed from the user. isExclusive : If more than one option is associated with a given display text, this indicates mutual exclusivity of options. optionText : Text to be displayed indicating purpose of option selection, i.e. “One month purchase”, “One time play”, “Render at 1024/768”, etc. SMIL_URL : Fully qualified location of SMIL file to be displayed. SMIL : SMIL file to be displayed. ByteArray class ByteArray { unsigned long(32) bit(8) } DTArray class DTArray { bit(16) ByteArray } ID; displayText; RTArray class RTArray { bit(16) bit(16) ByteArray } SizeOfArray; Data[SizeOfArrary + 1]; ID; SubID; promptText; OptionArray class OptionArray { bit(1) isExclusive; 29 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; bit(16) ID; bit(16) SubID; ByteArray promptText; } Semantics: IsExclusive : When set to ‘1’, this implies a mutually exclusive condition of the option selector. ID : A serial number to be associated with the contained data or to associate contained data with other data. SubID : A serial number to associate items within an ID group. SizeOfArray : The size in bytes of the data contained in the field Data. Data : Characters to be displayed. Response UserToToolMessage 5.8.2 UserToToolMessage Syntax class aligned (8)User_Tool_Message extends IPMP_Message_Base: bit(8) tag = IPMP_UserToToolMessage_tag { bit(1) inclReplyText; bit(1) inclOptionSelect; const bit(6) reserved = 0b0000.00; bit(24) languageCode; if (inclReplyText) { bit(16) numOfReplyText; RTArray ReplyText[numOfReplyText]; } if (inclOptionSelect) { bit(16) numOfOptions; bit(numOfOptions) for (i=0; i<numOfOptions; i++) { bit(1) optionResult;// 0b1 = TRUE, 0b0 = FALSE; } } } Semantics replyText : Text entered by user. Only fields with entered text need be included. If the original request contained reply text fields but the terminal does not support text input then an inclReplyText of “0b0“ would indicate so. optionResult : Identical semantics and rules as with replyText except that all options must be represented and in the order they were initially specified. Response None Required. 5.9 Mutual Authentication Messages These messages facilitate the process of mutual authentication. 5.9.1 IPMP_InitAuthentication Syntax class IPMP_InitAuthentication extends IPMP_Message_Base: bit(8) tag = IPMP_InitAuthentication_tag { bit (16) Context; 30 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 bit (8) AuthType; } Semantics Context is the 16-bit Context ID of the logical instance of the Tool with which mutual authentication is to be performed. AuthType has the following values. Value of AuthType 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05-0xFE 0xFF Semantic Meaning Forbidden No Authentication Required No ID verify, Do secure channel Do ID verify, No secure channel Do ID verify, Do secure channel ISO Reserved Forbidden Response IPMP_Mutual_Authentication. 5.9.2 IPMP_Mutual_Authentication Syntax class IPMP_Mutual_Authentication extends IPMP_Message_Base : bit(8) tag=IPMP_MutualAuthentication_tag; { bit (1) requestNegotiation; bit (1) successNegotiation; bit (1) failedNegotiation; bit (1) inclAuthenticationData bit (1) inclAuthCodes; const bit (3) reserved = 0b000; { if (requestNegotiation) { unsigned int nCandidate; AlgorithmDesciptor candidateAlgorithms[nCandidate]; } if (successNegotiation) unsigned int nAlgorithms; AlgorithmDescriptor agreedAlgorithms[nAlgorithms]; if (inclAuthenticationData) { ByteArray AuthenticationData } if (inclAuthCodes) { unsigned int type; if (type == 0x01) { unsigned int nCertificate; unsigned int certType; Certificate certificates[nCertificate]; } elseif (type == 0x02) { KeyDescriptor publicKey; } elseif (type == 0xFE) { ByteArray opaque; } ByteArray authCodes; } } 31 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Semantics An instance of IPMP_Mutual_Authentication is generated by and exchanged between IPMP tools, and IPMP Tools and a Terminal for the purpose of mutual authentication. inclAuthCodes – if this flag is set, authentication codes for the current message are specified. type – specifying the type of the authentication codes. Semantics of each value for this variable is defined as follows Value of Type 0x00: 0x01 Semantics No information regarding the type is explicitly specified. The value specified in the variable authCodes is digital signature. One or more SPKI certificates or X.509 V3 certificates, depending on the value of certType are specified as a method to verify the signature in the variable certificates[]. 0x02 The value specified in the variable authCodes is a digital signature. At the same time, a public key accompanied by algorithm specification is specified as a method to verify the signature. 0x03 – 0xDF ISO Reserved 0xE0 – 0xFD User Private 0xFE Application-dependent information regarding the type is specified in the variable opaque. 0xFF Forbidden certificates [] – specifies data of one or more certificates. The certificate type is determined by the value of certType. This variable is specified, only when the variable type specifies 0x01. publicKey – specifies a cryptographic public key accompanied by algorithm specification. This variable is specified, if the variable type specifies 0x02. opaque – specifies an application-dependent method to verify the authentication codes. This variable is specified if the variable type specifies 0xFE. authCodes – specifies authentication codes to this message. Note that data to be signed excludes data beginning at the type specification of the AuthCodes. requestNegotiation – indicates that the originator is requesting negotiation about an authentication method to be used in the subsequent communication. candidateAlgorithms – specifies a list comprised of one or more algorithm identifiers of candidate authentication methods. The originator of the IPMP_Mutual_Authentication message shall specify identifiers of algorithms and/or protocols that it supports. The recipient of this message shall select ones out of the list to fulfill the requirements, which the recipient IPMP tool supports. The recipient sends another IPMP_Mutual_Authentication message such that agreedAlgorithm specifies the identification of the selected algorithms and/or protocols. If the recipient cannot find algorithms and/or protocols that it supports in the list, it returns an IPMP_Mutual_Authentication message specifying a 0b1 for failedNegotiation. The syntax of AlgorithmDescriptor is provided in [5.11]. Note : When the field candidateAlgorithms contains algorithms of mutual authentication that support the generation of a shared secret, additional algorithm identifiers are listed to support the negotiation of message encryption, and message authentication. The purpose of each algorithm included will be implicit from its functionality. i.e. if DES is a candidate algorithm it is assumed it is specified for message encryption/decryption. Additional Note : For algorithms that support a number of options within one algorithm such as AES supporting a number of block lengths and key lengths, only one configuration will be specified for a given identifier or registration authority listed ID. Additionally padding requirements and solutions will be included in the identifiers and Ids as well. inclAuthenticationData – when set to ‘1’, this implies that the message contains method specific data used during mutual authentication. AuthenticationData – specifies data to be used for mutual authentication and whose value depends on method specific processing. This variable exists only when the flag inclAuthenticationData is set. 32 Response ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 IPMP_Mutual_Authentication, until authentication is successful. 5.10 Key Descriptor 5.10.1 Syntax class KeyDescriptor extends AlgorithmDescriptor : bit(8) tag = IPMP_KeyDescr_tag { ByteString keyBody; } 5.10.2 Semantics This class is for specifying a cryptographic algorithm and a key conforming to the algorithm. keyBody – the body of the key. The value shall be data that conforms to a rule for data structure of the key defined outside of this document. Example – If an encryption algorithm is RSA, the value of this parameter shall be the BER encoded data which conforms to PKCS#1. RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE { modulus INTEGER, -- n publicExponent INTEGER -- e } 5.11 AlgorithmDescriptor 5.11.1 Syntax class AlgorithmDescriptor extends BaseIPMPDescriptor: bit(8) IPMPMessagePurpose = IPMP_AlgorithmDescr_tag { bit (1) isRegistered; const bit (7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if (isRegistered) { bit (16) regAuthID; } else { ByteArray specAlgoID; } ByteArray OpaqueData; } 5.12 Semantics This class is for specifying an identifier of an arbitrary algorithm. isEnumerated – a 0b1 indicates the ID included is a normative identifier of the algorithm. A 0b0 indicates the algorithm is identified by an ID assigned by a registration authority enumeratedAlgoID – a normative identifier of the algorithm. Note : to be made normative outside the scope of this specification. regAuthID – a identifier of the algorithm as assigned by a registration authority. SpecAlgoID – SpecAlgoID Value Symbol Content Confidentiality Integrity 33 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 0x0001 DH-G-H-x-y 0x0002 EDH-G-H-x-y 0x0003 DH-G-E-H-x-y-z 0x0004 EDH-G-E-H-x-y-z 0x0005 RSA-OAEP-H-x 0x0006 RSA-OAEP-E-H-x-z 0x0007 SCHNRR- G-x-y 0x0008-0x00FF 0x0100-0x01FE 0x01FF-0xFFFF ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme on a base group G. The parameter setting of the both parties is specified in certificates. Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Scheme on a base group G. Both parties are assumed to agree on the base group G, and each party is supposed to generate ephemeral parameters (a public key pair) for the purpose of authentication and the parameters are submitted being signed by the party. A certificate of the party is used for the opponent party to verify the signature. DH-G-H-x-y being used in combination with a symmetric key cipher algorithm E. EDH-G-H-x-y being used in combination with a symmetric key cipher algorithm E. Needham-Schroeder Scheme deploying RSA-based OAEP as the public key encryption. RSA-OAEP-H-x being used in combination with a symmetric key cipher algorithm E. Schnorr Identification Scheme on a base group G. No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No For use by registration authority In the above table, the significance of the variables is as follows: Variable G E H x y z Definition Specifies the type of a base group (e.g. a sub-groups of an elliptic curve) Specifies a symmetric key cipher algorithm to realize confidentiality of messages. Specifies a hash function to realize message integrity. Specifies a size of a base group (e.g. the length in bits of the base field of an elliptic curve). Specifies a size of a base group (e.g. the length in bits of the order of a base group). Specifies the length in bits of keys of a symmetric key cipher to be used in conjunction. Remark. The actual cryptographic scheme is constructed on a proper sub-group instead of being constructed on an entire elliptic curve or an entire multiplicative group of a finite field. Further, the order of the base sub-group shall be a prime number, and its length is specified to be y bits. This value of y influences the strength of the scheme against the PohligHellman method, which finds out solutions to DLP on arbitrary groups. 5.12.1 Generation of a MAC In the case where a value is specified for the variable H, if either or both of the parties require the functionality of message integrity, MAC (Message Authentication Code) is attached to messages. Usage of a MAC as part of the message is optional. MAC is generated based on the hash function specified by the variable H and the shared secret being used a key to generate MAC. Actually, MAC is generated in accordance with the following formula. MAC = H(H(Shared_Secret)| Message | H(Shared_Secret)) 5.12.2 Generation of Keys for Message Encryption Keys of a symmetric key cipher to be used between the parties are generated from the secret shared by the parties through the authentication procedures. For example, in the case that the key length is specified as 56 bits, the write_key_A, which the party A uses to encrypt messages, is generated by the following formula. write_key_A = 34 TRUNC(56, SHA-1(100_LSBits_Of_Secret | “WRITE” | ID_Of_A | Rest_Of_Secret)) ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 ID_Of_A is defined as the byte data with value 0 if Party A is the initiator of the communication, whilst it is the byte data with value 0xFF otherwise. 5.13 Parametric Messages 5.13.1 IPMP Tool Parametric Capabilities Query Syntax class IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesQuery extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesQuery_tag { IPMPToolParametricDescriptor toolParamDesc; } Semantics This message allows a terminal to query a tool as for support for a specific parametric description. The contents of the message are the actual tool parametric descriptor that would be contained in the tools list. toolParamDesc: The parametric description of the capability being queried. Response IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesResponse. 5.13.2 IPMP Tool Parametric Capabilities Query Response Syntax class IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesResponse extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ToolParamCapabilitiesResponse_tag { bit(1) capabilitiesSupported; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; } Semantics This message is the response to the above parametric capabilities query and simply returns a boolean value as to whether or not the parametric description is supported by the tool. capabilitiesSupported: If this bit is set to ‘1’, this implies that the tool does support the parametric description queried in the preceding message. If set to ‘0’ this implies that the tool does not support the parametric description. Response None required. 35 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex A Selective Decryption Configuration Message (Normative) The selective decryption configuration message is used to communicate to the decryptor, how the encryption of the received content bitstream is encrypted, whether all bits are encryption or only portions of the received bits are encrypted. In the case when only portions of the received bits are encrypted, what portions of the received are encrypted and therefore need to be decrypted. A.1 IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage A1.1 Syntax class IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_SelectiveDecryptionMessage_tag; { bit(8) mediaTypeExtension; bit(8) mediaTypeIndication; bit(8) profileLevelIndication; bit(8) compliance; bit(8) numBufs; for(i=0, i<numBufs; i++) Struct bufInfoStruct { bit(128) cipher_Id; bit(8) syncBoundary; bit(1) isBlock; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if(isBlock) { bit(8) mode; bit(16) blockSize; bit(16) keySize; } else { Struct Stream_Cipher_Specific_Init_Info; } } } bit(1) isContentSpecific; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if(isContentSpecific) { bit(8) numFields; for(i=0, i< numFields; i++) { Struct fieldStruct { bit(8) field_Id; bit(3) field_Scope; const bit(5) reserved = 0b0000.000; bit(8) buf; bit(1) isMapped; const bit(7) reserved = 0b0000.000; if(isMapped){ bit(1) sendMapTable; bit(1) isShuffled; const bit(6) reserved = 0b0000.000; if(sendMapTable){ bit(16) sizeMapTable; bit(16) mappingTable[sizeMapTable] } if(isShuffled){ 36 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Struct Shuffle_Specific_Info shuffleSpecificInfo; } } } } } else { bit(16) nSegments; bit(16) RLE_Data[nSegments] } } A.1.2 Semantics This message allows a terminal to configure a selective decryption tool. mediaTypeExtension: extends mediaTypeIndication below; The following values are defined. mediaTypeExtension 0x00 0x01 0x02 – 0xCF 0xD0 – 0xFE 0xFF Semantics ISO/IEC ITU ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden mediaTypeIndication: indication of format definition, e.g., MPEG-4 or MPEG-2 etc.; example values could be those of objectTypeIndication in 8.6.6 of [1]. profileLevelIndication: indication of profile/level visualProfileLevelIndication in 8.6.4 of [1]. of mediaTypeIndication; example values could be those of compliance: level of compliance to the compression format, i.e, the smallest logical unit in the encrypted bitstream that are correctly recognizable/parsable by the media decoder. For any non-compliant stream, the decryption tool will need to know what marker emulation prevention mechanism was deployed by the encryption tool. The method to emulation prevention is out of scope of this definition. The following values are defined. Compliance 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05-2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 – 0x5F 0x60 – 0xCF 0xD0 – 0xFE 0xFF Semantics fully compliant for video compliant to video packet level for video compliant to VOP level for video non-compliant for video Compliant to GOB level for H.263 baseline ISO Reserved for video compliant to data frame level for AAC audio non-compliant for AAC audio ISO Reserved for audio ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden numBufs: number of buffers needed to hold data to be decrypted separately. The cipher text will be de-multiplexed into different buffers for separate decryption. bufInfoStruct: a structure holding information needed for each buffer cipher_Id: type of decryption algorithm used, e.g. , DES, 3DES, AES etc., registered through an RA. 37 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 syncBoundary: this field provides the tool information on what shall be considered a “unit of cipher-text”. Bits from different cipher-text unit are decrypted separately. The following values are defined. syncBoundary 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03-2F 0x30 0x31 – 0x5F 0x60 – 0xCF 0xD0 – 0xFE 0xFF Semantics Video packet for video VOP (AU) for video GOV for video ISO Reserved for video Data frame for AAC audio ISO Reserved for audio ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden isBlock: block or stream cipher. mode: mode of block cipher, e.g., CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB, etc., registered through an RA [Annex E]. blockSize: block size, in bytes, used for the block cipher keySize: key size, in bytes, used for the block cipher. cipher_specific_init_info: normative initialization information if a stream cipher is specified by the cipher_Id. The above data structures are for representing information pertaining to the buffers used for the decryption process. Below is information pertaining to the fields chosen for decryption. isContentSpecific: a value of 0b1 indicates that the selective decryption is based on the selection of the fields. Otherwise RLE_Data will specify a collected range of the bitstream selected for decryption, using run length coding of this range information. numFields: number of fields to be selected for decryption, e.g., MV, DC, DCTsign, Dquant, etc. fieldStruct: a structure holding information about the fields chosen for decryption field_Id: index of field based on a predefined list for the given syntax. The following values are defined. field_Id 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 Semantics Motion vector (MV) for video DC coefficients for video DCT sign bits for video Quantization parameter Dquant for video DCT coefficients for video 0x05 All fields ie. All bits in a “unit of cipher text” 0x06-2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x32 – 0x5F 0x60 – 0xCF 0xD0 – 0xFE 0xFF ISO Reserved for video Sign bits for AAC audio Run-length codewords for AAC audio Scale factors for AAC audio ISO Reserved for audio ISO Reserved User Defined Forbidden field_scope: represented in three bits, i.e., b2b1b0. A value of 0b1 for b2, b1, and b0 indicates that this field in I, P, and B VOPs, respectively, is selected and put into the buffer that it is associated with. 38 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 buf: which buffer this field will be put into. isMapped: a value of 0b1 indicates that the codewords of a specific field will be mapped, using a mapping table, to an index which is then subject to decryption. sendMapTable: a value of 0b1 indicates that the mapping table mappingTable will follow. Otherwise, the default mapping of the codeword table defined in the media format definition (e.g. MPEG4 video specification) is used. sizeMapTable: size, number of entries of the mapping table. mappingTable: entries of the mapping table. MappingTable[i] indicates that the ith codeword in the codeword table defined in the media format definition is mapped to the index of MappingTable[i]. isShuffled: a value of 0b1 indicates the mapped index sequence will be shuffled using a shuffling table specified in Shuffle_Specific_Info. nSegments: number of disjoint segments that have been generated to signify which segments are selected for decryption RLE_Data: specifies the number of bits that are to be decrypted or skipped interleavingly, starting from the first segment that is to be decrypted. If the first segment is not to be decrypted, then the value of the first entry shall be zero. A.2 An example of a selective decryption configuration message (Informative) One good example of using parametrically configured tools is a configurable selective encryption framework for securing MPEG-4 video content. It is recognized that for some applications, simplistic, direct application of encryption to content bitstreams poses many problems, most often due to the lack of syntactic structure of the result. The complexity of encrypting the entire content bitstream can also be prohibitive for both very high bit rate content and low power devices. Selective encryption solves both of these problems, the latter due to the reduced complexity associated with only encrypting a portion of the stream and the former by designing the encryption method such that it results in a format compliant, yet encrypted stream. To achieve format compliance, the tool extracts bits from the fields that have been chosen for encryption, concatenates them in an appropriate way, encrypts the concatenation with a chosen cipher appropriate for the application, and then puts the encrypted bits back into their original positions. To maintain compliance, a fixed length index is assigned to each codeword in the VLC code table, and instead of encrypting the code word concatenation, the index concatenation is encrypted, and then the encrypted index concatenation is mapped back to codeword. Any pattern resulting from the encryption of index concatenation can be mapped back to a compliant codeword concatenation. FLC coded fields are treated as special cases of VLC, where the code length does not vary. In MPEG IPMP extensions, the goal to define a standardized messaging interface between the tools and the terminal provides for an important functionality, namely that of a single configurable tool that could support a wide range of requirements and could be configured to apply only the subset of those that a particular application specified. Using the guidelines for field selection and tools for encrypting VLC in a syntax compliant way, this section illustrates an example of a selective decryption configuration message. It shall be noted that in designing these messages, it is assumed that the framework is intended to be applied to MPEG-4 video. An example of a message is defined here that could be used to configure a format-compliant, selective decryption tool that implemented the method described above. The for-loops are unrolled, but the for-loop syntax is there so it is clear that repetition of various fields was a result of the logic in the data structures. This particular example message tells the decryption tool that it is working with a compliant bit stream. The tool will need two buffers, both of which will use DES as the decryption algorithm in CBC mode with a block size of 64 and a key length of 64. The fields will be grouped on a video packet basis. The fields involved will be MV, DC, DCT sign, and Dquant. The latter three are inserted into a buffer using the values that they take on in the bit stream, while the MVs are mapped to a set of 64 indices (known by the tool) and those are inserted in a separate buffer. Syntax field name Syntactic Value Semantic value Bits 39 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 mediaTypeExtension mediaTypeIndication (visual)profileLevelIndication compliance numBufs /* For(i=0;i<numBufs;i++) */ /* numBufs=2 */ /* buffer 0: motion vectors */ cipher_Id syncBoundary isBlock if(isBlock==1) { mode blockSize keySize } 0 32 3 0 2 ISO/IEC MPEG set Visual ISO/IEC 14496-2 Simple Profile @ Level 1 Bit-level compliant 2 buffers 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 1 DES Video packet Block cipher 128 8 1 1 64 64 CBC 64 64 8 16 16 0 0 1 DES Video packet Block cipher 128 8 1 1 64 64 CBC 64 64 8 16 16 1 4 Based on the selection of the fields 4 fields for decryption 1 8 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 (MV) encrypt MVs for P frames 0 (mv buff) mapped no shuffle of the index don’t send mapping 8 3 8 1 1 1 /* i=1, DC */ field_Id field_scope buf isMapped 1 6 1 0 1 (DC) encrypt DCs for I and P frames 1 (other buffer) not mapped 8 3 8 1 /* i=2, DCT sign */ field_Id field_scope buf isMapped 2 6 1 0 2 (DCT sign) encrypt DCT signs for I and P frames 1 (other buffer) not mapped 8 3 8 1 /* i=3, Dquant */ field_Id field_scope buf isMapped 3 6 1 0 3 (Dquant) encrypt Dquants for I and P frames 1 (other buffer) not mapped 8 /* i=1 buffer 1: DCT information buffer */ cipher_Id syncBoundary isBlock if(isBlock==1) { mode blockSize keySize } } IsContentSpecific numFields /* For(i=0;i<numFields;i++) *//* numFields = 4 */ /* i=0, MV */ field_Id field_scope buf isMapped isShuffled sendMapTable } 40 8 1 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex B Use of IPMP DecoderConfigInformation (Informative) This is an informative annex, details the use of DecoderConfigInformation for media streams controlled only by an IPMP stream, the recipient IPMP Tool(s) are not known, and hence cannot be instantiated, until a message addressed to that Tool is received in the stream. The walkthroughs below indicate the implications of this problem. The first walkthrough illustrates the process of the terminal associating a media stream with an IPMP system when only IPMP descriptors are used. The second walkthrough goes through the same process when only IPMP streams are used. B.1 IPMP Descriptor Example CONTROL POINT 8 MEDIA DB 3 OD DB MEDIA DECODE 11 9 IOD 1 4 10 OD DECODE 2 5 IPMP TOOLS LIST TOOLS MANAGER MESSAGE ROUTER 2 5 6 7 9 10 IPMP TOOL Figure 3 - Flowchart for Protection with IPMP Descriptors only The above diagram illustrates the process of the terminal receiving the IPMP tools list all the way through instantiating the tools and sending the appropriate media streams to the tools. Each step in the process in numbered accordingly and is described in the following paragraph. For simplicity, a single media stream and a single OD stream are depicted. Details on the BIFS stream and the process of the terminal opening connections with the server are left out for clarity. 1. 2. 3. 4. An IPMP Descriptor Pointer is received in the OD Stream. The terminal instantiates the necessary IPMP tool. The terminal receives an AU on the OD stream. The terminal parses the OD AU to get the ESD for the media stream and any IPMP streams. In this case, the OD contains a single media ES descriptor and a single IPMP descriptor pointer as in the figure above. A subsequent OD command would contain the IPMP Descriptor. At this point, the terminal associates the media from the ES descriptor to the IPMP system referenced by the IPMP descriptor. The terminal sends the IPMP descriptor to the IPMP tool. The terminal contacts the tool to tell it that it will be receiving data from the particular elementary stream and also to find out at which control point the tool is residing for that stream. 1. The tool returns the control point at which it is residing for the particular elementary stream. 2. Media access units are received by the terminal 3. The terminal routes the AUs to the IPMP tool based on the control point(s) for that elementary stream. 4. The tool returns the processed media. 5. The terminal continues with decoding the content. The above walkthrough works just fine for ODs that contain only IPMP descriptor pointers. When the OD only contains ES descriptors for an IPMP stream, this process breaks, as illustrated in the following walkthrough illustrates this. 41 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 B.2 IPMP Stream Example CONTROL POINT 11 8 MEDIA DB 7 IPMP DB 3 OD DB MEDIA DECODE IPMP DECODE 9 10 7 IOD 1 4 OD DECODE 2 4 IPMP TOOLS LIST TOOLS MANAGER MESSAGE ROUTER 2 5 6 7 9 10 IPMP TOOL Figure 4 - Flowchart for Protection with IPMP Streams only The above diagram again illustrates the process of the terminal receiving the IPMP tools list all the way through instantiating the tools and sending the appropriate media streams to the tools. This is again a simplified example that only utilizes a single media stream, the OD stream, and now a single IPMP stream. Details on the BIFS stream are left out just for clarity purposes. Details on the BIFS stream and the process of the terminal opening connections with the server are left out for clarity. 1. The terminal receives an AU on the OD stream. 2. The terminal parses the OD AU to get the description of the media stream and any IPMP systems. In this case, the OD contains a single media ES descriptor and a single ES descriptor for an IPMP stream as shown in the figure above. At this point, the terminal shall be able to associate the media from the ES descriptor to the IPMP system referenced by the ES descriptor of the IPMP stream. Unless the Terminal knows, a priori, the IPMP Systems, there is no way for the terminal to know which IPMP tool to send the information to. This is because the IPMPTool ID is not identified in the ES descriptor, only in messages the IPMP elementary stream. In the latter case, the following steps cannot occur. 1. The terminal sends the ES descriptor for the IPMP stream to the IPMP tool and tells it that it will be receiving data from the particular elementary stream and also to find out at which control point the tool is residing for that stream. 2. The tool returns the control point at which it is residing for the particular elementary stream. 3. IPMP access units are received by the terminal and are routed to the appropriate IPMP tool. 4. Media access units are received by the terminal 5. The terminal routes the AUs to the IPMP tool based on the returned control point. 6. The tool returns the processed media. 7. The terminal continues with decoding the content. Thus, the tools cannot be instantiated until IPMP AUs are received at the terminal, which is inconsistent with the normal decoder operation that enables decoder instantiation prior to opening of a stream. 42 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex C Schema for Terminal Platform (Normative) The XML schema for terminal platform specification supports the specification of CPU, memory, Operating system, virtual machine, etc. Two possible applications within the IPMP scope are: Based on the terminal platform XML schema, an IPMP terminal can describe what it is, what the CPU is, what the operating system is, whether there are any assistant hardwares, etc. The IPMP terminal can send the information to the remote site while trying to retrieve a missing IPMP tool. The remote site, after receiving the information, and XML schema parsing, can then decide which tool (a windows DLL or a Java Byte Code, for example) to send. Based on the terminal platform XML schema, an IPMP tool can also describe on what platform it can run, and carry the information in the metadata associated with the IPMP tool, or in the Tool ESD associated with a Tool ES. When receiving such an IPMP tool, an IPMP terminal can decide whether this tool can run on it. Figure 5 - Schema for Platform Representation <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.0 beta 1 build Jun 13 2001 ( by Ji Ming (Panasonic Singapore Laboratories Pte Ltd) --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="TerminalID"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>Identification of a terminal</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> 43 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 <xsd:element name="TerminalType"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Model" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="SerialNO" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="OperatingSystem"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Model" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Version" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="SerialNO" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> <xsd:element name="VirtualMachine" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Version" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="CPU"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Model" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Speed" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Memory"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Model" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Size" type="xsd:integer"/> <xsd:element name="Speed" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="AsstHardware" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="SmartCard" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Vendor" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Model" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="HardKey" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Type" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> 44 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="Network" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Type" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Details" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="RPCMechanism" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="Type" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="Details" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="Type" type="xsd:string" use="required"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> 45 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex D Schema for Parametric Description (Normative) The parametric description is defined to allow a generic description of any type of IPMP tool, whether it is a decryption tool or a watermarking tool or a rights management tool. Based on the parametric description XML schema, the content provider can now describe what type of tool is required to playback the content, instead of using fixed tool IDs. For example, the content provider can specify that an AES tool, with block size of 128 bits is required to decrypt video stream. The IPMP terminal, upon receiving such XML language specifying this tool, can then choose an optimised AES tool from the embedded tools. Some of the elements are defined below: CLASS : class of the parametrically described tool, for example, decryption. SUBCLASS : sub-class of the parametrically described tool, for example, AES under decryption class. TYPEDATA : specific type data to describe a particular type of tool, for example, Block_length, to further specify a AES decryption tool TYPE (attribute) : value of the type data above, for example, 128 for the Block_length. ADDITIONAL_DATA : Any additional data which may help to further describe the parametrically defined tool. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- edited with XML Spy v4.0 beta 1 build Jun 13 2001 ( by JimmyJi (Panasonic Singapore Laboratories Pte Ltd) --> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="PARAMETRIC_DESCRIPTION"> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="VERSION"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:attribute name="MAJOR_VERSION" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:attribute name="MINOR_VERSION" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="CLASS" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="SUBCLASS" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="TYPEDATA" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:simpleContent> <xsd:extension base="xsd:anySimpleType"> <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:anySimpleType"/> </xsd:extension> </xsd:simpleContent> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="ADDITIONAL_DATA" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> 46 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex E List of Registration Authorities (Normative) This specification requires registration authorities for the following : 1. The IPMP_ToolID for a specific implementation of an IPMP Tool. 2. The implemented API (including the instantiation, initialization and termination mechanisms) for an IPMP Tool and Terminal on a given platform (see 3 below). 3. The platform information about an IPMP Tool in the Content 4. The packaging information about an IPMP Tool in the Content. 5. Certificate Type and format of Certificates 6. Algorithm ID and algorithm modes 47 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex F Illustration of Use and Scope of IPMP Descriptors and Declarators (Normative) These scenarios indicate how different configurations of IPMP protection may be indicated for MPEG-4 content, and how it shall be interpreted. Different instances of tools are identified by their ToolInstanceID. ToolInstanceIDs are uniquely mapped to the OD_ID, possible ES_ID, and Descriptor or Declarator ID that caused the instantiation of the Tool. OD UPDATE OD=A IPMP UPDATE OD=B IPMP DSCR=E ESD=C ESD=D AUDIO VIDEO IPMP PTR IPMP PTR TOOL ID CONTEXT ID=A_F AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC INITIALIZ IPMP DSCR=F TOOL ID INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=B_E This is the base case for IPMP Descriptors. An IPMP Descriptor Pointer in an OD points to a given IPMP Descriptor. One corresponding instance of that IPMP Tool is created. Note that the IPMP Descriptor contains the initialize information, and the context is determined by the OD_ID that holds the descriptor pointer and the ID of the IPMP Descriptor. OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=D AUDIO IPMP PTR VIDEO IPMP DSCR=G TOOL ID INITIALIZ ESD=E IPMP DECL=F CONTEXT ID=A_G AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=BEF This is a base case where a presentation uses both Descriptor and Declarator based protection. Since the IPMP Declarator F does not depend on another IPMP Descriptor, it therefore contains IPMP_Initialize information that causes instantiation of a new instance of the Tool (context BEF). In the case that a Declarator causes instantiation, the context of the Tool is mapped to the OD_ID of the object (B) that holds the IPMP Stream, the ID of the IPMP Stream itself (E) and the ID of the IPMP Declarator (F). The ESID of the media streams being protected have no bearing on the context ID of the Tool. OD UPDATE OD = A IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=C ESD=D AUDIO VIDEO IPMP PTR IPMP PTR IPMP DSCR=E TOOL ID INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=A_E AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=B_E IPMP Descriptor Pointers in two independent objects may point to the same IPMP Descriptor. This results in two separate intances of the same Tool, one for each object. Both instances receive data from the Descriptor, and any Descriptor Updates. Both instances are terminated when Descriptor E is removed. Only instance A_E is removed if the Descriptor Pointer in OD A is removed, and only instance B_E is removed if the Descriptor Pointer in OD B is removed. 48 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 CONTEXT ID=AEF OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO OD=B AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=E IPMP DECL=F IPMP DECL=F INITIALIZ INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=BEF IPMP DB MR An Elementary Stream having more than one independent object reference must have identical ESDs. In this case, the same IPMP Elementary Stream (with ESD E) is being referenced from OD A and OD B. The stream E is created only once. However, two separate instances of the corresponding IPMP Tool are created, one for object A and one for object B. Both these instances receive any information in the Declarator and any IPMP messages addressed to that Declarator in stream E. Both instances are terminated when stream E is removed. Only AEF is removed if the ESD for E is removed from OD A. Only BEF is removed if the ESD for E is removed from OD B. CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO OD=B CONTEXT ID=AEF AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=E IPMP DECL=F IPMP DECL=F INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=G INITIALIZ INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=BEG CONTEXT ID=BEF IPMP DB MR CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO OD=B ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H INITIALIZ INITIALIZ AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=BFH IPMP DB MR IPMP DB This is the base case for IPMP Declarators. An OD contains the only reference to a given IPMP ESD, whose DecoderConfigInfo contains the Declarator, and one corresponding instance of that IPMP Tool is created. 49 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 CONTEXT ID=A_J OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=D AUDIO VIDEO IPMP DSCR=I DEC VIDEO DB DEC TOOL ID INITIALIZ ESD=E ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H TOOL ID SERVES SERVES INITIALIZ IPMP PTR AUDIO DB IPMP DSCR=J CONTEXT ID=B_I IPMP DB IPMP PTR MR IPMP DB This is a base case for an object that contains an IPMP Stream, one of whose Declarator depends on an IPMP Descriptor referenced by an IPMP Descriptor Pointer in the same OD as the IPMP ESD belongs to. OD UPDATE IPMP UPDATE CONTEXT ID=A_G OD=A ESD=C AUDIO OD=B IPMP DSCR=G ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=E IPMP DECL=F IPMP DECL=F SERVES SERVES IPMP PTR TOOL ID AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=B_G IPMP PTR IPMP DB MR If the same IPMP stream (E) is used across diferent objects, its decoder config info in both objects (A and B) must be identical. Hence, if a Declarator (F) within the ESD in one object (A) is dependent on a Descriptor (G), then the same Declarator in the other object must indicate similar dependence. Thus, both objects must carry an IPMP Descriptor Pointer to the same IPMP Descriptor. Two instances are created in response to the two descriptor pointers, hence their contexts are identified by the OD_ID and the IPMP_DID. Both instances are populated with data from the same descriptor, and from the same declarator. Note that in this case, the IPMP Descriptor contains IPMP_Initialize information. CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H INITIALIZ SERVES IPMP PTR IPMP DSCR=I AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC TOOL ID INITIALIZ CONTEXT ID=B_I IPMP DB MR IPMP DB This case indicates the difference between instances that come from an independent IPMP Declarator and IPMP Declarator that depends upon an IPMP Descriptor (via an IPMP Descriptor Pointer in the same OD as its ESD). In the case of object A, IPMP stream E is specified to serve the Tool described by Declarator G. G is meant to cause a new instance of an IPMP Tool, and hence contains the IPMP_Initialize data structure. Any opaque information in G is carried to the Tool instance 50 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 AEG, as are any IPMP Messages addressed to G that appear in stream E. No other means of populating AEG with information is available. Removal of G from the ESD (or removal of stream E altogether) causes termination of this instance. In the case of object B, IPMP Declarator H serves the instance of the Tool (B_I) created by the IPMP Descriptor Pointer in B that references IPMP Descriptor I. Hence, it does not contain IPMP_Initialize information. B_I receives data from H and any messages addressed to H via IPMP Stream F. However, it also receives data from I and any updates to I. Removal of Declarator H or stream F does not cause Termination of B_I. Removal of I or the IPMP Pointer that references I causes Termination of B_I and any subsequent messages received for H via stream F will have an invalid recipient address. CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP DSCR=I AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=BFH CONTEXT ID=B_I TOOL ID INITIALIZ IPMP DB IPMP PTR MR IPMP DB It is possible for both an IPMP Descriptor and an independent IPMP Declarator (note the IPMP_Initialize structure within Declarator H) to protect the same stream. In this case, the tools instantiated by these structures work independently to protect the stream. If they occur at the same control point, their sequence numbers determine the order in which they receive data for processing. CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO OD=B ESD=D VIDEO ESD=E ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP PTR CONTEXT ID=A_I IPMP UPDATE IPMP DSCR=I AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=BFH CONTEXT ID=B_I TOOL ID INITIALIZ IPMP DB IPMP PTR MR IPMP DB Extending on the case above, two independent instances of the Tool described by IPMP Descriptor I are created. Instance B_I works in a determinate order with instance BFH, and instance A_I works in a determinate order with instance AEG. CONTEXT ID=AEG OD UPDATE OD=A ESD=C AUDIO IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=D VIDEO IPMP DSCR=I INITIALIZ ESD=F IPMP DECL=G IPMP DECL=H TOOL ID INITIALIZ INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP PTR DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=BFH CONTEXT ID=B_I TOOL ID ESD=E IPMP PTR CONTEXT ID=A_J AUDIO DB IPMP DSCR=J IPMP DB MR IPMP DB This is yet another possible variation of the above scenario, where are IPMP Tools being used are of independent types. 51 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 IPMP UPDATE OD UPDATE OD=B OD=A ESD=C AUDIO ESD=E ESD=D VIDEO IPMP DSCR=H TOOL ID CONTEXT ID=AEG CONTEXT ID=AEF AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC INITIALIZ IPMP PTR IPMP DECL=F CONTEXT ID=B_H INITIALIZ IPMP DECL=G INITIALIZ IPMP DB MR If two IPMP Declarators are contained in the ESD of an IPMP Elementary Stream, the instances created to serve these will work in determinate order to manage and protect the media stream. IPMP_Intialize information describes which control points they are active at. If they serve the same control point, this information additionally provides an unambiguious sequencing order at a given control point. Relative sequencing orders is nondeterministic at different control points. OD UPDATE OD=A IPMP UPDATE OD=B ESD=C AUDIO IPMP PTR ESD=D VIDEO IPMP PTR IPMP DSCR=E INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP DSCR=G IPMP PTR CONTEXT ID=A_G AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC CONTEXT ID=B_E CONTEXT ID=B_F IPMP DSCR=F TOOL ID IPMP PTR CONTEXT ID=A_E TOOL ID TOOL ID INITIALIZ This is a similar case, but where more than one tool instances that are created via IPMP Descriptor Pointers protect the same streams. Similar considerations to the case above hold here as well. OD UPDATE OD=A CONTEXT ID=ADE ESD=B VIDEO-BL ESD=C VIDEO-EL ESD=D IPMP DECL=E VIDEOBL DB DEC VIDEOEL DB IPMP DB MR INITIALIZ This demonstrates scoping issues where an IPMP Tool is created by an OD that contains more than one media stream. If these media streams are not dependent on each other, then MPEG-4 Systems states that only one of the streams will be instantiated, and the cases revert to those discussed above. If the streams are one base layer and other enhancement layers, then only one tool instance is created to service all streams. For any control points for the Tool that occur prior to decoding, each access unit from each stream is sent to the Tool for data processing. Subsequent to decoding, the combined data from these streams is sent to the Tool for data processing. Permissions for each stream shall be independently queried for the same Tool for processes that occur before decoding. 52 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 OD UPDATE IPMP UPDATE OD=A IPMP DSCR=G TOOL ID ESD=B INITIALIZ VIDEO-BL IPMP PTR ESD=C CONTEXT ID=ABG VIDEOBL DB IPMP DSCR=H TOOL ID VIDEO-EL DEC INITIALIZ VIDEOEL DB IPMP PTR CONTEXT ID=ACH ESD=D IPMP DECL=E IPMP DB SERVES MR IPMP DECL=F SERVES The case above illustrates the use of more than one IPMP Tool in an OD that contains more than one dependent media streams. The following scenarios of usage are illegal because they violate one or more syntactical conditions, from 14496-1:2000, from this specification, or both. Two streams with single IPMP stream and different serves descriptors – not allowed OD UPDATE OD IPMP UPDATE OD ESD VIDEO TOOL ID NO INIT ESD ESD IPMP DECL IPMP DECL TOOL ID INITIALIZ SERVES INITIALIZ IPMP PTR DEC VDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR IPMP DSCR ESD AUDIO AUDIO DB IPMP DSCR IPMP PTR AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR Two streams with multiple IPMP streams and different serves descriptors – not allowed OD UPDATE OD IPMP UPDATE OD ESD AUDIO DEC VIDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR IPMP DSCR ESD VIDEO TOOL ID INITIALIZ ESD ESD IPMP DECL IPMP DECL TOOL ID INITIALIZ INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP DECL IPMP DECL INITIALIZ INITIALIZ IPMP PTR AUDIO DB IPMP PTR IPMP DSCR AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR Two streams initialized through single IPMP stream with two separate descriptors not used for initialization – not allowed 53 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 OD UPDATE IPMP UPDATE OD OD ESD IPMP DSCR ESD AUDIO TOOL ID NO INIT VIDEO ESD=A ESD=A IPMP DECL IPMP DECL TOOL ID INITIALIZ INITIALIZ NO INIT IPMP PTR IPMP DSCR IPMP PTR DB DEC DB DEC IPMP DB MR Two streams with single IPMP stream and different serves descriptors – not allowed OD UPDATE OD IPMP UPDATE OD ESD VIDEO TOOL ID NO INIT ESD ESD IPMP DECL IPMP DECL TOOL ID INITIALIZ SERVES INITIALIZ IPMP PTR DEC VDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR IPMP DSCR ESD AUDIO AUDIO DB IPMP DSCR IPMP PTR AUDIO DB DEC VIDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR AUDIO DB DEC VDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR Two streams with single IPMP stream with one serves descriptor – not allowed OD UPDATE OD IPMP UPDATE OD ESD AUDIO DEC VIDEO DB DEC IPMP DB MR IPMP DSCR ESD VIDEO ESD=A ESD=A IPMP DECL IPMP DECL INITIALIZ SERVES IPMP PTR 54 AUDIO DB TOOL ID INITIALIZ ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex G: Trust Model XML Schema (Normative) G.1 Trust Model Schema <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <xs:element name="TrustSpecification"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation> IPMP trust model specification schema</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="TrustSpecificationType"> <xs:attribute/> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:complexType name="TrustSpecificationType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="ToolReference" type="ToolReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="ToolReferenceType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="AuditDate" type="xs:date"/> <xs:element name="TrustInfo" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complexType> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="TrustInfoType"> <xs:choice> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="StartDate" type="xs:date"/> <xs:element name="AttackerProfile" type="AttackerProfileType"/> <xs:element name="TrustDuration" type="xs:int"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:element name="CCTrustMetadata" type="xs:unsignedByte" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:choice> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="URI" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <xs:complexType name="TrustInfoType"/> <xs:simpleType name="AttackerProfileType"> <xs:restriction base="xs:positiveInteger"> 55 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 <xs:maxInclusive value="3"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:schema> 56 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Annex H: Watermarking Configuration and Notification Messages (Normative) This annex details two new messages for audio watermarking. The IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit message is sent to a Watermarking Tool in order to intialise the process of insertion/extraction of the watermarking payload into/from an audio stream. The Watermarking Tool receives the audio stream and in case of watermarking extraction, replies with an IPMP_SendAudioWatermark message carrying the watermarking payload . These messages are also extended to provide means for facilitating audio watermarking technologies capable not only for insertion/extraction but also for remarking and perhaps the most important, distinguishing between legal from illegal audio material. H.1 IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit H.1.1 Syntax class IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit_tag { bit(8) inputFormat; bit(4) requiredOp; bit(1) hasOpaqueData; const bit(3) reserved = 0b000; if (inputFormat == PCM) { bit(8) nChannels; bit(8) bitPerSample; bit(32) frequency; } if ((requiredOp == INSERT_WM)||(requiredOp == REMARK_WM)) { bit(16) wmPayloadLen; bit(8) wmPayload[wmPayloadLen]; } if ((requiredOp == EXTRACT_WM)||(requiredOp == DETECT_COMPRESSION)) { bit(16) wmRecipientId; } if (hasOpaqueData) { bit(16) opaqueDataSize; bit(8) opaqueData[opaqueDataSize]; } } H.1.2 Semantics The IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit message delivers to a watermarking tool all the information about the characteristics of the audio content, the type of action to be performed on it and, possibly other related proprietary data required by the watermarking tool. Furthermore in case of: insertion, the watermarking payload to be inserted; 57 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 extraction, the ID of the recipient of the watermarking payload is provided; remarking, the watermarking payload to be inserted; compression detection, the ID of the recipient of the decision (that compression has taken place or not) is provided. As an example of compression detection, considering that the audio material has been distributed only in a noncompressed legacy (CD) format, thus, if detected that compression took place on it, it will be unauthorised (pirated) content. This implies that the watermarking tool will be able to discriminate compression from other common signal processing manipulations which may also took place in the signal but are not considered prohibited (as expressed by the rights attached to the particular audio stream) such as sample rate conversion, tremble/bass, spatialisation, echo, etc. It should be clear that this is only an example of the possible usages of this flag. Its goal in general is to facilitate means and technologies for distinguishing legal from illegal audio content. inputFormat RequiredOp The format of the audio input stream, as indicated in a Table to be maintained by a registration authority. The Table shall contain at least the PCM format and all audio formats indicated in Table 8 “ObjectTypeIndication values” in [3] The operation that the watermarking tool is required to perform on the audio stream. The following values are allowed: INSERT_WM = 0 EXTRACT_WM=1 REMARK_WM =2 DETECT_COMPRESSION =3 ISO reserved = 4..10 User defined = 11..15 NChannels the number of channels (1 = mono, 2 = stereo…) of the input stream Frequency the number of samples per second (in Hz. e.g. 44100) of the input stream BitPerSample the number of bits per sample (e.g. 8, 16) of the input stream WmPayloadLen the length of the watermarking payload in bytes to be inserted in the audio content. WmPayload the watermarking payload to be inserted in the audio content WmRecipientId the context ID of the destination tool, to which the watermarking payload and compression information must be delivered. HasOpaqueData a flag that indicates if the message also carries opaque data information for the watermarking tool. OpaqueDataSize the length of the opaque data field in bytes OpaqueData the opaque data field carrying proprietary information to the watermarking tool (e.g. initialisation parameters, like specific algorithm id, keys, etc. ) H.2 IPMP_SendAudioWatermark H.2.1 Syntax class IPMP_SendAudioWatermark extends IPMP_ToolMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_SendAudioWatermark_tag { bit(2) wm_status; bit(2) compression_status; bit(1) hasOpaqueData; bit(3) reserved = 0b000; if (wm_status == WM_PAYLOAD) { ByteArray payload; } if (hasOpaqueData) 58 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 { ByteArray opaqueData; } } H.2.2 Semantics A watermarking tool, which has been required to perform payload extraction by means of an IPMP_AudioWatermarkingInit message will send this message to wmRecipientId each time a new watermarking payload is extracted from the audio content. A watermarking tool, which has been required to detect if compression has been taken place on a raw (PCM) audio stream, will send this message to wmRecipientId each time it detects that the raw audio stream has been either compressed (and as such perhaps has been illegally distributed) or not. wm_status hasOpaqueData the result of the check if watermarking was present. If watermark was detected, then this value also says if the payload extracted is carried inside the message or not. Possible values are listed in the wm_status table below. the result of the check if the audio stream was compressed. Possible values are listed in the compression_status table below. a flag indicating whether this message carries opaque data. payload the watermarking payload extracted from the audio content. opaqueData opaque data from the Watermarking Tool. compression_status WM_PAYLOAD WM_NOPAYLOAD NO_WM WM_UNKNOWN COMPRESSION NO_COMPRESSION COMP_UNKNOWN watermarking was present in the audio stream, payload is carried in the message. watermarking was present in the audio stream, no payload is carried in the message. watermarking was not present in the audio stream. the Watermarking Tool was unable to detect whether watermarking was present in the audio stream or not. Table 1: wm_status table the audio stream was compressed the audio stream was not compressed the Watermarking Tool was unable to detect if the audio stream was compressed Table 2: compression_status table Annex I: Tool/Content Transfer Messages Among Distributed IPMP Devices 59 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 (Informative) I.1 Addressing of distributed devices To address different IPMP devices in a network domain, every IPMP device should be assigned with a unique 64 bit deviceID. How the deviceID is assigned and maintained unique is an implementation issue. It may be assigned during the manufacturing time. I.2 IPMP_DeviceMessageBase I.2.1 Syntax abstract class IPMP_DeviceMessageBase extends ExpandableBaseClass: bit(8) tag = 0 { bit(8) Version; bit(64) sender_deviceID; bit(64) recipient_deviceID; bit(32) Msg_ID; } I.1.2 Semantics IPMP_DeviceMessageBase is an expandable base class for IPMP Device to Device Messages. The extension tags are defined in Table 4. The binary form of the message looks as follows. MSG TYPE EXPANDABLE SIZE VER SENDER_DeviceID RECIPIENT_DeviceID MSG ID MSG TYPE-SPECIFIC DATA Version indicates the version of syntax used in the messages and shall be set to 0x01. Sender_DeviceID indicates the device ID of the originator of the message. Recipient_DeviceID indicates the device ID of the intended recipient of the message. Msg_ID is a message identifier specified by the message originator. All messages sent in response to a message shall include the identifier of the original message. Some messages extended from IPMP_ToolMessageBase can be extended from IPMP_DeviceMessageBase as well, including IPMP_Tool_Secure_Message, IPMP_InitAuthentication as well as IPMP_MutualAuthentication. On top of that, there are some specific Device to Device messages, that are defined below. I.2 Various Device to Device IPMP Messages I.2.1 Content Transfer Messages I.2.1.1 IPMP_RequestContent Syntax: class IPMP_RequestContent extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = CPMP_RequestContent_tag { bit(128) ContentID; bit(32) IPMP_DomainID; } Semantics: Content_ID – An identification number that uniquely identifies a recorded content. This Content_ID may possible be assigned by user before the time of recording. 60 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 Domain_ID – it identifies the authorized domain. Every IPMP compatible device within the same authorized domain should obtain the same Domain_ID via some secure means from the operator, possible during the time of registration to the operator. Response: IPMP_ResponseToContentRequest. I.2.1.2 IPMP_ResponseToContentRequest Syntax: class IPMP_ ResponseToContentRequest extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ ResponseToContentRequest _tag { bit(2) response; const bit(6) reserved=0b0000.00; } Semantics: Table - Response Message for Content Request Response 00 01 10 11 Note You are not in authorized domain No Such content Prohibit in Copy/Move Approved I.2.1.3 IPMP_ContentTransfer Syntax: class IPMP_ ContentTransfer extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = CPMP_ContentTransfer_tag { bit(128) ContentID; bit(8) Sequence; bit(32) PayloadSize; bit(8) Payload[PayloadSize]; } Semantics: Sequence – an 8 bit field indicates the sequence number of this payload, this enables the recipient device to re-form the content without mess up the content. It accumulates upon each IPMP_ContentTransfer message, and it is reset to 0 when it reaches 256. To securely transfer the content, this entire message could be set as a payload of the IPMP_Tool_Secure_Message as defined in the currently IPMP Extension CD. Response: Not required I.2.2 Tool Transfer Messages 61 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 I.2.2.1 IPMP_RequestTool Syntax: class IPMP_RequestTool extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_RequestTool_tag { bit(128) ToolID; bit(32) IPMP_DomainID; } Response: IPMP_ResponseToToolRequest. I.2.2.2 IPMP_ResponseToToolRequest Syntax: class IPMP_ResponseToToolRequest extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ResponseToToolRequest_tag { bit(128) ToolID; bit(2) response; bit(6) reserved; if (response==0b11) { bit(32) PayloadSize; bit(8) Payload[PayloadSize]; bit(16) ToolDescriptionSize; bit(8) ToolDescription [ToolDescriptionSize]; } } Semantics: Table - Response Message for Tool Request Response Note 00 You are not in authorized domain 01 No Such tool 10 Prohibit for transferring 11 Approved Payload – carries binary tool ToolDescription – description of the binary tool To securely transfer the tool, this entire message could be set as a payload of the IPMP_Tool_Secure_Message as defined in the currently IPMP Extension CD. Response: Not required I.2.3 Device ID messages For a device to know all other devices that are connected to it within the same network, there are two messages that a device is used to broadcast its existence to all other device connected. I.2.3.1 IPMP_DeviceID_Broadcasting Message Syntax: 62 ISO/IEC 14496-1:2001/Amd.3 class IPMP_ DeviceID_Broadcasting extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ DeviceID_Broadcasting_tag { bit(64) device_ID; bit(32) IPMP_DomainID; ByteArray OpaqueData[]; } Response: IPMP_DeviceID_Received. I.2.3.2 IPMP_DeviceID_Received When device A received the IPMP_DeviceID_Broadcasting Message from device B, device A needs to send back an acknowledgement message, and tell device B about device A’s deviceID. The message syntax is shown below Syntax : class IPMP_ DeviceID_Received extends IPMP_DeviceMessageBase : bit(8) tag = IPMP_ DeviceID_Received_tag { bit(64) device_ID; bit(32) IPMP_DomainID; ByteArray OpaqueData[]; } Response : None. 63