Low Road and Windmill Music Federation Maths Planning Information Theme: Number A1 Term:Autumn 1 Week Beginning: 22/9/14 SMSC: Considerate Communicates Challenges Chooses Considers Concludes Collaborates Connects Curious Confident Creates Culturally Aware IT Focus: Digital Media Control Data Handling Internet Presenting Text and Graphics Mathletics Nintendo DS iPad App Based Group ability levels and Pupil Premium children (P): L – Scarlett 1A, Abbie 2C, Abdul 2B+, Tommy- Lee 2B M( 2A) Kasie-Mia , Emilee , Rhiann , Alfie S. , Nathan, Conrad , Grant, Jack R. , Kaycie , Lennon H (2A+) Molly, Jaimee, Ethan, Dean, Brandon Connection Oral / Mental Learning Objective and Progress Supplementary maths across the curriculum:, Times tables chants Days in months in daily 10 /register time Telling the time Actions from key skills assessments: Introduction Main Input Homework: Multiplying/dividing numbers by 10 and 100. In each session please indicate: Teacher Assessment: TA Peer Assessment: PA Self Assessment: SA Activation Modified (Less Able) Main (Mid Ability) Reflection Extended (More Able) (May not be at the end of session, AfL) Session 1: Mon (30 mins) Session 2: Tuesday 45 mins 3 times tables chant Markers LO: To identify a rule in a number sequence. PM: To make GP identify a number pattern of 2 digit numbers. To make OP identify a number pattern of 3 digit numbers LO: To multiply and divide a number by 10. Show basic number sequencenumbers up and down +8, -6 Show more complex with 2 patterns. LA – Children MA- Children to complete to complete sheet with sheet with basic & basic & complex complex sequence ( 2 sequence ( 2 /3 digits) digits) Teacher: asses & support MA TA: asses & support LA Teacher: Have cones as decimal places. Invite children up to front to act as “digits” Multiply 1 digit no. by 10 – what happens? Moves to the left & zero. LA- x10, /10, 2 digit HA Children to complete sheet with basic & complex sequence (2/3 digits) MA x10,- 2/3 digits /10 – 2digits HA- x10,- 2/3 digits /10 – 2/3 digits Complex number pattern. Children to colour in appropriate face to reflect feelings about Session 3: Wed (30 mins) Session 4: Wed Children to turn in PM: To make GP multiply and divide 2 digit numbers by 10. To make OP multiply and divide 3 digit numbers by 10 LO: To multiply and divide a number by 100 PM: : To make GP multiply 2 digit numbers by 100 and divide 4 digits by 100. To make OP multiply 3 digit numbers by 100 and divide 4 digits by 100. LO: To tell the time on Multiply , make 10 times bigger 2 digit no. then 3 digit. Repeat for dividing by 10. Children to show on wb’s as less confident with division. TA: to check understanding/supporting less confident Teacher: To support HA learning. Teacher: Recap yesterday’s learning – move 1 place-TP what do you think will happen if 4 x100? Show example –afl on wbs. For 2 & 3 digit. Divide 4 digit number by 100 – Afl on w/bs. TA: to support as based on Afl. LA- x100 2 digit, /100 4 digit Teacher: To support LA TA: To support MA Problem questionBuilding is 56m high. Tower is 100 times bigger. How big is it? Teacher: Recap knowledge on analogue clock – 5 past /to etc. Carousel –1) - telling the time to 5 minute intervals (on analogue clock) Pictures of people doing daily routine stuck up around Word Time problem TA: To support LA MA - x100 2 digit, /100 4 digit HA – x100 2/3 digits, /100 4 digits. 50 mins Session 5:Thurs ( 15 mins) varying degrees to simulate minute hand. an analogue and digital clock. PM: To Make GP tell the time LO: mental maths practice TP ( with clocks) – show me 20 past 5. Couple of examples with to the hour. Show on digital ( just to half past) classroom show time on clock & fill in sheet.2) Looking at bus timetables/tv guides and answering questions. TA: TA: to support as appropriate Teacher: mental maths practice Teacher: to support as appropriate TA: PM: Teacher: TA: mental maths practice mental maths practice