NYSAFP Advocacy Commission Agenda August 2, 2008, Albany NY I. Meeting called to order by Chair, Philip Kaplan, MD at 10am Present: Philip Kaplan, MD, Norman Loomis, MD, Leon Zoghlin, MD, Heidi Zinkand, MD, Paul Slazburg MD, Charles Francis, MD, Tim Donavan MD, Courtney McHale, MS IV, Peter Liepmann MD, Christine M. Doucet MD, Mark Krotowski MD, Amoge Okonkwo MD, Dr. Marc Price DO, Dr. Jun David, MD and NYSAFP President and Bob Reid, Weingarten, Reid & McNally (WRM) II. Process of reaching commission decisions. The Commission has and will continue work to achieve consensus on issues. Absent consensus the Commission may choose to take no position on a controversial initiative from the legislature. III. Approval of Minutes from March 2008 IV: Albany update- Bob Reid provided the Commission an Albany Update. V: Actions passed since last meeting: OPMC bill (A11136a/ S8298a) Expedited Partner Therapy (A8730c/S6210a) No Fault legislation (A10000/S8294a) Pharmacists as Immunizers (A2140d/S8673) Child Psychiatry Access Demo Project (S7033a/A10297a) Temporary insurance coverage for recent college graduates (S8357/A11485) Excellus action re: carecorps deal with AG, supported by mssny but favoring oncologists over fps, and requirement for prior approval for certain narcotics (fentanyl patches, oxycontin and duragesic) VI: Vaccine registry update---Below New Business VII: Leon Zoghlin’s editorial regarding nurse practitioner independent practice was distributed, and Leon was congratulated on the effort. VIII: Congress of Delegates Resolutions forwarded to this commission- resolutions attached Resolution ’08-4 “Refuse Federal Funding for Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs” ---Commission recommends letter to Governor Paterson supporting prior Governor’s policy to refuse federal funding. Commission recommends continued support of Health Teens Act. Resolution ’08-6 “Tobacco Prevention and Cessation—Public Playgrounds” --Commission recommends support of legislation with appropriate definition of what is a playground. Resolution ’08-7 “Flu Vaccine” --Commission recommends letter to Senate and Assembly conveying the intent of the resolution advocating for a pilot program for flu vaccines for primary care providers. The Commission Chair is currently working with the NYS Department of Health on such a pilot. Resolution ’08-09 “Workers Compensation and Diagnostic Testing --The Commission discussed the resolution which essentially calls for an “any willing provider” standard for diagnostic tests under the Workers Compensation system. Members of the commission were divided on whether to support or oppose the resolution and believe modifications should be considered by the Board relative to specific actions currently under consideration by the Workers Compensation Board. Resolution ’08-18 “AAFP Endorsement of Single Payer Health Insurance” --The Commission recommended that the Academy continue to support this issue on a state level and send the resolution to the AAFP. Discussion was spirited regarding the linking of tort reform and collective bargaining to the single payer initiative. A large majority of the commission members favored not linking these issues, as such linkage would impede progress on single payer. IX: Legislation- See charts below, please review bills via the legislative bill search website http://public.leginfo.state.ny.us/menuf.cgi in advance of the meeting to be familiar with the details for discussion. New business: The consent agreement between the AG and Excellus in Rochester was reviewed. This agreement provides oncologists access to imaging studies without prior approval, while primary care physicians were not allowed this privilege. The commission recommends communication of our concerns to the office of the attorney general, and to MSSNY, seeking redress of this injustice to family physicians, with a copy to Excellus. LEGISLATION Consent Calendar to be forwarded to board before cluster, having commission approval by email or by obvious prior policy. BILL COMPANION BILL SUMMARY STATUS POSITION A10357, Christensen S7195, DeFrancisco Enacts the health care consumer and provider protection and equity allowing for physician collective bargaining Senate and Assembly Insurance Support A11461, Gottfried S8722, Hannon Provides for HIV testing to be offered on a routine basis and allow for it as part of general medical consent; Allows for testing in cases of occupational exposure Senate and Assembly Rules Support S7748, Hannon S4997, Hannon and S157, Golden Establishes a neurologically impaired infant fund Senate Health Support (not same as) A10829, Gottfried S8005, Young Allows certified nurse practitioners to practice without collaboration of a licensed physician and provides coverage for services performed by a nurse practitioner Senate and Assembly Higher Education Oppose S8104, Hannon No same as Establishes mandatory safe injection practices; Requires infection control training every 2 years Senate Rules Oppose This consent calendar was approved as submitted to the board. Legislation for discussion to determine Academy position (Support, Oppose, No Position). BILL COMPANION BILL SUMMARY STATUS POSITION A11187, Gottfried S8556, Rules Prohibits certain gifts and payments to prescribers and requires disclosure of other gifts and payments Assembly Codes, Senate Rules Oppose A11464, Peoples S8179a, Hannon Mandates reporting of lead screenings to the state immunization registry Passed Assembly, Senate Health Oppose S8087, Hannon No same as Authorizes the establishment of the physicians performance measurement reporting program Senate Health Oppose S7516a, Saland A11237a, Perry Prohibits incentive arrangements for inducing a health care provider to change Senate and Assembly Support prescriptions Insurance A11680a, Morelle S8354b, Seward Standardizes the calculation of minimum loss ratio for purposes of the alternative premium rate adjustment process known colloquially as "file and use; Provides that no managed care health insurance policy that provides coverage for hospital, medical or surgical care shall provide that services of a participating hospital will be covered as out-of-network services solely on the basis that the admitting physician or treating physician is not a participating provider Assembly Rules, Senate Codes Support A8142, Canestrari S4173, Skelos Regulates the use of certain laser, intense pulsed light, radiofrequency and medical microwave devices Assembly and Senate Higher Education Oppose A6811B, Gottfried S7749A, Hannon Directs health care providers to provide pain-relieving medications to the extent authorized by accepted professional guidelines Passed Assembly, Senate Rules Support XI. New Business Medical Home The issue of a medical home, in which a primary care physician is paid at the time of the visit, as a way to establish a more cost effective and efficient model of health care delivery was introduced by Dr. Liepmann, who will develop an action plan. Dr. Loomis stated that MSSNY recently sent a letter to the NYS DOI discussing this issue. The Commission recommends to the Board that a task force be formed to address this issue chaired by Dr. Liepmann, including interested members who may not be members of Advocacy. NYS DOH MEDICAID Primary Care Guidelines The Commission discussed the recently proposed Medicaid Primary Care Guidelines. The commission supports the comments made by the ad hoc group that has negotiated with AAP, ACP and MSSNY in responding to the DOH proposal. Vaccine Registry Dr. Kaplan reviewed his discussion with NYSDOH staff regarding the vaccine registry. We have advocated for an automated reporting system derived from billing data, accommodations for physicians who outsource electronic billing, accommodations for physicians who lack high speed internet access, and a relationship with the regulators which is collaborative instead of punitive. Lot number and maiden name reporting continues to be problematic. The HIPAA implications of sending nonconsented adult data which is then blocked at DOH were reviewed. DOH has agreed to alter the specifications to cure this breech. NYSAFP (WRM) wrote S.7169 sponsored by Senator Hannon to delay the reporting requirements, which assisted our negotiations with DOH. The commission supports the elements of these negotiations.