REVIEW SHEET FOR EXAM 2 Tissues, Integumentary, Skeletal System, Articulations Chapter 4: Tissues Functions of epithelial, connective, muscular, & nervous Epithelial: simple squamous, simple cubiodal, simple columnar, psuedostratified, and stratified squamous: location and functions of each Characteristics of epithelial tissue (functions, avascular?, etc) what is the basal lamina or basement membrane? what is the epithelial portion of it termed? and the connective tissue portion? differences between exocrine and endocrine glands and examples of each 4 types of membranes: characteristics of each and where are they found? Connective: know types, functions, and examples of: areolar, dense reg., dense irreg., reticular, elastic, adipose, cartilage (3 types and where found), bone, blood what is the matrix made up of? know the characteristics of the matrix for each tissue. what are the fibers associated with connective tissue? what is their function? what cells are associated with connective tissue? what is their function? how is cartilage formed? what are the differences between cartilage and bone? What are the 3 types of muscle tissue? which are voluntary? and involuntary? striated? and nonstriated? where are each located? What is the general structure of a neuron? What are the 4 signs of inflammation? why does each occur and why is it beneficial? what is the difference between regeneration and fibrosis? How do tissues heal? Chapter 5: Integumentary Skin Qualities & Functions: TWO LAYERS: Epidermis & Dermis *hypodermis: not part of the skin, connects dermis to underlying fascia (subcutaneous layer) EPIDERMIS what are the cells of the epidermis? what are the layers? which layer do cells die? which layer is only present in thick skin? which layer contains mostly Langerhans cells? and which melanocytes? which is the thickest? in which does mitosis occur the fastest? know factors affecting Skin coloring: cyanosis, blushing, tanning, dark vs. light skin DERMIS: what type of tissue? know it contains blood, sweat, oil, nerve endings etc. Where are dermal papillae? Papillary region (layer) vs. Reticular region (layer) HAIR Function? know: Hair Follicle: -papilla, root, & shaft. how does hair grow?, what causes hair color? Arector Pili: function NAILS Lunula: what is it? Parts of the nail? Skin cancer, burns Tissue repair: Explain the two stages. Chapter 6,7,8: Skeletal All Functions & Different types of bones: Structure of bone: a typical long bone know the following: o Diaphysis, medullary cavity (yellow marrow cavity), endosteum, periosteum. o Epiphysis - *Articular cartilage: what type of cartilage? what is its function? *Epiphyseal (line) plate functions: at what age does the plate fuse to become the line? how does it enable bone to grow? red bone marrow found where in long bone? which bones have the most red marrow? what is the function of red bone marrow? Two types of bone composition: Spongy (cancellous) bone & Compact Bone characteristics of each: which marrow found in each? what is the function of each? MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY OF BONE o COMPACT BONE: know: Haversian system: Central (Haversian) Canal, Lamellae, Lacunae, Canaliculi Composition of bone: Organic framework & Inorganic salts (tensile vs compressional strength) what does calcification mean? DEVELOPMENT OF BONE: ossification or osteogenesis 1. INTRAMEMBRANOUS OSSIFICATION 2. ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION know the difference between the two and where each occurs REMODELING OF BONE: how does it occur? OSTEOCLASTS & OSTEOBLASTS (deposit Ca): how do bones increases in diameter? what are osteoproginator cells? Factors affecting bone development: nutrition what does the diet have to consist of for optimal bone growth? what do the hormones PTH, Calcitonin, growth hormone and thyroxine do regarding bones? how does stress help bone? know the differences between gravitational vs. functional stresses what are the steps in the healing of a fracture? what is osteoporosis, osteopenia, rickets, osteomalacia? what are the bones of the cranium? what are the sutures and what bones do they join? How many carpals are there? how many tarsals? which is the largest bone in the body? which bones form the hip joint? the ankle joint? the knee joint? Which tarsal initially bears all weight when taking a step? how many cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are there? how does the cervical curve develop? and the lumbar curve? what is lordosis? kyphosis? and scoliosis? How many true and false ribs are there? What type of cartilage forms the costal cartilage? Which bone forms the hard palate? which bones contain sinuses? what is the purpose of sinuses? Chapter 9 Articulations How are joints classified? definitions and examples of fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints know synarthroses, amphiarthroses, and diarthroses examples what are the 4 features associated with a synovial joint? what do ligaments join? and tendons? know all angular movements. types and examples of synovial joints: nonaxial, uniaxial (hinge, pivot), biaxial, and triaxial joints: characteristisc, movements allowed what are bursae and tendon sheaths? what is their function? definitions of sprain, strain, dislocation, subluxation, bursitis, tendonitis, types of arthritis which sex are they most prominent in? (charac. and causes for each) know the ligaments and menisci of the knee: where located, when most likely to be injured. Which ligaments are considered intracapsular? which are extracapsular? know the ligaments and intervertebral discs of the vertebral column. What is the inside of the disc called? and the outer covering?