IN THE DUST DISEASES TRIBUNAL OF NEW SOUTH WALES DDT No. 269 of 2011 EDWARD STEPHEN CLARK (as legal personal representative of the Estate of the Late Glenda Myrtle Clark) Plaintiff ANTHONY SQUIRES PTY. LIMITED First Cross-Defendant WALLABY GRIP (BAE) PTY. LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) Second Defendant AMACA PTY. LIMITED (formerly James Hardie & Coy. Pty. Limited) Third Defendant CONTRIBUTIONS ASSESSMENT DETERMINATION The Registrar referred this matter to me pursuant to Clause 49 (1) of the Dust Diseases Tribunal Regulation 2007 (“the Regulation”) for a determination of apportionment as between the Defendants. My determination is to be made on the papers, on the assumption that the Defendants are liable, and applying the Dust Diseases Tribunal (Standard Presumptions – Apportionment) Order 2007 (“the Standard Presumptions”). I have the Tribunal file which includes: (a) the plaintiff’s Further Amended Statement of Claim and Statement of Particulars; (b) Replies from the each defendant. The Plaintiff’s History of Exposure The plaintiff was born on 15 January 1942 and died of mesothelioma on 3 November 2011 at the age of 69 years. Proceedings were commenced in her own name but since her death, her husband has been substituted as plaintiff. The plaintiff alleges just one period of exposure from 4 July 1966 until September 1982 when she was employed by Anthony Squires Pty. Limited (“Anthony Squires”) (its Reply says it is now known as Silkers (Sales) Pty. Limited (In Liquidation)). I take it that two of the defendants being in liquidation does not present a legal impediment. None has been alleged. The Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim alleges that the plaintiff was employed by the first defendant during that period. It alleges she was exposed to asbestos insulation materials manufactured by the third defendant and supplied to her employer by the second defendant. She was also exposed to asbestos rope manufactured and supplied by the second defendant. Amaca is alleged to be the manufacturer of the compound and half pipe sections. Anthony Squires was a manufacturer of clothing. The plaintiff was employed as a clerk at their St. Mary’s factory. There were about 5 buildings. The plaintiff said she had to visit the different departments of the factory as part of her job. This continued throughout her employment. Steam pipes ran throughout some areas of the factory particularly where there were steam presses. The plaintiff also had to visit the boiler room. She observed workmen carrying out repairs in the factory. She says the factory was constructed at least in part of “fibro” with a corrugated asbestos roof. Further details appear in the history given to Prof. A.B.X. Breslin who the plaintiff saw about a month before her death. Prof. Breslin records that the plaintiff did not ever personally use asbestos at any time, nor did she ever wear a mask. It appears Prof. Breslin was provided with some information from a Mr. Rowan Oxley who was in charge of maintenance at the factory during the plaintiff’s employment. He confirms that the steam pipes had asbestos lagging which were mostly half pipe sections and asbestos composition. Mr. Oxley said the asbestos insulation came from “Bells” which is a trading name of the second defendant. There does not appear to be any or any significant domestic exposure or other employment-related exposure. As Prof. Breslin describes it, the plaintiff’s exposure was passive and “reasonably light”. Replies of the Defendants The First Defendant The Anthony Squires admits employment and occupation of the premises. It says that investigations are continuing regarding other relevant matters. It says (and the other defendants agree) that it should be classed as Category 2 while the second and the third defendants are Category 1. The Standard Presumptions should not be varied. It says that the period of exposure straddles Index Periods B and C, and it should only be liable for 36.25% of the overall liability. The balance should be apportioned between the second and third defendants. The Second Defendant BAE commenced operations on 1 October 1966 and ceased operations on 31 December 1979. Accordingly, I will exclude it from apportionment outside that period. BAE says at the relevant time it was one of a number of suppliers of asbestos rope, that it did supply 2 half pipe sections, but Amaca was the manufacturer from whom BAE purchased all of its pipe sections (refer Statement of John Hayer, Annexure B, paragraph 14). BAE submits that the compound and corrugated fibro sheeting were manufactured by Hardies. BAE says that it does not know if the plaintiff was exposed to products manufactured or supplied by it. It says that at least assumed knowledge should be attributed to Anthony Squires, and that the Standard Presumptions ought to be varied by the maximum allowable amount on the basis of the size and sophistication of Anthony Squires. The Standard Presumptions should also be varied because of the superior control which an employer has over its employees in order to protect their health. BAE then suggests an apportionment of liability but says: “BAE is currently unsure whether indemnity will be extended for any liability arising from exposure after 30 July 1976. Accordingly, BAE will not contribute to any liability apportioned to it after this date.” BAE submits that I should take into account the plaintiff has not served any evidence of the asbestos products to which the plaintiff was exposed were manufactured and/or supplied by BAE. BAE refers to and attaches a Contributions Assessment Determination in the matter of Garnham (DDT NO. 64/12). In that case, the contributions assessor referred to a lack of evidence “… of exposure of any products manufactured or supplied by Amaca … or BAE”. The contributions assessor then apportioned 75% to the employer. The present situation is different. There is evidence that Bells supplied asbestos to the employer (refer history of Prof. Breslin). BAE says it supplied half pipe sections which in turn implicates Hardies. While the level of exposure in this matter is fairly light, I find that there is evidence that BAE supplied asbestos products to the employer, and that at least some of these products were manufactured by Amaca. Apportionment Initially, I must determine the existence, if any, of any separate periods of exposure, pursuant to Clause 5 (8) of the Standard Presumptions. In the present case there is only one period of exposure, namely, 4 July 1966 to September 1982 (less 12 months in 19691970). Exposure was continuous with the exception of a period away from employment in 1969 to 1970 during pregnancy. I assume this was about 12 months. The whole period is about 194 months less 12 months in 1969 and 1970 resulting in a total period of exposure of 182 months. The period of exposure straddles Index Periods B and C (refer Clause 5 (1) of the Standard Presumptions). Period B ceases on 31 December 1978. In Period B, a Category 1 defendant is liable for 65%, while a Category 2 defendant is liable for 35%. In Period C, the apportionment is that a Category 1 Defendant is liable for 60%, while a Category 2 defendant is liable for 40%. 3 Anthony Squires falls into Category 2, and BAE and Amaca are Category 1. In accordance with Clause 5 (4) of the Standard Presumptions, I will treat Amaca and BAE as equal in contribution as I am not satisfied that a variable contribution ought to apply. The plaintiff suffers an indivisible disease (refer Clause 5 (7) of the Standard Presumptions). I will apportion on a time-on-risk basis as it appears the Plaintiff’s exposure was relatively even throughout the period. I will not vary the Standard Presumptions between Category 1 and Category 2 because the matters raised by the parties in this regard are dealt with, in my view, as part of the Standard Presumptions. The calculation for apportionment is as follows: Period Date Months Calculation Total B (1) 4.7.66-30.9.66 3 (3/182) x 100 1.65% B (2) 1.10.66-31.12.78 (135/182) x 100 74.15% C (1) 1.1.79-31.12.79 147 (less 12 months in 1969 – 1970) = 135 12 (12/182) x 100 6.6% C (2) 1.1.80-1.9.82 32 (32/182) x 100 17.6% 100% Party Period Calculation Result Anthony Squires B (1) B (2) C (1) C (2) BAE B (1) B (2) C (1) C (2) 1.65% x 35% 74.15% x 35% 6.6% x 40% 17.6% x 40% Amaca 1.65% x 65% 74.15% x 65% 50% 6.6% x 60% x 50% 17.6% x 60% B (1) B (2) C (1) C (2) Totals 0.58% 25.95% 2.64% 7.04% 36.21% nil 74.15% x 65% x 50% 24.1% 6.6% x 60% x 50% 1.98% 26.08 nil 4 1.07% 24.1% 1.98% 10.56% 37.71% Final Apportionment Party Apportionment after rounding Anthony Squires Pty. Limited 36.2% Wallaby Grip (BAE) Pty. Limited 26.1% Amaca Pty. Limited 37.7% Single Claims Manager I have been asked to appoint a Single Claims Manager. Pursuant to Clause 61, I select Anthony Squires Pty Ltd as the Single Claims Manager. DATED 10 December 2012 JAMES T. KEARNEY CONTRIBUTIONS ASSESSOR 5