The Report of the proceedings of the Investment Council No.2 as of

of the proceedings of the Investment Council of
the Republic of Mari El
21st August 2014, No.2
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mari El,
Minister of Industry, Transport and Road facilities, Vice-Chairman
of the Investment Council of the Republic of Mari El
Vuacheslav P. Pashin
The members of the Council
- According to the Enclosure No.1
For confirmation of the list of priority and socially important markets for
contribution of competition development in the Republic of Mari El
(S.I. Miloserdova, A.I. Novoselov, M.V. Pan’kova, E.V. Varenova, A.V.
Smirnov, O.M. Maikova, M.A. Lezhnina)
1.1. The information of the minister of economic development and
trade of the Republic of Mari El Svetlana I. Miloserdova for introduction of
the Competition Development Standard in the regions of the Russian
Federation developed by ANO “The Agency for strategic initiatives on new
projects promotion” and the information on confirmation of the list of priority
and socially important markets for contribution of competition development
in the Republic of Mari El have to be taken into account.
1.2. The information of the deputy minister of industry, transport and
road facilities of the Republic of Mari El A.I.Novoselov for creation of
conditions for competition development in the market of passengers carriage
by land transport (a sector of non-state transporters in inter-municipal routes
of passenger land transport) has to be taken into account.
1.2.1. On the indicator “Share of non-state transporters in intermunicipal routes of passenger land transport in total number of transporters in
inter-municipal routes of passenger land transport in the Republic of Mari El,
in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 91,4 per cent (the
recommended value by the Competition Development Standard in the regions
of the Russian Federation developed by ANO “The Agency for strategic
initiatives on new projects promotion” (the Standard of ASI) is 75 per cent).
1.2.2. On the indicator “Share of inter-municipal routes of passenger
land transport, which are connected with passenger carriage by non-state
transporters, in total number of inter-municipal routes of passenger land
transport, in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 75 per
cent (the recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 75 per cent).
1.2.3. On the indicator “Share of passages of inter-municipal routes of
passenger land transport by non-state transporters in total number of passages
of inter-municipal routes of passenger land transport in the Republic of Mari
El, in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 88 per cent (the
recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 50 per cent).
1.3. The information of the acting minister of healthcare of the
Republic of Mari El M.V.Pan’kova for creation of conditions for competition
development in health care market (development of healthcare non-state
institutions, access of healthcare non-state institutions to the territorial
program of state guarantees on compulsory health insurance) has to be taken
into account.
1.3.1. According to increase of the number of non-state healthcare
organizations to the 2016 year, which take part in the territorial program of
compulsory health insurance, to 9 (total number is 51 organizations) on the
indicator “Share of non-state healthcare institutions, which take part in the
territorial program of compulsory health insurance, in per cent” establish an
extreme value for the year 2016 – 17 per cent (the recommended value by the
Standard of ASI is 50 per cent). Besides the words “non-state healthcare
institutions” replace by the words “non-state healthcare organizations”.
1.4. The information of the deputy minister of construction,
architecture, housing and utilities of the Republic of Mari El E.V.Varenova
“Housing and utilities’ services market” has to be taken into account.
1.4.1. The information about creation of conditions for competition
development in housing and utilities’ services market (development of nonstate (non-municipal) managing companies, which manage by multifamily
houses) has to be taken into account.
1.4.2. On the indicator “Share of non-state (non-municipal) managing
companies in total number of managing companies, which manage by
multifamily houses in settlement with population over 100 thousand people,
in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 90 per cent (the
recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 90 per cent).
1.4.3. The information about creation of conditions for competition
development in housing and utilities’ services market (development of nonstate (non-municipal) managing companies, which provide services in power-,
gas-, heat-, water supply, water disposal, wastewater treatment and
exploitation of objects for elimination of household solid wastes, which are
used by communal infrastructure objects as a private property, as a rent or
concessionary agreement) has to be taken into account.
1.4.4. On the indicator “Share of objects of power-, heat-, water supply,
water disposal, and elimination of household solid wastes transferred by
executive authorities of the regions of the Russian Federation and (or) local
government authorities to non-state (non-municipal) organizations as
concessionary agreement or a long-term rent, in per cent” establish an
extreme value for the year 2016 – 50 per cent (the recommended value by the
Standard of ASI is 50 per cent).
1.5. The information of the deputy executive of the Department of
informatization and connection of the Republic of Mari El A.V.Smirnov
about creation of conditions for competition development in services market
of broadband to the Internet has to be taken into account.
1.5.1. On the indicator “Share of households, which are able to use
services of hardwire or mobile broadband with operation not less than 1(one)
Mbps supported by not less than two communication operators and (or)
providers, in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 68 per
cent (the recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 60 per cent).
1.6. The information of the head of the Administration of general and
pre-school education of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic
of Mari El O.M.Maikova about creation of conditions for competition
development in services market of pre-school education (development of nonstate pre-school (including educational) organizations) has to be taken into
1.6.1. According to the fact that at present in the territory of the
Republic of Mari El there is only one noncommercial organization “Non-state
private educational institution school – kindergarten “Vremena goda”, which
is populated depending on a season by 25-60 per cent, and there are no new
addresses about creation of private kindergartens on the indicator “Share of
nonstate pre-school educational organizations in total number of pre-school
educational organizations in the Republic of Mari El, in per cent” establish an
extreme value for the year 2016 – 0,8 per cent (the recommended value by the
Standard of ASI is 3 per cent).
1.6.2. On the indicator “Share of non-state pre-school educational
organizations, which get grants from budget of the Republic of Mari El in
total number of pre-school educational organizations, which asked for grants
from budget of the Republic of Mari El, in per cent” establish an extreme
value for the year 2016 – 100 per cent (the recommended value by the
Standard of ASI is 100 per cent).
1.7. The information of the deputy minister of economic development
and trade of the Republic of Mari El M.A.Lezhnina about “Retail trade
market” has to be taken into account.
1.7.1. The information about creation of conditions for competition
development in retail trade market (opportunity of retail trade realization in
retail markets and fairs, including by development of logistic infrastructure
for trade organization) has to be taken into account.
1.7.2. With the procedure of trade activity ordering in markets by their
transformation into modern trade-service complexes and reduction of retail
markets from 42 ones to 2 ones (according to the Federal Law dated
30.12.2006 No.271), and also with progressive decrease of the indicator
which shows average growth of retail trade turnover share in the retail trade
turnover structure (January-July, 2013 – 3,8%, January-July, 2014 – 3,5%) on
the indicator “Average growth of retail trade turnover share in retail markets
and fairs in the retail trade turnover structure by forms of trade (in acting
prices), in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 3,3% (the
recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 5 per cent).
1.7.3. On the indicator “Share of business entities in total number of
respondents, who consider competition situation in retail trade improved last
year, in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 70 per cent
(the recommended value by the Standard of ASI is not established).
1.7.4. On the indicator “Share of business entities in total number of
respondents, who consider number of anticompetitive measures of
governmental and local authorities in retail trade reduced last year, in per
cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 70 per cent (the
recommended value by the Standard of ASI is not established).
1.7.5. The information about creation of conditions for competition
development in retail trade market (opportunity to residents to buy production
in convenient shops) has to be taken into account.
1.7.6. On the indicator “Share of convenient shops turnover in the retail
trade turnover structure by forms of trade (in acting prices) and in municipal
units of the Republic of Mari El in total retail trade turnover of the Republic
of Mari El, in per cent” establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 25 per
cent (the recommended value by the Standard of ASI is 20 per cent).
1.7.7. The information about creation of conditions for competition
development in pharmaceutical retail trade market (reduction of the state
presence in pharmaceutical retail trade market to minimum) has to be taken
into account.
1.7.8. In connection with privileged medicinal supply which is
necessary for residents of any municipal unit of the republic and is provided
by state pharmaceutical organizations (strict license requirements,
unscheduled inspections, additional costs for engineering etc.) on the
indicator “Share of non-state pharmaceutical organizations provided retail
trade by pharmaceutical production in total number of pharmaceutical
organizations provided retail trade by pharmaceutical production, in per cent”
establish an extreme value for the year 2016 – 66 per cent (the recommended
value by the Standard of ASI is 90 per cent).
2. Confirm The list of priority and socially important markets for
development of competition in the Republic of Mari El, Measures for each
market, measure effectiveness test index, and also indexes according to the
Enclosure No.2.
3. The Ministry of economic development and trade has to prepare a
project of the decision by the Government of the Republic of Mari El, which
is connected with confirmation of priority and socially important markets for
competition development in the Republic of Mari El.
Deputy Chairman
of the Government of the Republic of Mari El,
minister of industry, transport and road facilities
of the Republic of Mari El,
deputy chairman of the Investment Council
of the Republic of Mari El
Minister of economic development and trade
of the Republic of Mari El,
secretary of the Investment Council
of the Republic of Mari El
Vyacheslav P. Pashin
Svetlana I. Miloserdova
Enclosure No.1
to the report No.2
dated 21st August, 2014
of the members of the Investment Council of the Republic of Mari El
was held on the 21st of August, 2014 at 02:00 p.m.
on “Confirmation of the list of priority and socially important markets for
competition development in the Republic of Mari El”
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the
Republic of Mari El,
minister of industry, transport and road facilities
of the Republic of Mari El,
deputy chairman of the Investment Council
of the Republic of Mari El
Minister of economic development and trade
of the Republic of Mari El, secretary of the
Investment Council of the Republic of Mari El
General director LLC “Republican milk factory”
Member of the Public chamber of the Republic
of Mari El, member of Chamber of commerce
and industry of the Republic of Mari El
Lawyer of interregional public organization
“Consumer rights defense”
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the
Republic of Mari El,
minister of cultural, print and nationalities affairs
of the Republic of Mari El
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the
Republic of Mari El,
minister of finance of the Republic of Mari El
CEO of Mari republican division All-russian
public organization of small and medium
enterprises “Opora Rossii”
Head of ANO “The Agency of investment
development and trade of the Republic of Mari
General director of the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry of the Republic of Mari El
Head of the Department of ecologic security,
nature management and population protection of
the Republic of Mari El
Director of ANO “The business-incubator of the
Republic of Mari El”
Minister of social protection of population and
labour of the Republic of Mari El
President of OJSC Bank “Yoshkar-Ola”
Executive of OJSC Gazprombank branch in
Yoshkar-Ola city
General director of LLC “Rus-Bakery”
Minister of construction, architecture, housing
and utilities of the Republic of Mari El
Chairman of the Committee of the Republic of
Mari El on tourism
Vice-Director on technical issues, technical
director of “Marienergo” branch OJSC “The
interregional distribution grid company of the
Centre and Privolzh’ye”
Head of the Department of informatization and
connection of the Republic of Mari El
Head of the Department of the state employment
service for the Republic of Mari El
General Director LLC “Promo-Pak”
Minister of forestry of the Republic of Mari El
Minister of state property of the Republic of
Mari El
Head of the Department of the federal tax service
for the Republic of Mari El
Entrepreneurial rights Commissioner of the
Republic of Mari El
Minister of education and science of the
Republic of Mari El
Head of the Republican service on tariffs of the
Republic of Mari El
Member of the regional division of the Republic
of Mari El of the Interregional public
Deputy Chairman of the Government of the
Republic of Mari El,
minister of healthcare of the Republic of Mari El
Enclosure No.2
to the report No.2
dated 21st August, 2014
The list of priority and socially important markets for competition development in the Republic of Mari El, including
target indicators of measures’ effectiveness test
Target value of
Executive in
Name of a measure
An indicator of measure’s test, unit
an indicator for
the year 2016
1. Services market of pre-school education
Creation of conditions for competition Share of non-state pre-school
development in services market of pre- educational organizations in total
school education (development of non- number of pre-school educational
(including organizations in the Republic of
educational) organizations)
Mari El, in per cent
Ministry of
education and
Share of non-state pre-school
science of the
educational organizations, which get
Republic of Mari
grants from budget of the Republic
of Mari El in total number of preschool educational organizations,
which asked for grants from budget
of the Republic of Mari El, in per
2. Medical services market
Creation of conditions for competition Share of non-state healthcare
Ministry of
development in health care market institutions, which take part in the
healthcare of the
(development of healthcare non-state territorial program of compulsory
Name of a measure
An indicator of measure’s test, unit
institutions, access of healthcare non- health insurance, in per cent
state institutions to the territorial
program of state guarantees on
compulsory health insurance)
3. Housing and utility services market
Creation of conditions for competition Share of non-state (non-municipal)
development in housing and utilities’ managing companies in total number
services market (development of non- of managing companies, which
managing manage by multifamily houses in
by settlement with population over 100
multifamily houses)
thousand people, in per cent
Creation of conditions for competition Share of objects of power-, heat-,
development in housing and utilities’ water supply, water disposal, and
services market (development of non- elimination of household solid
managing wastes transferred by executive
companies, which provide services in authorities of the regions of the
power-, gas-, heat-, water supply, Russian Federation and (or) local
water disposal, wastewater treatment government authorities to non-state
and exploitation of objects for (non-municipal) organizations as
elimination of household solid wastes, concessionary agreement or a longwhich are used by communal term rent, in per cent
infrastructure objects as a private
property, as a rent or concessionary
Target value of
an indicator for
the year 2016
Executive in
of Mari El
Ministry of
housing and
utilities of the
of Mari El
Name of a measure
Creation of conditions for competition
development in retail trade market
(opportunity of retail trade realization
in retail markets and fairs, including
infrastructure for trade organization)
Creation of conditions for competition
development in retail trade market
(opportunity to residents to buy
production in convenient shops)
An indicator of measure’s test, unit
4. Retail trade
Average growth of retail trade
turnover share in retail markets and
fairs in the retail trade turnover
structure by forms of trade (in acting
prices), in per cent
Share of business entities in total
number of respondents, who
consider competition situation in
retail trade improved last year, in per
Share of business entities in total
number of respondents, who
consider number of anticompetitive
measures of governmental and local
authorities in retail trade reduced last
year, in per cent
Share of convenient shops turnover
in the retail trade turnover structure
by forms of trade (in acting prices)
and in municipal units of the
Republic of Mari El in total retail
trade turnover of the Republic of
Mari El, in per cent
Target value of
an indicator for
the year 2016
Executive in
Ministry of
development and
trade of the
of Mari El
Name of a measure
Creation of conditions for competition
development in pharmaceutical retail
trade market (reduction of the state
presence in pharmaceutical retail trade
market to minimum)
An indicator of measure’s test, unit
Target value of
an indicator for
the year 2016
Share of non-state pharmaceutical
organizations provided retail trade
by pharmaceutical production in
total number of pharmaceutical
organizations provided retail trade
by pharmaceutical production, in per
5. Services market of passengers carriage by land transport
Creation of conditions for competition Share of non-state transporters in
development in the market of inter-municipal routes of passenger
passengers carriage by land transport land transport in total number of
(a sector of non-state transporters in transporters in inter-municipal routes
inter-municipal routes of passenger of passenger land transport in the
land transport
Republic of Mari El, in per cent
Share of inter-municipal routes of
passenger land transport, which are
connected with passenger carriage
by non-state transporters, in total
number of inter-municipal routes of
passenger land transport, in per cent
Share of passages of inter-municipal
routes of passenger land transport by
non-state transporters in total
number of passages of inter-
Executive in
Ministry of
transport and
road facilities
Name of a measure
An indicator of measure’s test, unit
municipal routes of passenger land
transport in the Republic of Mari El,
in per cent
6. Connection services market
Creation of conditions for competition Share of households, which are able
development in services market of to use services of hardwire or mobile
broadband to the Internet
broadband with operation not less
than 1(one) Mbps supported by not
less than two communication
operators and (or) providers, in per
Target value of
an indicator for
the year 2016
Executive in
Department of
and connection
of the Republic
of Mari El