Matthias Selke

Matthias Selke - CV
B.S. 1990 (magna cum laude), University of Southern California; Ph.D.
(Organic Chemistry) 1995, UCLA; Postdoctoral Research Associate
(Bioinorganic Chemistry) 1995-1998, UCLA; Assistant Professor, CSULA
1998-2002; Associate Professor, CSULA, 2002-2007; Professor, CSULA, 2007
- present; Dreyfus Start-up Award, 1998; Research Corp Cottrell Award
1999; Siemens Mentor Recognition Award, 2001 and 2004; Henry Dreyfus
Teacher-Scholar Award, 2004; CSULA Chemistry and Biochemistry Club
Professor of the Year 2004 and 2006.
Research Interests:
Synthesis and characterization of biologically important metal-dioxygen complexes.
The study of ligand oxidation (especially thiolate ligands) to mimic damage to metalloenzymes by
oxidation of ligands at the active site.
Exploration of the inorganic and organometallic chemistry of singlet oxygen.
Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Climatology, especially long-term cycles in Southern California.
Courses Taught at CSULA:
Upper division /graduate courses:
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (Chem 504)
Bioinorganic Chemistry (Chem 438)
Advanced Organic Chemistry /Physical Organic Chemistry (Chem 420)
Advanced Synthetic Laboratory Methods (Chem 327)
Chem 301ABC, Year-long Standard Organic Chemistry Series
Lower division courses:
Chem 151, Fundamentals of Chemistry I (For Health Science and Nutritional Science
Chem 152, Fundamentals of Chemistry II (For Nutritional Science Majors)
Department Responsibilities:
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee
Advisor for the Departmental Honors Program
Contact Info:
e-mail address
Phone: (323) 343-2347
Fax: (323) 343 6490
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Recent Publications by the Selke Group
Chin, K.K.; Chuang, S.-C.; Hernandez, B.; Campos, L.M.; Selke, M.; Foote, C.S.; Garcia-Garibay, M.A.
“Photophysical Properties of non-Homoconjugated 1,2-dihydro, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro and 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexashydro
C60 Derivatives”, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2007, 6, in press.
Djurovich, P. I.; Murphey, D.; Thompson, M.E.; Hernandez, B.; Gao, R.; Hunt, P.L.; Selke, M. "Cyclometalated
Iridium and Platinum Complexes as Singlet Oxygen Photosensitizers: Quantum Yields, Quenching Rates and
Correlation with Electronic Structures" Dalton Trans. 2007, 3763-3770.
This paper was selected for the cover of Dalton Transactions. Please click on the thumbnail to the right for a
larger image.
Tsay, J.M.; Trzoss, M.; Shi, L.; Kong, X.; Selke, M.; Jung, M.E.; Weiss, S. “Singlet Oxygen Production by
Peptide-coated Quantum Dot-Photosensitizer Conjugates”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 6865-6871.
Chin, K.K.; Chuang, S.-C.; Hernandez, B.; Selke, M.; Foote, C.S.; Garcia-Garibay, M.A. "Photophysical Properties
of a 1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexasubstituted Fullerene Derivative", J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 13662-13666
Zhang, D.; Ye, B.; Ho, D.G.; Gao, R.; Selke, M. "Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen with Arylphosphines", Tetrahedron
(invited paper for Symposium-in-Print) 2006, 62, 10729-10733.
Zhang, D.; Gao, R.; Afzal, S.; Vargas, M.; Sharma, S.; McCurdy, A.; Yousufuddin, M.; Stewart, T.; Bau, R.; Selke, M.
"Intramolecular Arene Epoxidation by Phosphadioxiranes", Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 5125--5128.
Shi, L; Hernandez, B.; Selke, M. "Singlet Oxygen Generation from Water-Soluble Quantum Dot-Organic Dye
Nanocomposites" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128,6278-6279
Hernandez, B.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, D.; Selke, M. "Photooxidation of Co-thiolato complexes in protic and aprotic
solvents," Chem. Commun. 2006, 997-999.
LaDochy, S.; Brown, J.N.; Pazert, W.C., Selke, M. "Can U.S. West Coast Climate be Forecast?" Am. Met. Soc. 2004,
Symposium on Forecasting the Weather and Climate of the Atmosphere and Ocean; link: (PDF)
Wang, S.; Gao, R.; Zhou, F. and Selke, M. “Nanomaterials and Singlet Oxygen Photosensitizers: Potential
Applications in Photodynamic Therapy” J. Mat. Chem. 2004, 14, 487-493.
Ho, D.G.; Gao, R.; Celaje, J.; Chung, H.-Y.; Selke, M., “Phosphadioxirane: A Peroxide from an Ortho-Substituted
Arylphosphine and Singlet Dioxygen”, Science 2003, 302, 259-262.
Gao, R.; Ho, D.G.; Hernandez, B.; Selke, M.; Murphy, D.; Djurovich, P.; Thompson, M.E., “Bis-Cyclometallated
Ir(III) Complexes as Efficient Singlet Oxygen Sensitizers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 14828-14829.
Shi, X.; Han, S.; Sanedrin, R.J.; Zhou, F.; Selke, M., " Synthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes from Colloidal Particles
Modified with a Co(III)-Cysteinato Precursor ", Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 1789-1902.
Shi, X.; Sanedrin, R.J.; Han, S.; Galvez, C.; Ho, D.G.; Hernadez, B.; Zhou F.; Selke, M., “Cobalt Oxide Nanotubes
vs. Nanospheres: Effect of Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Between Precursor Molecules Infiltrated into
Core-Shell Templates”, NanoLett. 2002, 2, 289-293.
Ho, D.G.; Ismail, R.; Franco, N.; Gao, R.; Leverich, E.P.; Tsyba, I.; Ho, N.N.; Bau, R.; Selke, M., " Reaction of
Singlet Oxygen with Ir(I) and Rh(I) Thiolato Complexes: Oxidative Addition vs. S-oxidation”, Chem Commun. 2002,
Gao, R.; Ho, D.G.; Dong, T.; Khuu, D.; Franco, N.; Sezer, O.; Selke, M. “Reaction of Arylphosphines with Singlet
Oxygen: Intra vs. Intermolecular Oxidation”, Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 3719-3722.
Galvez, C.; Ho, D.G.; Azod, A.; Selke, M., " Reaction of a Coordinated Cysteinato Ligand with Singlet Oxygen:
Photooxidation of (Cysteinato-N,S)bis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III)”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 3381-3382.