2013 - APREC

Publications APREC / Années
2013 ............................................................................................................................. 2
2012 ............................................................................................................................. 4
2011 ............................................................................................................................. 6
2010 ............................................................................................................................. 8
2009 ........................................................................................................................... 10
2008 ........................................................................................................................... 12
2007 ........................................................................................................................... 15
2006 ........................................................................................................................... 17
2005 ........................................................................................................................... 19
2004 ........................................................................................................................... 21
2003 ........................................................................................................................... 23
2002 ........................................................................................................................... 24
2001 ........................................................................................................................... 25
2000 ........................................................................................................................... 26
1999 ........................................................................................................................... 27
1998 ........................................................................................................................... 29
1997 ........................................................................................................................... 31
1996 ........................................................................................................................... 32
1995 ........................................................................................................................... 34
1994 ........................................................................................................................... 35
1993 ........................................................................................................................... 36
1991 ........................................................................................................................... 37
1990 ........................................................................................................................... 38
Kubicka S, Greil R, André T, Bennouna J, Sastre J, Van Cutsem E, von Moos R, Osterlund
P, Reyes-Rivera I, Müller T, Makrutzki M, Arnold D; Lotz JP; ML18147 study investigators
groups. Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy continued beyond first progression in patients
with metastatic colorectal cancer previously treated with bevacizumab plus
chemotherapy: ML18147 study KRAS subgroup findings. Ann Oncol, 24(9):2342-9,
2013. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdt231
Lévy P, Gligorov J, Antoine M, Rezai K, Lévy E, Selle F, Saintigny P, Lokiec F, Avenin D,
Beerblock K, Lotz JP, Bernaudin JF, Fajac A. Influence of ABCB1 polymorphisms and
docetaxel pharmacokinetics on pathological response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in
breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 139(2):421-8, 2013. doi:
Popovic L, Jovanovic D, Donat D, Petrovic D, Roganovic T, Lotz JP. High dose
chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation for patients with germ-cell
cancer. J BUON, 18(1):290-1, 2013.
Bennouna J, Sastre J, Arnold D, Österlund P, Greil R, Van Cutsem E, von Moos R, Viéitez
JM, Bouché O, Borg C, Steffens CC, Alonso-Orduña V, Schlichting C, Reyes-Rivera I,
Bendahmane B, André T, Kubicka S; Lotz JP; ML18147 Study Investigators. Continuation
of bevacizumab after first progression in metastatic colorectal cancer (ML18147): a
randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol, 14(1):29-37, 2013. doi: 10.1016/S14702045(12)70477-1
Beyer J, Albers P, Altena R, Aparicio J, Bokemeyer C, Busch J, Cathomas R, CavallinStahl E, Clarke NW, Claßen J, Cohn-Cedermark G, Dahl AA, Daugaard G, De Giorgi U, De
Santis M, De Wit M, De Wit R, Dieckmann KP, Fenner M, Fizazi K, Flechon A, Fossa SD,
Germá Lluch JR, Gietema JA, Gillessen S, Giwercman A, Hartmann JT, Heidenreich A,
Hentrich M, Honecker F, Horwich A, Huddart RA, Kliesch S, Kollmannsberger C, Krege S,
Laguna MP, Looijenga LH, Lorch A, Lotz JP, Mayer F, Necchi A, Nicolai N, Nuver J,
Oechsle K, Oldenburg J, Oosterhuis JW, Powles T, Rajpert-De Meyts E, Rick O, Rosti G,
Salvioni R, Schrader M, Schweyer S, Sedlmayer F, Sohaib A, Souchon R, Tandstad T,
Winter C, Wittekind C. Maintaining success, reducing treatment burden, focusing on
survivorship: highlights from the third European consensus conference on diagnosis and
treatment of germ-cell cancer. Ann Oncol, 24(4):878-88, 2013. doi:
Thariat J, Schouman T, Brouchet A, Sarini J, Miller RC, Reychler H, Ray-Coquard I,
Italiano A, Verite C, Sohawon S, Bompas E, Dassonville O, Salas S, Aldabbagh K,
Maingon P, de La MotteRouge T, Kurtz JE, Usseglio J, Kerbrat P, Raoul G, Lotz JP, BarSela G, Brugières L, Chaigneau L, Saada E, Odin G, Marcy PY, Thyss A, Julieron M.
Osteosarcomas of the mandible: multidisciplinary management of a rare tumor of the
young adult a cooperative study of the GSF-GETO, Rare Cancer Network,
Hurvitz SA, Dalenc F, Campone M, O'Regan RM, Tjan-Heijnen VC, Gligorov J, Llombart
A, Jhangiani H, Mirshahidi HR, Tan-Chiu E, Miao S, El-Hashimy M, Lincy J, Taran T, Soria
JC, Sahmoud T, André F. A phase 2 study of everolimus combined with trastuzumab and
paclitaxel in patients with HER2-overexpressing advanced breast cancer that progressed
during prior trastuzumab and taxane therapy. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 141(3):4378-
46, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2689-5
Pivot X, Gligorov J, Müller V, Barrett-Lee P, Verma S, Knoop A, Curigliano G, Semiglazov
V, López-Vivanco G, Jenkins V, Scotto N, Osborne S, Fallowfield L; PrefHer Study Group.
Preference for subcutaneous or intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients
with HER2-positive early breast cancer (PrefHer): an open-label randomised study.
Lancet Oncol, 14(10):962-70, 2013. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70383-8
Séroussi B, Laouénan C, Gligorov J, Uzan S, Mentré F, Bouaud J. Which breast cancer
decisions remain non-compliant with guidelines despite the use of computerised decision
support? Br J Cancer, 109(5):1147-56, 2013. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2013.453
10- Robert T, Moktefi A, Wiig H, Brochériou I, Michaud L, Gligorov J, Finianos S, Hertig A.
Acute kidney failure with renal carcinomatous lymphangitis secondary to advanced colon
cancer. Kidney Int, 84(2):420, 2013. doi: 10.1038/ki.2012.480
11- Pivot X, Romieu G, Debled M, Pierga JY, Kerbrat P, Bachelot T, Lortholary A, Espié M,
Fumoleau P, Serin D, Jacquin JP, Jouannaud C, Rios M, Abadie-Lacourtoisie S, TubianaMathieu N, Cany L, Catala S, Khayat D, Pauporté I, Kramar A; Gligorov J, Avenin D,
PHARE trial investigators. 6 months versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab for
patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (PHARE): a randomised phase 3 trial.
Lancet Oncol, 14(8):741-8, 2013. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70225-0
12- Thibault C, Khodari W, Lequoy M, Gligorov J, Belkacémi Y. HER2 status for prognosis
and prediction of treatment efficacy in adenocarcinomas: a review. Crit Rev Oncol
Hematol, 88(1):123-33, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2013.03.003
13- Lagha A, Chraiet N, Labidi S, Krimi S, Ayadi M, Gligorov J, Boussen H. [Impact of
taxanes in the adjuvant setting of node-negative breast cancers]. Bull Cancer
100(5):465-71, 2013. doi: 10.1684/bdc.2013.1743
14- Lin NU, Thomssen C, Cardoso F, Cameron D, Cufer T, Fallowfield L, Francis PA,
Kyriakides S, Pagani O, Senkus E, Costa A, Gligorov J, Winer EP; ESO-MBC Task Force.
International guidelines for management of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) from the
European School of Oncology (ESO)-MBC Task Force: Surveillance, staging, and
evaluation of patients with early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. Breast, 22(3):20310, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.03.006
15- Touboul C, Bezu C, Daraï E, Chopier J, Touboul E, Gligorov J, Rouzier R, Uzan S. [Are
decisions of multidisciplinary tumor boards in accordance with the guidelines?
Experience of an university reference center for breast cancer]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil,
41(3):164-7, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2013.01.003
16- Pautier P, Floquet A, Gladieff L, Bompas E, Ray-Coquard I, Piperno-Neumann S, Selle F,
Guillemet C, Weber B, Largillier R, Bertucci F, Opinel P, Duffaud F, Reynaud-Bougnoux
A, Delcambre C, Isambert N, Kerbrat P, Netter-Pinon G, Pinto N, Duvillard P, Haie-Meder
C, Lhommé C, Rey A. A randomized clinical trial of adjuvant chemotherapy with
doxorubicin, ifosfamide, and cisplatin followed by radiotherapy versus radiotherapy
alone in patients with localized uterine sarcomas (SARCGYN study). A study of the
French Sarcoma Group. Ann Oncol, 24(4):1099-104, 2013. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mds545
1- Gerotziafas GT, Galea V, Mbemba E, Sassi M, Roman MP, Khaterchi A, van Dreden P,
Japcowitz M, Lotz JP, Bernaudin JF, Fareed J, Hatmi M, Elalamy I. Effect of Low
Molecular Weight Heparins and Fondaparinux upon Thrombin Generation Triggered
by Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells BXPC3. Curr Vasc Pharmacol Jun 22, 2012.
2- Mieog JS, Morden JP, Bliss JM, Coombes RC, van de Velde CJ, Lotz JP; IES Steering
Committee. Carpal tunnel syndrome and musculoskeletal symptoms in
postmenopausal women with early breast cancer treated with exemestane or
tamoxifen after 2-3 years of tamoxifen: a retrospective analysis of the Intergroup
Exemestane Study. Lancet Oncol 13(4):420-32, 2012. doi: 10.1016/S14702045(11)70328-X
3- Bui-Nguyen B, Ray-Coquard I, Chevreau C, Penel N, Bay JO, Coindre JM, Cupissol D,
Italiano A, Bonichon F, Lotz JP, Thyss A, Jimenez M, Mathoulin-Pélissier S, Blay JY;
GSF-GETO French Sarcoma Group. High-dose chemotherapy consolidation for
chemosensitive advanced soft tissue sarcoma patients: an open-label, randomized
controlled trial. Ann Oncol, 23(3):777-84, 2012. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdr282
4- Belkacémi Y, Boussen H, Turkan S, Tsoutsou PG, Geara F, Gligorov J. Fight against
cancer around the Mediterranean area: "Many hands make light work!" Crit Rev
Oncol Hematol, 84 Suppl 1:e1-5, 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2012.10.004
5- Vataire AL, Laas E, Aballéa S, Gligorov J, Rouzier R, Chéreau E. [Cost-effectiveness of
a chemotherapy predictive test]. Bull Cancer, 99(10):907-14, 2012. doi:
6- Joensuu H, Gligorov J. Adjuvant treatments for triple-negative breast cancers. Ann
Oncol, 23 Suppl 6:vi40-5, 2012.
7- Laas E, Vataire AL, Aballea S, Valentine W, Gligorov J, Chereau E, Rouzier R.
Evaluation of the costs and resource use associated with adjuvant chemotherapy for
breast cancer in France. J Med Econ, 15(6):1167-75, 2012. doi:
8- Chéreau E, Bezu C, Gligorov J, Sakr R, Antoine M, Daraï E, Uzan S, Rouzier R. Impact
of immunohistochemical analysis of sentinel lymph node biopsy on breast cancer
management. Anticancer Res, 32(8):3403-9, 2012.
9- Genin AS, Lesieur B, Gligorov J, Antoine M, Selleret L, Rouzier R. Pregnancyassociated breast cancers: do they differ from other breast cancers in young women?
Breast, 21(4):550-5, 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2012.05.002
10- Martín M, Makhson A, Gligorov J, Lichinitser M, Lluch A, Semiglazov V, Scotto N,
Mitchell L, Tjulandin S. Phase II study of bevacizumab in combination with
trastuzumab and capecitabine as first-line treatment for HER-2-positive locally
recurrent or metastatic breast cancer. Oncologist, 17(4):469-75, 2012. doi:
11- Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D, Cufer T, Fallowfield L, Francis P, Gligorov
J, Kyriakides S, Lin N, Pagani O, Senkus E, Thomssen C, Aapro M, Bergh J, Di Leo A,
El Saghir N, Ganz PA, Gelmon K, Goldhirsch A, Harbeck N, Houssami N, Hudis C,
Kaufman B, Leadbeater M, Mayer M, Rodger A, Rugo H, Sacchini V, Sledge G, van't
Veer L, Viale G, Krop I, Winer E. 1st International consensus guidelines for advanced
12- Pierga JY, Petit T, Delozier T, Ferrero JM, Campone M, Gligorov J, Lerebours F, Roché
H, Bachelot T, Charafe-Jauffret E, Pavlyuk M, Kraemer S, Bidard FC, Viens P.
Neoadjuvant bevacizumab, trastuzumab, and chemotherapy for primary inflammatory
HER2-positive breast cancer (BEVERLY-2): an open-label, single-arm phase 2 study.
Lancet Oncol, 13(4):375-84, 2012. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(12)70049-9
13- Frati A, Chereau E, Coutant C, Bezu C, Antoine M, Chopier J, Daraï E, Uzan S,
Gligorov J, Rouzier R. Comparison of two nomograms to predict pathologic complete
responses to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: evidence that HER2positive tumors need specific predictors. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 132(2):601-7,
2012. doi: 10.1007/s10549-011-1897-0
14- Gligorov J, Launay-Vacher V, Aapro M. [Treatments of metastases in cancer]. Bull
Cancer, 1;99(3):333-43, 2012. doi: 10.1684/bdc.2011.1481
15- Beuzeboc P, Le Tourneau C, Gligorov J, Janus N, Spano JP, Ray-Coquard I, Deray G,
Launay-Vacher V. [Renal insufficiency and breast cancer]. Bull Cancer, 99(3):30915, 2012. doi: 10.1684/bdc.2011.1478.
16- Eiermann W, Bergh J, Cardoso F, Conte P, Crown J, Curtin NJ, Gligorov J, Gusterson
B, Joensuu H, Linderholm BK, Martin M, Penault-Llorca F, Pestalozzi BC, Razis E,
Sotiriou C, Tjulandin S, Viale G. Triple negative breast cancer: proposals for a
pragmatic definition and implications for patient management and trial design.
Breast, 21(1):20-6, 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2011.09.006
17- Lheureux S, Krieger S, Weber B, Pautier P, Fabbro M, Selle F, Bourgeois H, Petit T,
Lortholary A, Plantade A, Briand M, Leconte A, Richard N, Vilquin P, Clarisse B, BlancFournier C, Joly F. Expected benefits of topotecan combined with lapatinib in
recurrent ovarian cancer according to biological profile: a phase 2 trial. Int J
Gynecol Cancer, 22(9):1483-8, 2012. doi: 10.1097/IGC.0b013e31826d1438
18- Revaux A, Rouzier R, Ballester M, Selle F, Daraï E, Chéreau E. Comparison of
morbidity and survival between primary and interval cytoreductive surgery in patients
after modified posterior pelvic exenteration for advanced ovarian cancer. Int J
Gynecol Cancer, 22(8):1349-54, 2012.
19- Chéreau E, Ballester M, Selle F, Rouzier R, Daraï E. [Clues for paraaortic
lymphadenectomy in patients older than 70 years with ovarian cancer]. Gynecol
Obstet Fertil, 40(5):327-9, 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2012.02.018
1- Berry DA, Ueno NT, Johnson MM, Lei X, Caputo J, Smith DA, Yancey LJ, Crump M,
Stadtmauer EA, Biron P, Crown JP, Schmid P, Lotz JP, Rosti G, Bregni M, Demirer T.
High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in
metastatic breast cancer: overview of six randomized trials. J Clin Oncol,
20;29(24):3224-31, 2011. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.32.5936
2- Coussy F, Chéreau E, Daraï E, Dhombres F, Lotz JP, Rouzier R, Selle F. [Interest of
CA 125 level in management of ovarian cancer]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil, 39(5):296301, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2010.10.018
3- Lorch A, Bascoul-Mollevi C, Kramar A, Einhorn L, Necchi A, Massard C, De Giorgi U,
Fléchon A, Margolin K, Lotz JP, Germà-Lluch JR, Powles T, Kollmannsberger C, Beyer
J. Conventional-dose versus high-dose chemotherapy as first salvage treatment in
male patients with metastatic germ cell tumors: evidence from a large international
database. J Clin Oncol, 29(16):2178-84, 2011. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.32.6678
4- Slamon D, Eiermann W, Robert N, Pienkowski T, Martin M, Press M, Mackey J, Glaspy
J, Chan A, Pawlicki M, Pinter T, Valero V, Liu MC, Sauter G, von Minckwitz G, Visco F,
Bee V, Buyse M, Bendahmane B, Tabah-Fisch I, Lindsay MA, Riva A, Crown J,
Gligorov J; Breast Cancer International Research Group. Adjuvant trastuzumab in
HER2-positive breast cancer. N Engl J Med, 365(14):1273-83, 2011. doi:
5- Curtit E, Nouyrigat P, Dohollou N, Levy E, Lortholary A, Gligorov J, Facchini T, Jaubert
D, Maille N, Pivot X, Grangé V, Cals L. Myotax: a phase II trial of docetaxel plus nonpegylated liposomal doxorubicin as first-line therapy of metastatic breast cancer
previously treated with adjuvant anthracyclines. Eur J Cancer, 47(16):2396-402,
2011. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2011.08.004
6- Frati A, Antoine M, Rodenas A, Gligorov J, Rouzier R, Chéreau E. [Somatostatin in
7- Decanter C, Gligorov J. [Oocyte/embryo cryopreservation before chemotherapy for
8- Penault-Llorca F, Coeffic D, Delozier T, Dohollou N, Freyer G, Gligorov J, HardyBessard AC, Jacot W, Misset JL, Nabholtz JM, Petit T, Spielmann M, Namer M. [Node
negative breast cancer. Beyond international consensus: a pragmatic approach]. Bull
Cancer, 98(7):807-25, 2011. doi: 10.1684/bdc.2011.1395
9- Gligorov J, Fajac A, Bernaudin JF. Castration-dependent pharmacokinetics of
docetaxel: do sex and/or ABCB1 polymorphism also matter? J Clin Oncol,
29(15):e454-5, 2011. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2010.34.5439
10- Chéreau E, Coutant C, Gligorov J, Lesieur B, Antoine M, Daraï E, Uzan S, Rouzier R.
Discordance with local guidelines for adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer:
reasons and effect on survival. Clin Breast Cancer, 11(1):46-51, 2011. doi:
11- Rouzier R, Werkoff G, Uzan C, Mir O, Gligorov J, Selleret L, Goffinet F, Goldwasser F,
Treluyer JM, Uzan S, Delaloge S. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is as
chemosensitive as non-pregnancy-associated breast cancer in the neoadjuvant
setting. Ann Oncol, 22(7):1582-7, 2011. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdq642
12- Guiu S, Liegard M, Favier L, van Praagh I, Largillier R, Weber B, Coeffic D, Moreau L,
Priou F, Campone M, Gligorov J, Vanlemmens L, Trillet-Lenoir V, Arnould L, Coudert
B. Long-term follow-up of HER2-overexpressing stage II or III breast cancer treated
by anthracycline-free neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Ann Oncol, 22(2):321-8, 2011.
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdq397
13- Belkacémi Y, Fourquet A, Cutuli B, Bourgier C, Hery M, Ganem G, Marsiglia H, Namer
M, Gligorov J, Azria D; French Expert Review Board of Nice/Saint-Paul de Vence.
Radiotherapy for invasive breast cancer: guidelines for clinical practice from the
French expert review board of Nice/Saint-Paul de Vence. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol,
79(2):91-102, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2010.06.002
14- Smith IE, Pierga JY, Biganzoli L, Cortés-Funes H, Thomssen C, Pivot X, Fabi A, Xu B,
Stroyakovskiy D, Franke FA, Kaufman B, Mainwaring P, Pienkowski T, De Valk B,
Kwong A, González-Trujillo JL, Koza I, Petrakova K, Pereira D, Pritchard KI, Gligorov
J; ATHENA Study Group. First-line bevacizumab plus taxane-based chemotherapy for
locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: safety and efficacy in an open-label
15- Gligorov J, Bastit L, Gervais H, Henni M, Kahila W, Lepille D, Luporsi E, Sasso G,
Varette C, Azria D; Candidoscope Study Group. Prevalence and treatment
management of oropharyngeal candidiasis in cancer patients: results of the French
CANDIDOSCOPE study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 80(2):532-9, 2011. doi:
16- AROME. Guidelines, minimal requirements and standard of cancer care around the
Mediterranean Area: report from the Collaborative AROME (Association of
Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean Area) working parties. Crit Rev
Oncol Hematol, 78(1):1-16, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2010.03.007
17- Perren TJ, Swart AM, Pfisterer J, Ledermann JA, Pujade-Lauraine E, Kristensen G,
Carey MS, Beale P, Cervantes A, Kurzeder C, du Bois A, Sehouli J, Kimmig R, Stähle
A, Collinson F, Essapen S, Gourley C, Lortholary A, Selle F, Mirza MR, Leminen A,
Plante M, Stark D, Qian W, Parmar MK, Oza AM; ICON7 Investigators. A phase 3 trial
of bevacizumab in ovarian cancer. N Engl J Med, 365(26):2484-96, 2011. doi:
18- Chéreau E, Lavoue V, Ballester M, Coutant C, Selle F, Cortez A, Daraï E, Leveque J,
Rouzier R. External validation of a laparoscopic-based score to evaluate resectability
for patients with advanced ovarian cancer undergoing interval debulking surgery.
Anticancer Res. 2011 Dec;31(12):4469-74.
19- Chéreau E, Ballester M, Selle F, Rouzier R, Daraï E. Ovarian cancer in the elderly:
impact of surgery on morbidity and survival. Eur J Surg Oncol, 37(6):537-42, 2011.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejso.2011.03.136
20- Chéreau E, Ballester M, Lesieur B, Selle F, Coutant C, Rouzier R, Daraï E.
[Complications of radical surgery for advanced ovarian cancer]. Gynecol Obstet
Fertil, 39(1):21-7, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2010.08.017
1- International Prognostic Factors Study Group, Lorch A, Beyer J, Bascoul-Mollevi C,
Kramar A, Einhorn LH, Necchi A, Massard C, De Giorgi U, Fléchon A, Margolin KA,
Lotz JP, Germa Lluch JR, Powles T, Kollmannsberger CK. Prognostic factors in
patients with metastatic germ cell tumors who experienced treatment failure with
cisplatin-based first-line chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol, 28(33):4906-11, 2010. doi:
2- Ray-Coquard I, Weber B, Lotz JP, Tournigand C, Provencal J, Mayeur D, Treilleux I,
Paraiso D, Duvillard P, Pujade-Lauraine E; GINECO group. Management of rare
ovarian cancers: the experience of the French website "Observatory for rare
malignant tumours of the ovaries" by the GINECO group: interim analysis of the first
100 patients. Gynecol Oncol, 119(1):53-9, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2010.05.023
3- Tsoutsou PG, Belkacemi Y, Gligorov J, Kuten A, Boussen H, Bese N, Koukourakis MI;
Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology in the Mediterranean area (AROME).
Optimal sequence of implied modalities in the adjuvant setting of breast cancer
treatment: an update on issues to consider. Oncologist, 15(11):1169-78, 2010. doi:
4- Belkacémi Y, Gligorov J, Chauvet MP, Tsoutsou PG, Boussen H, Bourgier C.
[Radiotherapy and combined therapy in breast cancer: standards and innovations in
the adjuvant setting]. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris), 39(8 Suppl):F63-9,
2010. doi: 10.1016/j.jgyn.2010.10.003
5- Mouridsen HT, Lonning P, Beckmann MW, Blackwell K, Doughty J, Gligorov J,
Llombart-Cussac A, Robidoux A, Thürlimann B, Gnant M. Use of aromatase inhibitors
and bisphosphonates as an anticancer therapy in postmenopausal breast cancer.
Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 10(11):1825-36, 2010. doi: 10.1586/era.10.160
6- Brignone C, Gutierrez M, Mefti F, Brain E, Jarcau R, Cvitkovic F, Bousetta N, Medioni
J, Gligorov J, Grygar C, Marcu M, Triebel F. First-line chemoimmunotherapy in
metastatic breast carcinoma: combination of paclitaxel and IMP321 (LAG-3Ig)
enhances immune responses and antitumor activity. J Transl Med, 8:71, 2010. doi:
7- Fajac A, Gligorov J, Rezai K, Lévy P, Lévy E, Selle F, Beerblock K, Avenin D, Saintigny
P, Hugonin S, Bernaudin JF, Lokiec F. Effect of ABCB1 C3435T polymorphism on
docetaxel pharmacokinetics according to menopausal status in breast cancer patients.
Br J Cancer, 103(4):560-6, 2010. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605789
8- Bendifallah S, Werkoff G, Borie-Moutafoff C, Antoine M, Chopier J, Gligorov J, Uzan S,
Coutant C, Rouzier R. Multiple synchronous (multifocal and multicentric) breast
cancer: clinical implications. Surg Oncol, 19(4):e115-23, 2010. doi:
9- Chabbert-Buffet N, Uzan C, Gligorov J, Delaloge S, Rouzier R, Uzan S. Pregnancy
after breast cancer: a need for global patient care, starting before adjuvant therapy.
Surg Oncol, 19(1):e47-55, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2009.03.009
10- Belkacémi Y, Gligorov J. Concurrent trastuzumab--internal mammary irradiation for
HER2 positive breast cancer: "It hurts to be on the cutting edge". Radiother Oncol,
94(1):119-20, 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2009.04.009
11- Belkacémi Y, Boussen H, Gligorov J. [Mediterranean collaboration in the fight against
cancer: "it is as if the past had never existed"]. Bull Cancer, 97(4):407-8, 2010.
12- Launay-Vacher V, Gligorov J, Le Tourneau C, Janus N, Spano JP, Ray-Coquard I,
Oudard S, Pourrat X, Morere JF, Deray G, Beuzeboc P; Renal Insufficiency and
Anticancer Medications (IRMA) Study Group. Prevalence of renal insufficiency in
breast cancer patients and related pharmacological issues. Breast Cancer Res
Treat, 124(3):745-53, 2010. doi: 10.3816/CGC.2009.n.029
13- Koskas M, Chereau E, Ballester M, Selle F, Rouzier R, Daraï E. Wound complications
after bevacizumab treatment in patients operated on for ovarian cancer. Anticancer
Res, 30(11):4743-7, 2010.
14- Rouzier R, Bergzoll C, Brun JL, Dubernard G, Selle F, Uzan S, Pomel C, Daraï E. The
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Flesch M, Muron T, Boutan-Laroze A, Guérin Meyer V, Boaziz C, Maigre M, Ganem G,
Mousseau M, Mounedji-Boudiaf L, de Gramont A. [Adjuvant treatment of colon cancer
MOSAIC study's main results]. Bull Cancer, 1;93 Suppl 1:S5-9, 2006.
22- Nguyen S, Rebischung C, Van Ongeval J, Flesch M, Bennamoun M, André T, Ychou M,
Gamelin E, Carola E, Louvet C. Epirubicin-docetaxel in advanced gastric cancer: two
phase II studies as second and first line treatment. Bull Cancer, 93(1):E1-6, 2006.
23- Tournigand C, Cervantes A, Figer A, Lledo G, Flesch M, Buyse M, Mineur L, Carola E,
Etienne PL, Rivera F, Chirivella I, Perez-Staub N, Louvet C, André T, Tabah-Fisch I, de
Gramont A. OPTIMOX1: a randomized study of FOLFOX4 or FOLFOX7 with oxaliplatin
in a stop-and-Go fashion in advanced colorectal cancer--a GERCOR study. J Clin
Oncol, 20;24(3):394-400, 2006.
24- Goldberg RM, Tabah-Fisch I, Bleiberg H, de Gramont A, Tournigand C, André T,
Rothenberg ML, Green E, Sargent DJ. Pooled analysis of safety and efficacy of
oxaliplatin plus fluorouracil/leucovorin administered bimonthly in elderly patients with
colorectal cancer. J Clin Oncol, 1;24(25):4085-91, 2006.
1- Ségura C, Avenin D, Gligorov J, Selle F, Estéso A, Beerblock K, Emile G, Do Huyen N,
Lotz JP. [The use of GnRH analogues in early and advanced breast carcinomas].
Gynecol Obstet Fertil, 33(11):914-9, 2005.
2- Tse C, Brault D, Gligorov J, Antoine M, Neumann R, Lotz JP, Capeau J. Evaluation of
the quantitative analytical methods real-time PCR for HER-2 gene quantification and
ELISA of serum HER-2 protein and comparison with fluorescence in situ hybridization
and immunohistochemistry for determining HER-2 status in breast cancer patients.
Clin Chem, 51(7):1093-101, 2005.
3- Bengala C, Guarneri V, Ledermann J, Rosti G, Wandt H, Lotz JP, Cure JH, Orlandini C,
Ferrante P, Conte PF, Demirer T. EBMT Solid Tumor Working Party. High-dose
chemotherapy with autologous haemopoietic support for advanced ovarian cancer in
first complete remission: retrospective analysis from the Solid Tumour Registry of the
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). Bone Marrow
Transplant, 36(1):25-31, 2005.
4- Lotz JP, Bui B, Gomez F, Théodore C, Caty A, Fizazi K, Gravis G, Delva R, Peny J,
Viens P, Duclos B, De Revel T, Curé H, Gligorov J, Guillemaut S, Ségura C, Provent S,
Droz JP, Culine S, Biron P; Groupe d'Etudes des Tumeurs Uro-Génitales (GETUG).
Sequential high-dose chemotherapy protocol for relapsed poor prognosis germ cell
tumors combining two mobilization and cytoreductive treatments followed by three
high-dose chemotherapy regimens supported by autologous stem cell transplantation.
Results of the phase II multicentric TAXIF trial. Ann Oncol, 16(3):411-8, 2005.
5- Lotz JP, Curé H, Janvier M, Asselain B, Morvan F, Legros M, Audhuy B, Biron P,
Guillemot M, Goubet J, Laadem A, Cailliot C, Maignan CL, Delozier T, Glaisner S,
Maraninchi D, Roché H, Gisselbrecht C. High-dose chemotherapy with haematopoietic
stem cell transplantation for metastatic breast cancer patients: final results of the
French multicentric randomised CMA/PEGASE 04 protocol. Eur J Cancer, 41(1):7180, 2005.
6- Nabholtz JM, Gligorov J. Docetaxel in the treatment of breast cancer: current
experience and future prospects. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 5(4):613-33, 2005.
7- Nabholtz JM, Gligorov J. Docetaxel/trastuzumab combination therapy for the
treatment of breast cancer. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 6(9):1555-64, 2005.
8- Nabholtz JM, Gligorov J. The role of taxanes in the treatment of breast cancer.
Expert Opin Pharmacother, 6(7):1073-94, 2005.
9- Molinari E, De Quatrebarbes J, André T, Aractingi S. Cetuximab-induced acne.
Dermatology, 211(4):330-3, 2005.
10- Sargent DJ, Wieand HS, Haller DG, Gray R, Benedetti JK, Buyse M, Labianca R, Seitz
JF, O'Callaghan CJ, Francini G, Grothey A, O'Connell M, Catalano PJ, Blanke CD, Kerr
D, Green E, Wolmark N, Andre T, Goldberg RM, De Gramont A. Disease-free survival
versus overall survival as a primary end point for adjuvant colon cancer studies:
individual patient data from 20,898 patients on 18 randomized trials. J Clin Oncol,
1;23(34):8664-70, 2005.
11- Maindrault-Goebel F, André T, Tournigand C, Louvet C, Perez-Staub N, Zeghib N, De
Gramont A. Allergic-type reactions to oxaliplatin: retrospective analysis of 42 patients.
Eur J Cancer, 41(15):2262-7, 2005.
12- Coudray AM, Louvet C, Kornprobst M, Raymond E, André T, Tournigand C, Faivre S,
De Gramont A, Larsen AK, Gespach C. Increased anticancer activity of the
thymidylate synthase inhibitor BGC9331 combined with the topoisomerase I inhibitor
SN-38 in human colorectal and breast cancer cells: induction of apoptosis and ROCK
cleavage through caspase-3-dependent and –independent mechanisms. Int J Oncol,
27(2):553-61, 2005.
13- Louvet C, Labianca R, Hammel P, Lledo G, Zampino MG, André T, Zaniboni A,
Ducreux M, Aitini E, Taïeb J, Faroux R, Lepere C, de Gramont A; GERCOR; GISCAD.
Gemcitabine in combination with oxaliplatin compared with gemcitabine alone in
locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer: results of a GERCOR and GISCAD
phase III trial. J Clin Oncol, 20;23(15):3509-16, 2005.
14- de Gramont A, Tournigand C, Louvet C, Maindrault-Goebel F, André T. First-line
therapy for advanced colorectal cancer. Curr Oncol Rep, 7(3):167-72, 2005.
15- Taïeb J, Artru P, Paye F, Louvet C, Perez N, André T, Gayet B, Hebbar M, Goebel FM,
Tournigand C, Parc R, de Gramont A. Intensive systemic chemotherapy combined
with surgery for metastatic colorectal cancer: results of a phase II study. J Clin
Oncol, 20;23(3):502-9, 2005.
1- Gligorov J, Debourdeau P, Arsovski O, Lotz JP. [Cardiac prevention: the oncologic
point of view]. Bull Cancer, 91 Suppl 3:192-200, 2004.
2- Saintigny P, Assouad S, Gligorov J, Selle F, Roché H, Breau JL, Morère JF, Lotz JP.
[Dose density and dose intensity in the treatment of breast cancer]. Bull Cancer,
1;91 Suppl 4:S244-53, 2004.
3- Debrix I, André T, Becker A, Lotz JP, Gligorov J, Boukari Y, Milleron B, Pene F,
Flahault A. [Anticancer drugs off label used of: what do the experts think about?].
Bull Cancer, 91(10):769-77, 2004.
4- André T, Tournigand C, Rosmorduc O, Provent S, Maindrault-Goebel F, Avenin D,
Selle F, Paye F, Hannoun L, Houry S, Gayet B, Lotz JP, de Gramont A, Louvet C;
GERCOR Group. Gemcitabine combined with oxaliplatin (GEMOX) in advanced biliary
tract adenocarcinoma: a GERCOR study. Ann Oncol, 5(9):1339-43, 2004.
5- Debrix I, André T, Flahault A, Kalu O, Gligorov J, Lotz JP, Milleron B, Pene F, Boukari
Y, Becker A. [Anticancer drugs use evaluation: limits of the approved labeling]. Bull
Cancer, 91(5):437-43, 2004.
6- Gligorov J, Lotz JP. Preclinical pharmacology of the taxanes: implications of the
differences. Oncologist, 4;9 Suppl 2:3-8, 2004.
7- Grahek D, Montravers F, Kerrou K, Aide N, Lotz JP, Talbot JN. [18F]FDG in recurrent
breast cancer: diagnostic performances, clinical impact and relevance of induced
changes in management. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 31(2):179-88, 2004.
8- Gholam D, Lotz JP, Atallah D, Theodore C. Germ cell tumors. Case 2. Unusual course
of pure testicular seminoma. J Clin Oncol, 1;22(9):1755-6, 2004.
9- Debourdeau P, Gligorov J, Teixeira L, Aletti M, Zammit C. [Malignant cardiac tumors].
Bull Cancer, 91 Suppl 3:136-46, 2004.
10- Debourdeau P, Bachelot T, Zammit C, Aletti M, Gallineau C, Gligorov J. [Treatment of
hot flashes in women with a previous diagnosis of breast cancer]. Bull Cancer,
91(4):339-49, 2004.
11- André T, Noirclerc M, Hammel P, Meckenstock R, Landi B, Cattan S, Selle F, Codoul
JF, Guerrier-Parmentier B, Mokhtar R, Louvet C; GERCOR. Phase II study of
leucovorin, 5-fluorouracil and gemcitabine for locally advanced and metastatic
pancreatic cancer (FOLFUGEM 2). Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 28(8-9):645-50, 2004.
12- André T, Soria JC. [Cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors and cancer]. Bull Cancer, 91 Suppl
2:S59-60, 2004.
13- Louvet C, André T, Gamelin E, Garcia ML, Saavedra A, Lenaers G, de Gramont A,
Méry-Mignard D, Kalla S. A phase I-II, dose-escalating trial of ZD9331 in combination
with irinotecan (CPT11) in previously pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer patients.
Bull Cancer, 91(12):279-84, 2004.
14- Rao S, Cunningham D, de Gramont A, Scheithauer W, Smakal M, Humblet Y,
Kourteva G, Iveson T, Andre T, Dostalova J, Illes A, Belly R, Perez-Ruixo JJ, Park YC,
Palmer PA. Phase III double-blind placebo-controlled study of farnesyl transferase
inhibitor R115777 in patients with refractory advanced colorectal cancer. J Clin
Oncol, 1;22(19):3950-7, 2004.
15- Maindrault-Goebel F, Tournigand C, André T, Carola E, Mabro M, Artru P, Louvet C,
de Gramont A. Oxaliplatin reintroduction in patients previously treated with
leucovorin, fluorouracil and oxaliplatin for metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol,
15(8):1210-4, 2004.
16- André T, Soria JC. [Cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors and cancer]. Bull Cancer, 91 Spec
No:S59-60, 2004.
17- Andre T, de Gramont A; Study Group of Clinical Research in Radiotherapies Oncology,
Oncology Multidiciplinary Research Group. An overview of adjuvant systemic
chemotherapy for colon cancer. Clin Colorectal Cancer, 4 Suppl 1:S22-8, 2004.
18- André T, Boni C, Mounedji-Boudiaf L, Navarro M, Tabernero J, Hickish T, Topham C,
Zaninelli M, Clingan P, Bridgewater J, Tabah-Fisch I, de Gramont A. Multicenter
International Study of Oxaliplatin/5-Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in the Adjuvant
Treatment of Colon Cancer (MOSAIC) Investigators. Oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and
leucovorin as adjuvant treatment for colon cancer. N Engl J Med, 3;350(23):234351, 2004.
19- André T, Louvet C, de Gramont A. [Colon cancer: what is new in 2004?]. Bull
Cancer, 91(1):75-80, 2004.
20- Perez N, Tournigand C, Mabro M, Molitor JL, Artru P, Carola E, André T, Louvet C,
Krulik M, de Gramont A. [Long term survival in metastatic colorectal cancer treated
with leucovorin and 5-fluoro-uracil chemotherapy]. Rev Med Interne, 25(2):124-8,
21- Tournigand C, André T, Achille E, Lledo G, Flesh M, Mery-Mignard D, Quinaux E,
Couteau C, Buyse M, Ganem G, Landi B, Colin P, Louvet C, de Gramont A. FOLFIR
followed by FOLFOX6 or the reverse sequence in advanced colorectal cancer: a
randomized GERCOR study. J Clin Oncol, 15;22(2):229-37, 2004.
1- Selle F, Hugue F, Lotz JP. [Diagnosis of cancer. Signs and paraclinical investigations;
stratification; prognosis]. Rev Prat, 15;53(6):647-56, 2003.
2- Moulin AS, Lotz JP. [Cancer and the law]. Bull Cancer, 90(1):105-12, 2003.
3- Roche H, Viens P, Biron P, Lotz JP, Asselain B; PEGASE Group. High-dose
chemotherapy for breast cancer: the French PEGASE experience. Cancer Control,
10(1):42-7, 2003.
4- Gligorov J, Beuzeboc P. [From San Antonio to Saint-Gallen: reflections of Saint-Paulde-Venice or how to treat breast cancer]. Bull Cancer, 90(3):278-83, 2003.
5- Plantade A, Montravers F, Selle F, Izrael V, Talbot JN. Diffusely increased F-18 FDG
uptake in bone marrow in a patient with acute anemia and recent erythropoietin
therapy. Clin Nucl Med, 28(9):771-2, 2003.
6- Tourani JM, Pfister C, Tubiana N, Ouldkaci M, Prevot G, Lucas V, Oudard S, Malet M,
Cottu P, Ferrero JM, Mayeur D, Rixe O, Sun XS, Bernard O, Andre T, Tournigand C,
Muracciole X, Guilhot J; Subcutaneous Administration Propeukin Program Cooperative
Group. Subcutaneous interleukin-2 and interferon alfa administration in patients with
metastatic renal cell carcinoma: final results of SCAPP III, a large, multicenter, phase
II, nonrandomized study with sequential analysis design--the Subcutaneous
Administration Propeukin Program Cooperative Group. J Clin Oncol, 1;21(21):398794, 2003.
7- Scurtu R, Barrier A, André T, Houry S, Huguier M. [Self-expandable metallic stent for
palliative treatment of colorectal malignant obstructions: risk of perforation]. Ann
Chir, 128(6):359-63, 2003.
8- Andre T, Colin P, Louvet C, Gamelin E, Bouche O, Achille E, Colbert N, Boaziz C,
Piedbois P, Tubiana-Mathieu N, Boutan-Laroze A, Flesch M, Buyse M, de Gramont A.
Semimonthly versus monthly regimen of fluorouracil and leucovorin administered for
24 or 36 weeks as adjuvant therapy in stage II and III colon cancer: results of a
randomized trial. J Clin Oncol, 1;21(15):2896-903, 2003.
9- Mabro M, Louvet C, André T, Carola E, Gilles-Amar V, Artru P, Krulik M, de Gramont
A; GERCOR. Bimonthly leucovorin, infusion 5-fluorouracil, hydroxyurea, and
irinotecan (FOLFIRI-2) for pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer. Am J Clin Oncol,
26(3):254-8, 2003.
10- Louvet C, Carrat F, Mal F, Mabro M, Beerblock K, Vaillant JC, Cady J, André T,
Gamelin E, de Gramont A. Prognostic factor analysis in advanced gastric cancer
patients treated with hydroxyurea, leucovorin, 5-fluorouracil, and cisplatin (HLFP
regimen). Cancer Invest, 21(1):14-20, 2003.
11- André T, Bossard C, Gattegno B, Plouin PF, Benoit G, Richard S. A type 2B von
Hippel-Lindau family masquerading as a metastatic sporadic renal cell carcinoma.
BJU Int, 91(4):425-6, 2003.
1- Gligorov J, André T, Epaud C, Culine S. [Updates on gemcitabine at the American
Society of Clinical Oncology congress (ASCO, 2002)]. Bull Cancer, 89 Spec No:S13444, 2002.
2- Hoff A, André T, Schäffer TE, Jung G, Wiesmüller KH, Brock R. Lipoconjugates for the
noncovalent generation of microarrays in biochemical and cellular assays.
Chembiochem, 2;3(12):1183-91, 2002.
3- Louvet C, André T, Tigaud JM, Gamelin E, Douillard JY, Brunet R, François E, Jacob
JH, Levoir D, Taamma A, Rougier P, Cvitkovic E, de Gramont A. Phase II study of
oxaliplatin, fluorouracil, and folinic acid in locally advanced or metastatic gastric
cancer patients. J Clin Oncol, 1;20(23):4543-8, 2002.
4- Gligorov J, André T, Epaud C, Culine S. [Updates on gemcitabine at the American
Society of Clinical Oncology congress (ASCO, 2002)]. Bull Cancer, 89 Spec No:S13444, 2002.
5- Louvet C, André T, Artru P. [Gemcitabine-based combinations in inoperable
pancreatic cancers]. Bull Cancer, 89 Spec No:S96-101, 2002.
6- André T. [Congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology]. J Chir (Paris),
139(5):300-3, 2002.
7- Attoub S, Rivat C, Rodrigues S, Van Bocxlaer S, Bedin M, Bruyneel E, Louvet C,
Kornprobst M, André T, Mareel M, Mester J, Gespach C. The c-kit tyrosine kinase
inhibitor STI571 for colorectal cancer therapy. Cancer Res, 1;62(17):4879-83, 2002.
8- Louvet C, André T, Lledo G, Hammel P, Bleiberg H, Bouleuc C, Gamelin E, Flesch M,
Cvitkovic E, de Gramont A. Gemcitabine combined with oxaliplatin in advanced
pancreatic adenocarcinoma: final results of a GERCOR multicenter phase II study. J
Clin Oncol, 15;20(6):1512-8, 2002.
1- Dal Cortivo L, Cottu PH, Lotz JP, Robert I, Extra JM, Miclea JM, Marty M, Marolleau
JP. Residual tumor cell contamination in peripheral blood stem cells collections of 117
breast cancer patients evaluated by immunocytochemical technique. J Hematother
Stem Cell Res, 10(6):855-62, 2001.
2- Trillet-Lenoir V, Lotz JP, Le Cesne A, Roy P, Avallet L, Edouard A. Reflexions from the
experience of the French CLEOPATRE program and concerns about the status of
clinical research on small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 33(2-3):303-7, 2001.
3- Pujade-Lauraine E, Curé H, Battista C, Guastalla JP, Chiurazzi B, Fabbro M,TubianaMathieu N, Bourgeois H, Lioure B, Paraiso D, Lotz JP. High dosechemotherapy in
ovarian cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer, 11 Suppl 1:64-7, 2001.
4- Ledermann JA, Herd R, Maraninchi D, Viens P, Buclon M, Philip T, Cure H, Lotz JP,
Chauvin F, Ferrante P, Rosti G. High-dose chemotherapy for ovarian carcinoma: longterm results from the Solid Tumour Registry of the European Group for Blood and
Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). Ann Oncol, 12(5):693-9, 2001.
5- Maindrault-Goebel F, de Gramont A, Louvet C, André T, Carola E, Mabro M, Artru P,
Gilles V, Lotz JP, Izrael V, Krulik M; Oncology Multidisciplinary Research Group
(GERCOR). High-dose intensity oxaliplatin added to the simplified bimonthly
leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil regimen as second-line therapy for metastatic colorectal
cancer (FOLFOX 7). Eur J Cancer, 37(8):1000-5, 2001.
6- Dosquet C, Chen Y, Makke J, Miclea JM, Coudert MC, Marolleau JP, Fermand JP, Cottu
P, Lotz JP, Benbunan M. Cytokines and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in the blood
of patients undergoing HPC mobilization. Transfusion, 41(2):206-12, 2001.
7- André T, Louvet C, Maindrault-Goebel F, Gramont AD. [Oxaliplatin in combination
with 5-fluoro-uracil and folinic acid as treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer]. Bull
Cancer, 88 Spec No:S20-5, 2001.
8- Louvet C, André T, Hammel P, Selle F, Landi B, Cattan S, Fonck M, Flesch M, Colin P,
Balosso J, Ruszniewski P, de Gramont A. Phase II trial of bimonthly leucovorin, 5fluorouracil and gemcitabine for advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (FOLFUGEM).
Ann Oncol, 12(5):675-9, 2001.
9- André T, Colin P, Louvet C, Gamelin E, Bouche O, Achille E, Colbert N, Boaziz C,
Piedbois P, Tubiana-Mathieu N, Boutan-Laroze A, Flesch M, Billiau V, Buyse M,
Gramont A; Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche Clinique en Oncologie Radiotherapies.
Randomized adjuvant study comparing two schemes of 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin
in stage B2 and C colon adenocarcinoma: study design and preliminary safety results.
Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche Clinique en Oncologie Radiotherapies. Semin
Oncol, 28(1 Suppl 1):35-40, 2001.
1- Maindrault-Goebel F, de Gramont A, Louvet C, André T, Carola E, Gilles V, Lotz JP,
Tournigand C, Mabro M, Molitor JL, Artru P, Izrael V, Krulik M. Evaluation of
oxaliplatin dose intensity in bimonthly leucovorin and 48-hour 5-fluorouracil
continuous infusion regimens (FOLFOX) in pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer.
Oncology Multidisciplinary Research Group (GERCOR). Ann Oncol, 11(11):1477-83,
2- Lotz JP, Gligorov J, Selle F, Lefevre G, Pautier P, Lhommé C. [High dose
chemotherapy in ovarian and breast adenocarcinoma with poor prognosis]. Gynecol
Obstet Fertil, 28(9):620-31, 2000.
3- Yanovich S, Mitsky P, Cornetta K, Maziarz RT, Rosenfeld C, Krause DS, Lotz JP, Bitran
JD, Williams S, Preti R, Somlo G, Burtness B, Mills B. Transplantation of CD34+
peripheral blood cells selected using a fully automated immunomagnetic system in
patients with high-risk breast cancer: results of a prospectiverandomized multicenter
clinical trial. Bone Marrow Transplant, 25(11):1165-74, 2000.
4- André T, Balosso J, Louvet C, Hannoun L, Houry S, Huguier M, Colonna M, Lotz JP,
De Gramont A, Bellaïche A, Parc R, Touboul E, Izrael V. Combined radiotherapy and
chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) as palliative treatment for localized
unresectable or adjuvant treatment for resected pancreatic adenocarcinoma: results
of a feasibility study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 1;46(4):903-11, 2000.
5- Lotz JP, Lhommé C, Pautier P, Couteau C, Gligorov J, Alexandre J, Selle F, Izrael V,
Maraninchi D, Viens P. [High-dose chemotherapy in ovarian adenocarcinoma]. Bull
Cancer, 87(1):63-9, 2000.
6- Clézardin P, Gligorov J, Delmas P. Mechanisms of action of bisphosphonates on tumor
cells and prospects for use in the treatment of malignant osteolysis. Joint Bone
Spine, 67(1):22-9, 2000.
7- Maindrault-Goebel F, de Gramont A, Louvet C, André T, Carola E, Gilles V, Lotz JP,
Tournigand C, Mabro M, Molitor JL, Artru P, Izrael V, Krulik M. Evaluation of
oxaliplatin dose intensity in bimonthly leucovorin and 48-hour 5-fluorouracil
continuous infusion regimens (FOLFOX) in pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer.
Oncology Multidisciplinary Research Group (GERCOR). Ann Oncol, 11(11):1477-83,
8- André T, Houry S. [36th Congress of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
(ASCO). New Orleans 20-23 May 2000]. J Chir (Paris), 137(4):251-4, 2000.
9- André T, Kotelevets L, Vaillant JC, Coudray AM, Weber L, Prévot S, Parc R, Gespach
C, Chastre E. Vegf, Vegf-B, Vegf-C and their receptors KDR, FLT-1 and FLT-4 during
the neoplastic progression of human colonic mucosa. Int J Cancer, 15;86(2):17481, 2000.
1- Ghazli M, Sananes S, Chopier J, Touboul E, Lotz JP, Antoine M, Antoine JM, Uzan S.
[Inflammatory and/or locally advanced breast cancers. Difficulty evaluating the
response to initial chemotherapy]. Contracept Fertil Sex, 27(12):872-6, 1999.
2- André T, Louvet C, Maindrault-Goebel F, Couteau C, Mabro M, Lotz JP, Gilles-Amar V,
Krulik M, Carola E, Izrael V, de Gramont A. CPT-11 (irinotecan) addition to bimonthly,
high-dose leucovorin and bolus and continuous-infusion 5-fluorouracil (FOLFIRI) for
pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer. GERCOR. Eur J Cancer, 35(9):1343-7,
3- Maindrault-Goebel F, Louvet C, André T, Carola E, Lotz JP, Molitor JL, Garcia ML,
Gilles-Amar V, Izrael V, Krulik M, de Gramont A. Oxaliplatin added to the simplified
bimonthly leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil regimen as second-line therapy for metastatic
colorectal cancer (FOLFOX6). GERCOR. Eur J Cancer, 35(9):1338-42, 1999.
4- Lotz JP, Lecesne A, Trillet-Lenoir V. [The Cleopatra project]. Rev Pneumol Clin,
55(4):234-5, 1999.
5- Lotz JP, Curé H, Janvier M, Morvan F, Legros M, Asselain B, Guillemot M, Roché H,
Gisselbrecht C. [Intensive chemotherapy and autograft of hematopoietic stem cells in
the treatment of metastatic cancer: results of the national protocol Pegase 04].
Hematol Cell Ther, 41(2):71-4, 1999.
6- Edelman L, Durand JC, Lotz JP, Validire P, Monchâtre E, Bayle C, Arnoulet C, Sainty
D. Remote tumor cells in the case of breast cancers: significance of their presence for
prognosis [corrected]. Hematol Cell Ther, 41(2):66-70, 1999.
7- Marolleau JP, Dal Cortivo L, Mills B, Fermand JP, Miclea JM, Lotz JP, Gisselbrecht C,
Benbunan M. Enrichment of peripheral blood CD34+ cells for transplantation using a
fully automated immunomagnetic cell selection system and a novel octapeptide
releasing agent. Bone Marrow Transplant, 23(8):819-26, 1999.
8- Touboul E, Buffat L, Belkacémi Y, Lefranc JP, Uzan S, Lhuillier P, Faivre C, Huart J,
Lotz JP, Antoine M, Pène F, Blondon J, Izrael V, Laugier A, Schlienger M, Housset M.
Local recurrences and distant metastases after breast-conserving surgery and
radiation therapy for early breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys,
1;43(1):25-38, 1999.
9- Gligorov J, Couteau C, Debourdeau P, Antoine M, Pene F, Milleron B. [Small cell lung
carcinoma]. Bull Cancer, Suppl 3:5-16, 1999.
10- Debourdeau P, Gligorov J, Zammit C. A serologic marker of paraneoplastic limbic and
brain-stem encephalitis in patients with testicular cancer. N Engl J Med,
4;341(19):1475-6, 1999.
11- André T, Balosso J. [Chemotherapy, combined radiochemotherapy and new
therapeutic approaches in adenocarcinoma of the pancreas]. J Chir (Paris),
136(6):309-17, 1999.
12- André T, Louvet C, Maindrault-Goebel F, Couteau C, Mabro M, Lotz JP, Gilles-Amar V,
Krulik M, Carola E, Izrael V, de Gramont A. CPT-11 (irinotecan) addition to bimonthly,
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