Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sustainable Construction, Tampa, Florida, 6-9 November 1994, 807-816. SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES AND URBAN REUSE TECHNOLOGY Kevin R. Grosskopf , M.E. Rinker, Sr. School of Building Construction, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 USA Introduction For centuries man's built environment and quality of life has been closely predicated on the availability and sustainability of natural resources. As the common denominator in virtually every ecosystem, water resources likewise serve as the cornerstone of human society and its sustainment. The finite amount of water on the planet undergoes continuous reuse and regeneration while traveling through the various stages of the hydrologic continuum. Yet the global demand for water increasingly exceeds the limits of this slow moving cycle, compromising man's quality of life and very existence. To meet the growing international demand for water, the pace of regeneration and subsequent reuse must be accelerated. As a consequence, water reuse and resource sustainable design are rapidly evolving within the current trends of environmentally conscious construction. This concept of sustainability hinges on the idea of providing for the needs of the present without detracting from the ability to serve the needs of the future. Overwhelming success in reclaiming wastewater has since spawned interest in a new generation of resource optimization. Sustainable water resources, greywater recycling, and other reuse technologies will play an increasing role in water conservation, expanding potential reuse markets far beyond municipal reclamation alone. Such advancements in green technology now provide cost effective recycling of wastewater effluent, greywater, and other harvested resources for a myriad of urban non-potable applications currently using potable water. The purpose of this study therefore, is to effectively communicate and identify on-site water reuse alternatives that offer substantial economic and environmental incentives for optimizing global water resources. Social and Geoclimatic Influences Increasing water demands spurred by the social and economic influences of population growth and over development are seemingly inevitable. Geoclimatic and hydrologic forces such as drought and saltwater intrusion are often unpredictable and virtually impervious to man's efforts to reverse them. In an effort to concentrate understanding toward many of these international areas stricken by intermittent drought, resource overdraft, population densities, and coastal development, the State of Florida will serve as a model to evaluate urban water reuse and resource sustainable design for reducing potable demand and environmental degradation. Similar to many urbanized areas worldwide, Florida's population nearly doubled from 1960 to 1980, escalated 33% from 1980 to 1990, and is expected to increase an additional 19% from 1990 to 2000.1 Seven densely populated regions represent 60% of the state's total population and nearly 70% of its domestic withdrawal (Heath, 1981). Centered around tourism, agriculture, and industry, Florida continues to experience a population increase of nearly 3.5% annually (State of Florida, 1990). 4000 18 3500 Withdrawal (MGD) Population (millions) 21 15 12 9 6 3 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Years (decades) Figure 1 Current and projected population increase in Florida. 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Years (decades) Figure 2 Current and projected water demand in Florida. In spite of an average rainfall of 54 inches per year and limited efforts to optimize scarce water resources, withdrawal rates in Florida continue to spiral upward. Use of potable water in Florida has increased by a factor of 6 in the last ninety years, with 75% of the increase occurring in the last twenty-five years. Furthermore, 79% of Florida's 13 million people reside near the coast (United States, 1991). Such urban developments are primarily served by shallow aquifers further vulnerable to saltwater intrusion, resource overdraft, and wastewater contamination. Figures 1 and 2 above demonstrate the "mirrored" relationship that exists between population growth and subsequent water demand. Urban Water Recycling and Reuse Urban reuse of wastewater has proven the most effective way to reduce water resource consumption and the environmental dangers posed by the disposal of large quantities of insufficiently treated wastewater. Water reuse can be classified as either non-potable (1) agricultural, (2) urban, (3) industrial, or (4) indirect potable reuse as infiltrated aquifer recharge. Potable water is defined as all water consumed for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene. Potable water generally originates from the highest purity source and is the most rigorously treated. The commercial and residential structures that compose most urban development use in excess of 80% of their potable flow for non-potable, or “non-drinking” quality consumption, resulting in a costly, inefficient use of a limited resource. In select commercial applications, 75% or more of the domestic supply serves toiletry fixtures alone. Conservatively, 70% of the current urban water demand could be supplemented by reclaimed or reuse water technology. The central core design of most commercial and residential structures coupled with a density of occupants, would provide the greatest use of cost saving reuse water for the least "dual-plumbing” investment. The Type A reuse system collects greywater, or wastewater consisting of little or no organic matter into separate sanitary piping from non-fecal sources such as lavatories and sinks. Once this clean effluent undergoes minimal but adequate treatment, it is dual-distributed to all potential non-potable fixtures maintained separately of those requiring potable water. The remaining wastewater is disposed of conventionally into municipal sanitary lines. Research has concluded that Type A dual distribution/dual recovery will achieve maximum benefit in urban residential structures, where the greywater supply (approximately 40-60% of total building flow) from non-fecal fixtures balances the potential non-potable demand (40-60% of total building flow) as demonstrated in Figure 3 on the following page. 10% Cooling & HVAC 15% Lavs & Irrigation 23% Laundry 34% Toilets 12% Cooling & HVAC 6% Irrigation 25% Lavs & Shower 75% Toilets & Urinals Figure 3. Wastewater flow characterization inFigure 4. Wastewater flow characterization in typical residential structures. typical commercial structures. Wastewater collected from organic sources such as toilets and urinals, can likewise be recovered for reuse. Dual distribution and single (conventional) wastewater piping systems may be used if the volume of greywater alone is insufficient to properly maintain a reuse supply balance, or if discharge flow is restricted. Commercial structures are commonly characterized by an unbalanced flow of 10-25% greywater supply and 75-90% non-potable demand as demonstrated in Figure 4 above. Therefore, the total recovery of wastewater for treatment and reuse is desirable through dual distribution/single recovery Type B greywater systems. Supply requirements for non-potable fixtures currently using potable resources such as water closets, may very from 34% in residential structures, to 75% or greater of total building flow in most commercial applications. Secondary non-potable users such as mechanical makeup and irrigation, could further reduce potable demand. Tertiary reuse applications such as fixture trap priming, aesthetic fixtures, and fire suppression accounting for less than 10% of total flow could nevertheless provide an added incentive for justifying urban reuse. Table 1 on the Sink following page provides Sink Washer a sample comparison Washer Lav. between Type A and Lav. Lav. Type B greywater systems using a sample Lav. W.C. 250 unit test structure. Greywater wet-vent Although both systems W.C. Shower resulted in substantial Shower water savings, Type B Soil stack dual distribution achieved superior flow reduction by reclaiming the total volume of Non-fecal (greywater) to on-site treatment wastewater for a greater number of non-potable Waste (blackwater) to sewer applications. Figure 5 Sample Type A greywater recovery diagram for multi-unit urban reuse. Table 1. Conventional and reuse systems flow analysis System Piping Treatment Reuse Applications Water Savings Sewage Reduction Conventional Base None N/A 0 0 Type A Dual distribution Dual sanitary Filtration Adsorption Chlorination Water closet Irrigation 31,500GPD (42% of total) 27,750GPD (46% of total) Type B Dual distribution Single sanitary Biochemical Filtration Adsorption Chlorination Water closet Irrigation 36,000GPD (48% of total) 33,400GPD (56% of total) Generally, the greater the volume and cost of potable supply and subsequent wastewater discharge, the more lucrative urban reuse becomes. Table 2 identifies a typical life-cycle approach for determining the applicability for urban reuse in both residential and commercial buildings. Hypothetically, both structures consist of 1000 tenants/occupants sharing 200 units/offices. By amortizing the respective greywater investments using standard economic determinates over a 20 year period, the value engineering team can choose the most appropriate reuse option specific to each building designation. Note that the Type B alternative may reduce nearly twice the wastewater flow of the greywater only Type A system, yet is twice the initial investment. In support of previous observations, the Type B system is most appropriate in commercial environments where the total volume of wastewater is recycled to supplement the 75%-90% nonpotable demand. Conversely, Type A systems are seemingly most cost effective in residential settings where the 40%-60% wastewater flow from greywater fixtures such as sinks, showers, and lavatories, balances the 40-60% non-potable demand to flush tank toilets currently using potable water. Table 2. Conventional and reuse systems flow analysis System specific costs Conventional System Type A System Type B System Initial cost increase Operational & maintenance Economic life Interest rate Amortized annual cost Potable water cost Wastewater treatment cost n/a $ 6,300.00 20 years 12% n/a $182,410.00 $ 56,700.00 $355,000.00 $ 20,700.00 20 years 12% $ 47,526.00 $109,520.00 $ 34,125.00 $689,235.00 $ 27,384.00 20 years 12% $ 92,273.00 $ 72,890.00 $ 22,650.00 Totals $245.410.00 $211,871.00 $215,197.00 Water Reuse Alternatives Primary non-potable consumers of domestic water are centered around toiletry activities, which use between 34% to nearly 75% of total building flow for residential and commercial structures respectively. Secondary non-potable applications such as HVAC make-up and irrigation will further reduce potable demand. A few of the many non-potable reuse alternatives are provided below: Toilet and urinal flushing As previously mentioned, toilet and urinal reuse will eliminate up to 75% of potable demand. Commercial structures are typically provided 15gpm per urinal and nearly 40gpm to flush valve toilets. Flush tank water closets most commonly used in residential structures, generally use 5-6 gal. per flush. Little or no fixture modifications are required prior to reuse. Irrigation The use of recycled wastewater for urban landscape irrigation is one of the fastest growing and successful reuse options in the State of Florida. Exterior residential and commercial watering can reduce nearly 40% of the total ground and potable water resources withdrawn annually. Irrigation remains however, the reuse alternative with the highest potential of human contact and ingestion. Direct contact with spray irrigation is among the most probable environmental pathway for exposure to airborne pathogens and viruses. Reuse drip irrigation allows greywater to be applied below the irrigated surface, providing a more efficient irrigation effort, reducing the exposure to humans, and subsequently reducing the levels of treatment. This subsurface leaching technique can also apply excess irrigated water to a slow rate land application medium below the irrigated strata for indirect soil infiltration to groundwater reserves. Mechanical heat exchange and make-up Most urban structures use potable water within building HVAC systems as a medium to absorb and expel heat. These cooling towers require 2.4-3.0gpm/ton of air handling capacity, amounting to 10% of total building water usage in some applications. HVAC use of recycled greywater within continuously recirculating systems would require highly treated effluent consisting of high residual disinfectants to prevent biogrowth, pH balancing to prevent scaling or corrosion, and ultra-filtration to remove all suspended solids. Biogrowth can be controlled by the use of ammonia and nitrogen reducing NaOCl and biological nitrification. Softened reuse water free of scale forming calcium and magnesium, and acidic salts and precipitates can enhance systems performance. Dry pipe fire suppression systems Reuse water may be used for commercial and residential fire protection with little or no modification to the existing system. Dry pipe fire suppression systems inhibit flow to the sprinkler laterals when inactive, eliminating stagnant water which could provide a perfect environment for residual breakdown, biogrowth, and scaling between flush cycles. Although dry pipe suppression was originally designed for fire protection in unheated spaces, it will also serve to eliminate the unavoidable settleable solids in greywater from collecting within the fine orifice plates of a typical sprinkler. Water Reuse Requirements The overall concern for integrating the dual distribution of both potable and non-potable resources is predicated on the economics and reliability of protecting building occupants from accidental access, contact, or ingestion of greywater. Maximum obtainable separation distances for all potable and non-potable distribution piping should be designed and constructed to provide at least 5’-0” o.c. or 3’-0” clearance outside to outside. Non-potable water pressures should be maintained at 10psi or lower than the potable distribution pressure, and should never exceed 60 psi/8ft/sec in any dual-plumbed structure. This method termed “pressure differential” ensures that non-potable backflow will not occur in the event of an accidental cross-connection. All required potable makeup to a non-potable system can only be accomplished using an air gap separation, the distance of which should be no less than twice the diameter of the potable supply pipe to the flood rim of the non-potable receiving vessel. Backflow prevention devices and valves should additionally be placed on all potable supply points which either provide make-up water to a non-potable system, or supply potable fixtures within a non-potable zone. All non-potable distribution lines should be labeled, color coded, and preferably constructed of non-metallic materials wherever possible so as to be easily differentiated from the potable distribution system. With the exception of the portions of piping connected directly to non-potable fixtures, no other uncontrolled access to system should be available. Identification of all uses of non-potable water within an occupied space or a space accessible to the public must be provided at each prominent location of reuse. Prior to reuse systems certification and start-up, the on-site dual distribution system must be filled, pressurized, and operated with potable water to ensure that no potable fixture is operable or connected in any way to the non-potable distribution network. This practice should be repeated immediately following any modification, repair, or servicing of either potable or non-potable distribution systems. Finally, non-potable water should be dyed an aesthetically pleasing, yet distinctive color to further reduce the potential of accidental misuse. Water Quality Objectives and Standards Treatment for recycled wastewater is typically categorized into (1) pre-treatment, (2) primary, (3) biological, or secondary, and (4) advanced, or tertiary treatment. The level of treatment required is predicated on the quality of grey or conventional wastewater to be treated and the water quality objectives of the intended non-potable application. Primary treatment involves the screening, filtration, and sedimentation of solids as well as and removal of mass organics in the form of sludge. Further physical clarification is achieved by adding flocculents and coagulants to suspend and bond finer particles for easier removal and total suspended solids (TSS) reduction. Primary treatment is generally sufficient for direct greywater reuse and septic effluent for subsurface irrigation and slow rate land application and infiltration. Secondary or “biological” treatment is characterized by the removal of biodegradable organics, suspended solids, and pathogens passing primary clarification. In this process, primary wastewater enters a resettling chamber where fine solids are further flocculated and removed. Effluent then enters an oxygen rich, aerated chamber where soluble organics are metabolized, resulting in a 90% reduction in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), or the amount of oxygen being used to degrade organic matter through biological catalization. A lower BOD therefore indicates a reduced amount of organics present. Rigorous secondary treatment and disinfection is generally accepted for the surface discharge and exterior reuse of conventional wastewater. Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT), approaching the quality and subsequent cost of potable treatment, employs the use of a multiple barrier design. This tertiary process consisting of redundant filtration and disinfection methods such as carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis, and ozonation further removes trace pathogen and organic matter since the failure of one unit process to remove a specific contaminant does not preclude effective overall treatment. Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) is often associated with AWT. This unit process allows the adsorption of organic and some inorganic compounds associated with undesirable water color and odor. The exceptional “loading” capability of GAC is proportionate to its surface area relative to mass. It is estimated that the extremely porous internal structure of GAC can provide tens of square meters of loading area per gram of mass. Fifteen minute of true contact time in gravity fed or pressurized columns is generally sufficient for fine particle removal. Figure 6. On-site recovery, treatment, and non-potable reuse cycling system for multiplex commercial and residential structures. Reverse osmosis is characterized by the use of spiral wound polymide membranes that act as a physical barrier to the passage of pathogens, dissolved solids, nitrogen forms and other extremely fine particles. Osmosis is a hydrodynamic force induced by the tendency of pure water to dilute a contaminated source. The reverse osmotic process is initiated by forcing the pure water back through a membrane composite with a force sufficient to overcome the natural osmotic pressure. This unit process is also useful to remove chlorides for effective salinity and pH control. Ozonation is a highly rigorous oxidation process which further alters organic compounds for disinfection. Ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, is formed by passing pure oxygen through an electromagnetic field, creating ozone along with very unstable oxygen radicals which readily oxidize any organic or consumable matter present. UV and chemical enhanced ozonation form hydroxyl free radicals and promoters which either destroy or condition contaminates to a state more amenable to removal in subsequent multiple barrier processes. A final residual disinfectant process concluding tertiary AWT is chlorination. Chlorine dioxide and other halogenated compounds such as iodine form with water to form acids, destroying all remaining pathogens. Reuse treatment achieves greatest benefit however, when the level of treatment is safely and economically limited to the requirements of the wastewater source and the intended non-potable application(s). Table 3 below identifies the recommended water quality objectives for both nonpotable and exterior wastewater reuse. Table 3. Recommended water quality objectives for non-potable interior and exterior wastewater reuse. Condition Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/L Total Suspended Solids, mg/L Chlorine Residual, mg/L Fecal Coliform, per 100mL Total Coliform, per 100mL Turbidity, NTU Nitrate, mg/L Acceptable Limits 15-20 15 1 <2.2 3 2 <5 Condition pH, LSI Alkalinity, mg/L Hardness, mg/L Chlorides, mg/L Chemical Oxygen Demand, mg/L Ammonia, mg/L Phosphate, mg/L Acceptable Limits 5-8 250 150 <300 80-100 25 <5 In addition to the Type A system, other forms of greywater such as septic effluent and stormwater can be harvested for limited treatment and non-potable reuse. The quality and quantity of available greywater coupled the increasing costs of potable water and domestic sewer fees has made on-site collection, treatment, and reuse of non-potable resources more attractive. Little or no treatment is needed to reapply greywater to land where water is scarce. A typical residence of three can expect to generate about 9,500cf of greywater a year, providing two inches of irrigation to a 1,000sf lawn per week. If potable water use can be reduced by diminishing the use of potable water, and if sewage loads are reduced 40-60% per residence, a substantial savings in municipal services and treatment can be achieved. Figures 7 and 8 below illustrate water quality characteristics and treatments for greywater reuse. A combination of plant and soil uptake, dilution, filtration, and storage adequately accounts for all identified water quality objectives. Figure 7. Water quality characteristics of domestic greywater. Figure 8. Water quality treatment of domestic greywater. Urban Water Conservation There are currently a variety of products available on the market designed for water conservation. Since the United States has the highest per capita use of water of any country in the world, the variety of uses for water is not expected to drastically decrease as a result of continued overdevelopment and the myth of infinite water resources. Urban reuse coupled with water saving fixtures may be more easily accepted by the public. Efficiency of water use has not previously been the hallmark of fixture design. For example, the ratio of water to waste in a conventional flush toilet is 80 to 1. It has been estimated that with the use of low cost, low water use fixtures, the amount of water used in typical residential applications can be reduced by 19 to 44 percent. For instance, alternative flush devices will reduce the amount of water used with each flush by as much as 50%. Another category of water efficient toilet is the low volume toilet using 1.3 gallons per flush. This is in compliance with the National Plumbing Efficiency Act now before congress which would mandate all new construction to have such fixtures. Flow rates of up to 4.5 gallons per minute are characteristic of conventionally engineered showerheads whereas low-flow showerheads use 1.5 to 2.5 gallons per minute and do not lower consumer preference in terms of acceptable performance. Low-flow showerheads are either aerated or non-aerated. Non-aerated showerheads pulse the water while aerated showerheads mix air with water while simultaneously maintaining pressure. It has been reported that a 16.4 % decrease in water use occurred in a pilot program with the use of low-flow shower heads in a residential development in Amherst, Massachusetts. In a Canadian study, it was found that using low-flow heads in a 719 unit apartment building reduced water use by 53%. Low-flow faucet aerators can reduce the water flow of the average kitchen or bathroom faucet's conventional rate of 3 gallons per minute by 50 % or more. Appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers can use more than 26 gallons per month depending upon use. At the present time, there are not a great variety of water saving machines available. Front loading washers, common in Europe, use up to one third less water than top loading models favored by Americans. Maintaining adequate water pressure for residential areas is also important for efficiency in the system but frequently water pressure is substantially higher than is normally required. A pressure of between 50 to 60 psi for the mains and 40 psi inside a residential unit is generally appropriate. Pressures twice the appropriate amount are not uncommon, wasting water at every fixture within the distribution network. One method for conserving water is the installation of a pressure reduction valve in the main water line, providing a equalized flow and further reducing high pressure damage to fixtures and piping. Conclusion Urban water reuse and conservation are the primary alternatives that offer substantial economic and environmental incentives for optimizing groundwater resources. Representative of many global regions, Florida continues to experience a population increase of nearly 3.5% annually, primarily in urbanized areas attributed to 60% of the state's population and nearly 70% of its groundwater withdrawal. Use of groundwater resources will increase by a factor of 11 from 1950 to 2020, far outpacing the rate of recharge provided by Florida's hydrologic cycle. In spite of an average rainfall of 54 inches per year and profitable efforts to optimize limited water resources, withdrawal rates in Florida will continue to spiral upward. Of the commercial and residential structures that compose urban development, 70% use drinking water for non-potable consumption. The 40%-60% potable resources dedicated for sanitary functions in residential development, pales in comparison to the 90% figure identified in similar commercial applications. 80% of the current urban water demand could be supplemented by reclaimed or "greywater" technology. Type A and Type B greywater systems will achieve maximum benefit in residential and commercial structures respectively, where the greywater supply balances the non-potable demand for each. It has been estimated that the further use of low cost, low water use fixtures, can reduce net flow 19 to 44 per cent. Finally, the common denominator for environmentally sound water resource alternatives involves economics, which requires limiting both potable demand and subsequent wastewater discharge. Although constituents of environmental concern, these factors pose intrinsic value to the water optimization scheme of reuse. For if urban water reuse and conservation are to be considered a as viable alternative for water resource restoration, it must be less expensive to reclaim an acre/ft of water than to import one. Case Study: University of Florida Greywater Reuse System The University of Florida is presently engaged in a pilot systems analysis using various reuse and greywater systems. Storm water reclamation, greywater, and black water treatment are being investigated as to their design and application in commercial and residential developments. This work is being conducted in a residential dwelling complex that has been modified to test a dual plumb system. Preliminary results show that this system will reduce potable flow and wastewater discharge nearly 65% and will recover the initial capital cost increase in less than 2-3 years. These systems will provide exceptional life-cycle water cost savings and water use surcharge waivers free of use restrictions associated with lawn irrigation and aesthetic impoundments. These systems are now in position for full-scale implementation and are anticipated to add tremendous marketability for buildings and residential developments incorporating them. References Bouwer, Herman, 1978. Groundwater Hydrology. New York: McGraw-Hill Company. Chansler, James M., 1991. "The Future for Effluent Reuse." Water Engineering and Management. May: 14-19. Heath, R.C. and C.S. Conover, 1981. Hydrological Almanac of Florida. Tallahassee: U.S. Geological Survey. National Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors, 1992. Assessment of Greywater and Combined Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Systems. Falls Church: NAPHCC. State of Florida, 1990. Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. Reuse of Reclaimed Water. Tallahassee. United States, 1991. Environmental Protection Agency. Municipal Wastewater Reuse. Washington, D.C.