Summary of Software Demonstaration Follow

Summary of Software Demonstration Follow-Up Questions
Describe the bilingual
capacity of your product
Does it exist? If not, when
will it be available?
Describe the functionality
for students to
individualize the content
Can the Units be broken
up so that students can
have an individual focus
or do they have to
complete the entire unit?
Apex Learning
Spanish audio is available in
our Foundations, Core, and
Comprehensive Math
courses. The following
courses have Spanish audio
available: Math Foundations
I & II, Intro to Algebra,
Algebra I, Geometry
All courses can be
individualized for each
student. The outline
manager can be used at any
time to isolate specific
content standards. Entire
units do not need to be
completed, if it is
determined only certain
strands are required for the
The program is enhancing
its capability to deliver
bilingual instruction. By the
Fall of 2009, Education 2020
will have a reader that will
allow for translation into 43
different languages. It will
translate all of our content as
either a page translation or a
sentence by sentence
translation through the
highlighting of phrases or
sections of texts. The
translation will appear above
the English page displayed.
Furthermore, Education
2020 will deliver audio
translation of our content in
Spanish, which will allow for
even more authentic
instructional practices.
Any of the Education 2020
courses can be customized
to any type of situation.
Students can be assigned
courses customized to
district curriculum by year,
semester, quarter, unit or
even the lesson level. By
selecting or deselecting a
unit, lesson, or activity
within a lesson, any parent
Education 2020 course can
be customized to meet the
need of an individual student
OdysseyWare has a translate
feature that currently will
take any part of our written
program and translate that
to 8 different languages.
PLATO Courseware and
Content itself is not
bilingual. English Language
Learners have had great
success with PLATO
courseware because of the
audio and visual support in
many of the lessons. Many
schools choose to begin with
Rosetta Stone for students
who have very little English.
We offer Rosetta Stone
version 3 online. Once
students have been
immersed in the English
language through Rosetta
Stone, they can transition
over to lessons within
PLATO with the audio and
visual support.
Our program can very easily
be broken up into pieces.
This can happen in several
ways. First within the
course teachers have the
option in a drop down menu
to skip, block, reassign, etc
any portion of the lessons
projects, quizzes, and tests.
The second way to
customize our curriculum is
to set up individual courses.
The entire curriculum
whether by unit or lesson
Any of the PLATO content
can be assigned at the course
level, unit level, or lesson
level. We also have a
Standards Integrator where
you can search lessons by
Michigan Standard and
assign accordingly.
Is the product aligned
with Michigan Content
If not, when will it be?
Best Pricing
What is the pricing
or group of students.
Schools can customize any
number of specialized
courses within a purchased
Education 2020 parent
course. Furthermore,
supplemental learning
activities can be added
through a keyword search to
address specific learning
gaps of any student. For
example, if a ninth grade
algebra student needs a sixth
grade arithmetic skill, it can
be inserted into a specific
student’s learning path as the
next activity.
Apex Learning curriculum
The product is aligned with
aligns to Michigan Content
Michigan Content Standards.
Standards. This can be
This can be found in our
verified by using the online
Web Administrator under
correlations report provided standards alignment. Within
in our Learning Management the standards alignment, the
user selects the course and
then the state where the
alignment document is
requested. Alignment to
Michigan standards are
periodically updated by the
curriculum staff at
Education 2020.
Our pricing for local
There are two types of
implementation (not ALVS) licenses: concurrent and
is based on a 12 month
single user.
subscription period and
includes access to all of our
published curriculum.
Purchases must be made by
individual schools or
has the ability to be pulled
apart. You have the option
of pulling a lesson or unit
out and assign only that
portion. You also will have
the ability to develop your
own courses through our
customization feature.
Yes, documents available
Our Courses and Content
are both aligned to the
Michigan Standards. If you
would like, we will email you
all of the alignment
OdysseyWare is a
concurrent license pricing
model. As the number of
licenses increase the cost of
an individual license
Pricing structure is based on
a “seat” license. You can
purchase all of the Courses,
or specific subject areas only.
Example: List price for HS
Math Courses = $155 per
seat. List price for all HS
What are the price points
for volume?
districts (ESC’s are not
eligible to purchase on
behalf of multiple schools.
Our reporting system is
based on individual school
or district usage.) Pricing is
based on the total number
of seats purchased:
a. 100 seats or more = $125
per individual seat license
b. Less than 100 seats =
$200 per individual seat
c. School wide licensing is
available at $75 per enrolled
student (based on the ADA
for the school)
d. District wide licensing is
available at $35 per enrolled
student (based on the ADA
of all students grades 9-12 in
the district). Single high
school districts are eligible
for district wide pricing.
courses/content (all subject
areas plus electives) is $600
per seat.
General Pricing:
Concurrent Licenses: you
pick how many courses you
need and how many “seats”.
In this type of license if you
were to purchase 20 “seats”
you can rotate as many
students as you wish
through those seats but you
can’t have more than 20
students on the program at
one time. You could have
20 students on the program
1st hour, 20 different
students 2nd hour, etc.
Price per concurrent license
(seat) for 4 courses: $363.00
Price per concurrent license
(seat) for 10 courses:
Price per concurrent license
(seat) for 20 courses:
Price per concurrent license
(seat) for 30 courses:
1-10 $1000, 11-20 $950, 2140 $900, 41-60 $850…..etc
I’m prepared to offer the
license for your consortium
regardless of the number of
licenses for our 300 license
price which is $600
1-10 licenses – list price
10-50 licenses = 25% disc.
50-100 licenses = 30% disc.
100 – 500 licenses = 35%
Price per concurrent license
(seat) for all courses:
Single User License: in
this type of license you
purchase one license for
each student enrolled in the
program. They can access
any of our 43 course
offerings. Price per single
user license: $300.00
Consortium Pricing:
Special pricing is available to
consortiums who pool
licenses together for
For 200 or more concurrent
seats the price is $550 for all
43 courses.
For 100-200 concurrent
seats, the price is $825 for all
43 courses.
Do you have Michigan
contracts already? MVU?
Can we partner with MVU
or another group to gain
consortium pricing?
We do have a contract with
MVU for ALVS (Apex
Learning Virtual School).
The cost for enrollment
through MVU is $350 per
student enrollment (per
course, per semester).
Direct purchase through
Apex can be priced as low as
$315 per enrolled student.
This includes access to our
curriculum in a distance
We have consortium
agreements with Kent
Ottawa ISD, Monroe ISD,
Lenowee ISD, Macomb ISD
and Ingham ISD. The only
thing we need for
consortium pricing is to
meet the minimum
concurrent licenses.
Not, with MVU at this time.
Partnering is open for
Currently, MVU uses
PLATO courses/content for
their student-directed
courses. You can either
purchase from PLATO, or
through MVU.
Is it Multi-Year Pricing or
only for one year?
Additional Information
learning environment and a
highly qualified, certified
Apex Learning instructor.
Multi-year discounted
pricing is available (pricing
can be negotiated based on
number of years contracted)
Both license options are for
one full calendar year.
There is a discount for
multi-year subscriptions of
either 3 or 5 years.
The one time start up costs
are as follows:
Professional Development
(training). One full onsite
day of training is $1600.
Media Appliance (caching
device to streamline video).
Cost is $2150-$4150 (based
on the number of
concurrent users). The
caching device can be set at
the central location as long
as schools are connected via
a shared network.
Multi-Year Pricing = an
additional 15% discount