Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry; Wroclaw Medical University Bujwida 44a, 50-345 Wrocław; tel. 328 26 95, 328 16 48, fax 328 16 49 Prof. dr hab. Iwona Kątnik-Prastowska; e-mail IN THE THE PROGRAM OF LABORATORY CLASSES SEMESTER (2013/2014) OF THE CHEMISTRY COURSE FOR MEDICINE STUDENTS 1st Laboratory classes: Laboratory classes will be held in the laboratory room of the Department of Chemistry and Immunochemistry at Bujwida 44a Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 The Time The main topics date 1. 04.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): Water solutions as environment 10.00-12.15 of life Solutions and their characteristics. The properties of solutions, colloids. Biological fluids. Concentration units. The calculations of a substance concentration (%, mg%, ‰, mg/ml, mol/l, mmol/l). 2. 11.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 Buffer solutions Electrolytes. Ionic equilibrium in aqueous solutions. Buffers: the pH of buffer solutions; capacity. Blood buffers. The calculations of pH and buffers. 3. 18.10.13 10.00-12.15 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): The physicochemical properties of aminoacids. 4. 25.10.13 10.00-12.15 Lab. classes (3h): Calculations of concentration and pH of the solution. Comparison of reactivity of amino acids functional groups. 5. 01.11.13 6. 08.11.13 7. 15.11.13 8. 23.11.12 ----------------- Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 Saccharides of tissues and body fluids Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 Lipids of tissues and body fluids Lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 Complex structures of polysaccharides and lipids present in tissues. 9. 29.11.13 10. 06.12.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 The physicochemical properties of proteins. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 The electrophoresis of macromolecules for medical diagnostic purposes. 11. 13.12.13 12. 20.12.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 10.00-12.15 Biomedical application of the absorption spectroscopy. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 8.00-10.15 Chromatographic methods in the analysis of biologically active compounds. 13. 10.01.14 14. 17.01.14 15. 24.01.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 8.00-10.15 The completion of the laboratory classes. Lab. classes (3h) 8.00-10.15 Separation and isolation techniques of biomolecules in terms of their application in medical diagnostics. Impact of posttranslational modification of amino acids on the structure and biological properties of proteins. Lab. classes (2h) 8.00-10.15 Credit of laboratory classes. Group 4, Group 5 and Group 6 The Time The main topics date 1. 04.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): Water solutions as environment 12.30-14.45 of life Solutions and their characteristics. The properties of solutions, colloids. Biological fluids. Concentration units. The calculations of a substance concentration (%, mg%, ‰, mg/ml, mol/l, mmol/l). 2. 11.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 Buffer solutions Electrolytes. Ionic equilibrium in aqueous solutions. Buffers: the pH of buffer solutions; capacity. Blood buffers. The calculations of pH and buffers. 3. 18.10.13 12.30-14.45 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): The physicochemical properties of aminoacids. 4. 25.10.13 12.30-14.45 Lab. classes (3h): Calculations of concentration and pH of the solution. Comparison of reactivity of amino acids functional groups. 5. 01.11.13 6. 08.11.13 7. 15.11.13 8. 23.11.12 9. 29.11.13 10. 06.12.13 ----------------- Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 Saccharides of tissues and body fluids Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 Lipids of tissues and body fluids Lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 12.30-14.45 Complex structures of polysaccharides and lipids present in tissues. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): The physicochemical properties of proteins. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 The electrophoresis of macromolecules for medical diagnostic purposes. 11. 13.12.13 12. 20.12.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 12.30-14.45 Biomedical application of the absorption spectroscopy. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 11.00-13.15 Chromatographic methods in the analysis of biologically active compounds. 13. 10.01.14 14. 17.01.14 15. 24.01.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 11.00-13.15 The completion of the laboratory classes. Lab. classes (3h) 11.00-13.15 Separation and isolation techniques of biomolecules in terms of their application in medical diagnostics. Impact of posttranslational modification of amino acids on the structure and biological properties of proteins. Lab. classes (2h) 11.00-13.15 Credit of laboratory classes. Group 7, Group 8 and Group 9 The Time The main topics date 1. 04.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): Water solutions as environment 15.00-17.15 of life Solutions and their characteristics. The properties of solutions, colloids. Biological fluids. Concentration units. The calculations of a substance concentration (%, mg%, ‰, mg/ml, mol/l, mmol/l). 2. 11.10.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 Buffer solutions Electrolytes. Ionic equilibrium in aqueous solutions. Buffers: the pH of buffer solutions; capacity. Blood buffers. The calculations of pH and buffers. 3. 18.10.13 15.00-17.15 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): The physicochemical properties of aminoacids. 4. 25.10.13 15.00-17.15 Lab. classes (3h): Calculations of concentration and pH of the solution. Comparison of reactivity of amino acids functional groups. 5. 01.11.13 6. 08.11.13 7. 15.11.13 8. 23.11.12 9. 29.11.13 ----------------- Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 Saccharides of tissues and body fluids Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 Lipids of tissues and body fluids Lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 15.00-17.15 Complex structures of polysaccharides and lipids present in tissues. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): The physicochemical properties of proteins. 10. 06.12.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 The electrophoresis of macromolecules for medical diagnostic purposes. 11. 13.12.13 12. 20.12.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 15.00-17.15 Biomedical application of the absorption spectroscopy. Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 14.00-16.15 Chromatographic methods in the analysis of biologically active compounds. 13. 10.01.14 14. 17.01.14 15. 24.01.13 Seminar (1h) and lab. classes (2h): 14.00-16.15 The completion of the laboratory classes. Lab. classes (3h) 14.00-16.15 Separation and isolation techniques of biomolecules in terms of their application in medical diagnostics. Impact of posttranslational modification of amino acids on the structure and biological properties of proteins. Lab. classes (2h) 14.00-16.15 Credit of laboratory classes.