constitution of osu new breed christian outreach

Section 1. The name of this organization is New Breed
Section 2. The Purpose of this Organization:
New Breed is an Ohio State University outreach designed to enable students to build a
foundation in biblically based principals relevant to today’s world. The doctrine New
Breed advocates is exclusively reflective and parallel to the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus
Christ. The members of New Breed are those who have made these principals central to
their lives as students and professionals. The first goal of New Breed is to provide
students with knowledge of a thoroughly Christian worldview while unveiling the
erroneous worldview that much of the population has been mislead to adopt and accept.
The second goal of New Breed is to disciple individuals as they walk and grow in their
relationship with Christ and assist them in uncovering the purpose that God has for their
Section 1. The basis of this organization is founded on the principal’s of the below
We believe that Christ came to this earth as a seed to be sown into the earth to die upon
the cross as a holy, living sacrifice, so that humankind could be redeemed back to God,
their Creator, by laying down their life and receiving his. We believe that we are
redeemed by the pure blood that was shed on the cross and that our sins have been
washed away by the cleansing power of the blood.
We live and abide in obedience according to the word of God. We live consecrated lives
before God and have sacrificed ourselves to fulfilling the will of God in the earth. As
heirs of Christ, we believe that the same miracles Christ performed in the earth shall also
be performed by us. We believe that the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the
dead also lives within us, and it is by that power that we have been set free and can also
set others free.
We are a part of the great commission of Christians dedicated seek and to save that
which is lost as Jesus did and as he directed his disciples to do also (Luke 19:10). We are
disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and we accept the responsibility to preach the gospel of
Christ to all creation. As disciples, we believe we are purposefully set aside to come out
from among those in the world to set the captives free, to lay hands on the sick and they
be healed, to walk in signs, wonders and miracles, the blind shall see (Mark 16:15-18).
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person who dwells in the earth today to advance the
will of God in the earth. We believe that as Christians, we have received the Holy Spirit
on our own bodies in order to be faithful vessels to the will and plan of God in the earth.
We believe that it is by this same Spirit that God works miracles through us to bring
healing to the sick and freedom for the captives.
Article III- Membership and Participation
Section 1. Hosted by World Harvest Bible College, New Breed is open to ALL students,
staff and faculty who desire to learn more about Christian principals. This organization
shall not exclude any individual(s) from membership for reasons of race, color, creed,
religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, age, handicap, or Vietnam-era veteran
status. Furthermore, participation in this organization is open to all faculty, alumni,
professionals and visitors, although these individuals will be considered non-voting
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall consist of an executive committee
composed of a president, a vice-president, and a treasurer.
Section 2. The responsibilities of the officers are:
-To carry out the purpose and general policies of the organization.
-To call an annual meeting for selection of new officers
-To be responsible for the continuance of this organization from year to
Vice President
-To assist the president in his/her functions and to fulfill the duties of the
president when he/she is unavailable.
-To disburse funds on behalf of this organization, as needed, and keep
Accurate records of the financial activity of this organization.
Section 3. While membership is open to any Ohio State student, the officers of this
organization must subscribe to the above Basis of Faith and Purpose of this Organization.
Section 1. Weekly meetings for outreach/discussions/teachings will ordinarily be held
during the fall, winter and spring quarters. The time and place of these meetings will be
decided by the members on a quarterly basis.
Section 2. Other meetings for the discussion and presentation of matters pertaining to the
life and purposes of this organization will be held as occasion warrants.
Section 1. New officers will be selected on an annual basis for a term of one year.
Section 2. Toward the end of the academic year (spring quarter), nominations for officers
will be made by voting members of this organization. Nominees will be asked whether
they can affirm the above Basis of Faith and Purpose of this organization. Those
nominees that answer in the affirmative will be presented to the membership for election.
Nominees that receive the majority of votes for a particular office will be elected and will
serve their term in the following academic year.
Section 1. This constitution shall be adopted with a two-thirds vote of the membership.
Section 2. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the membership,
providing that no change is made to Article I, section 2, Article II or Article IV, section 3.
A proposed amendment shall not be voted on at the same meeting at which it is
presented, but may be voted on at any subsequent meeting.
Section 3. Amendments to this constitution will not become valid until a copy of said
amendment has been placed in the office of Student Organizations (SOURCE) of the
Ohio State University and with the faculty/staff advisor of this organization.