Pros and Cons of Imperialism

Pros and Cons of Imperialism
Imperialism, as old as the civilization, is the physical and geographical domination over the weaker
section of the society, for its expansion or exploitation.
The word imperialism is derived from the Latin verb
imperare which means to command and from the
Roman concept of imperium (expansion). The term
imperialism was used first time in the sixteenth century,
describing the colonial, territorial, economic and military
dominance and influence over smaller countries.
Although, imperialist practices have existed for many
years, the term Age of Imperialism refers to America,
Britain, Japan and Germany, and their expansion of
territories in the late nineteenth and early twentieth
The 20th and 21st century has witnessed the freedom
of many states from colonization. However, imperialism
also has changed its definition, superficially though.
Industrialized nations like America and The European
countries have now gained cultural, economic, political
and military imperialism worldwide.
Economic Imperialism: When a nation takes over
another countries natural resources and makes the said country financially dependent, it is termed as
economic imperialism. This kind of imperialism is most visible in the frantic race by America, Europe
and China to gain a strong foothold in Gulf, Africa and Antarctica for its natural resources.
Political and Military Imperialism: The superpowers are known to force their policies and laws on
smaller and weaker nations. This is called as political imperialism. Most of these countries are also
known to use covert military operations, and also supply arms to many rebels, to destabilize the
governments that do not find favor with them.
Cultural Imperialism: When a nation or a particular belief is forced on the culture and way of life on
another country, is called as Cultural Imperialism. This form of imperialism is most evident in the
Cuban conflict and the Taliban conflict.
Pros and Cons of Imperialism
The term imperialism has a negative sound to it, as it means a forceful or covert expansion into
unwilling territories. However, it has also ushered many smaller countries onto the path of
development. Following are some pros and cons of imperialism:
Most superpowers brought with them modern technologies and introduced industrialization in
smaller nations, boosting the economy.
Introduced the concept of a democratically elected popular government to ensure political
Education and scientific thinking was introduced and encouraged.
Better health care facilities were provided.
New transportation systems such as rail, road sea and air were introduced.
New languages, religions and a new way of life were introduced.
The imperialists countries gained cheap, efficient workforce.
Food production increased due to better farming methods.
Nations that resisted growth or expansions in their territory led to widespread genocide and
ethnic cleansing.
Obtaining valuable natural resources became a bone of contention between the developed
countries, resulting in political foul play.
New religions were forced upon and native belief was discredited.
Most traditional culture and languages were simply wiped away.
Natural resources were exploited, without giving actual due.
Labor was discriminated and forced into slavery, and had their basic rights taken away.
Many Asians and Africans were shipped to America and England, against their will as
plantation slave labor.
Imperialism has its own positive aspects, but in the longer run when greed takes over the reason for
helping another nation, it leads to destruction of a nation, and generations to come are severely
impacted by the actions of few.
By Loveleena Rajeev