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Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Devadasan K, Reppen A T, Johannes Opstvedt (1982) - Rate of abomasums emptying in kids fed on fish proteins subjected to heat treatment under different conditions Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Devadasan K, Viswanathan Nair P G (1985) - Effect of oxidation of dietary fish lipids on the quality of proteins in diet, Fishery Technology 22 [1]:70 Francis Thomas (1980) - The importance of quality chemicals in the testing of water used in fish processing Paper submitted at the Water Chemists Forum organized by Glaxo Laboratories (India) Ltd.1980 Francis Thomas (1984) - Control of black spots in shell fish catch with special emphasis on sodium metabisulphate Course Note for Training Programme on Safe Use of Sodium Metabisulphate to Control Black Spot in Raw Shrimp at Visakhapatnam,1 0 - 11 October,1984 Francis Thomas (1984) - Need for hygiene and sanitation in fishing vessels Course Note for Training Programme on Safe Use of Sodium Metabisulphate to Control Black Spot in Raw Shrimp at Visakhapatnam, 10 -11 October, 1984 Francis Thomas (1984) - Water quality and its determination Course Note on Training Course on Handling Practices of Shrimps and Fishes at Pre - Processing and Processing plants,Cochin,21 February - 16 March,1984 Francis Thomas, Balachandran K K (1987) - Fish curing in India Processing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish, organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India], Cochin, 10 -11 March, 1987:1 Francis Thomas, Cyriac Mathen (1987) - Freezing time and thawing losses of block frozen shrimp meat, Seafood Export Journal vol.XIX(7) : 5 Francis Thomas, Varma P R G (1982) - Filth in frozen shrimp Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Fuchs R S, Surendran P K (1989) - Incidence of Listeria in tropical fish and fishery products, Letters in Applied microbiology 9 :49 Garg D K, Damle S P, Nambiar V N, Valsan A P (1987) - Rapid and hygenic method of drying non penaeid prawns using solar energy Processing Seminar on Diversification on Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish, organized by Society Fisheries Technologists[India],Cochin,10 -11 March,1987 :91 Garg D K, Damle S P, Nambiar V N, Valsan A P(1989) - Rapid and hygienic method of drying non penaeid prawns using solar energy , Recent Trends in Processing Low Cost Fish 58 Garg D K, Jose Stephen, Valsan A P (1982) - Studies on frozen storage of ghol (Pseudosciaena diacanthus), Fishery Technology vol.19(1) : 29 Garg D K, Jose Stephen (1982) - Frozen storage studies of Rawas [Eleutheronema tetradactylus] Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Garg D K, Jose Stephen (1982) - Ice Storage studies of kati (Pellona sp), Fishery Technology vol.19 (1):45 Garg D K, Jose Stephen (1982) - Iced storage of ghol [Pseudosciaena diacanthus] fillets Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin George Joseph K ,Muraleedharan V, Unnikrishnan Nair T S (1986) - Quality of cured fish from Tamil Nadu coast, Fishery Technology vol.23(1) : 63 George Joseph K, Muraleedharan V (1980) - Fish curing and poor quality Indian Express, 7 Oct. 1980 George Joseph K, Muraleedharan V (1980) - Indian fish curing industry - present status and some suggestions for improvement, Seafood Export Journal vol.XII(12) : 15 George Joseph K, Muraleedharan V, Unnikrishnan Nair T S (1983) - Quality of cured fishery products from Malabar and Kanara Coasts, Fishery Technology 20 [2]:118 George Joseph K, Muraleedharan V, Unnikrishnan Nair T S, Kalaimani N (1988) - Quality of cured fish from the Maharashtra coast, Fishery Technology 25 [2]:120 George Mathai P, George T P, Kuttappan A C (1982) - Studies on indigenous fishing gear - Thanguvala - Introduction of knotless webbing and its operation from motorised cars Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin George V C (1980) - Efficient fishing gear in Hirakud reservoir Paper presented at Workshop on Reservoir Fisheries for Rural Development at CIFE, Bombay, 8-9 April 1980 George V C (1981) - An assessment of fishing gear investigations in reservoir Paper presented at Seminar on Inland Fishing at Ukai Reservoir, Gujarat, 12 -13 Dec. 1981 George V C (1982) - Echo location of fishes in Dhudawa Reservoir [Madhya Pradesh], Fishery Technology 19 [2]: 119 George V C (1982) - The lure and lift net fishing techniques off Coromandal coast, Tamil Nadu, India .Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin George V C (1983) - Fishing Technology for the fishermen Workshop on Supporting Technologies Appropriate for Rural Development with particular Reference to Kerala,Vellanad, October,2,1983 George V C (1983) - Transferable fishing gear technology Orientation Training Course in Fisheries Extension conducted by Department of Fisheries, Kerala, Cochin, December 21 -23, 1983 George V C (1984) - Fishing gear of Kerala Seminar on Fisheries in Kerala - Review and Future,Cochin,6 -7 July,1984 George V C (1984) - Harvesting of cultured prawn Workshop on Brakish Water Prawn Farm Management, Cochin, 2 -3 May, 1984 George V C (1984) - Inland Fishing gear All India Institute for College Teachers on Indian Fisheries, Cochin, 1 - 21 August, 1984 George V C (1986) - Fishing Technology for increased marine production Paper presented at the International Seminar on 'Training and Education for Marine Fisheries Management and Development ', CIFNET, Cochin 28-30 Jan., 1986 George V C (1987) - Gill netting Paper presented at the Training Course on Mesh Regulation and Selective Fishing, Cochin, July 1987 George V C, Khan A A, Varghese M D( 1982) - Stick held drag net for shore line fishes of reservoirs, Fishery Technology 19 [2] :121 George V C, Khan A A, Varghese M D(1983) - Shore seines for reservoirs - 1- Design and performance, Fishery Technology 20 [1] George V C, Khan A A, Varghese M D, Percy Dawson(1982) - Trends in reservoir fishing technology research in India Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin George V C, Percy Dawson, Khan A A, Varghese M D(1980) - Scope of trawling in Indian reservoirs Paper presented at Workshop on Reservoir Fisheries for Rural Development at CIFE, Bombay, 8-9 April 1980 George V C, Percy Dawson, Khan A A, Varghese M D(1981) - Experimental trawling in Hirakud Reservoir, Fishery Technology vol.19(1):15 George V C, Percy Dawson, Khan A A, Varghese M D,Iyer H K (1986) - Efficiency of two designs of trawls in Hirakud reservoir, Fishery Technology vol.23(1):43 George V C, Varghese M D (1985) - Advances in reservoir fishing technology Paper presented at National Seminar on Perspectives in Hydrobiology held at Ujjain, 1985 George V C, Varghese M D (1987) - Coastal fishing techniques of Kerala - Recent Developments Paper presented at Seminar on Fisheries Research and Development in Kerala, Dept. of Aquatic Biology Fisheries, University of Kerala Trivandrum, 28-29 April 1987 George V C, Varghese M D, Khan A A (1984) - Technological support to fish harvesting in reservoirs Seminar on Fresh Water Fisheries and Rural Development,Rourkela,6 -7 April,1984 Gopakumar K (1980) - A review of handling and processing of fish in India paper presented at FAO/DANIDA Workshop on Handling of Small Fish in the Arabian Sea, at Mangalore, 3-14 Nov. 1980 Gopakumar K (1981) - Fish protein concentrate - Production, problems and prospects Proc. Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 April - 26 May, 1981 Gopakumar K (1981) - Lantern fish - Resources, fishing techniques and processing Industrial Fisheries Assn. Annual, 1981: 49 Gopakumar K (1981) - Production techniques of fish hydrolysates Proc. Summer Institute on NonTraditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 April - 26 May 1981 Gopakumar K (1981) - Technology of production of fish soup powder and fish wafers Proc. Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 Apil-26 May 1981 Gopakumar K (1983) - Dry fish production - Improved methods Orientation Training Course in Fisheries Extension organized by Department of Fisheries, Kerala, Cochin, 21 -23 December, 1983 Gopakumar K (1983) - Lipid oxidation and its effect on fish quality, Industrial Fisheries Association Annual 53 Gopakumar K (1984) - Methods of handling and preservation of fish on board fishing vessels Course Note on Training Course on Handling Practices of Shrimps and Fishes at Pre - Processing and Processing plants,Cochin,21 February -16 March,1984 Gopakumar K (1985) - Diversified products for export Seminar on Upgradation of Technology and Quality Control in the Seafood industry, Calcutta, 25 - 26 February, 1985 Gopakumar K (1985) - Improved methods of processing and preservation of dried fish Paper presented at Seminar on Quality Development of Dried Fish organized by export Inspection Agency, Madras at Tuticorin, 1 Feb., 1985 Gopakumar K (1985) - Improved methods of processing and preservation of dried fish Seminar on Quality Development of Dried Fish, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, 1 February, 1985 Gopakumar K (1986) - Mesopelagic fish holds promising future, Fish Technology Newsletter IV [2]:5 Gopakumar K (1987) - Minced fish based products Processing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish, organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India], Cochin, 10 -11 March, 1987:139 Gopakumar K (1988) - Fish products for gainful employment for women All India Workshop on Gainful Employment for Women in Fisheries Field, organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists (India) Cochin 7-8 March 1988: 38 Gopakumar K (1988) - Utilization of low grade marine fish National Symposium on Aquaculture Productivity organized by Hindustan Lever Research Foundation [Bombay], India International Centre, New Delhi, 16-17 December 1988 Gopakumar K (1989) - Post harvest technology for tropical fish - A review International Workshop on Post Harvest Technology ,Preservation and Quality of Fish in South East Asia organized by International Foundation for Science [IFS], Sweden,Bangkok,Thailand,13- 17 November,1989 Gopakumar K (1989) - Processing and utilization of tuna National Conference on Tunas, organized by CMFRI at Cochin, 21- 22, April 1989 Gopakumar K, Madhavan P(1988) - Technology of krill processing Workshop on Antarctic Studies, New Delhi,May,1988 Gopakumar K, Joseph A C (1987) - Modern trends in fish processing Seminar on Export Potentialities of Marine Products by 1990, organized by Small Industries Service Institute, Trichur, at Cochin, 29 January 1987 Gopakumar K, Madhavan P (1984) - Fish processing and curing industry in Kerala Seminar on Fisheries in Kerala - Review and Future - organized by Department of Industrial Fisheries, University of Cochin,6 - 7 July,1984 Gopakumar K, Nair M R (1980) - Development of fish products from low priced fish Paper presented at symp. On Coastal Aquaculture, Cochin 12-18, Jan. 1980 Gopakumar K, Ramachandran Nair K G, Viswanathan Nair P G, Radhakrishnan A G, Ravindranathan Nair P (1983) - Studies on lantern fish [Benthosema pterotum] - 1- Biochemical and microbiological investigations, Fishery Technology 20 [1] Gopakumar K, Ravindranathan Nair P (1985) - Development and storage characteristics of dehydrated salt mince from low priced fish IPFC Workshop on Fish Technology and Marketing, Melburne, 22 - 26 October, 1984 Gopakumar K, Srinivasa Gopal T K (1987) - Retort pouch packaging Packaging India, April-June: 3, 1987 Gopakumar K, Surendran P K, Vijayan P K (1988) - Incidence of histidine decarboxylating bacteria and level of histamine of fish sold at retail markets7th session of IPFC Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing, Bangkok,Thailand,19-22 April,1988 Gopakumar K, Thankappan T K (1986) - Squalene-its source, uses and industrial applications, Seafood Export Journal vol.XVIII(3) : 17 Gopakumar K, Vasanth Shenoy A, Thankamma R, Ravindranathan Nair P (1984) - Instant foods from fish Seminar on Latest Innovations in Instant Foods, organized by Small Industries Service Institute [Government of India], Madras, 22 November, 1984 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G (1984) - Research work done on cashew nut shell liquid at CIFT, Cochin Seminar on Better Utilization of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid organized by Small Industries Service Institute Mangalore Cashew Manufactures Association, Mangalore, 19 September, 1984 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G (1985) - Effect of sulphide on corrosion of copper in sea water, Fishery Technology 22 [1]: 35 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K (1983) - Corrosion behaviour of structural metals and alloys in sea water Processing 2nd Conference in Ocean Engineering, Pune, 14 - 16 December, 1983 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K (1986) - Crevice corrosion of aluminium alloys in seawater under fouling deposits International Congress on Marine Bio -deterioration - Advanced Techniques Applicable to the Indian Ocean, Goa, 16-20 January, 1986 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K (1987) - Effect of sulphide on admiralty brass in sea water, Fishery Technology 24 [1]:22 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K (1988) - Hydrography of the Cochin Harbour, Fishery Technology 25 [2]:83 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K (1989) - Selection of materials for marine instruments, Fishery Technology 26 [2]:104 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Ravindran K(1982) - On the design and formulation of zinc rich paint and its evaluation by electrochemic and other accelerated tests Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 Novemebr 1982 at Cochin Gopalakrishna Pillai A G,Ravindran K(1986) - Corrosion and biofouling of AL 5086 in ocean environment third conference on Ocean Engineering,IIT,Bombay,11 -13 December,1986 Gopalakrishna Pillai A G,Ravindran K,Balasubramanyan R(1980) - Cathodic protection of aluminium sheathed wooden fishing boats with ternary aluminium anodes, Fishery Technology vol.17(2) : 71 Gopalan Nayar S (1987) - Gill nets for reservoir fishing Industrial Fisheries Assn. Anual, 1984-86: 47, 1987 Gopalan Nayar S, Radhalekshmy K (1980) - Netting materials for inland fishing gear Paper presented at Workshop on Reservoir Fisheries for Rural Development at CIFE, Bombay, 8-9 April 1980 Gopalan Nayar S, Radhalekshmy K (1982)-Studies on Raschel knotless netting, Fishery Technology vol.18 (1):19 Gopalan Nayar S, Radhalekshmy K, Meenakumari B(1982) - Polypropylene netting yarns Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Gore P S,Iyer T S G, Ravindran O, Unnithan R V(1980) - Isolation and significance of Salmonella spp. from some beaches of Kerala, Mahasagar vol.13(2) : 147 Govindan T K (1980) - A new concept in fresh fish transport container design, Perfectpac vol.20 (12): 6 Govindan T K (1980) - Importance of fisheries management in India's rural economy, Marketing Digest vol.12 (11):11 Govindan T K (1980) - Indian fish processing industry - performance and perspectives Industrial Fisheries Association Annual, 1979 (issued in 1980):1 Govindan T K (1981) - International markets for Indian seafoods - Problems and Prospects, Marketing Digest vol.13 (1): 19 Govindan T K (1981) - Packaging in fisheries - some musings, Perfectpac vol.21 (6): 12 Govindan T K (1981) - Six piece fish box The HINDU feature “Science Engineering Technology" (April 15, 1981) 104(89): 19 Govindan T K (1982) - Fresh fish distribution in India - Code of conduct called for, Seafood Export Journal XIV [6]: 15 Govindan T K (1982) - Handling and transportation of fresh fish in India Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Govindan T K (1982) - Packaging for frozen prawn products - Part I - Corrugated fibre board master cartons, Seafood Export Journal 14 [8 ]: 21 Govindan T K (1982) - Packaging for frozen prawn products - Part II - Waxed duplex cartons, Seafood Export Journal 14 [9]: 18 Govindan T K (1983) - Diversification of sea food exports The Financial Express, December 22, 1983 Govindan T K (1983) - Fish in Indian economy, Fishing Chimes 3 [6]:39 Govindan T K (1983) - Indian Fisheries: A retrospect - Part I -Some sociological aspects, Seafood Export Journal 15 [10]:14 Govindan T K (1983) - Indian Fisheries: A retrospect - Part II - Developmental efforts, Seafood Export Journal 15 [11]:21 Govindan T K (1983) - Indian fisheries: A retrospect - Part III - Craft and tackle, Seafood Export Journal 15 [12]:13 Govindan T K (1983) - Packaging in Indian fish processing industry: Standardization - an urgent need, Perfectpac 23 [2]:24 Govindan T K (1983) - Pickled fish products, Seafood Export Journal 15 [5]:21 Govindan T K (1983) - Some recent advances in fishery technological research in India, Fishing Chimes 3 [1]:43 Govindan T K (1983) - The chemistry of fish, VOCA [Voice of the Chemistry Association, Cochin College, Cochin -2] 2 [3]:3 Govindan T K (1984) - A cheaper substitute for LDPE film in frozen fish industry, Invention Intelligence 19 [7 - 8]: 309 Govindan T K (1984) - A novel marine animal with much export potential, Seafood Export Journal 16 [7]:9 Govindan T K (1984) - Indian Fisheries: A retrospect - Part IV - Preservation and processing, Seafood Export Journal 16 [1]:21 Govindan T K (1984) - India's seafood exports transcend new horizons, Fishing Chimes 4 [8]: 4 Govindan T K (1984) - Quality control in fishery products, Fishing Chimes 4 [3]:34 Govindan T K (1984) - Some recently developed fish preservation methods, Annual, Industrial Fisheries Association, university of Cochin 35 Govindan T K (1984) - Squilla - an untapped marine resource of India possessing vast economic potential, Seafood Export Journal 16 [8]: 15 Govindan T K (1985) - India's foreign trade in processed seafoods - some points to ponder, Seafood Export Journal 17 [1]:5 Govindan T K (1986) - Indian Seafoods in 1984 and 1985 - An overview, Fishing chimes 6 [6] :48 Govindan T K (1986) - Leaching loses in iced fish, Seafood Export Journal 18 [9] :23 Govindan T K (1986) - Production and uses of agar - agar, Invention Inteligence 21 [11] :415 Govindan T K (1987) - Cured fish products, Invention Intelligence vol.22 (8): 336 Govindan T K (1987) - Freezing of non-conventional seafood items for internal and external markets, Fishing Chimes vol.7 (1): 9 Govindan T K (1987) - Solid contents in iced prawns: manifestation of 'Govindan Effect', Fishing Chimes vol.7 (2):9 Govindan T K(1983) - Packaging for frozen prawn products - Part III - Polythene film and box strappings, Seafood Export Journal 15 [1] : 5 Govindan T K(1987) - Impact of 'Govindan Effect' on water extractable and non-protein nitrogen fractions in iced prawn muscle, Seafood Export Journal vol.19(5) : 33 Govindan T K, Srinivasa Gopal T K(1989) - A versatile substitute for tin cans for fish preservation, Fishing Chimes 9 [1] :60 Govindan T K, Rao C V N(1987) - Present status of packaging of fishery products of India with special reference to consumer packs, Fishing chimes 6 [10] :17 Govindan T K, Rao C V N,Srinivasa Gopal T K, Antony K P(1988) - Packaging of frozen, cured and iced fish products, Fishing Chimes 8 [1] :64 Govindan T K, Ravo C V N(1987) - Individual quick freezing of shrimps with special reference to processing on board, Fishing Chimes vol.6(12) : 62 Govindan T K, Srinivasa Gopal T K (1988) - A novel method of fresh fish preservation, Fishing Chimes 8[6]:22 Govindan T K, Srinivasa Gopal T K (1988) - Packaging of fish - based convenience foods, Fishing Chimes 8 [2]:38 Gupta Ranu, Ravindran K (1986) - Fungi from decayed scantlings of traditional fishing craft International Conference on Marine Deterioration, Goa, 16 - 20 January, 1986 Gupta S S, Subrata Basu (1985) - Pickle from blood clam (Anadara granosa) meat, Fishery Technology vol.22(2) : 109 Gupta Sib Sankar, Subrata Basu, Imam Khasim D, Rao C C P (1980) - Studies on the preservation of cultured Chanos by icing and freezing Paper presented at Symp. On Coastal Aquaculture, Cochin 1218 Jan. 1980 Hridayanathan C, kartha K N (1982) - On the performance of bulged belly trawls from larger vessels Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Iyer H K (1980) - Statistical methods in sensory evaluation of quality of fishery products Industrial Fisheries Association Annual 1980: 39 Iyer H K (1984) - Sensory evaluation of fish and fishery products Course Note on Training Course on Handling Practices of Shrimps and Fishes at Pre - Processing and Processing plants, Cochin,21 February - 16 March,1984 Iyer H K (1987) - Role of statistics in fisheries technological research Industrial fisheries Assn. Annual, 1984-86:13, 1987 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1981) - A survey on the under utilization of processing (freezing) plants in India - II - Karnataka, Fish Technology Newsletter vol.III(1) : 8 Iyer H K, Kaul P N(1986) - On further improvement of the technique of evaluating Summer Institutes , Fishery Technology 23 [2] :149 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair A G(1983) - A survey on the under utilization of fish processing [freezing] plants in India - VIII - West Bengal and Orissa, Fish Technology Newsletter III [7] :5 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1981) - Survey on the idle capacity of fish processing (freezing) plants in India - I West coast, Fishery Technology vol.18(2) : 109 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1981) - A survey on the underutilization of fish processing plants in India - I - Kerala, Fish Technology Newsletter vol.II(2) : 8 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1981) - A survey on the under utilization of fish processing plants in India - III - Goa, Fish Technology Newsletter vol.III(2) : 11 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1981) - A survey on the under utilization of fish processing (freezing) plants in India - IV - Maharashtra, Fish Technology Newsletter vol.II(3):6 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1982) - Survey on the idle capacity of fish processing (freezing) plants in India - II -East coast, Fishery Technology vol.19(1) : 9 Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1982) - Economics of operation of fishing vessels [trawlers]Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 2427 November 1982 at Cochin Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P, Unnithan G R, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1982) - Idle capacity of fish processing [Freezing ] plants in India - comparative study of plants in east and west coasts Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Iyer H K, Srinivasa Rao P,Unnithan G R,Kesavan Nair A K,Nair R G(1983) - Is there any excess capacity in our fish processing [freezing] plants?, Seafood Export Journal 15 [2] Iyer H K, Unnithan G R(1984) - Sampling plans for pre-packed fish and fish products, Fishery Technology vol.21(2);140 Iyer H K, Unnithan G R, Rao P S, Rao C C P ,Nair R G(1983) - The effect of increase in the number of fishing trips on the economic efficiency of 9.82 m and 11 m fishing trawlers along Kerala coast, Fishery Technology 20 [1] Iyer H K, Unnithan G R, Srinivasa Rao P, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1983) - A survey on the under utilization of fish processing [freezing] plants in India - IX- West and East coasts, Fish Technology Newsletter III [8] :6 Iyer H K, Unnithan G R, Srinivasa Rao P, Kesavan Nair A K, Nair R G(1983) - A survey on the under utilization of fish processing [freezing] plants in India - X - All India estimates,1978 - 81, Fish Technology Newsletter III [9] :12 Iyer H K, Unnithan G R, Srinivasa Rao P, Nair R G(1983) - Comparative economic efficiency of fishing trawlers of 9.82 m.[32 ft.] and 11m.[36 ft.] OAL along Kerala coast, Fish Technology Newsletter III [7] :7 Iyer K M (1980) - Microbes and fresh fish Industrial Fisheries Association Annual, 1979(issued in 1980) Iyer K M, Nirmala Thampuran, Gopakumar K(1987) - Modified atmospheric storage of seafoods Industrial Fisheries Assn. Annual, 1984-86:35,1987 Iyer T S G (1983) - Bacteria of public health significance in fish and fishery products Course Note on Quality Control Training Course on Frozen Lobster Tails,Cochin,3 - 21 October,1983 Iyer T S G (1983) - Faecal indicator bacteria - An appraisal of its present status, Seafood Export Journal XV [10]:25 Iyer T S G (1983) - Specifications for hygienic conditions of fish processing units and establishments Course Note on Quality control Training Course on Frozen Lobster Tails, Cochin, 3 - 21 October, 1983 Iyer T S G (1984) - Importance of fish plant sanitation and hygiene in the control of bacterial contamination Course Note of Training Programme on V.cholerae in marine products industry Iyer T S G (1984) - Vibrio cholerae and marine products Course Note of Training Programme on V.cholerae in marine products industry, Cochin Iyer T S G (1986) - Technology upgradation for quality development Workshop on" Quality Maintenance and Improvement” at Cochin, 24 Novenber, 1986 Iyer T S G (1988) - E.coli and faecal streptococci in shrimps, Export Inspection Journal V [1]:6 Iyer T S G (1988) - Fish preservation Fisheries Seminar organized by Kerala Dhivara Sabha, Cochin, 29 May 1988 Iyer T S G (1988) - Importance of hygiene and sanitation in fish handling Paper presented at Training Course on Inspection of Fish and Fish Products, CIFT Cochin, 1988 Iyer T S G (1988) - Work on technological research up gradation of quality in seafood industry carried out at Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin, Indian Food Packer 42 [4]:21 Iyer T S G (1989) - Limnocytogenes in marine products, Export Inspection Journal VI: 13 Iyer T S G(1982) - On the isolation of Salmonella alachua, S.muenchen and S.estabourne from fresh fish Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Iyer T S G(1985) - Sanitation, hygiene and quality control in seafood processing industry Symposium on Upgradation of Processing and Quality Control,Calcutta,25 - 26,February,1985 Iyer T S G, Chitnis D S, Kamat R S (1980) - Pathogenicity studies on Salmonella roan Bull.Haff.Inst. 7(2):35, 1979 (issued in 1980 Iyer T S G, Damle S P(1981) - Isolation of Salmonella larochelle for the first time in India, Fishery Technology vol.18(1) :63 Iyer T S G, Gangadharan P, Vasanth Shenoy A (1988) - Method for the detection of V.cholerae in fishery products and processing environments Report of CIFT - EIA - MPEDA Joint Study Group,Cochin,1988 Iyer T S G, Gopakumar K(1988) - Problems and prospects of shrimp processing for export National Symposium on Aquaculture Productivity organized by Hindustan Lever Research Foundation [Bombay],India International Centre, New Delhi,16-17 December,1988 Iyer T S G, Joseph A C(1980) - Isolation of Salmonella roan for the first time in India, Fishery Technology vol.17(2) : 123 Iyer T S G, Joseph A C(1982) - On the isolation of Salmonella waycross,S.matopeni and S.chingola from frozen frog legs National Seminar on Salmonella Infection in India,Kasauli,22 23 October,1982 Iyer T S G, Nair M R(1986) - Processing of bacteriologically sound frozen frog legs First World Conference on trade in Frog legs Vis - a - Vis Environmental Considerations, sponsored by MPEDA at Calcutta,10 - 11 April,1986 Iyer T S G, Shrivastava K P(1989) - Incidence and low temperature survival of Salmonella in fishery products, Fishery Technology 26 [1] :39 Iyer T S G, Srivastava K P (1989) - On the pattern of Salmonella serotypes in fishery products, frog legs and processing environments, Fishery Technology 26 [2]:131 Iyer T S G, Srivastava K P(1988) - Incidence and low temperature survival of coagulalse positive staphylococci in fishery products, Fishery Technology 25 [2] :132 Iyer T S G, Srivastava K P(1989) - Reliability of Escherichia coli and faecal streptococci as indicators of Salmonella in frozen fishery products, Fishery Technology 26 [2] :137 Iyer T S G, Varma P R G (1986) - V.cholerae and marine products, Seafood Export Journal July: 23 Iyer T S G, Varma P R G (1988) - Isolation of Salmonella agona (4, 12: f, g, 5 :-) from commercial frozen boiled clam meat, Fishery Technology vol.25 (1):81 Iyer T S G, Varma P R G (1988) - 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On Tropical Marine Living Resources, organized by Marine Biological Assn. of India, Cochin 12-16 January 1988 Lekshmy Nair A, Prabhu P V(1989) - Studies on the chemical and nutritional quality of protein powders isolated from shrimp waste, Fishery Technology 26 [1] :56 Lekshmy Nair A, Ravindranathan Nair P, Vasanth Shenoy A, Gopakumar K (1988) - Fish sauce from tropical fishPaper presented at Symp. On Tropical Marine Living Resources, organized by Marine Biological Assn. India, Cochin, 12-16 January 1988 Lekshmy Nair A,Arul James M,Mathew P T,Gopakumar K(1983) - Studies on lantern fish [Benthosema pterotum] - II - Nutritional evaluation, Fishery Technology 20 [1] Lekshmy Nair A,Jose Stephen,Gopakumar K(1989) - Edible meat and fish meal from Priacanthus hamrur - Chemical composition and nutritive valueProceedings of the First Workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada sponsored by DOD ICAR,Cochin,5-7 June,1989 Lekshmy Nair A,Jose Stephen,Vasanth Shenoy A,Gopakumar K(1988) - Nutritional evaluation of texturised meat from Nemipterus japonicus, Fishery Technology 25 [2] :127 Lekshmy Nair A,Jose Stephen,Vasanth Shenoy A,Prabhu P V(1989) - Studies on two un exploited species : Peristedion adeni and Peristedion weberi , Fishery Technology 26 [1] :51 Lekshmy Nair A,Mathew P T,Prabhu P V(1982) - Nutritional evaluation of products from squillaSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Lekshmy Nair A,Mathew P T,Prabhu P V(1982) - Studies on hydrolysates from Jewfish [Johnius sp] wasteSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Lekshmy Nair A,Prabhu P V(1980) - Utilization of Frog Waste, Fishery Technology vol.17(1): 27-30 Lekshmy Nair A,Prabhu P V(1982) - Water soluble nitrogenous component from squilla (Orato squilla nepa), Fishery Technology vol.19(1) : 1 Lekshmy Nair A,Prabhu P V,Vasanth Shenoy A(1989) - Fish sauce from two species of unexploited deep sea fish Peristedion adeni and Peristedion weberi, Fishery Technology 26 [2] :122 Lekshmy Nair A,Ravindranathan Nair P,Vasanth Shenoy A,Gopakumar K(1988) - Fish sauce from tropical fishSymposium on Tropical Marine Living Resources,CMFRI,Cochin,12-16 January,1988 Lekshmy Nair A,Vasanth Shenoy A,Thankamma R(1989) - Value added products from Chlorophthalmus agassizi [green eye] ,an unexploited fish from Exclusive Economic Zone of IndiaProceedings of the First Workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada sponsored by DOD ICAR,Cochin 5-7 June,1989 Madhavan P (1981) - Production of shark fin raysProc. 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Divn.]69, pt M E 5:165 Narayanan Nambiar V (1980) - Bacteriology of spoilage of canned prawns, Fishery Technology vol.17 (1):35 Narayanappa G, Rama Rao S V S, Sitarama Rao J, Naidu R M, Satyanarayana A V V (1982) - An account of trawl fishing off KakinadaSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvet Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Narayanappa G, Rama Rao S V S, Sitarama Rao J, Naidu R M, Satyanarayana A V V(1982) - Studies on high opening trawl - relative efficiency with bulged belly trawlSymposium on Harvet and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Narayanaswamy D,Narasimha Rao C V,Govindan T K(1980) - Penetration of sodium chloride during prolonged salting of fish, Fishery Technology vol.17(1) ; 63 Nasser M(1989) - Design aspects of medium size fishing vesselsSeminar on Medium Size Fishing Vessels for Deep Sea and Off shore Fishing in Kerala,organized by NABARD and SBT,Quilon,17 October,1989 Nirmala Thampuran ,Krishna Iyer H,Mahadeva Iyer K(1985) - Selection of suitable diluents for bacteriological examination of fishery products, Fishery Technology 22 [1] : 40 Nirmala Thampuran, Gopakumar K (1987) - Marine bacteria and their characteristicsIndustrial Fisheries Assn. Annual. 1984- 1986: 37, 1987 Nirmala Thampuran, Gopakumar K(1988) - Impact of handling practices on the microbial quality of shrimp7th session of IPFC Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing,Bangkok,Thailand,19 -22 April,1988 Nirmala Thampuran, Iyer K M(1989) - A note on the distribution of Alteromonas putrefaciens in marine fishes landed at Cochin, Journal of Food Science and Technology 26 :166 Nirmala Thampuran, Mahadeva Iyer K (1982) - Evaluation of certain factors affecting the TPC of frozen seafoodsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Nirmala Thampuran,Iyer H K,Iyer K M(1983) - Effect of incubatuion period on plate count of raw,iced and frozen fish, Fishery Technology 20 [1] Nirmala Thampuran,Iyer H K,Mahadeva Iyer K(1981) - The influence of plating technique and incubation temperature on bacterial count from fish and fishery products, Fishery Technology vol.18(2) : 95 Panicker P A(1989) - FORV Sagar Sampada and development of demersal trawls - A status paper on Prospects and ConstraintsProceedings of the First Workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada sponsored by DOD ICAR,Cochin,5-7 June 1989 : 427 - 434 (1990) Panicker P A, George N A, Sivan T M(1980) - Prospects of exploitation of pelagic fishery resources by purse seining from small class of vessels, Fisherman vol.1(2) Percy Dawson,Sitarama Rao J,Sreekrishna Y(1981) - On the vertical distribution of seers and other comercially important fishes in the surface drift nets, Fishery Technology vol.18(2) : 143 Perigreen P A (1980) - Some aspects of freezing fish and fishery productsIndustrial Fisheries Association Annual, 1979 (issued in 1980): 10 Perigreen P A (1984) - Transportation of fish and prawnCourse Note on Training Course on Handling Practices of Shrimps and Fishes at Pre - Processing and Processing plants, Cochin, 21 February - 16 March, 1984 Perigreen P A(1981) - Paste fishery products and fish fingersProc., Summer Institute on NonTraditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 April - 26 May 1981 Perigreen P A(1981) - Technology of production of minced fish meat from low cost fish and its storage characteristicsProc., Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish Products and ByProducts, Cochin 27 April - 26 May 1981 Perigreen P A(1983) - Freezing and cold storage of fish with particular reference to lobster tailsCourse Note on Quality Control Training Course on Frozen Lobster Tails,Cochin,3 - 21,October 1983 Perigreen P A, Jose Joseph (1980) - Freezing and cold storage of cat fish fillets, Fishery Technology vol.17 (1): 31 Perigreen P A, Jose Joseph, Chinnamma George (1988) - Studies on freezing and frozen storage of Psenopsis cyanea, Fishery Technology vol.25 (1): 44 Perigreen P A, Jose Joseph, Chinnamma George (1988) - Studies on freezing and storage of Psenopsis cynea, Fishery Technology 25 [1]:44 Perigreen P A, Jose Joseph, M R Nair (1985) - Freezing and cold storage of Indian fishProc., Symp. On Storage Lives of chilled and frozen Fish and Fish Products organized by International Institute of Refrigeration held in U K., 1-3 Oct., 1985 Perigreen P A,Gopakumar K(1988) - Handling and transportation of cultured fish National Symposium on Aquaculturue and Productivity organized by Hindustan Lever Research Foundation[Bombay], India International Centre,New Delhi,16 - 17 December,1988 Perigreen P A,Jose Joseph,Surendran P K,Gopakumar K(1987) - Studies on iced storage of common murrel (Channa striatus), Fishery Technology vol.24(2):99 Prabhu P V(1981) - By-products technology and waste utilization in fishing industryProc., Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish Products And By-Products, Cochin, 27 April - 26 May 1981 Prabhu P V, Jose Joseph, Madhavan P (1987) - Processing for dehydration of jelly fishProcessing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish, organized by Socieity of Fisheries Technologists [India], Cochin,10 -11 March,1987 :231 Prabhu P V, Jose Joseph, Madhavan P (1988) - Utilization of jelly fish, Fishing Chimes 7 [10] :45 Prabhu P V, Ramachandran Nair K G (1981) - Potential applications of chitin/chitosanPaper presented at Seminar on Aquaculture in Kerala with Special Reference to Crabs and Prawns, 8 June, 1981 Prabhu P V, Ramachandran Nair K G, Madhavan P (1985) - Fishery products of commercePaper presented at the Seminar on the Modern Trends in Food Processing organized by AFST(I), Trivandrum on 31-12-1985 Prabhu P V,Balachandran K K(1981) - Drying of fish in IndiaProc., Food Drying Workshop sponsored by International Development Research Centre Alberta Dept. of Agriculture, 6-9 July, 1981, Edmonton, Canada : 11 Prabhu P V,Lekshmy Nair A,Ramachandran Nair K G(1986) - Frog - waste utilizationFirst World Conference on Trade in Frog legs Vis - a -Vis Environmental Considerations,Calcutta,10 -11 April,1986 Prabhu P V,Madhavan P(1987) - Non - Traditional fishery products - Prospects for small scale industrySeminar on Export Potentialities of Marine Products by 1990,jointly organized by Small Industries Service Institute,Trichur,MPEDA,CIFT,Seafood Exporter's Association Kerala Small Industries Association at Cochin,29 January,1987 Prabhu P V,Mathew P T(1989) - Post harvet technology of seaweeds in India Group Discussion on Seaweed Resources,Farming and Utilization at CMFRI,Mandapam,27-28 February,1990 Prasad M M (1988) - Bacteriological evaluation of fish productsPaper presented at Seminar on Quality Assurance of Marine Products, Visakhapatnam, 20th Feb. 1988 Prasad M M,Khasim D Imam,Subrata Basu,Gupta S S(1989) - Bacterial flora and proximate composition of fish off east coast of IndiaProceedings of the First Workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada sponsored by DOD, ICAR,Cochin,5-7 June ,1989 Prasad M M,Rao C C P,Khasim D Imam(1989) - Heavy metals in fish from upper east coast of IndiaProceedings of the First workshop on Scientific Results of FORV Sagar Sampada sponsored by DOD ICAR,Cochin 5-7 June,1989 Purushothaman K C (1980) - A machine for removal of water weeds (Malayalam) Yojana - Dec. 1-15: 14, 1980 Purushothaman K C (1986) - Fisheries Wealth of Kerala [Malayalam], Yojana 15 [1]:20 Purushothaman K C (1987) - An action plan for marine products export development (Malayalam), Yojana vol.15 (22 -23): 11 Radhakrishnan A G, Antony P D (1989) - Pesticide residues in marine fishes, Fishery Technology 26 [1]:60 Radhakrishnan A G, Antony P D, Nair M R (1982) - Change in major protein fractions of oil sardine [Sardinella longiceps] and mackerel [Rastrelliger kanagurta] during frozen storageSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Radhakrishnan A G, Antony P DNair M (1982) - Heat coagualation studies on mixed systems of actomysin and sarcoplasmic protein Symposium on Harvest and Post harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Radhakrishnan A G,Antony P D,Mukundan M K,Jose Stephen(1986) - On the use of mussels as a pollution indicatorProc., National Seminar on Mussel Watch organized by University of Cochin, Dept of Marine Sciences, 13-14 Feb., 1986 Radhakrishnan A GJose Stephen, Mukundan M K, Arul James M (1982) - Chemical composition of some food fishesSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Radhalekshmy K (1987) - Cast netsIndustrial Fisheries Assn. Annual, 84-86: 53, 1987 Radhalekshmy K (1988) - Numerical classification for synthetic netting yarnsWorld Fishing Gear Symposium, Canada, November, 1988 Radhalekshmy K, Gopalan Nayar S (1982) - Fishing experiments with newer gear materialsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Raghunath M R (1983) - Soluble nitrogen loses in squids [Loligo duvaceli] during storage in slush ice3rd Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists, Mysore, June 2 - 4, 1983 Raghunath M R, Solanki K K (1986) - A new procedure for canning of squids, Fishery Technology 23 [2]:199 Raje S G, Rajendra Badonia (1987) - Versova - A well organized fishing village, Fishing Chimes vol.7 (5):49 Rajendranathan Nair M, Govindan T K (1985) - Research in fisheries /seafoodsSouvenir in commemoration of 6th Indian Seafood Trade Fair, Bangalore, February, 1985 Rajeswari G,Shyamasundari K,Hanumantha Rao(1982) - Effect of Bilateral ablation of eyestalks on the moulting and Neurosecretory activity in the crab, Uca Annulipes, Geo Bios vol.9 : 30 - 34 Rama Rao S V S ,George Mathai P,George V C,Kunjipalu K K,Varghese M D,Kuttappan A C(1989) Shark long line gear of India, Fishery Technology 26 [2] :73 Rama Rao S V S, Narayanappa G, Sitarama Rao J, Naidu R M (1982) - On the relative efficiency of Mexican and conventional Otter boardsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Rama Rao S V S, Satyanarayana A V V, Sitarama Rao J, Naidu R M, Narayanappa G (1982) - An appraisal of twin trawling with sled along the East coastSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Ramachandran A (1989) - Processing and marketing of semi - dried fish products from Veraval, Seafood Export Journal XXI [7]:15 Ramachandran A, Anil Agarwal, Solanki K K (1987) - Standardisation of process variables for drying of squidPaper presented at First Indian Fisheries Forum organized by Asian Fisheries Society, Mangalore, 4-8 Dec. 1987 Ramachandran A, Nair P G V (1989) - Processing of fish scales for ornamental use, Infofish International 5:38 Ramachandran A, Solanki K K (1988) - Studies on the processing and storage characteristics of semidried products from sharkPaper presented at Symp. On Tropical Marine Living Resources organized by Marine Biological Assn. of India, Cochin, 12-16 Jan. 1988 Ramachandran A, Tanuja R (1988) - Whale shark fishing at Veraval, fishing Chimes 8 [5] :29 Ramachandran A,Sankar T V,Rajendra Badonia(1988) - Present status of fish processing in Gujarat, Seafood Export Journal X X[9] :11 Ramachandran A,Solanki K K(1987) - Processing and quality aspects of semi-dried products of commerce from VeravalPaper presented at First Indian Fisheries Forum organized by Asian Fisheries Society, Mangalore, 4-8 Dec. 1987 Ramachandran A,Solanki K K(1988) - Studies on processing and storage characteristics of semidried products from dhomaSymposium on Tropical Marine Living Resources,CMFRI,Cochin 12- 16 January,1988 Ramachandran Nair K G (1981) - Role of fishery waste in animal feeds Proc., Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin 27 April - 26 May 1981 Ramachandran Nair K G(1981) - Potential use of chitin and chitosanProc., Summer Institute on NonTraditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 April - 26 May, 1981 Ramachandran Nair K G, Gopakumar K (1982) - Influence of habitat on the fatty acid composition of Tilapia [Tilapia mossambica] Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Ramachandran Nair K G, Madhavan P (1983) - Chitosan for removal of mercuric salts from water3rd Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists,Mysore,June 2 - 4,1983 Ramachandran Nair K G, Madhavan P (1984) - Chitosan for removal of mercury from water, Fishery Technology vol.21 (2): 109 Ramachandran Nair K G, Madhavan P (1987) - Advances in chitin research Processing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish, organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India], Cochin, 10 -11 March, 1987:269 Ramachandran Nair K G, Mathew P T, Madhavan P, Prabhu P V (1986) - Effect of chitin on the growth of broiler chickenPaper presented at the National Symp. on Production and Processing of Meat and Poultary Products organized by AFST(I) at CFTRI, Mysore Jan., 17-18, 1986 Ramachandran Nair K G, Prabhu P V (1980) - On better utilization of shark finsPaper presented at Symp. On By-products from Food Industries - Utilization and Disposal CFTRI, Mysore, 29-30 May 1980 Ramachandran Nair K G, Srinivasa Gopal T K, Prabhu P V (1980) - Chitosan in paper finishingPaper presented at Symp. On By-products from Food Industries - Utilization and Disposal, CFTRI, Mysore, 29 - 30 May 1980 Ramachandran Nair K G,Gopakumar K(1981) - Effect of dietary fat on fat deposition and fatty acid composition of Tilapia, Journal of Food Science and Technology vol.18(3) : 108 Ramachandran Nair K G,Gopakumar K(1981) - Influence of sex, spawning starvation and water temperature on fatty acid composition in Tilapia mossambica, Fishery Technology vol.18(2) : 123 Ramachandran Nair K G,Gopakumar K(1982) - Effect of age on the fatty acid composition of tilapia [Tilapia mossambica], Journal of Food Science and Technology 19 [6] :250 Ramachandran Nair K G,Madhavan P,Gopakumar K(1986) - Novel use of chitinous waste from crustacean processing plants, INFOFISH Marketing Digest No. 4/86 :20 Ramachandran Nair K G,Mathew P T,Madhavan P,Prabhu P V(1985) - Chitin as a growth promoter in broiler chicken3rd International Conference on Chitin/Chitosan at Ancona,Italy Ramachandran Nair K G,Mathew P T,Madhavan P,Prabhu P V(1987) - Chitin as a Feed Additive for Broiler Chicken, Indian J. Poult. Sci. vol.22 (1): 40-44 Ramakrishnan K, Vijayabharathi K, Sivadas T K (1982) - Freezer temperature monitor and alarm, Fishery Technology 19 [2]:109 Rao C C P(1981) - Diversified fish products with special reference to their microbiological aspectsProc.,Summer Institute on Non-Traditional Diversified Fish Products and By-Products, Cochin, 27 April -26 May, 1981 Rao C C P, Govindan T K, Sib Sankar Gupta, Imam Khasim D(1980) - Studies on transportation of Chanos chanosPaper presented at the Symp. On Coastal Aquaculture, Cochin, 12-18 Jan. 1980 Rao C C P,Govindan T K(1983) - Development in fish processing technology, Fishing Chimes 3 [7] : 34 Rao C C P,Govindan T K(1983) - Recent developments in seafood processing technology Souvenir,Fifth Indian Seafood Trade Fair,Madras,February 1983 : 36 Rao C C P,Imam Khasim D,Gupta S S,Unnithan G R,Chari S T,Srinivasan S T,Santhanaraj T,Pillai K V N(1981) - Comparative study of traditional and improved containers for transportation of fresh fish, Fishery Technology vol.18(1) : 29 Rao C C P,Subrata Basu,Khasim D Imam,Chakrabarti R,Gupta S S(1987) - Technologies for uttilisation of blood clam (Anadara granosa)Paper presented at National Symp. On Research and Development in Marine Fisheries - Mandapam, 16-18 Sept. 1987 Rao C C P,Subrata Basu,Prasad M M(1987) - Studies on solar tent dryer for drying fishProcessing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish,organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists[India],Cochin,10 -11 March,1987 :101 Rao C C P,Unnithan G R(1986) - Change in the quality of different varieties of fish during long distance transportation, Fishery Technology vol.23(1):108 Rao C V N (1984) - Flexible packaging system for processed fish, Seafood Export Journal 16 [3] :27 Rao C V N(1987) - Role of packaging in the promotion of exports of marine productsSeminar on Export Potentialities of Marine Products by 1990,jointly organized by Small Industries Service Institute,Trichur,MPEDA,CIFT,Seafood Exporter's Association Kerala State Small Industries Association at Cochin,29 January,1987 Rao C V N, Antony K P(1989) - A multi - purpose light weight container for transport of fresh iced fish, Packaging India 22 [1] Rao C V N, Srinivasa Gopal T K, Govindan T K(1986) - Studies on Kraft paper used for liners and corrugating media of shipping containers for frozen shrimp, Fishery Technology 23 [2] :217 Rao C V N,Bandyopadhyay J K(1989) - Opportunities in fishery technologyNational Seminar on Identification of Opportunities for S T Persons organized by Departement of Science Technology,Chandipur,6-7 April,1989 Rao K K (1982) - Statistics in fisheries technological research 6th Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians, New Delhi, 6 - 8 December, 1982 Rao K K (1983) - Fishery statistics - Need for a co - ordinated approach7th Conference of Agricultural Research Statisticians, Bangalore, July 28 - 30, 1983 Rao K K(1978) - Statistical methods in fish processing technologyProceedings, Summer Institute on Fish Processing Technology Cochin, 1-31 May 1978 Rao K K, George V C (1983) - Discriminant analysis for mesh selectivity studies, Fishery Technology 20 [2]:126 Rao K K, Iyer T S G (1987) - Frozen weight - drained weight relationship in block frozen shrimp, Indian Journal of Fisheries vol.34 :329 Rao K S,Kartha K N,Gupta D R,Pandya S S,Iyer H K(1988) - Studies on morphometry and hydrology of Gandhisagar reservoir with special reference to its fisheries, Fishery Technology vol.25(1):21 Ravindran K (1980) - Dolphin's secret - A clue for the reduction of surface roughness of ships; hullsIndustrial Fisheries Association Annual, 1979 (issued in 1980) : 61 Ravindran K (1980) - Exclusive economic zone and India's fishing fleetInd.Seaf.XIV (1): 1979(issued in 1980):14 Ravindran K (1983) - Copper - nickel alloys for marine aquacultural engineering, Fishery Technology 20 [2]: 90 Ravindran K (1983) - Electrochemical techniques in materials science, VOCA [Voice of the chemistry Association Cochin College, Cochin - 2] 2 [2] Ravindran K (1984) - Some aspects of the characteristics of ferrocement as an engineering material, Annual, Industrial Fisheries Association, University of Cochin February Ravindran K(1989) - Selection of medium size vessels for deep sea and off shore fishingSeminar on Medium Size Fishing Vessels for Deep Sea and Offshore Fishing in Kerala organized by State Bank of Travancore and NABARD,Trivandrum,17 October,1989 Ravindran K, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G (1983) - R D work on marine corrosion control at CIF, Cochin Industry’s Get-together organized by Central Electro - Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi at Cochin, 16 February, 1983 Ravindran K, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G (1987) - On the development of a mercury free ternary aluminium anode for cathodic protection, Fishery Technology 24 [1]:1 Ravindran K, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Balasubramanyan R(1982) - Corrosion behaviour of metalic fastening in contact with woodSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Ravindran K, Rani Mary Jacob, Unnikrishnan Nair N(1982) - Elastometric antifouling antiboring coating Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Ravindran K, Unnikrishnan Nair N, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G (1982) - Copper creosote - A new preservative for marine wooden structuresSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Ravindran K, Unnikrishnan Nair N, Gopalakrishna Pillai A G, Balasubramanyan R (1984) - Improved chemical preservative treatment for traditional fishing craft, Fish Technology Newsletter IV [1]: 5 Ravindran K,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G(1984) - Observations on the interrelation of marine corrosion and fouling in a tropical environmentProcessing 6th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling,Athens,5 - 8 September,1984 Ravindran K,Unnikrishnan Nair N,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G(1980) - Cost reduction in the maintenance of fishing boats, Fisherman vol.I(2):37 Ravindran K,Unnikrishnan Nair N,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G(1986) - Studies on the mechanical strength and bio - resistance characteristics of wood plastic composites[WPC] and toxicwood palstic composites [TWPC] exposed to sea waterInternational Congress on Marine Deterioration Advanced Techniques Applicable to the Indian Ocean,Goa,16 - 20,January,1986 Ravindranathan Nair P,Chinnamma George,Nirmala Thampuran ,Perigreen P A,Gopakumar K(1987) Studies on frozen storage characteristics of individually quick frozen and block frozen mackerel fish, Fishery Technology vol.24(2) : 103 Ravindranathan Nair P,Gopakumar K(1986) - Development and Storage characteristics of dehydrated salt mince from low priced fish, Fishery Technology vol.23(1):100 Ravindranathan Nair P,Thankamma R,Gopakumar K(1982) - Biochemical changes of fish fingers held at frozen storage, Fishery Technology vol.19(1) : 19 Sanjeev S, Mahadeva Iyer K (1988) - Antibiotic resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from fish processing factory workers, Fishery Technology 25 [2]:139 Sanjeev S, Mahadeva Iyer K(1986) - Occurence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in marine and brackish waters of Cochin,South - West Coast of India, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 15 :189 Sanjeev s, Mahadeva Iyer K, Arul James M, Rao C C P (1985) - Enterotoxigenic staphylococci in dried fishery products from Cochin area, Journal of Food Science and Technology vol.22: 295 Sanjeev S, Mahadeva Iyer K, Rao C C P (1985) - Antibiotic sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from fishery products, Fishery Technology 22 [1]: 58 Sanjeev S, Mahadeva Iyer K, Rao C C P, Arul James M (1986) - Occurence of enterotoxigenic staphylococci in frozen fishery products, Fishery Technology 23 [2]:164 Sanjeev S,Arul James M,Mahadeva Iyer K(1982) - Incidence and growth of coagulase positive Staphylococci in cooked ,picked and frozen crab meatSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sanjeev S,Iyer T S G,Varma P R G,Rao C C P,Iyer K M(1987) - Carriage of entrotoxigenic Staphylococci in workers of fish processing factories, Ind.J.Med.Res. vol.85: 262 Sanjeev S,Mahadeva Iyer K(1989) - Inactivation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in drinking water, Fishery Technology 26 [2] :149 Sankar T V, Viswanathan Nair P G (1988) - Effect of pre- processing iced storage on deterioative changes in lipids of silver pomfret stored at - 18 degree celcious, Fishery Technology 25 [2] :100 Sankar T V,Nair P G V,Badonia R,Ramachandran A(1989) - Role of fish in nutrition, Everyman's Science XXII[3] :96 Satyanarayana A V V (1987) - Panulirus versicolor (Latrielle) - A new record from the Central Andhra Coast (Bay of Bengal, Fishery Technology vol.24 (2): 134 Satyanarayana A V V, Gopalakrishnan K, Rama Rao S V S (1982) - On the scope ratio studies in trawling off Kakinada [A.P] on the East Coast of IndiaSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sitarama Rao J,Percy Dawson,Sreekrishna Y(1980) - Effect of colour on the catch of gill nets, Fishery Technology vol.17(2):75 Sitarama Rao J,Sadanandan K A,Khan A A,Percy Dawson ,Joseph Mathai T(1984) - Design and operation of fishing gear for mullet in Hirakud Reservoir - A preliminary study Seminar on Fresh Water Fisheries and Rural Development,Rourkela,6 - 7 April,1984 Sitarama Rao J,Satyanarayana A V V(1982) - et al - Indigenous fishing gear of Andhra coastSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sivadas T K (1980) - Indigenous electronic instruments for fishery technological investigationsPaper presented at Annual Workshop on Agricultural Engineering, 28-29 May 1980, College of Horticulture, Vellanikara, Trichur Sivadas T K (1980) - Indigenously developed marine electronic instrumentsIndustrial Fisheries Association Annual 1979 (issued in 1980):31 Sivadas T K (1980) - Marine electronic instruments developed in CIFTPaper presented at Convention Exhibition 1980 by Institute of Electronics and Electronic Engineers Inc. Indian Council Trivandrum 25 Nov. 1980 Sivadas T K (1981) - Marine environmental monitoring systemsPaper presented at All Indian Seminars on Status of Environmenal Studies in India, Trivandrum, and 26-28 March, 1981 Sivadas T K (1981) - Rotor induction current meterPaper presented at First Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, Madras, 18-20 Feb., 1981 Sivadas T K (1981) - Salinity, temperature and depth meterPaper presented at First Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, Madras, and 18-20 Feb., 1981 Sivadas T K (1981) - Tide and wave telemetering systemPaper presented at First Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, Madras 18-20 Feb., 1981 Sivadas T K (1982) - Instrumentation and methodology in fisheries researchSeminar on Education and Research in Fisheries, organized by Kerala Agricultural University, 13 November, 1982 Sivadas T K (1982) - Marine environmental monitoring systems for investigations in fisheries and allied fieldsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sivadas T K (1983) - An integrated system design for acquisition of environmental data2nd Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering, Pune, December 14 - 16, 1983 Sivadas T K (1984) - Environmental data acquisition system3rd World Instrumentation Conference, Delhi, January 11 - 14, 1984 Sivadas T K (1984) - Instrumentation and methodology for land based resources estimationSeminar on Remote Sensing Techniques and its Application to various Fields, Trivandrum, 9 August, 1984 Sivadas T K (1985) - Data aquisition system for monitoring marine environmental dataPaper presented at First Conference in Dock and Harbour Engineering, Bombay, 27-29 Dec., 1985 Sivadas T K (1987) - Instrumentation for systematic analysis exploration and proper exploitation in fisheriesIndustrial Fisheries Assn. Annual, 1984-1986: 85, 1987 Sivadas T K (1988) - Instrumentation for environmental assessment and monitoring of Chilka LagoonPaper presented at Seminar organized by Orissa State Govt. 20-22 Jan 1988 Sivadas T K( - Instrumentation for climatological investigationsInternational Seminar on Concepts and Techniques in Applied Climatology,Andhra University,Waltair,17 - 21 March,1985 Sivadas T K(1980) - Electronic testing and measuring instruments developed in CIFT for mechanized fishing vessels, Fisherman vol.I(2):33 Sivadas T K(1981) - Electronic instruments for marine environmental monitoringPaper presented at 2nd World Instrumentation Symposition and exposition, Bombay, 15-18 April, 1981 Sivadas T K(1986) - Indigenous electronic instruments and their scope for environmental monitoring of Chilka LagoonNational Conference on National Heritage Conservation,Berhampur,4-6 June,1986 Sivadas T K(1988) - Instrumental approach to environmental monitoring for agricultural engineering Workshop on Agricultural Engineering organized by Water Resources Centre of Anna University,Madras,6- 8 April,1988 Sivadas T K(1988) - Instrumentation for environmental assessment and monitoring of Chilka LagoonSeminar on Instrumentation for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Chilka Lagoon organized by Orissa State Government,20 - 21 January,1988 Sivadas T K(1989) - Indigenous instrumentation for coastal zone management National Conference on Coastal Zone Management organized by Committee on Science,Technology and Environment,Cochin 20-23 February,1989 Sivadas T K(1989) - Instrumentation for monitoring of the water resources and agroclimatological environmentsNational Seminar on Socio- economic and Environmental Impact of Water Resources Project,CWRDM,Calicut,30 September - 1 October,1989 Sivadas T K(1989) - Instrumentation for research and education in aquacultural engineeringNational Workshop,Aquacultural Engineering Education in India,I.I.T,Kharagpur,16-17 March,1989 Sivadas T K, Ramakrishnan K, Vijayabharathi K (1985) - Instrumentation for environmental biological studiesPaper presented at Second Indo-Pacific and Fourth All India Symposium on Invertebrate Reproduction, Madras 25-27 June, 1985 Sivadas T K, Ramakrishnan K, Vijayabharathi K (1987)- Transducers for marine environmental monitoring Symposium on Short Term Variability of Physical Oceanographic Features in the Indian Waters,Cochin,19 -20 February, 1987 Sivadas T K, Ramakrishnan K, Vijayabharathi K (1989) - Development of a fishing log for use in trawlers, Fishery Technology 26 [1]:9 Sivadas T K,Ramakrishnan K(1988) - Performance evaluation of trawl system through multi parameter data linkWorld Symposium on Fishing Gear and Fishing Vessel Design,Canada,2124,November,1988 Sivadas T K,Ramakrishnan K,Vijayabharathi K(1982) - Electronic instruments for testing and standardisation of fishing craftsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sivadas T K,Ramakrishnan K,Vijayabharathi K(1983) - An electronic speed and distance log2nd Indian Conference in Ocean Engineering,Pune,December 14 - 16,1983 Sivadas T K,Ramakrishnan K,Vijayabharathi K(1987) - Solar processing monitorProcessing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish,organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India],Cochin,10 -11 March,1987 :121 Sivadas T K,Ramakrishnan K,Vijayabharathi K(1988) - Instrumentation for agrometeorological and environmental investigations based on the technology developed in CIFTConference on Agrometeorology conducted by Indian Agrometeorological Society,Cochin,28 -30 April,1988 Sivadas T K,Vijayabharathi K,Ramakrishnan K(1982) - Electronic wire telemetering instruments for the engineering studies of otter trawlsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sivadas T K,Vijayabharathi K,Ramakrishnan K(1986) - Instrumentation and methodology for fisheries development and system designPaper presented at Seminar on Training and Education for Marine fisheries Management and Development, Cochin 28-30 January 1986 Solanki K K(1980) - Activities and achievements of Verval Research Centre of Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Veraval, GujaratPaper presented at Seminar on Recent Trends in Teaching and Research in Aquatic Biology, Bhavnagar, 26-28 Sep. 1980 Solanki K K(1982) - Level of uric acid content as an index of unhygienic conditions and acceptability of insect infested fish productsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Solanki K K,Joseph A C(1980) - Economic utilization of ElasmobranchsPaper presented at Seminar on Recent Trends in Teaching and Research in Aquatic Biology, Bhavnagar, 26 - 28 Sept. 1980 Solanki K K,Rajendra Badonia(1988) - Quality of fishmeal produced at Veraval , Fishing chimes 8 [3] :58 Solanki K K,Sankar T V(1987) - Quality of traditionally cured products of Saurashtra CoastPaper presented at First Indian Fisheries Forum organized by Asian Fisheries Society, Mangalore, 4-8 Dec. 1987 Sreedharan Namboodiri K (1982) - Development of a fish pumpSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sreedharan Namboodiri K(1980) - Development of an aquatic weed harvesterPaper presented at First Annual Workshop on Agri. Engg. Technology in Kerala organized by Kerala Agri University, Mannuthy, Trichur 28-29 May 1980 Sreedharan Namboodiri K(1987) - Technological problems of motorisation of traditional craftsAll India Workshop on Motorisation of Traditional Crafts,Ahmedabad,11 February,1987 Sreedharan Namboodiri K(1988) - Modified water spray chumming system for pole and line fishing of tuna, Fishery Technology vol.25(1) : 69 Sreedharan Namboodiri K, Narayana Kartha K(1984) - Fuel saving devices for mechanized trawlers - I - Development of propeller cover, Fishery Technology 21 [1] Sreedharan Namboodiri K, Velu M (1982) - Development of an aquatic weed harvester Symposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Sreedharan Namboodiri K,Kartha K N(1984) - Fuel saving devices for mechanized trawlers, Fishery Technology vol.21(1) Srinivasa Gopal T K (1985) - Studies on the storage life of cod fillets using controlled atmosphere packingNational Symposium on Recent Developments in Food Packaging,organized by Association of Food Scientists Technologists [India],CFTRI,Mysore,17 - 18,January 1985. Srinivasa Gopal T K ,Antony K P,Perigreen P A,Govindan T K(1982) - Studies on packaging materials for marine products for exportNational Seminar on Export Packaging of Marine Products at Bombay by MPEDA in collaboration with Indian Institutue of Packaging,22 May,1982 Srinivasa Gopal T K ,Balachandran K K,Surendran P K,Govindan T K(1982) - Development of flexible packaging for mussel pickle in oilSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Srinivasa Gopal T K ,Jose Joseph ,Balachandran K K,Govindan T K(1986) - Development of flexible packaging for fish pickles, Packaging India 18 [3] :5 Srinivasa Gopal T K, Antony K P, Perigreen P A, Govindan T K (1981) - High molecular weight high density polythene film for frozen fish packaging, Popular Plastics vol.26 (11): 3 Srinivasa Gopal T K, Govindan T K (1982) - A study on physical properties of strapping materials used in frozen shrimp industry and the effect of frozen storage on themSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Srinivasa Gopal T K, Rao C V N, Govindan T K (1986) - Packaging of fish in modified atmospheres, Packaging of Food Products 97 Srinivasa Gopal T K, Rao C V N, Perigreen P A, Govindan T K (1985) - Studies on the transportation of live clams, Fishery Technology 22 [1]:48 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Antony K P,Govindan T K(1980) - Packaging materials used in fishery industry and scope for future diversification, Marketing Management Monthly vol.12(6) : 19 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Antony K P,Govindan T K(1981) - Packaging fish and fishery products - Present status and future prospects, Seafood Export Journal vol.13|(1) : 15 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Govindan T K(1980) - Survey of the properties of waxed duplex cartons used in frozen shrimp industry, Fishery Technology vol.17(2) : 107 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Govindan T K(1980) - Survey of the properties of master cartons (corrugated fibre board boxes) used in frozen shrimp industry, Fishery Technology vol.17(2) : 103 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Govindan T K(1981) - Alternative sealing materials in the determination of water vapour transmission rate of packaging films, Perfectpac vol.21(3) : 5 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Govindan T K(1981) - Effect of frozen storage on the physical properties of corrugated fibre - board master cartons and waxed duplex cartons, Fishery Technology vol.18(1) : 35 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Jose Joseph,Balachandran K K,Govindan T K(1987) - Flexible packaging for frozen fish curryPaper presented at Asiatic Fisheries Symposium, Mangalore, December 1987 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Jose Joseph,Govindan T K(1987) - Use of linear low density polythene film for frozen fish packaging, Fishery Technology vol.24(2) : 116 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Ramachandran Nair K G,Thankappan T K,Govindan T K(1981) - Improvements in the functional properties of fish packagings by chitosan coating, Perfectpac vol.21(8-9) : 5 Srinivasa Gopal T K,Thankamma R,Vasanth Shenoy A,Rao C V N,Govindan T K(1988) - Development of flexible packaging for fish soup powderPaper presented at First Indian Fisheries forum, Mangalore 4-8 Dec. 1988 Subramonia Pillai N (1980) - Diversification of fishing methods - some aspects, Fisherman vol.1(2):30 Subramonia Pillai N (1989) - An overview of shark gill netting in Gujarat, Fishing Chimes 9 [7]:37 Subramonia Pillai N, Boopendranath M R, Kunjipalu K K (1989) - Studies on the suitability of HDPE materials foor gill nets, Fishery Technology 26 [1]:1 Subramonia Pillai N, Manoharadoss R S, Vijayan V, Hridayanathan C, Gopalan Nayar S (1982) - On the comparative efficiency of three different trawls suitable for the exploitation of the shallow water mixSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Subramonia Pillai N,Gopalakrishnan K(1984) - A brief account on the 'Gunja Net' fishing of the Kutch back-waters (Gujarat), Fishery Technology vol.21(2) : 147 Subrata Basu (1985) - Intermediate moisture food from low cost by catches, Fishing Chimes vol.5 (4): 46-47 Subrata Basu (1987) - Sausage from blood clam [Anadara granosa] meatProcessing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology from Low Cost Fish, organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India], 10 -11 March, 1987:197 Subrata Basu, Gupta S S (1984) - Studies on the ice storage characteristics of blood clam [Anadara granosa] meat, Fishery Technology vol.21 [1]:6-10 Subrata Basu, Khasim D Imam (1984) - Low cost hand press for isinglass industry, Fish Technology Newsletter III [11]:9 Subrata Basu, Khasim D Imam (1985) - Studies on the effect of leaching on the quality of ice-stored fish, Fishery Technology vol.22 (2): 105 Subrata Basu, Khasim D Imam, Gupta S S (1989) - Quality of dry fish from markets in Andhra Pradesh, Fishery Technology 26 [2]:114 Subrata Basu, Khasim D Imam, Srinivasa Rao P (1987) - Comparative efficiency of different surfaces for drying fish, Fishery Technology 24 [1]:37 Subrata Basu, Rao C C P (1986) - Isinglass from eel fish air bladders, Fish Technology Newsletter IV [36]:4 Subrata Basu, Rao C C P, Krishna Rao k (1989) - Estimation of yield of dry air bladders from eel fish, fishery Technology 26 [2]:151 Subrata Basu,Das K P,Chattoraj D K,Gopakumar K(1987) - Emulsification efficiency of various extracts of fish, goat and beef proteins in model food: Emulsions and preparation of sausage, Journal of Food Science and Technology vol.24(5) : 203 Subrata Basu,Gupta S S,Rao C C P(1987) - Intermediate moisture fish cake from Sciaenid sp.Processing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish,organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists[India],10 -11 March,1987 :175 Subrata Basu,Rao C C P,Khasim D Imam(1987) - Technology for preperation of isinglass and its use in beer clarificationProcessing Seminar on Diversification of Post Harvest Technology for Low Cost Fish,organized by Society of Fisheries Technologists [India],Cochin,10 -11 March,1987 :335 Surendran P K(1988) - Environmental pollution from fish processing industries and its controlWorkshop on Environmental Engineering organized by Kerala State Committee on Science,Technology and Environment,Kothamangalam,4 - 6 May,1988 Surendran P K, Balachandran K K (1987) - Removal of pathogenic bacteria and grittiness from clams and mussels meant for processingNational Seminar on Shell Fish Resources and Farming CMFRI, Tuticorin,19 -21 January,1987 Surendran P K, Balachandran K K, Mahadeva Iyer K (1986) - Mussels (Perna viridis) as indicators of faecal pollution of their aquatic environmentsPaper presented at the National Seminbar on 'Mussel Watch' at Cochin University, 13-14 Feb., 1986 Surendran P K, Gopakumar K (1982) - Preservation of oil sardine with propyl paraben dipsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Surendran P K, Gopakumar K (1982) - Spoilage potential of marine bacteriaSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Surendran P K, Gopakumar K (1982) - The bacteriology of oil sardine [Sardinella longiceps] and mackerel [Rastrelliger kanagurta] caught from tropical waters off Cochin.- I-Quantitative aspects, Fishery Technology vol.19 [2] :89-96 Surendran P K, Gopakumar K (1983) - The bacteriology of oil sardine [Sardinella longiceps] and Indian mackerel [Rastrelliger kanagurta] caught from tropical waters off Cochin - II-Quanlitative aspects, Fishery Technology 20 [1] Surendran P K, Iyer K M (1980) - The bacterial flora of Pearl Spot (Etroplus suratensis) caught from Cochin backwatersPaper presented at Symposium on Coastal Aquaculture, Cochin, 12 - 18 Jan. 1980 Surendran P K, Iyer K M, Gopakumar K (1988) - Bacterial flora of tropial marine fish and prawn and their changes during ice storagePaper presented at Symp. On Tropical Marine Living Resources organized by Marine Biological Assn. of India, Cochin, 12-16 Jan. 1988 Surendran P K, Iyer K M, Gopakumar K (1988) - Bacterial flora of tropical fish and prawn and their changes during iced storageSymposium on Tropical Marine Biological Association of India, Cochin, 12 - 16, January, 1988 Surendran P K, Mahadeva Iyer K (1982) - Iced storage characteristics of pearl spot [Etroplus suratensis] caught from Cochin backwatersSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Surendran P K, Mahadeva Iyer K, Gopakumar K (1985) - Effectiveness of EDTA dips on the shelf life of oil sardine [Sardinella longiceps], mackerel [Rastrelleger kanagurta] and prawn [Metapenaeus dobsoni] in iced storage, Fishery Technology 22 [1]: 28 Surendran P K,Balachandran K K,Mahadeva Iyer K(1985) - Distribution of faecal indicator bacteria in clams [Villorita cyprinoides], mussels [Perna viridis] and their aquatic environmentsNational Seminar on Pollution Control and Environmental Management,NEERI,Nagpur, 16 - 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Height-length relation of shells in the Indian Backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) of the Cochin Harbour, Fishery Technology vol.23(1):27 Unnikrishnan Nair N,Balakrishnan Nair N(1986) - Seasonality of trace metals in Crassostrea madrasensis[Preston] inhabiting the Cochin backwatersNational Seminar on Mussel Watch,University of Cochin,13 - 14 February,1986 Unnikrishnan Nair N,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G,Ravindran K(1987) - Innovative preservative technique for traditional fishing Paper presented at Seminar on Fisheries Research and Development in Kerala Dept. of Aquatic Biology Fisheries, University of Kerala Trivandrum, 28-29 April 1987 Unnikrishnan Nair N,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G,Ravindran K,Balasubramanyan R(1984) - Studies on marine biofouling and its prevention with special reference to fishing craftProcessing 6th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling ,Athens,5 - 8 September,1984 Unnikrishnan Nair N,Gopalakrishna Pillai A G,Ravindran K,Balasubramanyan R(1982) - Wood preservation - An appropriate technology for the use of the small scale fishermenSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Unnikrishnan Nair T S (1989) - Technological innovations in fish processing Report on National Seminar cum Exhibition on Challenging Opportunities in Science Technology, STED Project, Kozhikode, August 29-31.1989 Unnikrishnan Nair T S(1985) - Improved methods of fish dryingRegional Seminar on Upgradation of Technology in Seafood Industry,Calcutta,25 - 26 February,1985 Unnikrishnan Nair T S, George Joseph K, Muraleedharan V, Kalaimani N (1989) - Preparation of mussel marinade, Fishery Technology 26 [2]:119 Unnikrishnan Nair T S, Kalaimani N, Muraleedharan V, George Joseph K (1983) - Removal of fungus and prevention of fungal reinfestation in stored dry salted fish, Fishery Technology 20 [2]:128 Unnikrishnan Nair T S, Muraleedharan V, George Joseph K (1983) - Preparation of mussel meat by drying, Fishery Technology 20 [2]:115 Unnithan G R, Krishna Rao K (1984) - 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Studies on bridle length for 10.8 m unequal panel midwater trawlSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November1982 at Cochin Viswanathan Nair P G, Devadasan K, Antony P D (1982) - Hypocholesterolemic effect of fish proteins and fish oils in albino ratsSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 2427 November 1982 at Cochin Viswanathan Nair P G, Gopakumar K (1981) - Effect of a long term feeding of a coconut oil based diet and a combined coconut oil - fish oil diet on serum cholestrol and fatty acid composition of different organs of albino rats, Journal of Food Science and Technology vol.18: 187 Viswanathan Nair P G, Nair M R (1982) - Fatty acid composition of muscle and skin lipids of oil sardineSymposium on Harvest and Post Harvest Technology of Fish held during 24-27 November 1982 at Cochin Viswanathan Nair P G,Gopakumar K(1984) - Lipid and fatty acid composition of fish and shell fish , Journal of Food Science and Technology 21 Viswanathan Nair P G,Gopakumar K(1985) - 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