NOM Prénom - Biovadia

Name & Surname:
Romain Gastineau
Date & place of birth:
16th April 1981, France
Université du Maine
Avenue O. Messaien, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France
Academic honours and career
2011/2012/2013 : Postdoc researcher, Université du Maine, (France).
2011 : PhD Biology, Université du Maine (France), ‘Biodiversité, reproduction et phylogénie des
diatomées bleues du genre Haslea et valorisation de leurs pigments de type marennine’.
Project partner : PHCs Egide ‘Alliance’ (France/United-Kingdom, 2008-2009), Dnipro (France-Ukraine,
2007-2008), FP7 IRSES BIOVADIA (2011-2015), SMIDAP Pandha (2013-2014).
Supervision: 3 Master 2 (Univ. Le Mans, Univ. Bretagne Sud), 3 Master 1 (Univ. Le Mans).
Main scientific expertise
Diatoms’ taxonomy
Algae cultivation
Molecular biology and phylogeny, genome’s preliminary annotation
List of publications (2009-2013)
Mouget J.-L., Gastineau R., Davidovich O., Gaudin P. & Davidovich N. 2009. Light is a key factor in triggering sexual
reproduction in the pennate diatom Haslea ostrearia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 69 : 194-201.
Gastineau R., Davidovich N.A., Bardeau J.-F., Caruso A., Leignel V., Hardivillier Y., Jacquette B., Davidovich O.,
Rincé Y., Gaudin P., Cox E. & Mouget J.-L. 2012. Haslea karadagensis (Bacillariophyta): a second blue diatom,
recorded from the Black Sea and producing a novel blue pigment. European Journal of Phycology, 47 : 469-479.
Davidovich N.A., Gastineau R., Gaudin P., Davidovich O., Mouget J.-L. 2012. Sexual reproduction in the newlydescribed blue diatom Haslea karadagensis. Fottea, 12 : 219-229.
Gastineau R., Pouvreau J.-B., Hellio C., Morançais M., Fleurence J., Gaudin P., Bourgougnon N., Mouget J.-L. 2012.
Biological activities of purified marennine, the blue pigment responsible for the greening of oysters. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 : 3599-3605.
Gastineau R., Hardivillier Y., Leignel V., Morançais M., Fleurence J., Hellio C., Bourgougnon N., Davidovich N.A.,
Tekaya N., Gaudin P., Mouget J.-L. 2012. Greening effect on oysters and biological activities of the blue pigment
produced by the diatom Haslea karadagensis (Naviculaceae). Aquaculture, 368-369 : 61-67.
Tardy-Laporte C., Arnold A.A., Génard B., Gastineau R., Morançais M., Mouget J.-L., Tremblay R., Marcotte I. 2013.
A 2H solid-state NMR study of the effect of antimicrobials on intact non-mutated Escherichia coli. BBA Biomembranes 1828 : 614-622.
Gastineau R., Leignel V., Jacquette B., Bendahmane D., Hardivillier Y., Wulff A., Gaudin P., Kaczmarska I.,
Davidovich N.A., Mouget J.-L. 2013. Inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in the pennate diatom Haslea ostrearia
(Naviculaceae) during auxosporulation suggests a uniparental transmission. Protist (sous presse).