YEAR 2012 OUR YEAR OF BEAUTY UNLIMITED. FAITH GIANTS FELLOWSHIP. 40 DAYS PRAYER OUTLINE. THEME: LET THE WAY OF MY VICTORIES THIS YEAR SWALLOW UP MY ENEMIES. Year 2012 “our year of Beauty Unlimited”. We give all the glory to God for what He did last year during our forty days prayer and fasting: the testimonies were undeniable and the miracles were infallible with signs and wonders following. Once again its time to embark on the weapon of prayer and fasting to enable us take over the year 2012 and experience Beautification successfully in every area of our lives. BASIC RULES FOR THE FAST * Sing praises for at least 30minutes before the prayer (you can exceed it). * Thanksgiving prayers must be next in line to your praise section. * Pray for your friends, our nation, the church and the world at large. * Pray in tongues seriously for 10-20 minutes. Finally, pray the prayer point below aggressively many times and carry out all instructions given PRAYER TIMES: 12:00pm, 3:00pm, 6:00pm, 9:00pm, & 12:00am PSALMS TO READ DURING THE PRAYERS: PSALM 10, PSALM 24, PSALM 114, PSALM 131. Take communion daily during the 40days programme. Turn to the east, west, north, and south while praying. WHY SHOULD I PARTAKE IN THE PROGRAMME I. After 40 days Goliath was slain by David. 2. After 40 days the lsraelites; entered into the promise land. 3. After 40 days Moses returned from the mountain with the 10 commandments. 4. After 40 days Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit and its effect was undeniable. 5. After 40 years the dream of Martin Luther King Jnr. became a reality: a black man rules America. ANCHOR SRCIPTURES * Mark 9:29 * James 4:2 * Matt 15:13 * Matt 4:4 * Ps 65:2 * Matt 17:21 * James 5:16-18 * 1 Tim 1:18 * Matt 18:19 * John 16:24 * Matt 11:12 * 1 Thess 5:17 * Eph 6:18 * Luke 18:1 * Phil 4:6 PRAYER FOR THE NATION TEXT: Eph 6:10-16, Is 61:1-6, 1 Tim 2:1-2, Jer 1:10 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pray for peace of the nation Plead for God's mercy on our nation. Pray for men in power (President &Co) Pray against all negative forces operating in our nations and in the life of our leaders. Pray for God fearing leaders to emerge. Pray for fruitfulness and prosperity in every area of the nation. PRAYER FOR THE CHURCH TEXT: Deut 29:29, Eph 5:23, Matt 16:18 1. Pray for God to reveal His secret things to this end time Church. 2. Pray for the light of our Lord Jesus to be truly established in the body of Christ. 3. Pray for the General Overseers of different churches. 4. Pray that God should release faithful, committed and dedicated labourers into his vineyard. 5. Build your church Lord, in a way that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 6. Pray for forgiveness of sins that causes disunity and powerlessness in the body of Christ. PRAYER FOR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES TEXT: Mal 7:5-7, Job 42:10 1. Pray that the glory of your friends and relatives will be made manifest because of your intercession. 2. Pray that God will fight against all household enemies. 3. Pray against every deadly habit in their lives. 4. Pray that the lord would meet them at the point of their needs. 5. Pray that the Lord will reach out to your friends and relations that are not yet saved and make them to be saved. 6. Pray that God will separate them from all ungodly friends. PRAYER FOR F.G.F TEXT: Acts 2:1-4, Eph 4:3:32, Ps 133:l-3 1. Let the move of God in the lives of FGF members in 2012 be so much that no member of FGF will deny the testimony of “Beauty Unlimited 2012” 2. O Lord, grant FGF Divine Speed in the completion of all its Projects in Jesus Name. 3. O Lord, separate us from vision scatterers in Jesus Name. 4. A house divided against itself shall not stand therefore every arrow of division targeted against FGF, be destroyed by fire in Jesus Name. 5. O Lord, send labourers into FGF that will carry the vision with passion and remove anybody that will stand as a stumbling block in Jesus Name. 6. Pray that the visioner will always remain humble no matter the extent of miracles and exploits. 7. O Lord, turn every arrangement of betrayal into stepping stones of honour for every member of FGF in Jesus Name. 8. O Lord, turn every bitter waters in the life of any member of FGF into sweet waters in Jesus Name. 9. O Lord, rain upon FGF your peace, love and unity in Jesus Name. 10. O Lord take FGF to the dimension of power that the supernatural becomes a daily occurrence in our activities. 11. Pray that God should recover every FGF land under dispute in Jesus Name. 12. O Lord, Please grant the president more grace and power to carry out the vision and more auction to function higher in Jesus Name. 13. Every demonic projection against the Glory of FGF, scatter now in the Name of Jesus. 14. FGF shall be of great impact to nations thereby making Jesus famous in the land. 15. O God, please turn every Vision Loved School into a market place. Let their be much pupils more than the school can contain. 16. O God please give all the Co-ordinators your auction to function high and an understanding to carry out the vision. 17. O God please give FGF more dream interpreters in Jesus Name. 18. O God, we Pray against every unprofitable running of the schools; all the schools would yield profits in Jesus Name. 19. O God help us to build the Love Havilla estate with your Divine hand by providing us with the funds, logistics and investors. (Ps 27:- except the Lord builds, the builder is building in vain) 20. O God help us to establish one thousand more chapters of FGF and give us international explosion in 2012 in Jesus Name. 21. O God please release your anointing for fasting and prayer upon every member of FGF especially the Co-ordinators; Possesses them with the spirit of intercession especially the visioner. 22. O Lord, cause nations to gather under the umbrella of FGF in Jesus name. 23. O God, please grant the visioner extraordinary grace for all her prayers and fasting programmes in 2012 in Jesus Name. 24. O Lord, let every one that enters FGF with a burden, receive an instant solution this self same year in Jesus Name. 25. Pray that the empowerment scheme of FGF will become an international agenda. 26. O Lord, let there be an instant miracle in any FGF meeting in Jesus Name. 27. O Lord, Pour out your Spirit on every member of FGF like never before and baptize us with the gift of tongue speaking in Jesus Name. 28. In 2012, there must be no record of deaths in FGF, both the members and their loved ones are covered in Jesus Name. 29. 0 Lord in FGF this year, let there be a rain of Favour Unlimited, Connection Unlimited, mercy unlimited, and Financial Outpour Unlimited in Jesus Name. Amen 30. O Lord, give us the grace {FGF} to enhance our spiritual reponsibilty, and to enlarge our kingdom productivity in Jesus Name. 31. O God in this 2012 wherever they call the name of any FGF member for evil, let the Holy Ghost Fire consume them in Jesus Name. 32. Pray that the visioner will never be distracted but that the Lord should constantly keep her focused. GENERAL PRAYER 1. O Lord cause me to swim in the river of great spiritual insight in Jesus name. 2. O Lord, I need you and I want you to be the centre of my life. 3. Lord Jesus, let your light shine upon me today in Jesus name. 4. O Lord bless me, keep me, cause your face to shine upon me and give me peace this year. (Amen) 5. O Lord, make the helpers of my enemies afraid to help them in Jesus name. 6. Father disgrace, harass and destroy any man/woman or power that will try to hinder my blessing this year in the name of Jesus. 7. 1 Chro 20:2 Oh! Lord cause me to take over the crown of my enemies this year in Jesus name. 8. O Lord, everything I am supposed to achieve this year; none of them will elude me in Jesus name. 9. You stubborn problems in my life, receive the Holy Ghost dynamite, in Jesus name. 10. Holy Ghost fire immunize my blood against satanic poisoning in Jesus name. 11. Holy Ghost fire destroy every garment of reproach in my life in Jesus name. 12. In the name of Jesus, by the fire of the Holy Ghost I reject every voice speaking defeat into my ears. 13. I bind every anti-open door demon operational in my life in Jesus Name. 14. Oh! Lord God of restoration, restore my glorious destiny in Jesus name. 15. Jesus remove not my candle stick from your presence in Jesus name. 16.Oh! Lord give me power to exercise sonship by conquering self, in Jesus name. 17. I cancel any plan to turn my helpers against me in Jesus name. 18. Every power prolonging my progress, die now in the mighty name of Jesus. 19. Oh! Lord grant my creditors the grace to continue to help me in Jesus name. 20. Oh! Lord wake up my prayer fire in Jesus name. 21. Holy Ghost arise and kill every satanic agent in my life in Jesus name. 22. Holy Ghost fire, disconnect me from every arrow of darkness, pursue my pursuers, unplug me from every demonic socket, sanitize my body and offload satanic loads from my body, in Jesus name. 23. Every grave dug on my behalf, swallow your digger in Jesus name. 24. Father draw me closer to you in fellowship in Jesus name. 25. Oh! Lord deliver me from every wrong associations in Jesus name. 26. Oh! Lord promote my destiny this year in Jesus name. 27. Holy Ghost fire burn down all spiritual shrines and demonic altars of my father's house or otherwise affecting my glorious manifestation in Jesus name. 28. I bind the strongman over my life, my family, my blessings, my business, my marriage, my progress, my reproductive system etc in Jesus name. 29. Oh! Lord, Fight my battles from the Heavens in Jesus Name. 30. After the order of Daniel, Lord deliver me from satanic lions, in Jesus name. 31. Let every evil meeting that will take place because of me end in confusion in Jesus name. 32. Lord give us the Grace to make the right decisions and stick to them in Jesus Name. 33. I plead the Blood against every witchcraft attack on my business/career now in Jesus Name. 34.Oh! Lord baptize my life with signs and wonders in Jesus name. 35.O Lord, give me the grace to conquer fear and laziness in my life in Jesus Name. MOUNTAIN PRAYER * O Lord, dispatch angelic host to guard the mountain (Gilgal) and let them be on assignment for everyone that will go there to pray. * O Lord, let the Heavens continue to open upon all FAITH GIANTS HIGH MOUNTAINS OF FAVOUR, that no matter the gravity of challenge that brings any man there, the person shall return with great testimonies. * Let the world power recognize the efficacy of prayers of “Gilgal” FAITH GIANTS HIGH MOUNTAIN OF FAVOUR, and be associated with it. DAILY DEVOTIONAL PRAYER O Lord sometimes we are too weak to seek you, please Lord come seek us this year 2012, draw us to you, and when you do, help us to come with all our heart, help us to desire your presence all throughout the year; and dwell in our midst in all chapters of FGF, in the life of the coordinators, Executives and every members. Help us O Lord, that our eyes should be focused on you, and let there be a manifestation of an uncommon anointing in the life of the visioner in Jesus name. God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give unto me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of my understanding being enlightened. That I may know what is the hope of His calling, and what is the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power towards us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power; which he wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and set him at His own right hand in the Heavenly places, In Christ Jesus. DEVOTIONAL HYMN 1:LORD PLANT MY FEET ON HIGHER GROUND 1. I’m pressing on the upward way, New heights I’m gaining every day; Still praying as I’m onward bound, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” * Refrain: Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heaven’s tableland, A higher plane than I have found; Lord, plant my feet on higher ground. 2. My heart has no desire to stay Where doubts arise and fears dismay; Though some may dwell where those abound, My prayer, my aim, is higher ground. 3. I want to live above the world, Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled; For faith has caught the joyful sound, The song of saints on higher ground. 4. I want to scale the utmost height And catch a gleam of glory bright; But still I’ll pray till heav’n I’ve found, “Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.” DEVOTIONAL HYMN 2 Hold not your peace O Lord }2x Rise up and fight for me It is time for you to establish me And make me a praise in this land. Don't give up on me O Lord Stand up and fight for me Its time for you to establish me And make me a praise in the Land. DEVOTIONAL SONG WINGS OF THE Spirit I need them to Fly Above the mountains and the billows of life I need no other Request to make; Lord grant me the wings, Wings, wings; Of the spirit to fly....... Fly away FAITH GIANTS FELLOWSHIP A.k.a Financial Giants Forum JOIN F.G.F AND PRAY YOUR WAY TO STRANGE MANIFESTATIONS. for more info call: 0702 667 5850, 0702 569 3296 VISION LOVED SECRETARIAT: 9 Isaac Okomu Str., Off Gafari Balogun Ogudu Lagos