Cummings Elementary School Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Needs Assessment completed by the Texas Accountability Intervention System (TAIS) Campus
Leadership Team.
Members: Jeanette Byrd (Principal), Bola Owolabi (Assistant Principal), Karen Flavin (District Language Arts
Coordinator), Karen Shiver (SDC Facilitator/Librarian), Polly McRoberts (L.A./S.S.), Laurie Conley (Math),
Vickie Callaway (Science/Tech), Karen Wooten (ESL), Faye Simmons (Counselor), Paula Gatlin (REID), Toni
Pinckard (Special Education), Erin Calvert (Art), Lisa Washington (4th), Crystal Wickliffe (2nd), Annette
Spurlock (1st), Belvis Lara (Parent), Ana Cisneros (Parent), and Lidia Amaya (Parent).
Goal 1:
Our campus will close the achievement gap to ensure that all students reach their academic potential.
Goal 1 Reading/Language Arts:
Data Reviewed:
STAAR Data, Campus DCA data, DMAC Reports and DRA scores from 2012-2013, Cummings retention
records, State Index 1 Data, TEA System Safeguards Data.
The 2012-2013 school year saw an increase of 29% in reading performance by 3rd Grade students. The
STAAR passing rate on the 3rd Grade Reading Test increased from 54% in 2012 to 70% in 2013.
 System Safeguards Indicator: The 2012-2013 STAAR comparison data in writing indicates we have
dropped from 55% to 46% at Cummings and are below the district average of 60%.
 The differences between Hispanic 50%, White (100%), African American (37%), Asian (61%), Sp Ed
(33%), Econ Dis (49%) and ELL (35%) passing rates must be addressed in a cohesive manner.
Recommended Strategies: Writing progress will be addressed in through First Line Instruction, Prescriptive
Intervention, Writing across the content areas, the development of a PK-4 vertically aligned writing plan, and
the Writing Academy staff development strengthening first line instruction.
First Line Instruction:
o Writing Binders in 3rd & 4th supporting writing process
o Thinking Maps: taking the thinking off the map into writing
o CUPS (Capitalization/Usage/Punctuation/Spelling) attended to in Content Area Writing
o Instructional decisions based upon the analysis of student work at each grade level .
o Grade level specific rubrics which focus on the foundational skills at each level will prepare
students for the following grade.
o Teachers will share and develop rubrics, using websites such as PADLET.
o Follow the model “Write a little, reread, then revise and edit as you go” to have students revise
and edit throughout the writing process.
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
(Goal 1 Reading/Language Arts continued)
Prescriptive Intervention:
o Mentors and Staff Members throughout the building available to assist students with revising and
editing their writing.
o Ellie Beckman will assist 3rd and 4th grade students with revising and editing during small group
Goal 1 Math:
Data Reviewed:
STAAR Data for 3rd/4th grade, Campus DCA data, DMAC Reports, MGLS and PowerBars from 2012-2013
school year, Cummings retention records, State Index 1 Data, TEA System Safeguards Data.
The district has provided a strong curriculum guide to support core instruction in our Balanced Math Program
which includes Everyday Counts, Daily Review and Number Talks. We provide instruction for reading math
problems through a problem solving plan that involves understanding (what do we know, what do we want to
know), planning, solving and checking a problem. During planning, teachers plan how to use bar modeling to
better understand problems and reach a solution.
 System Safeguards Indicator: African American students score lower than other sub-populations in the
area of Math.
 Cummings students are weak in the area of number sense.
 Solving math problems requires reading and understanding the math word problems, and mastery of
Math vocabulary.
Recommended Strategies: Addressing the needs and progress of African American students in Math will
include focusing on Instruction, Prescriptive Intervention, Teacher Training, and Parent Involvement.
First Line Instruction:
o Include Number Talk every day. Number Talks help students assimilate their understanding of
numbers, move toward being facile with numbers and master their math facts.
o Bar Modeling
o Math vocabulary needs to be mastered orally, as well as through reading and writing the words
and phrases.
Prescriptive Intervention:
o Offer additional homework support after school within the community
o After school tutorials for 2nd through 4th grade: 2 times each week, with instruction focused to
address number sense.
o Identified students will attend bi-weekly morning intervention, not just to tutor but to check in
with students to see if progress is being made, what can be added, what can be changed. The
name of the intervention should empower students rather than making them feel singled out.
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
(Goal 1: Math Continued)
o Morning Computer Interventions: Waterford and I-Ready for Primary students, and Think
Through Math for Intermediate students.
o Mentoring program through Ms. Simmons. Teachers can select students to mentor.
o Block Team members will work with students indentified through Inova as needing Psycho
Social Intervention in order to benefit from Academic Interventions.
o Community members will be invited to mentor students.
Goal 1 Social Studies:
Data Reviewed:
Master Schedules and Social Studies schedules adjusted for PLC and Special Events. 2012-2013 End-of-year
 Thinking Maps and Anchor Charts are incorporated into Social Studies Lessons to extend thinking.
 Teaching Time: Social Studies is sometimes shortchanged on the Master Schedule, especially on days
when there are special events or schedule changes.
 Thinking Maps are not being fully utilized to extend learning.
Recommended Strategies:
 Thinking Maps developed in Social Studies should be used as the basis for a Writing Assignment at
least twice each year.
 Social Studies content should be incorporated into Language Arts Lessons. (Ex: Maps and charts as part
of instruction in the features of Nonfiction Text)
Goal 1 Science:
Data Reviewed:
Cummings Science DCA results from 2012-2013.
 Thinking Maps and Achor Charts are incorporated into Science Lessons to extend thinking.
 Increased use of science notebooks by all grades.
 Increased hands-on science in all grade levels.
 Greater implementation of CCAs (Campus Common Assessments) given after teaching each concept.
 Better integration of science and literacy, (K-4)
 Use of Interactive Word Walls in all classrooms.
 Teachers need a better understanding of the 5-E Instructional Model.
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
(Goal 1: Science Continued)
Recommended Strategies:
 Increased walkthroughs by specialists and administration to ensure adherence to science schedule and
pacing guides, and the use of Word Walls.
 Opportunities for Professional Growth designed to increase teachers’ understanding of the 5-E Model.
 Science PLC every nine weeks will ensure grade level implementation of Science CCAs, and provide
opportunities to plan the integration of science and literacy.
Goal 1 ESL:
Data Reviewed:
STAAR Data, DMAC Reports. LPAC Committee Report, TEA System Safeguards Data, TELPAS Data.
 Cummings statistics indicate that 65% of the 142 ELL students in Grades 2, 3 & 4, (69 students) are at
the Advanced or Advanced High level as measured on the TELPAS.
 Cummings has 243 LEP students. 218 are served in ESL Program, 2 are in Life Skills, 3 waived being
in ESL, and 20 have exited ESL and are on Monitor status.
 System Safeguards Indicator: Only 35% of ESL students passed Level 1 on the STAAR Writing Test.
Recommended Strategies:
 First Line Instruction will provide scaffolded writing assignments through the use of “Sentence Frames”
and “Sentence Stems” as a way to accelerate writing progress for ESL Students.
 First Line Instruction will include modeling oral language, and providing opportunities to orally practice
correct sentence structure and vocabulary through guided student interactions in order to accelerate
English Language acquisition.
 Sheltered Instruction techniques will be implemented as a method to make content area vocabulary and
concepts more accessible to ESL students as they study grade-level appropriate topics.
 ESL Specialist meet with Teams during planning to suggest how to modify instruction for ESL students.
Goal 1 Special Education:
Data Reviewed:
STAAR Data for 3rd / 4th grade, DMAC Reports, State Index 1 Data, TEA System Safeguards Data.
 STAT Process: Procedures are in place to identify at-risk students through on-going assessment of
student progress, and to create and implement a plan to address each students’ needs.
 ARD Process: Classroom teachers, Administrators, Special Education teachers, Interventionists, and
other staff members as appropriate, work together to ensure that students ARDs are focused on what is
best for the child.
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Dyslexia: The identification process and targeted intervention has resulted in two of dyslexia students
attaining Level II on STAAR Reading, and achieving “Exceeds” in their growth as reported on Index 1.
(Special Education Continued)
 System Safeguards Indicator: 33% of Spec Ed students passed Level 1 on the STAAR Writing Test.
 Students who have been identified as Special Education in Language Arts do not receive support in the
area of writing unless their IEP specifically includes writing goals.
 Writing is taught through first-line instruction by the classroom teacher with no support from the Special
Education Teacher.
Recommended Strategies:
 Provide classroom teachers with strategies designed to accelerate writing progress for Spec Ed students.
 Morning Computer Interventions: Waterford and I-Ready for Primary students, and I Station Reading
and Think It Through Math for Intermediate students.
Goal 2: Our campus will improve student preparation for college and career.
Data reviewed:
Index 1 Reports,
 On the STAAR Reading Test, 9 students excelled with a score that met Level III standards.
 On the STAAR Math Test, 4 students excelled with a score that met Level III standards.
 College Awareness includes the College Question of the Week, along with displays and College Shirt
Day each week.
 Increased opportunities for student leadership include the School Store and Video Announcement Crew.
 Job Interviews are held for 3rd and 4th grade students to work at the School Store.
 The majority of students are not reaching their full potential.
 Students need opportunities to develop independence, and to take responsibility for their own learning.
Recommended Strategies:
 Provide additional opportunities for student leadership such as the Book Exchange, Student Council,
Career Corner and Yearbook Media Crew.
 Provide opportunities outside of the classroom for students to excel, such as Marathon Kids, Art Club,
and Music Doing Good.
 Career Studies should invite high school students to talk about their Career and Technology classes.
 Career Day at the end of the year will invite a variety of Professionals, Community Service Employees,
and Business Owners to participate.
 Field Trips to visit College Campuses, and Virtual Field Trips for out of town colleges.
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Goal 3: Our campus will maintain a safe and orderly environment.
Data Reviewed:
Discipline referrals, suspension, expulsion, and alternative placement reports, Office Referral Tracking
Spreadsheet, Cummings Discipline Performance Report.
Summary of Findings:
Office Referrals:
243 of our office referrals were for only 29 students, and 129 of those referrals were for 11 students, showing a
high incidence of repeated misbehavior.
 Cummings Elementary discipline records show a low amount of bullying and low incidence of violent
 The number of office referrals did not significantly increase from last year, and has decreased over 29%
since the 2009-2010 school year.
 A small number of repeat offenders account for the majority of office referrals.
 Coordinate efforts between staff and parents to increase active monitoring and reduce repeated
 Reteach CHAMPS as needed and consistently enforce expectations.
 Establish consistent reward systems throughout the building that motivate students to improve their own
 Continue monthly ABC committee reports on student behavior, and share this information with teachers.
Goal 4: Our campus will recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified and effective personnel.
Data reviewed:
Campus self report below
# of Teachers
2010-2011 45
2011-2012 43
Teacher Retention
# Retired
# Promoted
# Other
% Retained
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Note: A different way of calculating the number of Professional Employees was used in previous years.
(Goal 4: Highly Qualified Personnel, Continued)
# of
Highly Qualified Teachers
% Core Academic
Subject Areas Taught
by Highly Qualified
% Teachers receiving
High Quality
Cummings retained 93% of its Highly Qualified Staff in 2012-2013.
Staff members across all areas shared their concerns. Higher expectations for student success, as part of
NCLB, the revised TEKS, and the more rigorous STARR Test, have increased the pressure on educators to
ensure student success. Stress impacts educators in a variety of ways, including increased absences, lower
morale, and potentially affecting relationships with peers and students.
Instruction and Planning:
 Classroom Teachers and ILT, including Specialists and Interventionists, need to work together with the
REID Specialist, to ensure that students are successfully responding to interventions.
 Support for classroom teachers is needed to assist them with more effective first line instruction, and inclass interventions. During team planning, rubrics, assessment tools, response guides, and other
materials need to distributed in a timely manner so that teachers have them available for instruction.
Professional Development
 Professional Development needs to focus on helping teachers develop skills and strategies that can be
directly applied in their classroom to increase student success.
System Safeguards Indicator: Math
 Staff Development focused on teaching children from poverty / Enriching the Brain in Poverty.
 PLC time used for Number Talk inservice training.
 PLC analyzing student data as the foundation for planning, reteaching and prescriptive intervention.
System Safeguards Indicator: Writing
 Train teachers to provide scaffolded writing assignments through the use of “Sentence Frames” and
“Sentence Stems” as a way to accelerate writing progress for ESL Students.
 Full Day Saturday Writing Academy Staff Development
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Vertical Teams focused on student writing and creation of rubrics using district recommended resource
Additional Thinking Map Training: taking the thinking off the map into writing
PLC each 9 Weeks analyzing student writing work and reviewing the released STAAR Test
Goal 5: Our campus will continue to build positive relationships with all stake holders.
Data reviewed:
Monthly parental involvement reports, parent participation on SDC; attendance at family events; community
partner and business partner participation.
Cummings routinely offers a number of events where families are invited to participate, such as:
 School Wide Events such as Open House, Science Night, Math and Literacy Night, Fun Run, and more.
 Parents eating with child ( Breakfast /Lunch ) twice a week.
 Parent Center (providing services for parents and volunteer opportunity for school
 Cummings routinely communicates with families through a weekly Newsletter (The Cardinalgram),
Calendars, Call-outs, the Marquee, and Website.
The students who are at greatest risk of failure are often the children whose parents do no participate in schoolsponsored events. This may be because of work schedules or
lack of time, or it may be because these parents are not comfortable in the academic setting. Cummings
Elementary needs to focus on increased involvement by parents of African American students, especially in the
area of Math, and increased involvement by parents of students who are struggling academically.
Recommended Strategies to increase family involvement:
Cummings needs to build positive relationships with all stakeholders through opportunities for parents,
students, staff and community members to participate in events that are not held on campus, such as
Marathon Kids .
Pancakes with the Principal each semester will provide an informal setting where parents can talk to the
Principal, ask questions, and share their concerns.
“Spotlight on Learning Day”: Each semester, invite Parents into the school to view classes as they are
being taught.
Invite Parents to take a leadership role in a variety of school activities, including planning and
coordinating a Fall or Spring Festival, and in working with teachers and individual students on games,
projects, and performing arts activities.
Have staff and parent volunteers take turns with Outreach – greet people at the front door, invite parents
and family members to come sign in, take a tour of the Family Engagement Center, and familiarize new
people with the services and activities that are offered there.
Recommended Strategies for Family Education:
Teachers recommend Family Engagement Center to parents for specific purposes.
Family Center to provide written information on topics such as –
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Cummings Elementary School
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
o Importance of daily bedtime / Children’s need for sleep.
o Importance of routines at home.
o Recommended dietary guidelines for children.
o Helping with Homework at home.
(Goal 5: Positive relationships with all stake holders, Continued)
System Safeguards Indicator: Math
Parent Involvement in the classroom (coming to classroom to play Partner Games)
Love & Logic Training Session offered for parents by the PASS Specialist. Childcare to be provided.
Each team / grade level offer times for parents and teachers to interact to discuss what is being studied.
These meetings should include conversations about Math, and strategies for supporting Math instruction
at home. Possible meeting formats:
1. Breakfast with the Teachers.
2. Parents invited to Team Meeting.
System Safeguards Indicator: Writing
Host a “Build a Book” event during the Spring Book Fair.
Literacy Night to include writing activities for students and families.
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