Agenda Item No 9 Resources Board 23 May 2005 Report of the Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Atherstone Pool Revenue Budget 2003/2004 – Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board 1 Summary 1.1 Members will be asked to consider the revised recommendations for future projects made by the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board. 2 Recommendation to the Board That the recommendations of the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board, in respect of major projects, be adopted. 3 Introduction 3.1 The Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board was requested to review the changes to the 2003/2004 Atherstone Pool revenue budget that led to a supplementary estimate of £98,170 being approved. Members will recall a report to the March meeting of this Board, which gave that Board’s recommendations arising from its examination of the situation. A copy of that report is attached as Appendix A although the extensive appendices have been omitted for convenience. 3.2 The Resources Board considered the recommendations and decided to ask the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board to re-consider three specific points. A copy of the report to the April meeting of the latter Board is attached at Appendix B and once again, the extensive appendices have been omitted. The three points in question are set out in that report. 4 Response 4.1 The Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board considered the Resources Board’s request and concluded the following: ... ... Bullet point 3 – the Board’s view was that the word “extensive” was still appropriate. The majority of work is carried out on computers and the production and retention of records and the ability to search them is so much easier than paper based systems. Bullet point 5 – after due consideration, the Board now recommends a period of three months. Bullet point 9 - the Board accepted the proposal to establish a Member steering group for all schemes in excess of £1 million. 9/1 D:\106741362.doc 4.2 The acceptance of the revised three-month time limit in bullet point five creates a small conflict with the time period stated in bullet point one, i.e. six months. Both bullet points address the review of income projections. It is proposed that if the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board’s recommendation of three months for bullet point five is accepted, the time limit in bullet point one is also amended to three months. 5 Revised Recommendations 5.1 As a result of the further consideration given by the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board, the amended list of recommendations now reads as follows, the recent amendments being underlined: That for any significant capital project, a review of the cost estimates and any income projections be made at six monthly intervals. That estimates include allowances for any additional charges arising from changes of legislation (e.g. Climate Change Levy) or other known sources as soon as the need is recognised. That extensive records be kept of the build-up of estimates including changes as the scheme progresses. That the issue of consultant’s estimates for utility costs made at the time of bid preparation be referred to the Director of Housing and Environmental Services for review after completion of the contract final account. That for any large capital project income projections should be re-visited every three months to take account of any outside influences that may affect income; That extensive records be kept of the build up of income estimates; That periodic checks be made to ensure that income is coded against the correct budget heading; That for new facilities such as the Crèche other operators are approached to determine likely levels of usage and potential income; and, That a Member steering group be established for all schemes in excess of £1 million. 5.2 Members are invited to consider the revisions and decide whether to reject, amend or accept any of them. 6 Report Implications 6.1 Financial Implications 6.1.1 There will be no cost to the Council in implementing the recommendations from the Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board. 6.2 Crime and Disorder Implications 6.2.1 None 9/2 D:\106741362.doc 6.3 Legal and Human Rights Implications 6.3.1 None 6.4 Sustainability Implications 6.4.1 None 6.5 Personnel Implications 6.5.1 None 6.6 Portfolio Holder, Shadow Portfolio Holder and Ward Members Consultation 6.6.1 The Portfolio Holder and Shadow Portfolio Holder for Service Delivery and CPA, Councillors Swann and Moore, respectively, have been consulted and their comments are as follows: Cllr Swann “As a member of the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board and also the Task and Finish Group that investigated these matters, I believe that the recommendation contained in this report should be endorsed be the Resources Board.” 7 Risk Management Implications 7.1 Failure to implement the recommendations could lead to similar problems on large projects in the future. The Contact Officer for this report is Ian Sarson (719293). Background Papers Local Government Act 1972 Section 100D, as substituted by the Local Government Act, 2000 Section 97 Background Paper No Author Nature of Background Paper Date 1 Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Resources Board Report 2 Dec 2003 10 Feb 2004 5 April 2004 7 March 2005 5 April 2005 2 3 4 5 Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board Report Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board Report Resources Board Report Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board Report 9/3 D:\106741362.doc Appendix A Agenda Item No Resources Board 7 March 2005 Report of the Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Atherstone Pool Revenue Budget 2003/2004 Report from Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board 1 Summary 1.1 Members will be asked to adopt the recommendations of the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board for future major projects. 2 Recommendation to the Board That the recommendations of the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board in respect of major projects be adopted. 3 Introduction 3.1 In December 2003 the Board received a report on changes to the Atherstone Pool Revenue Budget in the financial year 2003/2004 that led to the approval of a supplementary estimate of £98,170. The report gave details of the changes that gave rise to the need for the supplementary estimate and the Board resolved to ask the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board to look at the issues in detail and report back. 3.2 At its meeting in February 2004 the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board resolved to establish a Task & Finish Group comprising Councillors Edgington, Meredith, Swann, Sweet and chaired by Councillor Mrs. Lea. The Task & Finish Group has met on four occasions and has reviewed the income and expenditure elements of the revenue budget and the process of compiling the estimate for the Lottery Bid submission. 3.3 The Task & Finish Group produced a series of recommendations about the revenue implications of large capital schemes and these were considered by the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board at its meeting on 11 January 2005. The Board accepted the recommendations and resolved to request that the Resources Board give due consideration to the recommendations. 4 2003/2004 Financial Out Turn 4.1 During the summer of 2003 the projected out-turn of the Pool revenue budget was re-calculated and it was determined that a supplementary estimate of £98,170 was needed to cover the increased cost of operating the facility. The supplementary estimate was approved in December 2003. The table set out overleaf shows the headline movement in the costs of the revenue budget. 9/4 D:\106741362.doc Full Year Budget Full Year Budget Original 2003/2004 Revised 2003/2004 (1) (2) CODE DESCRIPTION Actual 2003/2004 Original 2004/2005 (3) (4) Percentage Increase (2) to (4) EXPENDITURE 268,240 128,340 57,500 1,290 295,090 163,110 59,730 840 EMPLOYEE EXPENSES PREMISE RELATED EXP. SUPPLIES & SERVICES TRANSPORT 296,444 154,204 51,980 653 308,400 167,850 60,700 850 4.01% 2.91% 1.62% 1.19% 455,370 520,180 GROSS EXPENDITURE 503,281 537,800 3.39% INCOME 400,240 370,000 GROSS INCOME 378,978 385,000 4.05% 55,130 148,770 NET CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE 124,303 152,800 1.74% 60,800 57,250 57,230 75,410 34.83% 213,340 225,890 CAPITAL 224,789 221,491 -1.95% 329,270 431,910 NET EXPENDITURE 406,323 449,701 4.10% 98,170 427,440 CENTRAL SUPPORT Bid for extra resources 4.2 The table shows in column (1) the original budget for 2003/2004, which was based on the bid submission. The net expenditure for operating the Pool was estimated to be £329,270. The revised cost and income estimates led to a supplementary estimate of £98,170 which, when added to the original cost amounted to £427,440 to operate the Pool. 4.3 Column (2) shows the revised estimate for 2003/2004, which took into account the increased costs and reduction in income that led to the supplementary estimate. The overall total was £431,910 including some salary costs that were properly reallocated to the Pool from the other leisure centres. 4.4 Column (3) sets out the actual cost of operating the Pool in 2003/2004. Members will note that the out-turn figure of £406,323 is £25,587 less that the revised figure of £431,910 in column (2). The actual cost of operating the Pool in 2003/2004 was £72,583 higher than the original budget. 4.5 The out-turn figure of £406,323 can be adjusted to remove the effects of Single Status pay awards and movement in Central Support and Capital Charges (none of which were included in the £98,170 supplementary estimate). If those effects are removed, approximately £47,000 of the approved supplementary estimate of £98,170 was required. 4.5 For Members’ information the original budget for the current financial year 2004/2005 is set out in Column (4) as a comparison. The net expenditure for that year is projected to be £449,701, which is some £17,791 or 4.1% more than the revised estimate for 2003/2004 (column 2). By controlling costs as in 2003/2004, it is likely that the net expenditure will be reduced (see column (3)) above. 9/5 D:\106741362.doc 5 The Recommendations of the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board 5.1 Attached to this report, as Appendix A, is the report to Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board on 11 January 2005 and the minutes of the Task & Finish Group. 5.2 The recommendations are as follows: That for any significant capital project, a review of the cost estimates and any income projections be made at six monthly intervals. That estimates include allowances for any additional charges arising from changes of legislation (e.g. Climate Change Levy) or other known sources as soon as the need is recognised. That extensive records be kept of the build-up of estimates including changes as the scheme progresses. That the issue of consultant’s estimates for utility costs made at the time of bid preparation be referred to the Director of Housing and Environmental Services for review after completion of the contract final account. That for any large capital project income projections should be re-visited every six months to take account of any outside influences that may affect income; That extensive records be kept of the build up of income estimates; That periodic checks be made to ensure that income is coded against the correct budget heading; That for new facilities such as the Crèche other operators are approached to determine likely levels of usage and potential income; and, That for all future major projects regular progress reports should be submitted to the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board. 5.3 The Board is asked to adopt the recommendations after due consideration of each point. 6 Report Implications 6.1 Financial Implications 6.1.1 There will be no cost in implementing the recommendations from the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board. 6.2 Crime and Disorder Implications 6.2.1 None 6.3 Legal and Human Rights Implications 6.3.1 None 9/6 D:\106741362.doc 6.4 Sustainability Implications 6.4.1 None 6.5 Personnel Implications 6.5.1 None 6.6 Portfolio Holder, Shadow Portfolio Holder and Ward Members Consultation 6.6.1 The Portfolio Holder and Shadow Portfolio Holder for Service Delivery and CPA, Councillors Swann and Moore, respectively, have been consulted and their comments are as follows: Cllr Swann - “As a member of both the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board and the Atherstone Pool Budget Task & Finish Group, I would suggest that, following due consideration by the Resources Board, the recommendations presented in respect of any future major projects undertaken by the Authority be adopted”. 6.7 Risk Management Implications 6.7.1 Failure to implement the recommendations could lead to similar problems on large projects in the future. The Contact Officer for this report is Ian Sarson (719293). Background Papers Local Government Act 1972 Section 100D, as substituted by the Local Government Act, 2000 Section 97 Background Paper No Author Nature of Background Paper Date 1 Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Resources Board Report 2 Dec 2003 10 Feb 2004 5 April 2004 2 3 Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board Report Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board Report 9/7 D:\106741362.doc Appendix B Agenda Item No 7 Internal Overview & Scrutiny Board 5 April 2005 Report of the Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Atherstone Pool Revenue Budget 2003/2004 Report To Resources Board 1 Summary 1.1 Members will be asked to consider changes to the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group proposed by the Resources Board. 2 Recommendation to the Board That Members determine whether the changes proposed by the Resources Board should be accepted, modified or rejected. 3 Introduction 3.4 The Board will recall the work done by the Atherstone Pool Revenue Budget Task & Finish Group. Recommendations to improve procedures were made arising from an investigation into the changes in that budget following the submission of the Lottery Bid. This Board accepted the Task & Finish Group’s recommendations and resolved that the recommendations should be forwarded to the Resources Board for adoption. 3.5 Attached, as an appendix, is the subsequent report to Resources Board on 7 March 2005. Following due consideration of the report, the Board resolved: That the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Board be invited to consider the following amendments to the recommendations set out in paragraph 5.2 of the report of the Assistant Director (Leisure and Facilities):Bullet point 3 - that the word "extensive" be replaced with "adequate"; Bullet point 5 - that the Board be asked to consider a period of less than six months; and That bullet point 9 be replaced with - That a Member Steering Group be established for all schemes in excess of £1 million. 3.6 Members are requested therefore, to consider the proposed amendments of the Resources Board. 9/8 D:\106741362.doc 4 Proposed Amendments 4.1 In bullet point 3 it is proposed that the word “extensive” be replaced with “adequate”. Resources Board was keen to ensure that none of the recommendations would create an additional workload that may be considered unproductive or unnecessary. The Board, therefore, considered that it would be appropriate to keep records that were adequate rather than too detailed. 4.2 For bullet point 5, the Board was concerned that six months was too long a period between re-visits to income projections in respect external influences. This Board is asked to re-consider the period. 4.3 For future major projects costing over £1m, the Resources Board considered that it was important that a Member steering group was established to oversee the project. It was suggested that bullet point 9 be replaced by this requirement. This Board is invited to consider the suggestion. 4.4 In considering the proposals, Members may wish to endorse the original recommendation, accept the proposed changes or substitute further recommendations. 5 Report Implications 5.1 Financial Implications 5.1.1 There will be no costs arising from the proposed changes. 5.2 Crime and Disorder Implications 5.2.1 None 5.3 Legal and Human Rights Implications 5.3.1 None 5.4 Sustainability Implications 5.4.1 None 5.5 Personnel Implications 5.5.1 None 5.6 Portfolio Holder, Shadow Portfolio Holder and Ward Members Consultation 5.6.1 None 5.7 Risk Management Implications 5.7.1 Failure to implement the recommendations could lead to similar problems on large projects in the future. The Contact Officer for this report is Ian Sarson (719293). Background Papers 9/9 D:\106741362.doc Local Government Act 1972 Section 100D, as substituted by the Local Government Act, 2000 Section 97 Background Paper No Author Nature of Background Paper Date 1 Assistant Director (Leisure & Facilities) Resources Board Report 7/3/05 9/10 D:\106741362.doc