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Ecuador Essences Descriptions:

Achiote (Annatto):

Protection essence. Helps piece back together the wounded, lending strength and sense of wholeness. Good for recovering from abuse; increasing self-confidence, and improving body image. Helps recovery from eating disorders. Taps into Hidden Wild Wise One.

Amazon Pugyo:

Release essence. Breaks through and helps release what is holding one back from his True

Essential Nature. Brings out the innocent child and playfulness. Helps connect with Wild Nature and the Wild within), feel part of Nature, heals the separation complex.

Grandmother Ayahuasca:

A Master Plant. Helps one connect to Nature, Divine, All, the Great Oneness.

More than connect, this reminds us of our Oneness and helps us to experience the Divine. Opens our heart to Nature and the Divine. Allow to experience the sensuality of Life. Great Shamanic Journey Essence.

Beauty Plant (Etlingera elatior):

Helps one recognize the beauty within oneself, heal body image, and to

Know and Feel beautiful. Allows one to shine her star, overcomes fears of shining “too” brightly. Allows one to be firmly in present. Incorporate lessons so can move beyond them to do one’s work in this world.


Releases and dissolves the pains and wounds held in the body, particularly those held in the Breasts for

Women and Genitals for Men. Helps heal limiting beliefs around sex; helping one to see the Divine in Love making. Helps experience Ecstatic union of masculine and feminine, sensuality. Balance masculine/feminine energies.

Calla Lily:

Helps with Ascension. Essence of purity. Removes blockages of guilt or feelings of “dirty.” allowing one to see and experience the Sacred in sex and one’s own sexuality. Brings Divine Energy to Earth. Mother Mary

Essence. Helps overcome creative blocks.


A Master Plant, linked with Ayahuasca, an activator essence. Helps realign one’s Heart with the

Heart of Nature/Divine Heart. Helps one feel and Connect with Silence, experience not often found in our society.

Great Shamanic journeying essence. Heart and 1st eye chakras.


The wood of the Shamans; provides protection for anyone doing deep healing work; removes darkness and negative energies, particularly those with a point that were directed towards an individual; general protection; strengthens aura; increases 1st eye chakra, allowing the healer to see with light while working in the dark realms.

Hila Tree:

The Guardian Tree, the Protector of the Forest. Protective essence. Helps one to realign with ancient memory of “Forest” energy. Helps trees and Forests to remember their wholeness and what it is to be truly Forest.

Clears trauma in People and Plants/Land. Good for anyone working with Trees and healing the Earth, healers who take on clients’ traumas, people who take on weight of the world. Infuses one with deep reverence for Earth and her



This is a protective essence. Helps to remove and release worries and fears including those that are well hidden. Helps heal fears from past lives. Clears dark energies. Helps reconnect with Faith and Trust.

Connection with Bird Energy.


Protection essence. Helps with instinct, especially bodily instinct, “feeling it in your gut.” This is a doorway tree, great for journeying. Root, Crown, and Heart Chakras.


This is an environmental essence from high in the Andes, in a place I call Eden. This essence lends a sense of peace and calm. Helps to center and bring one into alignment. Helps connect with Source.

Palo Santo:

Releases trapped or held emotions, beliefs, and thought forms, allowing one’s inner light to shine brighter, the soul to expand; aiding a sense of relaxation and calm, centeredness; helpful for sensitive people who tend to attract other energies/emotions and for those who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders; 1st eye expansion.

San Pedro:

A Master Plant. Reminds us of our gifts, restores our power, including our psychic power. Allows one to be transformed. Great protector and is the Plant of Shamans. Helps to remove negative energies towards us.

Made in the Full Moon. Great dreaming and journeying essence. First eye and Heart chakras.

Tiputini Pugyo:

This was made during a very powerful ceremony of opening the Tiputini Pugyo. Helps connect the Waters of the World. Allows Water to remember her Original Essence, what it is to be “Water”, pure and true.

Helps to open and clear pugyos including those of the body.

Yellow Orchid:

Helps one to rise above anger (our own and others’), rising to our higher selves. An evolutionary aide or ambassador; helping us to Be all that we can Be.

These descriptions are summaries and by no means are an exhaustive list. I encourage exploration and welcome feedback.

About the Essences and Brigid’s Way:

This set of 12 essences was made in February 2014 during a two week journey in Ecuador. This was a life-altering trip of ceremony, communion with Nature, and deep healing. The Plants and Places that are included here, insisted on their essence being made and shared with others. Many of these essences are fabulous journey essences, including the beautiful Master Plants that people go to great lengths to experience. These essences are meant to help us heal our wounds, remove our blockages, see our beauty, connect with our inner self, connect with

Nature...Whatever is needed to evolve and take our individual and collective place as part of Nature, connected to all. For as the Plants are saying, it is time to move beyond the pain and the wounding; we no longer have time to wonder why, we simply need to heal and move forward. We need to evolve, sprout our wings, and Fly!

These essences are made by Nature with the Heart and hands of Jen Frey. They are preserved with Brandy.

Brigid’s Way is the dream and love of Jen Frey. Jen is a certified Flower Essence and Plant Spirit Healing

Practitioner and Herbalist. Jen provides consultations, egg limpias, healing ceremonies, and classes. Her dream is a world where Humans work in co-creative fashion with Nature, where ALL beings are recognized and honored as

Divine gifts, and where Love is our guiding force.

Brigid’s Way


East Petersburg, PA
