Thoracic adjusting procedures CHART pp: 209 – NOTE: Table position/Patient position : - pt in prone position, head piece level, or lower, pelvic piece level with greater trochanter, abdominal piece unlocked. - NAH = non adjusting hand: AH = adjusting hand Listing Doctor position Patient position (if different Osseous contact Manual contact LOD (adjusting hand from normal) 1) type of thrust Rotatory Malposition LOD (NAH or AH 2) Sp Recoil 90 d: on side of sp laterality Prone with head towards side of sp laterality. Sp T1-6- inf pisiform T7-12- sup pisiform AM / recoil Support adjusting hand Thumb Move (T1-3) On the side of sp rotation (45) OR at the head of the table. (90) *can also do on opp. side of sp rotation. Same: make sure shoulders are backed away from head piece to allow room for adjusting hand AH – thumb on side of sp laterality NAH – over ear and lateral flex and rotate head towards side of sp rotation AH – distal thumb, with palm of hand facing superiorly. Dorsum of AH against trap ms. Medial – note keep elbow down and deliver /body lunge thrust. NAH – lat. Flex and rotate head to same side of sp laterality. Superior Transverse (T13) Stands at head of the table on opposite side of sp rotation. Same: traction head sup and lat rotate towards high tvp TVP Flat thumb on high Tvp Anterior and slightly inferior / body lunge thrust with shoulder and hold; elbows in NAH – cup pt ear, traction superior, and lat. rotate head (index on mastoid process) Single Transverse (T112) 45: fencer stance on side of high tvp. Same: turn head towards the side of High TVp. TVP Pisiform on high tvp (always use inferior hand on side of high tvp) Anterior in plane of thoracic curve /straight arm lunge thrust, held for 4-5 seconds Support adjusting hand Pisiform Crossover (T14) + P-P, T-P bimanual contacts Counter Rotations Doublee pollicus Stands at head of table facing inferior (90) Same: but laterally flex and traction pt head to opposite side of high Tvp (leg piece raised) side of sp TVP Pisiform on high tvp With opposite hand AI along plane of thoracic kyphosis / impulse thrust and hold. For stabilization only: cup pt’s mastoid process laterally, flexing and tractioning pt head to resistance. Either side of table, facing superior Same: Bilateral TVP of motion segment Pollicus Inf hand: ASL in plane of curve Sup hand: ASL in plane Double Pisiform Fencer stance on side of high tvp of inferior vertebrae. Same: Bilateral TVP of motion segment with inferior hand on lowest high tvp Pisiform Inf hand: ASL/ lunge and hold thrust Sup hand: ASL (note: place inferior hand contact first). Listing Doctor position Patient position (if different from normal) Osseous contact Manual contact LOD (adjusting hand 1) type of thrust LOD (NAH or AH 2) Thumb pollicus (T1-T3) Fencer (45) stance on side of OW (disc bulge) Same: (for best results have pt drop hands to the floor) IVF (superior hand) Superior hand: thumb Inferior hand: pollicus Superior hand – AM (into OW) / lunge thrust and hold. Inf hand: typical: AS on tvp Atypical: MS on sp. PollicusPisiform (T3-T12) Fencer stance (45) on side of OW Same: IVD space (superior hand) Other: typical: high tvp of sup vertebrae: Atypical: sp Superior hand:modified pollicus Inferior hand: pisiform Same: Same: Pisiform/pollicus (T3-12) Fencer stance (45) on side of OW Same: Same: Sup hand: pisiform Inf hand: pollicus Same: Same: Thumb Pisiform (T4-T12) Same: Same: Same: Sup hand: thumb Inf hand: pisiform Same: Same: Fencer stance (45) facing superior on either side!! Same: Bilateral spinous laminar junction, tractioning the skin inferiorly Double pollicus Anterior through the disc plane Anterior through the disc plane Same: Same: Bilateral Spinallaminar junction tractioning skin superior. Double pollicus AS / lunge thrust and hold AS / lunge thrust and hold Same: Same: HH: spinous DKE : spinal laminar junctionl. Hand heel and double knife edge. HH: AS DKE: AS Bilateral posterior disc Double Pollicus Retrolishthesis/ extension malposition Double Pollicus Hand heel/double knife edge. Rib Moves Single Pisiform J move: On side of lesion facing superior (45) Same: Double pollicus Can stand on either Same: (better for lower side of the table. thoracics- T1012 w/o ribs. On spinous recoil stand on side of spinous laterality. On single Transvers stand on side or high Tvp. Counter rotation: double pisiform: side of high TVP of inferior vertebrae. Inferior hand: angle of the rib (inferior traction – J) with continued SM to rib tubercle: Pisiform Inferior traction of soft tissue, to medial with J motion, continue supmed to rib tubercle: LOD = AS towards rib head Sup hand: supports wrist of adjusting hand. AH: Angle of rib NAH: sp of same level Pollicus on rib, modified pollicus supporting sp of same rib. AH – AS NAH for blocking contact only, no thrust!! NOTE: - typically (towards) I am an ASs! LOD – AM into open wedge, and Anterior, superior on high TVP. Atypically (away) I am a MeSs! LOD – AM into open wedge, and Medial superior on sp. o Use Thumb, pollicus, Pollicus- pisiform, pisiform- pollicus, or thumb, pisiform. (or pisiform traction for T1-T3). Cervical Adjusting Procedures (C3-C7) pp-230 - 241 Include: - - - - Luscha trauma: a derangement of the encapsulating tissues of the luschka joint, usually on one side, causing a separation of the articular surfaces. Superior vertebrae is tilted toward the opposite side, = sectional towering above. NOTE: thrust and hold & instruct pt to relax and drop his head into the contact hand. Capsular Trauma: derangement of the encapsulating tissues of the apophyseal joint, separates the articular surfaces. Body of superior vertebrae rotates toward that side, while the sp process rotates toward the opposite side. Purpose of adjustment, is to restore the zygapophyseal joint surfaced, when separated, to a closed and normal position. (rotary break) Direct foraminal compression: (RETRO): extensive deragnemetn of the apophyseal capsules bilaterally, posterior inferior movement of the superior vertebrae, causing foraminal compression. (bimanual, and thumb index (lift)) NOTE: use cervical pillow to restore neck hyperlorodsis. No more than 15 minutes at a time. All except retro, can be done in prone, supine and seated positions Prone adjustments: head piece level or slightly down to pt comfort, abdominal piece unlocked, and foot piece raised. (note: for direct formainal compression head piece is up for bilateral thrust). Listing Doctor position Patient position (if different from normal) Osseous contact Manual contact LOD (adjusting hand 1) type of thrust LOD (NAH or AH 2) Opposite side of subluxation, at 90 d Seated straight up AH: Lateral aspect of neck (luska jt) NAH: mastoid process AH: Chiropractic index finger NAH: hand heel Medial (towards doc) Short pull thrust from the shoulder and hold Superior traction, lateral bending of pt neck. Prone Either side: but best on side of sub. At 45. or head of table(C6-7) Prone: sup traction and laterally flex head with NAH. AH: lateral aspect of neck NAH: opp side head AH: Lateral index w superior hand NAH: Cup ear. Medial (across spine and hold) (* forearm parallel to floor Laterall flex, sup traction head w/o counterforce of AH. Supine At head of table, toward inferior on side of subluxation Supine: abd piece locked, foot piece down, head piece raised AH: Lateral side of cer vical spine NAH: occiput AH: Lateral index at level of subluxation NAH: hand-heel Medial (parallel to floor) at pt of max tissue resistance Cup ear, laterally flex towards side of sub. Don’t lift head! Opp side of subluxation, at 45 d Seated: AH: Open facet capsule, trction lat medial NAH: occiput AH: Chiropractic index (middle finger) NAH: hand heel occipt: AH- anterior/inferior through disc plane (pull thrust) Superior and slightly posterior traction of head to side of sub. Either side, best on side of sub at 45 d. Or at head of table,C5-C7 Prone: Open facet capsule AH:Flat thumb, or lateral index NAH: thenar contact on opp mastoid, cup ear AH: anteroinferior line through disc plane, and hold - Impulse thrust NAH: apply superiolateral traction, avoid excess rotation/extension Head of table, toward inferior on side of open facet capsule Supine AH: Open facet capsule NAH: occiput AH: lateral index NAH: hand heel on occip. - lifting anteriorinferior through disc plane and hold. NAH slight extension and rotation, away from open facet capsul Facing superior on Either side, below level of subl with shoulders squared to pt at 45 d. Same: Prone: head piece slightly elevated . laminae and articular processes on each side, tissue slack inf sup Lateral index of each hand AH: anteriosuperior, Recoil (come off contact immediately Same; will extend head when adjust Bilateral open facet capsules, cradle sp, NAH: forehead (tissue slack – I sup AH: Thumb-Index NAH: palm of hand AH: anterior, slightly superior. AH2: same: NOTE: apply bilateral thumb pressure after in LOD to assist in tissue accommodation. NAH: exerts (extends neck) counterforce to hold head stationary. Luscka Trauma Seated Capsular,Trauma Seated Prone Supine (Less specific than prone Direct Foraminal compression: retro Bimanual recoil (prone) Thumb Index adjustment